Conference Presentations by ethem gurer

Sayısal Tasarım | Entropi | Yaratıcılık (VII. Mimarlıkta Sayısal Tasarım Sempozyumu), 2013
Teknoloji ekseninde günden güne evrilen günümüz mimarlığı, hızına yetişilmesi çok zor bir viraja ... more Teknoloji ekseninde günden güne evrilen günümüz mimarlığı, hızına yetişilmesi çok zor bir viraja girmekle birlikte gelişmiş bilgisayar teknolojilerini halihazırdaki yapısına kolaylıkla entegre edebilecek bir esneklik kazanmıştır. Öyle ki geçmiş dönem mimarlarının ütopyalarında bile kurgulayamadıkları gelişmiş yeni bir dünya düzeni içerisinde, araştırma alanlarını günden güne arttırmakta ve bünyesine mimarların tasarım ufuklarını genişletecek yeni tasarım yöntemlerini katmaktadır. Bilgisayar yazılım ve donanım teknolojileriyle güçlenen günümüz mimarlığı, bu zengin teknoloji desteğini kuramsal veya ütopik düzeyde bırakmanın ötesine geçirerek uygulama aşamasına dönüştürmüştür. Günümüzde bilgisayar desteği ile kurgulanmış, çeşitli ve ilgi çekici, basmakalıp uygulamalardan bağımsız kendine özel karakterleri bulunan mimarlık örneklerini, yetkin bir heykeltıraşın elinden çıkmış bir heykel nesnesi gibi izlemek mümkündür. Mimarlık dünyasının içinde girdiği dönemi “Aktif çağ” olarak isimlendiren mimarlık teorisyeni Peter Eisenman, gençlerin önünde oluşturması gereken yeni bir mimarlık dili olduğundan bahsetmektedir. Bu referansla günümüz mimarlığının gelecekte hangi yöne evrileceği ve hangi dili konuşacağı sorusunun cevabını, yeni neslin teknolojik eğilimlerinde ve yaşam tarzına dönüştürdükleri yazılımsal veya donanımsal güncel teknolojilerde aramanın yanlış olmayacağı kanaatindeyiz. Yukarıda özetlenen düşüncel altyapı ile yaklaşılan ve geleceğin mimarlığının şekillenmesine önemli katkıda bulunabileceği incelemeler sonucunda tespit edilen “Arttırılmış Gerçeklik” konusu, bu makalede üç başlık altında değerlendirilmiş ve mimari ön tasarımda kullanımına yönelik bir uygulama olarak geliştirilerek ortaya konulmuştur. İlk iki bölümde “Sanal Gerçeklik” ve “Arttırılmış Gerçeklik”, güncel bir teknoloji olarak tanıtılmış, mimarlık bağlamında örneklerle incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise, asıl araştırma alanı olan Arttırılmış Gerçeklik, mimari ön tasarıma etkisi/katkısı bağlamında değerlendirilmiş ve bu amaçla Adobe Flash CS 6 ortamında, Action Script 3.0 ile geliştirilen bir Arttırılmış Gerçeklik yazılımı olarak, somut bir uygulama şeklinde ortaya konulmuştur.
Papers by ethem gurer
Related to the very common use of contemporary evolutionary methodologies, metaphorical relations... more Related to the very common use of contemporary evolutionary methodologies, metaphorical relations coming out between architectural design and different structures (open and closed) and also new forms of spatiality are now being discussed. We are trying in this research, to query such a relationship between design and poetic language. In this regard, this paper concerns how haiku, well-known Japanese poem, may turn out to be an unfolding layer within the act of designing, by standing as a sort of syntactic generator. Genetic algorithms are benefited to compute the existing formalism in haiku structure, which gives rise to 'gradient spatiality'.
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2022

Journal of computational design, Sep 30, 2022
Charrette is an education method that originates in the 1800s at the École des Beaux-Arts and is ... more Charrette is an education method that originates in the 1800s at the École des Beaux-Arts and is still common in art and architecture schools. Charrettes involve short sketching sessions that are based on improvisation and bricolage. In the last few decades, charrettes have changed their meanings. They've been used as a brainstorming approach in the early phases of collaborative design to create agreement, determine the project vision, and get the design process started. This study presents the idea of a new type of Charrettes that blends computational design with early brainstorming features of newer Charrettes and the improvisational aspects of the older. Thus, it may foster spontaneity, creativity, experimentation, and production while serving as a tool for collaborative computational thinking. The improvisations during Computational Charrettes state the priorities and intentions of collaborators in a short amount of time; therefore, they make the design process less time-consuming and allow for joint authorship. Improvisation is about attentiveness, real-time, and being in the moment, which is phenomenological notions. The pragmatic and experimental sense of improvisations combined with techné and technological context makes a postphenomenological framework more viable. Our theory is that recreating the improvisational scene is only possible through understanding the postphenomenological framework of spontaneous acts. This paper conceptualizes a theoretical framework for Computational Charrettes by examining improvisations' interpretive, pragmatic, and democratic aspects. Following this methodology, we linked the sub-concepts of the post-phenomenological framework to the brainstorming methods, which can help to hold a Computational Charrette. Improvisations merge with Dewey's teaching of "learning by doing." We suggest Computational Charrettes can be part of basic design education studios by learning computational design through collaborative improvisations. Since interpretative, pragmatic, and democratic characteristics are closely related to education, we also included the educational components of Computational Charrettes during the post-phenomenological decomposition of improvisations.
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2021
Şekil 3.3. Şekil 3.4. Şekil 3.5. Şekil 3.6. Şekil 3.7. Şekil 3.8. Şekil 3.9. Şekil 3.10. Şekil 3.... more Şekil 3.3. Şekil 3.4. Şekil 3.5. Şekil 3.6. Şekil 3.7. Şekil 3.8. Şekil 3.9. Şekil 3.10. Şekil 3.11. Şekil 3.12. Şekil 3.13. Şekil 3.14. Şekil 4.1. Şekil 4.2. Şekil 4.3. Şekil 4.4. Şekil 4.5. Şekil 4.6. : Türler içi ve türler arası değişik döller üretmeye yönelik farklı çaprazlama yöntemleri (Sims, 1994) ..
Communications in computer and information science, 2017
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2023
Journal of computational design, Sep 30, 2022

Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), 2009
Evolutionary design methodologies generally aim to present new form-finding processes, where natu... more Evolutionary design methodologies generally aim to present new form-finding processes, where nature-based approaches are used, such as self-organization, genetic algorithms etc. This paper aims to present a new architectural design approach that focuses on integrating these different evolutionary methods in an emergent process. The main goal is to achieve a high-level of integration where lacking qualities of each evolutionary method are completed by the other one in a synergic and especially emergent behavior. A multi-level design approach is described in this study. Points highlighted are concerned with the pre-design phases. Within a bottom-top simulation, an infinite high-level solution cluster is revealed from behavioral interactions and collectivity of the low-level entities: agents. Simulated design process is visualized by a determined project area in Istanbul: Kuruçeşme Island on the Bosphorus as an exhibition center. Programmed in 3dsMax, simulation phase supports the creative design process in early phases.
İTÜ dergisi A, 2016
Questioning new modes of spatiality in design through evolutionary approaches is becoming more si... more Questioning new modes of spatiality in design through evolutionary approaches is becoming more significant than ever. Related to the very common use of contemporary evolutionary methodologies, metaphorical relations coming out between design thinking and different structures (open and closed) and also new forms of space in architectural design are now being discussed. We are trying in this research, to query such a relationship between design and poetic language in order to generate new frames of spatiality supported by the syntactic structure of poetic grammar.

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 30, 2019
Creation of form in architectural practice has been historically a topdown process. However, the ... more Creation of form in architectural practice has been historically a topdown process. However, the creation of form doesn't have to follow the conventional architectural process. There are also emergence-based approaches that evolve through reactions to the environmental factors, and some of these structures would fall under the vernacular category. This study focuses on how perceptible aspects of architectural forms can be used as a method to discern the actual quantitative characteristics through certain visual, simplified versions of forms, described in this article as "node patterns.". Patterns usually invoke the idea of two dimensional textures or sequences, but they can also be utilized to categorize architectural forms in certain archetypes. This way of describing complex architectural forms might offer certain advantages in finding out the qualitative properties of architectural forms, such as permanence, ease of construction, function, etc. This study puts forward the concept of "node" as the most primitive building block of a pattern. A node is defined as the most simplistic, discrete unit of a pattern, that can be easily identified by a user who's not technically educated as a designer or an architect. Patterns, which define certain architectural archetypes, are discussed in two different dichotomies: monolithic vs discrete, and regular vs random. These four qualities are then matched with three dimensional dichotomies like horizontal vs vertical, linear vs massive. Several real-world examples are discussed and the inherent qualities of the patterns are presented.
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2022

Eskişehir technical university journal of science and technology a- applied sciences and engineering, Nov 20, 2022
Technology is employed in the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) for cha... more Technology is employed in the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) for characteristics like producing visual representations and offering assistance during the building phase. Both users and creators of these tools are able to immediately take advantage of the technology's potential as well as create a variety of workarounds for its drawbacks. Both viewpoints will be looked at in this study with regard to mobile extended reality SDKs (software development kit). By excluding the articles that did not provide the relevant information, this research concentrates solely on the papers that discuss the technological aspects of the SDK that were used, the opportunities the SDK offers, and/or the shortcomings of the SDK. The study's main objective is to compare the technological contributions made by the SDKs employed in the scope of the examined literature to the AEC disciplines and to the contexts in which such contributions are made. Through applications in literature research, this study aims to highlight the contributions of mobile extended reality SDKs to the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction. An entry-level developer can use the SDKs in accordance with his work by using the comparison diagrams, produced in this study, to consider the relationships and comparisons between them, as well as to build a framework for what uses should be made in which fields. The technological capabilities and constraints of SDKs have an impact on how research is designed. Making relationality diagrams on the SDK to use and the effects it will have throughout the research phase is also crucial. As a result of the research, SDKs permit flexible uses in a variety of sectors, and their use also financially and logistically supports literature studies.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Mar 31, 2021
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2021
Journal of computational design, Mar 31, 2021

Advances in Media, Entertainment, and the Arts, 2021
Considering the content and complex structure of design education, it is important to include the... more Considering the content and complex structure of design education, it is important to include the making, body, and movement in design pedagogy. In this context, thinking design with theatre opens to an aggregation of opportunities for thinking holistically and creatively about the character, elements, functioning, and the outcomes of the first-year design studio. This chapter presents a pedagogical approach for the first-year design studio through a final project, Theatre Space, which was devised as an integrated seven-week process of comprehending, interpreting, designing, fabricating, and performing Samuel Beckett's Quad 1+2, with all its components such as stage and décor, costume, accessories, makeup, light, sound, and performance. Students from the Departments of Architecture, Interior Architecture, and Industrial Design had a chance to display how they internalised and applied basic principles of design in their drawings, sketches, diagrams, writings, and collages, as wel...

International Journal of Architectural Computing, 2017
This study sheds light on a holistic understanding of muqarnas with its historical, philosophical... more This study sheds light on a holistic understanding of muqarnas with its historical, philosophical and conceptual backgrounds on one hand and formal, structural and algorithmic principles on the other hand. The vault-like Islamic architectural element, muqarnas, is generally considered to be a non-structural decorative element. Various compositional approaches have been proposed to reveal the inner logic of these complex geometric elements. Each of these approaches uses different techniques such as measuring, unit-based decoding or three-dimensional interpretation of two-dimensional patterns. However, the reflections of the inner logic onto different contexts, such as the usage of different initial geometries, materials or performative concerns, were neglected. In this study, we offer a new schema to approach the performative aspects of muqarnas tectonics. This schema contains new sets of elements, properties and relations deriving partly from previous approaches and partly from the ...
Conference Presentations by ethem gurer
Papers by ethem gurer