Papers by Angela La Delfa

De Medio Aevo, 2020
Why not see the law as a Roman tale analogically and imperialistically projected inside the study... more Why not see the law as a Roman tale analogically and imperialistically projected inside the study of “primitive” societies by anthropologists? This article’s main topic is firstly the capacity of law to be the science of its own rationales and practices, and secondly the biases drove into anthropological thinking while borrowing legal concepts and modes of reasoning. Altogether descriptive and prescriptive, the law depicts and organizes human realities in a single move. That thus creates a major epistemological difficulty when and where indigenous confession occurs, i.e. the phenomenon by which local cultural schemes are locally formulated in the alienating terms originated in the legal corpus. Beyond a law-dependent legal anthropology, the anthropology of law is aware of the importance of legal fictions and reaches the substance of the law as a western and westernized set of concepts, logics.

Vol. 10 Núm. 2 (2021), 319-338
L'ampia e interessante letteratura sull'argomento ha coperto gran parte degli aspetti legati alla... more L'ampia e interessante letteratura sull'argomento ha coperto gran parte degli aspetti legati alla genesi della visione brigidina. Questo articolo si prefigge di indagare nel dettaglio alcune questioni che finora non sono state approfondite dalla critica. Ci si riferisce in particolare alle fattezze fisiche della Vergine Maria e alla rappresentazione del Bambino Gesù nudo e sospeso per aria o raffigurato già disteso in terra. Si tratta di dettagli di rilievo, anche in relazione al tema del corpo della Vergine e del Cristo che riveste grande importanza nella spiritualità tardomedievale. Si analizzano le differenze tra le prime tavole della Natività in Italia, ma anche quelle realizzate nella prima metà del XV secolo nel nord Europa. Si indaga tra quelle più fedeli alla visione e quelle che vi si ispirano liberamente pur essendo Brigida presente nella rappresentazione. Dal confronto con l'iconografia precedente, particolarmente con quella tramandata tramite i manoscritti delle Meditaciones Vitae Christi, è possibile stabilire cosa della visione del Natale di Brigida assume rilievo per l'arte figurativa, come e con quale scopo ciò viene recepito nell'immaginario collettivo e in che misura essa abbia rappresentato il vero punto di svolta di questo soggetto nell'arte occidentale.
[en] The relevance of St Bridget of Sweden's vision of the Nativity in the context of late medieval culture Abstract. The extensive and fascinating literature on the subject has covered most of the aspects related to the genesis of the Brigittine vision. This article aims to investigate in detail some issues that so far have not been investigated by critics. We refer in particular to the physical features of the Virgin Mary and to the representation of the Baby Jesus naked and suspended in air or depicted already lying on the ground. These important details are related to the theme of the Virgin's and Christ's body which is of great importance in late medieval spirituality. We analyze the differences between the first tables of the italian Nativity, but also those realized in the first half of the 15th century in Northern Europe. Our investigation coverst he most faithful to the vision and those who are freely inspired by it despite the representation of Bridget. From the comparison with previous iconography, particularly with that handed down through the manuscripts of the Meditaciones Vitae Christi, it is possible to establish what of Bridget's vision of Christmas is relevant for figurative art, how and with what purpose this is received by the artists and the public audience and to what extent it is the real turning point of the representation of this iconographic subject in Western art.

The Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden were widespread beginning in the first decade that fol... more The Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden were widespread beginning in the first decade that followed the death of Bridget. In those years, the exchanges among Italy, France and Flanders favored the circulation of the writings and models of the first Brigittine iconography. A testimony of this is found in the miniatures with the Nativity, the Coronation of the Virgin and the Fall of the Rebel Angels in the Très Riches Heures of the Duc of Berry. The aim of the article is to prove that the Brigittine literature was well known by the Limbourg brothers but also that of explaining the reasons of this interest. Through the systematic study of the sources and the identification of the context that favored interest in Bridget’s work, the article shows how the Limbourgs understood the potential of this new visionary material and paved the way for other representations by Flemish artists of the first generation inspired by the Revelations like those of Robert Campin.

De Medio Aevo, 2020
This article demonstrates that the Revelations were essential for the creation of a new iconograp... more This article demonstrates that the Revelations were essential for the creation of a new iconography of the Virgin for the Flemish art of the first decades of the 15th century. The aim is that to analyze the wide-range of Brigittine texts that explain the symbolic elements of the painting which are related to the iconography of the Virgin, to her physical and symbolic features and attributes, and to Marian dogmas, especially those of the Perpetual Virginity, the Immaculate Conception and the Assumption. The depiction of the Virgin in the Ghent Altarpiece is, in many respects, brand new and reveals how the symbolism of the last medieval centuries had given way to the new demands of devotional and mystical literature. The interest in female mysticism within the territories of Flanders and Brabant dates back to the beginning of the 13th century, when the development of a new female religious movement took place. In this environment particularly sensitive to the feminine word, the works of Bridget could find the right reception and her Mariology could inspire the representation of the Virgin of the Ghent Altarpiece.
La lotta di Giacobbe, paradigma della creazione artistica. Un'esperienza comunitaria di formazione integrale, su Chiesa, estetica e arte contemporanea, ispirata a Romano Guardini, a cura di A. Gerahrds-Y. Dohna Schlobitten, Cittadella Editrice, 2020
Workshops by Angela La Delfa
The legacy of the Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden. Women, Politics and Reform in Renaissance Italy. Workshop I, The University of Oslo, Norwegian Institut in Rome, 7-9 November , 2018
Panels by Angela La Delfa
Il santorale delle scrittrici mistiche. Cantieri dell'Agiografia IV edizione. Comunicare la santità, Sapienza Università di Roma e Pontificia Università Antonianum, 21-23 gennaio 2020
The Politics and Art of Revelation: Saint Birgitta in Early Modern Italy at the European Academy of Religion Annual Conference 2019, Bologna, 4-7 March 2019.
Scholarships by Angela La Delfa
Awards by Angela La Delfa
Talks by Angela La Delfa
Thesis Chapters by Angela La Delfa
Conference Presentations by Angela La Delfa

MARTEDÌ 21 GENNAIO 2020 (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Aula organi collegiali del Rettorato) Ore ... more MARTEDÌ 21 GENNAIO 2020 (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Aula organi collegiali del Rettorato) Ore 10.30 Saluti GAETANO LETTIERI (Direttore del Dipartimento di Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo, Sapienza Università di Roma) TERSILIO LEGGIO (Presidente del CESA) UMBERTO LONGO (Vicepresidente dell'AIRS) Introduzione ai lavori TOMMASO CALIÒ (Presidente dell'AISSCA) Ore 11.00 Panel: "Comunicare la santità" nel variegato mondo della Riforma Coordina: STEFANO CAVALLOTTO STEFANO CAVALLOTTO (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" -Pontificia Università Lateranense) "Comunicare la santità" nella tradizione luterana degli inizi: santi e primi testi agiografici LOTHAR VOGEL (Facoltà Valdese di Teologia) Riconoscere e comunicare la santità in ambito riformato GIANCARLO RINALDI (Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale -Shepherd University) Dottrina ed esperienza della santità nel mondo protestante da John Wesley ai Pentecostali Discussant: EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI (Sapienza Università di Roma) Ore 13.00 -Pausa Ore 14.00 Panel: Intorno alla comunicazione della ricerca agiografica. Santi in Cammino, Cammini di Santi
Presentation of the Exhibit: "The Pharisees in Art" at the International Conference Jesus and the Pharisees - An Interdisciplinary Reappraisal - Pontifical Biblical Institute, May 7-9 2019
Events invitations, conference brochures by Angela La Delfa

Il santorale delle scrittrici mistiche. Cantieri dell'Agiografia IV edizione. Comunicare la santità, Sapienza Università di Roma e Pontificia Università Antonianum, 21-23 gennaio 2020
MARTEDÌ 21 GENNAIO 2020 (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Aula organi collegiali del Rettorato) Ore ... more MARTEDÌ 21 GENNAIO 2020 (Sapienza, Università di Roma, Aula organi collegiali del Rettorato) Ore 10.30 Saluti GAETANO LETTIERI (Direttore del Dipartimento di Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo, Sapienza Università di Roma) TERSILIO LEGGIO (Presidente del CESA) UMBERTO LONGO (Vicepresidente dell'AIRS) Introduzione ai lavori TOMMASO CALIÒ (Presidente dell'AISSCA) Ore 11.00 Panel: "Comunicare la santità" nel variegato mondo della Riforma Coordina: STEFANO CAVALLOTTO STEFANO CAVALLOTTO (Università di Roma "Tor Vergata" -Pontificia Università Lateranense) "Comunicare la santità" nella tradizione luterana degli inizi: santi e primi testi agiografici LOTHAR VOGEL (Facoltà Valdese di Teologia) Riconoscere e comunicare la santità in ambito riformato GIANCARLO RINALDI (Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale -Shepherd University) Dottrina ed esperienza della santità nel mondo protestante da John Wesley ai Pentecostali Discussant: EMANUELA PRINZIVALLI (Sapienza Università di Roma) Ore 13.00 -Pausa Ore 14.00 Panel: Intorno alla comunicazione della ricerca agiografica. Santi in Cammino, Cammini di Santi
Dizionario enciclopedico dei pensatori e dei teologi di Sicilia Dalle origini al sec. XVIII, a cura di F. Armetta, Salvatore Sciascia Editore, Caltanissetta-Roma 2018, voll. 12 , 2018
Papers by Angela La Delfa
[en] The relevance of St Bridget of Sweden's vision of the Nativity in the context of late medieval culture Abstract. The extensive and fascinating literature on the subject has covered most of the aspects related to the genesis of the Brigittine vision. This article aims to investigate in detail some issues that so far have not been investigated by critics. We refer in particular to the physical features of the Virgin Mary and to the representation of the Baby Jesus naked and suspended in air or depicted already lying on the ground. These important details are related to the theme of the Virgin's and Christ's body which is of great importance in late medieval spirituality. We analyze the differences between the first tables of the italian Nativity, but also those realized in the first half of the 15th century in Northern Europe. Our investigation coverst he most faithful to the vision and those who are freely inspired by it despite the representation of Bridget. From the comparison with previous iconography, particularly with that handed down through the manuscripts of the Meditaciones Vitae Christi, it is possible to establish what of Bridget's vision of Christmas is relevant for figurative art, how and with what purpose this is received by the artists and the public audience and to what extent it is the real turning point of the representation of this iconographic subject in Western art.
Workshops by Angela La Delfa
Panels by Angela La Delfa
Scholarships by Angela La Delfa
Awards by Angela La Delfa
Talks by Angela La Delfa
Thesis Chapters by Angela La Delfa
Conference Presentations by Angela La Delfa
Events invitations, conference brochures by Angela La Delfa
[en] The relevance of St Bridget of Sweden's vision of the Nativity in the context of late medieval culture Abstract. The extensive and fascinating literature on the subject has covered most of the aspects related to the genesis of the Brigittine vision. This article aims to investigate in detail some issues that so far have not been investigated by critics. We refer in particular to the physical features of the Virgin Mary and to the representation of the Baby Jesus naked and suspended in air or depicted already lying on the ground. These important details are related to the theme of the Virgin's and Christ's body which is of great importance in late medieval spirituality. We analyze the differences between the first tables of the italian Nativity, but also those realized in the first half of the 15th century in Northern Europe. Our investigation coverst he most faithful to the vision and those who are freely inspired by it despite the representation of Bridget. From the comparison with previous iconography, particularly with that handed down through the manuscripts of the Meditaciones Vitae Christi, it is possible to establish what of Bridget's vision of Christmas is relevant for figurative art, how and with what purpose this is received by the artists and the public audience and to what extent it is the real turning point of the representation of this iconographic subject in Western art.