Conference Presentations by Idil Akkuzu

ENHR 2023, Book of Abstracts, Lodz, 2023
Silivri caravan settlement, near the city Istanbul, is a transit-recreational campsite settlement... more Silivri caravan settlement, near the city Istanbul, is a transit-recreational campsite settlement that accommodates both short-term and long-term accommodation. The caravan settlement hosts short-term stays where users rent a bungalow for a few days or weeks. Long-term users stay in caravan units which have become a home for them. Density of use of spaces in the caravan settlement differs between short-term and long-term users. Theoretical background was based on the relationship between hegemonic exercises in space and users’ spatial perception. Firstly, the study aimed to evaluate how spatial perception of short-term users and long-term users differ in Silivri caravan settlement. Secondly, it aimed to reveal how length of stay affects spatial hegemony. The study used cognitive maps of 12 participants where 5 of them were grouped as ‘long-term users’ and 7 were grouped as ‘short-term users’. The findings were revealed under four prominent categories that were depicted in cognitive maps: communal sanitary facilities, activity areas near the beach, units of accommodation, boundaries and limiting elements.

ENHR 2022, Book of Abstracts, Barcelona, 2022
Temporary accommodation has a long standing discourse in the field of architecture in Turkey. The... more Temporary accommodation has a long standing discourse in the field of architecture in Turkey. The fact that the country is located in the earthquake zone, being in the center of migration movements due to geopolitical location and many other reasons have kept temporary accommodation, camp and tent formations on the agenda. Understanding the transformation of discourses, determining the breaking points and revealing the perspectives of the actors who produce the discourse are important for the discipline of architecture and also for this study. The aim of the study is to critically examine the texts on ‘‘temporary accommodation’’ in a Turkey-based architecture journal named ‘‘Mimarlik’’ between the years 1963-2020. Critical discourse analysis, which builds a bridge between language, discourse and socio-politics, has been determined as the methodology of this study. The articles were analyzed in two main axes, “the subject producing the discourse” and “the content of the discourse”. Findings that emerged as a result of the analysis of 40 articles were presented under 3 headings: language usage codes, terminology and constraints; debates on temporariness and permanency; transformation of the point of view. Findings show that after the Bingöl Earthquake in 1971, discourses on post-disaster permanent housing has emerged. 1975 forms the starting point of ‘‘temporary accommodation’’ discourses in the journal. Habitat II conference held in Turkey in 1996 creates another breaking point on discourse concerning migration and refugee settlements. Another breakthrough after 1999 is the emergence of a temporary-permanent debate. The Gezi Park Protests in 2013 introduced new meanings to the terms camp and tent. Moreover, the reflections of 2011 Syrian migrations coincide with 2015 and later years in the journal. Finally, the pandemic, which emerged in 2020, has constituted another turning point in the discourses by a debate on the boundary between home and city.
Thesis Chapters by Idil Akkuzu

Istanbul Technical University, 2021
Caravan parks are the material testament to human being’s tendency to settle down in pursuit of a... more Caravan parks are the material testament to human being’s tendency to settle down in pursuit of a desired lifestyle. As one steps into Silivri caravan park, this situation immediately reveals itself. The caravan park, which was established to accommodate ‘‘temporary’’ uses, has transformed into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement. The aim of the study is to unveil the process behind this transition from a ‘‘temporary’’ to a ‘‘permanent’’ habitation.
Life in a caravan park is dependent on communal spaces. Repetitive movement to and from shared facilities, which are among the routines of daily life, triggers encounters that may occur between inhabitants. Consequently, the existence of shared facilities in Silivri caravan park paves the way for the development of social relations. In line with the transition process towards permanence, space production of ‘‘ordinary people’’ are blended with social relations. Users have the freedom to shape the spaces according to their needs. The desired degrees of privacy can be achieved through individual placemaking practices. The study aims to evaluate the space production practices of individuals through social relations that occur in the process of transition into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement.
The transition process from a temporary to a permanent habitation in Silivri caravan park has been conceptually examined within the framework of two main approaches: the caravan park as a ‘‘spatio-temporal context’’ and the occurrence of space production as ‘‘socio-spatial practices’’. Accordingly, moving away from an understanding of absolute space and time and adopting a view of relative space-time has revealed the potential of ordinary subjects as the creators of space-time. With the notions of movement and mobility revealing a discussion between ‘‘temporality’’ and
‘‘permanence’’, it has been possible to comprehend ‘‘time’’ through ‘‘place’’.
Interpreting the daily routines, encounters and space production practices of subjects in space-time sheds light on the spatial transformation that takes place. In this direction, the field study conducted in Silivri caravan park constitutes the backbone of the thesis. Due to the caravan park inhabitants being a self-enclosed community, topical interviews were conducted with 10 participants determined through purposeful sampling. Predetermined topics included the inhabitant’s process of settling in the
caravan park, daily routines and social relations of participants. The topical questions have enabled the participants to guide the course of the interview, which has resulted in the procurement of data beyond what was specified. Methodological approaches have taken into account the presence of the researcher in space-time. During the field study, a daily log was kept in which the researcher recorded her experiences, encounters, and observations.
Existing theories have been inadequate to understand and explain the process behind the transition from a temporary to a permanent settlement. Adopting a backward move from data to theory, grounded theory approach has met the purpose of the research by providing new perspectives. The data obtained from interviews, observations and the daily log was subjected to open, axial, and selective coding. In line with the grounded theory method, themes, categories, and sub-categories were formed. The first theme has been determined as ‘‘transition of settlement from temporary to permanent’’ which contained two categories concerning the construction of extensions to the caravan and the emergent proximity of the units. The second theme has been determined as ‘‘socialization as a lifestyle preference’’ which contained three categories that give rise to social relations: encountering as a result of repetitive movement to and from common spaces, characteristics of the produced spaces, and the practices concerning the extension of living space.
The conducted research has generated a starting point for the investigation of a caravan park that has transformed into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement in the context of Turkey. Within certain limitations, the study has sought answers to research questions, while many questions and research possibilities appeared that are waiting to be answered.
Papers by Idil Akkuzu
Monument, CO, USA: ISTES Organization, 2020

Kentli Dergisi, 2020
Kentli Dergisi Sayı-36/ Mayıs, 2020 sayfa 74-81. Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik ko... more Kentli Dergisi Sayı-36/ Mayıs, 2020 sayfa 74-81. Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik konumu, üst ölçek ilişkileri, verimli tarım alanları, orman ve deniz ilişkisi dolayısı ile ekolojik bir kırsal yerleşim oluşturmak için potansiyel bir alandır. Sürdürülebilir bir gelecek: Ekoköy vizyonu ile oluşturulan projede konsept doğal koridorlardan faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Kıyı koridoru, yürüyüş ve orman koridoru, yerleşim koridoru, rekreatif koridor ve tarım koridorları proje alanının konsept yaklaşımını ve temel işlevsel kullanımlarını oluşturmaktadır. Ecowill ismi ile tasarlanan yerleşim alanı temelde istihdam alanları turizm ve tarım olan kendi kendisine yeten, sıfır atık politikası ile hareket eden, sürdürülebilir malzeme kullanımı ile öne çıkan, güneş enerjisi ve tarım atıklarının dönüştürülmesinden elde edilen enerji ile enerji ihtiyacını karşılayan sürdürülebilir bir yerleşim olarak kurgulanmıştır. Yerleşik halk ve turistler arasında pozitif bir ilişki düşünülmüştür. Tarım eğitim alanları, deniz ve doğa için rekreatif kullanım, yerel ürün pazarı, yoga merkezi, kooperatif kullanımı yerleşik olmayan kullanıcıların yerleşim alanına gelmesini ve konaklamasını sağlayacaktır. Yerel kullanıcılar ise tarımsal üretim, sağladıkları hizmetler ve eğitimler ile hem istihdam alanlarını yaratacak hem de turistler ile aralarındaki ilişkiyi tanımlayacaktır. Yerleşim koridoru, motorlu taşıt kullanımından uzak, yaya odaklı ve yeşil bir omurga etrafında kurgulanmıştır. Atık yönetimi hem yerleşim alanında hem de tarım alanlarında sıfır atık stratejisi ile oluşturulmuştur, bitki materyali ise hava temizleme, su toplama gibi farklı işlevsel amaçlara göre mekân üzerinde kullanılacaktır.

VI. International City Planning and Urban Design Conference CPUD '21 Conference Proceedings, p.17-29, 2021
Street music is a social event shared by the performer(s) and the audience. Contrary to fixed spa... more Street music is a social event shared by the performer(s) and the audience. Contrary to fixed spaces, mobile music coming from street corners are shaped by public spaces that the city provides. In the presence of street music, the city enlivens with movement, dance, gestures and other non-verbal cues which lead to communication. Throughout history, street musicians, also known as traveler musicians have occupied public spaces. At the present time, street musicians have continued their presence in the prominent streets of major cities. In the case of Istanbul, Istiklal Avenue is a unique neighborhood that has a long-standing history of street music. Therefore, the research aims to observe communicative transactions on Istiklal Avenue and link them with the sociability patterns between people in public space. The question to be answered is 'how does socialization occur in the presence of street music in Istiklal Avenue?', adopting sub-topics such as site selection for the performance; the transformation of pedestrian movement at the presence of the performance; patterns of interaction among the audience; patterns of interaction between the audience and the musician. Unstructured observations of street music on Istiklal Avenue has been conducted by the researcher for one month during the fall of 2019. As a regular pedestrian, the researcher shuttled up and down Istiklal Avenue, observing and recording the street music performances. The narration of personal experiences and encounters of the researcher while moving through urban space required a unique mapping technique; psychogeographic mapping. The adopted mapping technique has enabled the researcher to transfer the observations through maps, photographs, collages, diagrams and keywords. The results show the importance of site selection in attracting crowds to join the performance. Additionally, the change in movement patterns, particularly the semicircular shape of the audience were observed to break the routine of pedestrians, which may result in their curiosity towards the performance. And lastly, the non-verbal cues shared by a common culture has been observed to play a crucial role in the socialization of individuals during the show.

International Conference on Social and Education Sciences 2020, 2020
Reconsidering 'space' has gained importance once again, especially in the context of virtual spac... more Reconsidering 'space' has gained importance once again, especially in the context of virtual spaces that have developed in the last century. Virtual technologies aiming for a lifelike experience have tried to imitate the processes taking place in physical space and adapt them to virtual spaces. Just as in the physical world, spaces formed by interconnected areas bring the necessity of navigation. The importance of navigation increases in virtual museums in terms of systematic knowledge transfer as well as spatial experience. Navigation in virtual tours can be evaluated within the framework of the tools offered by the interface. Tools aiming to support cognitive processes should also be considered. The conducted research explores the effects of using virtual museum tools for navigational processes, focusing on Troya Museum virtual tour. In the field study performed with 20 people, the participants were given 4 tasks to complete. Besides participant answers, observational and verbal data has been collected during the fulfillment of the tasks. The outcomes revealed the inadequacy of the floor plan tool, Mattertag tool and the viewpoints in fully satisfying the cognitive processes of the users. Additionally, the limits of the 3D walkthrough and the absence of the zoom in-out tool are examples demonstrating the insufficiency of the kinetic tools effecting navigational processes. In the light of the outcomes, suggestions have been made to increase the adequacy of the tools in the context of kinetic and cognitive processes.

Kentli Dergisi, 2020
Kentli Dergisi Sayı-36/ Mayıs, 2020 sayfa 74-81.
Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik ko... more Kentli Dergisi Sayı-36/ Mayıs, 2020 sayfa 74-81.
Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik konumu, üst ölçek
ilişkileri, verimli tarım alanları, orman ve deniz ilişkisi dolayısı ile
ekolojik bir kırsal yerleşim oluşturmak için potansiyel bir alandır.
Sürdürülebilir bir gelecek: Ekoköy vizyonu ile oluşturulan projede
konsept doğal koridorlardan faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Kıyı
koridoru, yürüyüş ve orman koridoru, yerleşim koridoru, rekreatif
koridor ve tarım koridorları proje alanının konsept yaklaşımını
ve temel işlevsel kullanımlarını oluşturmaktadır. Ecowill ismi ile
tasarlanan yerleşim alanı temelde istihdam alanları turizm ve
tarım olan kendi kendisine yeten, sıfır atık politikası ile hareket
eden, sürdürülebilir malzeme kullanımı ile öne çıkan, güneş
enerjisi ve tarım atıklarının dönüştürülmesinden elde edilen
enerji ile enerji ihtiyacını karşılayan sürdürülebilir bir yerleşim
olarak kurgulanmıştır. Yerleşik halk ve turistler arasında pozitif
bir ilişki düşünülmüştür. Tarım eğitim alanları, deniz ve doğa için
rekreatif kullanım, yerel ürün pazarı, yoga merkezi, kooperatif
kullanımı yerleşik olmayan kullanıcıların yerleşim alanına
gelmesini ve konaklamasını sağlayacaktır. Yerel kullanıcılar
ise tarımsal üretim, sağladıkları hizmetler ve eğitimler ile hem
istihdam alanlarını yaratacak hem de turistler ile aralarındaki
ilişkiyi tanımlayacaktır. Yerleşim koridoru, motorlu taşıt
kullanımından uzak, yaya odaklı ve yeşil bir omurga etrafında
kurgulanmıştır. Atık yönetimi hem yerleşim alanında hem de
tarım alanlarında sıfır atık stratejisi ile oluşturulmuştur, bitki
materyali ise hava temizleme, su toplama gibi farklı işlevsel
amaçlara göre mekân üzerinde kullanılacaktır.

Urbanizm, 2019
Urban space is used by citizens at different frequencies and contains various different functiona... more Urban space is used by citizens at different frequencies and contains various different functionalities. Therefore,
it can be observed that some areas are internalized while others remain abandoned. Underused spaces are referred
to as ‘lost space’ in literature, defined by Roger Trancik (1986). The work by Trancik has influenced other
researchers into thinking and studying lost space in cities. Kadikoy is a historical settlement located in Istanbul.
Starting from the 19th century, the area has gone through transformations under the chronological effects of
industrialization, deindustrialization, modernization and lastly urban regeneration. Additionally, economic,
political and social changes have led to lost spaces in various areas of Kadikoy. This research aims to identify
these lost spaces, investigate the reasons of them becoming underused and propose solutions on how they can be
regained into city-life. The investigation consists of three parts: literature review, physical area analysis and a
questionnaire towards frequent users of Kadikoy. In the literature review, Roger Trancik’s concept of lost space
will be examined as well as other approaches towards underused spaces. Physical analysis such as figure-ground
and linkage will be used in the determination of differentiated areas of Kadikoy in terms of urban fabric. The
questionnaire will provide a sociological point of view, to understand the reasons behind the preferences of users
towards the spaces of Kadikoy. The following questions have been of guidance throughout the research: How are
lost spaces segregated from the rest of Kadikoy? What were the driven causes in the formation of lost spaces?
What can be done to revitalize these spaces into city-life?

Betonart, 2019
Industrial Revolution brought many changes to architecture and planning among many other... more Abstract
Industrial Revolution brought many changes to architecture and planning among many other fields. The works of Le Corbusier and C.I.A.M were towards building a modern architecture that meets the needs of the new world order. As modern architecture began to be implemented Team 10 took a critical side, arguing that it was mechanic and lifeless. An opposing idea ‘Mat-Building’ was put forward by Team 10 that supported design based on the human. Meanwhile, Turkey was going through changes in the regime; a republic that promoted modernisation. Local architecture was influenced by the modern movement but also trying to find its own vernacular identity. Yesilkoy Mass Housing by the architects Haluk Baysal and Melih Birsel is a good example of Turkey’s modern low rise high density housing. It may also be a vernacular example of Mat-Building.
Sanayi Devrimi ile Avrupa ülkelerinin yaşadığı değişim, mimariye de büyük yenilikler kazandırdı. Modern mimariye doğru yolculukta başrolleri alan Le Corbusier ve C.I.A.M, mimarlıkta kritik bakışın hiçbir zaman kaybolmayışının göstergesi olan Team 10 ve insan için mimarlık arayışında Mat-Building. Diğer taraftan modernleşmeye çalışan Türkiye ve yeni akımlardan etkilenirken bir yandan da kendi kimliğini bulma yolculuğunda olan bir mimari. Tüm bu karmaşanın içinde gözden kaçırılmış bir Haluk Baysal Melih Birsel yapısı olan, Türkiye’nin modern mimarisi açısından büyük önem taşıdığına inandığım ve vernaküler öğelerle harmanlanmış bir Mat-Building örneği oluşturabilecek Yeşilköy Toplu Konut Sitesi.
Yayınlanmamış Araştırma Yazısı (Unpublished Review Essay), 2018
The immigrants coming to Istanbul for employment built their own dwellings on private and publicl... more The immigrants coming to Istanbul for employment built their own dwellings on private and publicly owned land (Karaman, 2013:718). The majority of the houses were located near the industrial areas which were at the city-centers. After the replacement of industrial zones to the outskirts of the city, gecekondu neighborhoods faced a change. This change is explained by Sakizlioglu & Uitermark as the shift of gecekondu inhabitants; from poor working class families to dangerous groups such as drug dealers (2014:1373). With the help of the new criminal codes in 2004 and 2005, urban renewal projects accelerated reaching its peak years. Although there are a few positive effects of urban transformation projects in Istanbul, most of the residents in the renewal areas are facing many difficulties.
Yayınlanmamış Araştırma Yazısı (Unpublished Review Essay), 2017
Towards the decline of the Ottomans new transport systems were introduced to the city in means of... more Towards the decline of the Ottomans new transport systems were introduced to the city in means of modernity. At the beginning of 19 th century water transportation, trams, subways and trains were started to be in the life of the Ottomans. The policies of Ottoman sultans, Abdulmecit continuing with Abdulaziz and II.Abdulhamid, lead to the first agreements of building the suburban train in Turkey. Since the Ottomans were facing financial problems at the time, transport systems were built by concessions given to Europeans. This paper gives an overview of the history and the building process of the suburban train and focuses on a few specific stops which are Sirkeci on the European side; Haydarpasa, Suadiye and Bostanci on the Asian side. Also, the effect of the train to its surroundings and on public life are discussed.
Drafts by Idil Akkuzu

Yayınlanmamış Araştırma Yazısı (Unpublished Review Essay), 2018
The Time That Remains; the third and last of the series from the director Elia Suleiman. The firs... more The Time That Remains; the third and last of the series from the director Elia Suleiman. The first two The Chronicle of a Disappearance and Divine Intervention also focusing on the family life of the director and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Micheal Koresky (2011) is his review named ‘’Years of Refusal’’ states that Suleiman applies a historical narrative using his parent’s experiences and memories –especially his father’s diaries- to represent the life of Arab minorities in Israel. This film degrades the Palestinian experience of the conflict to the family life of the director.
The writing will focus on the narrative language of Elia Suleiman. It will first interpret the disconnected scenes in the film and what their implications might be. Also repetitions that address traumas, the silenced character of Elia that withholds personal feelings and the usage of framings that keep the viewer at a distance from the events. Lastly, the interpretation of the Palestinian experience through the director’s personal family life will be discussed.
Conference Presentations by Idil Akkuzu
Thesis Chapters by Idil Akkuzu
Life in a caravan park is dependent on communal spaces. Repetitive movement to and from shared facilities, which are among the routines of daily life, triggers encounters that may occur between inhabitants. Consequently, the existence of shared facilities in Silivri caravan park paves the way for the development of social relations. In line with the transition process towards permanence, space production of ‘‘ordinary people’’ are blended with social relations. Users have the freedom to shape the spaces according to their needs. The desired degrees of privacy can be achieved through individual placemaking practices. The study aims to evaluate the space production practices of individuals through social relations that occur in the process of transition into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement.
The transition process from a temporary to a permanent habitation in Silivri caravan park has been conceptually examined within the framework of two main approaches: the caravan park as a ‘‘spatio-temporal context’’ and the occurrence of space production as ‘‘socio-spatial practices’’. Accordingly, moving away from an understanding of absolute space and time and adopting a view of relative space-time has revealed the potential of ordinary subjects as the creators of space-time. With the notions of movement and mobility revealing a discussion between ‘‘temporality’’ and
‘‘permanence’’, it has been possible to comprehend ‘‘time’’ through ‘‘place’’.
Interpreting the daily routines, encounters and space production practices of subjects in space-time sheds light on the spatial transformation that takes place. In this direction, the field study conducted in Silivri caravan park constitutes the backbone of the thesis. Due to the caravan park inhabitants being a self-enclosed community, topical interviews were conducted with 10 participants determined through purposeful sampling. Predetermined topics included the inhabitant’s process of settling in the
caravan park, daily routines and social relations of participants. The topical questions have enabled the participants to guide the course of the interview, which has resulted in the procurement of data beyond what was specified. Methodological approaches have taken into account the presence of the researcher in space-time. During the field study, a daily log was kept in which the researcher recorded her experiences, encounters, and observations.
Existing theories have been inadequate to understand and explain the process behind the transition from a temporary to a permanent settlement. Adopting a backward move from data to theory, grounded theory approach has met the purpose of the research by providing new perspectives. The data obtained from interviews, observations and the daily log was subjected to open, axial, and selective coding. In line with the grounded theory method, themes, categories, and sub-categories were formed. The first theme has been determined as ‘‘transition of settlement from temporary to permanent’’ which contained two categories concerning the construction of extensions to the caravan and the emergent proximity of the units. The second theme has been determined as ‘‘socialization as a lifestyle preference’’ which contained three categories that give rise to social relations: encountering as a result of repetitive movement to and from common spaces, characteristics of the produced spaces, and the practices concerning the extension of living space.
The conducted research has generated a starting point for the investigation of a caravan park that has transformed into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement in the context of Turkey. Within certain limitations, the study has sought answers to research questions, while many questions and research possibilities appeared that are waiting to be answered.
Papers by Idil Akkuzu
Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik konumu, üst ölçek
ilişkileri, verimli tarım alanları, orman ve deniz ilişkisi dolayısı ile
ekolojik bir kırsal yerleşim oluşturmak için potansiyel bir alandır.
Sürdürülebilir bir gelecek: Ekoköy vizyonu ile oluşturulan projede
konsept doğal koridorlardan faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Kıyı
koridoru, yürüyüş ve orman koridoru, yerleşim koridoru, rekreatif
koridor ve tarım koridorları proje alanının konsept yaklaşımını
ve temel işlevsel kullanımlarını oluşturmaktadır. Ecowill ismi ile
tasarlanan yerleşim alanı temelde istihdam alanları turizm ve
tarım olan kendi kendisine yeten, sıfır atık politikası ile hareket
eden, sürdürülebilir malzeme kullanımı ile öne çıkan, güneş
enerjisi ve tarım atıklarının dönüştürülmesinden elde edilen
enerji ile enerji ihtiyacını karşılayan sürdürülebilir bir yerleşim
olarak kurgulanmıştır. Yerleşik halk ve turistler arasında pozitif
bir ilişki düşünülmüştür. Tarım eğitim alanları, deniz ve doğa için
rekreatif kullanım, yerel ürün pazarı, yoga merkezi, kooperatif
kullanımı yerleşik olmayan kullanıcıların yerleşim alanına
gelmesini ve konaklamasını sağlayacaktır. Yerel kullanıcılar
ise tarımsal üretim, sağladıkları hizmetler ve eğitimler ile hem
istihdam alanlarını yaratacak hem de turistler ile aralarındaki
ilişkiyi tanımlayacaktır. Yerleşim koridoru, motorlu taşıt
kullanımından uzak, yaya odaklı ve yeşil bir omurga etrafında
kurgulanmıştır. Atık yönetimi hem yerleşim alanında hem de
tarım alanlarında sıfır atık stratejisi ile oluşturulmuştur, bitki
materyali ise hava temizleme, su toplama gibi farklı işlevsel
amaçlara göre mekân üzerinde kullanılacaktır.
it can be observed that some areas are internalized while others remain abandoned. Underused spaces are referred
to as ‘lost space’ in literature, defined by Roger Trancik (1986). The work by Trancik has influenced other
researchers into thinking and studying lost space in cities. Kadikoy is a historical settlement located in Istanbul.
Starting from the 19th century, the area has gone through transformations under the chronological effects of
industrialization, deindustrialization, modernization and lastly urban regeneration. Additionally, economic,
political and social changes have led to lost spaces in various areas of Kadikoy. This research aims to identify
these lost spaces, investigate the reasons of them becoming underused and propose solutions on how they can be
regained into city-life. The investigation consists of three parts: literature review, physical area analysis and a
questionnaire towards frequent users of Kadikoy. In the literature review, Roger Trancik’s concept of lost space
will be examined as well as other approaches towards underused spaces. Physical analysis such as figure-ground
and linkage will be used in the determination of differentiated areas of Kadikoy in terms of urban fabric. The
questionnaire will provide a sociological point of view, to understand the reasons behind the preferences of users
towards the spaces of Kadikoy. The following questions have been of guidance throughout the research: How are
lost spaces segregated from the rest of Kadikoy? What were the driven causes in the formation of lost spaces?
What can be done to revitalize these spaces into city-life?
Industrial Revolution brought many changes to architecture and planning among many other fields. The works of Le Corbusier and C.I.A.M were towards building a modern architecture that meets the needs of the new world order. As modern architecture began to be implemented Team 10 took a critical side, arguing that it was mechanic and lifeless. An opposing idea ‘Mat-Building’ was put forward by Team 10 that supported design based on the human. Meanwhile, Turkey was going through changes in the regime; a republic that promoted modernisation. Local architecture was influenced by the modern movement but also trying to find its own vernacular identity. Yesilkoy Mass Housing by the architects Haluk Baysal and Melih Birsel is a good example of Turkey’s modern low rise high density housing. It may also be a vernacular example of Mat-Building.
Sanayi Devrimi ile Avrupa ülkelerinin yaşadığı değişim, mimariye de büyük yenilikler kazandırdı. Modern mimariye doğru yolculukta başrolleri alan Le Corbusier ve C.I.A.M, mimarlıkta kritik bakışın hiçbir zaman kaybolmayışının göstergesi olan Team 10 ve insan için mimarlık arayışında Mat-Building. Diğer taraftan modernleşmeye çalışan Türkiye ve yeni akımlardan etkilenirken bir yandan da kendi kimliğini bulma yolculuğunda olan bir mimari. Tüm bu karmaşanın içinde gözden kaçırılmış bir Haluk Baysal Melih Birsel yapısı olan, Türkiye’nin modern mimarisi açısından büyük önem taşıdığına inandığım ve vernaküler öğelerle harmanlanmış bir Mat-Building örneği oluşturabilecek Yeşilköy Toplu Konut Sitesi.
Drafts by Idil Akkuzu
The writing will focus on the narrative language of Elia Suleiman. It will first interpret the disconnected scenes in the film and what their implications might be. Also repetitions that address traumas, the silenced character of Elia that withholds personal feelings and the usage of framings that keep the viewer at a distance from the events. Lastly, the interpretation of the Palestinian experience through the director’s personal family life will be discussed.
Life in a caravan park is dependent on communal spaces. Repetitive movement to and from shared facilities, which are among the routines of daily life, triggers encounters that may occur between inhabitants. Consequently, the existence of shared facilities in Silivri caravan park paves the way for the development of social relations. In line with the transition process towards permanence, space production of ‘‘ordinary people’’ are blended with social relations. Users have the freedom to shape the spaces according to their needs. The desired degrees of privacy can be achieved through individual placemaking practices. The study aims to evaluate the space production practices of individuals through social relations that occur in the process of transition into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement.
The transition process from a temporary to a permanent habitation in Silivri caravan park has been conceptually examined within the framework of two main approaches: the caravan park as a ‘‘spatio-temporal context’’ and the occurrence of space production as ‘‘socio-spatial practices’’. Accordingly, moving away from an understanding of absolute space and time and adopting a view of relative space-time has revealed the potential of ordinary subjects as the creators of space-time. With the notions of movement and mobility revealing a discussion between ‘‘temporality’’ and
‘‘permanence’’, it has been possible to comprehend ‘‘time’’ through ‘‘place’’.
Interpreting the daily routines, encounters and space production practices of subjects in space-time sheds light on the spatial transformation that takes place. In this direction, the field study conducted in Silivri caravan park constitutes the backbone of the thesis. Due to the caravan park inhabitants being a self-enclosed community, topical interviews were conducted with 10 participants determined through purposeful sampling. Predetermined topics included the inhabitant’s process of settling in the
caravan park, daily routines and social relations of participants. The topical questions have enabled the participants to guide the course of the interview, which has resulted in the procurement of data beyond what was specified. Methodological approaches have taken into account the presence of the researcher in space-time. During the field study, a daily log was kept in which the researcher recorded her experiences, encounters, and observations.
Existing theories have been inadequate to understand and explain the process behind the transition from a temporary to a permanent settlement. Adopting a backward move from data to theory, grounded theory approach has met the purpose of the research by providing new perspectives. The data obtained from interviews, observations and the daily log was subjected to open, axial, and selective coding. In line with the grounded theory method, themes, categories, and sub-categories were formed. The first theme has been determined as ‘‘transition of settlement from temporary to permanent’’ which contained two categories concerning the construction of extensions to the caravan and the emergent proximity of the units. The second theme has been determined as ‘‘socialization as a lifestyle preference’’ which contained three categories that give rise to social relations: encountering as a result of repetitive movement to and from common spaces, characteristics of the produced spaces, and the practices concerning the extension of living space.
The conducted research has generated a starting point for the investigation of a caravan park that has transformed into a ‘‘permanent’’ settlement in the context of Turkey. Within certain limitations, the study has sought answers to research questions, while many questions and research possibilities appeared that are waiting to be answered.
Sarısu, doğal yapısının zenginliği, stratejik konumu, üst ölçek
ilişkileri, verimli tarım alanları, orman ve deniz ilişkisi dolayısı ile
ekolojik bir kırsal yerleşim oluşturmak için potansiyel bir alandır.
Sürdürülebilir bir gelecek: Ekoköy vizyonu ile oluşturulan projede
konsept doğal koridorlardan faydalanılarak oluşturulmuştur. Kıyı
koridoru, yürüyüş ve orman koridoru, yerleşim koridoru, rekreatif
koridor ve tarım koridorları proje alanının konsept yaklaşımını
ve temel işlevsel kullanımlarını oluşturmaktadır. Ecowill ismi ile
tasarlanan yerleşim alanı temelde istihdam alanları turizm ve
tarım olan kendi kendisine yeten, sıfır atık politikası ile hareket
eden, sürdürülebilir malzeme kullanımı ile öne çıkan, güneş
enerjisi ve tarım atıklarının dönüştürülmesinden elde edilen
enerji ile enerji ihtiyacını karşılayan sürdürülebilir bir yerleşim
olarak kurgulanmıştır. Yerleşik halk ve turistler arasında pozitif
bir ilişki düşünülmüştür. Tarım eğitim alanları, deniz ve doğa için
rekreatif kullanım, yerel ürün pazarı, yoga merkezi, kooperatif
kullanımı yerleşik olmayan kullanıcıların yerleşim alanına
gelmesini ve konaklamasını sağlayacaktır. Yerel kullanıcılar
ise tarımsal üretim, sağladıkları hizmetler ve eğitimler ile hem
istihdam alanlarını yaratacak hem de turistler ile aralarındaki
ilişkiyi tanımlayacaktır. Yerleşim koridoru, motorlu taşıt
kullanımından uzak, yaya odaklı ve yeşil bir omurga etrafında
kurgulanmıştır. Atık yönetimi hem yerleşim alanında hem de
tarım alanlarında sıfır atık stratejisi ile oluşturulmuştur, bitki
materyali ise hava temizleme, su toplama gibi farklı işlevsel
amaçlara göre mekân üzerinde kullanılacaktır.
it can be observed that some areas are internalized while others remain abandoned. Underused spaces are referred
to as ‘lost space’ in literature, defined by Roger Trancik (1986). The work by Trancik has influenced other
researchers into thinking and studying lost space in cities. Kadikoy is a historical settlement located in Istanbul.
Starting from the 19th century, the area has gone through transformations under the chronological effects of
industrialization, deindustrialization, modernization and lastly urban regeneration. Additionally, economic,
political and social changes have led to lost spaces in various areas of Kadikoy. This research aims to identify
these lost spaces, investigate the reasons of them becoming underused and propose solutions on how they can be
regained into city-life. The investigation consists of three parts: literature review, physical area analysis and a
questionnaire towards frequent users of Kadikoy. In the literature review, Roger Trancik’s concept of lost space
will be examined as well as other approaches towards underused spaces. Physical analysis such as figure-ground
and linkage will be used in the determination of differentiated areas of Kadikoy in terms of urban fabric. The
questionnaire will provide a sociological point of view, to understand the reasons behind the preferences of users
towards the spaces of Kadikoy. The following questions have been of guidance throughout the research: How are
lost spaces segregated from the rest of Kadikoy? What were the driven causes in the formation of lost spaces?
What can be done to revitalize these spaces into city-life?
Industrial Revolution brought many changes to architecture and planning among many other fields. The works of Le Corbusier and C.I.A.M were towards building a modern architecture that meets the needs of the new world order. As modern architecture began to be implemented Team 10 took a critical side, arguing that it was mechanic and lifeless. An opposing idea ‘Mat-Building’ was put forward by Team 10 that supported design based on the human. Meanwhile, Turkey was going through changes in the regime; a republic that promoted modernisation. Local architecture was influenced by the modern movement but also trying to find its own vernacular identity. Yesilkoy Mass Housing by the architects Haluk Baysal and Melih Birsel is a good example of Turkey’s modern low rise high density housing. It may also be a vernacular example of Mat-Building.
Sanayi Devrimi ile Avrupa ülkelerinin yaşadığı değişim, mimariye de büyük yenilikler kazandırdı. Modern mimariye doğru yolculukta başrolleri alan Le Corbusier ve C.I.A.M, mimarlıkta kritik bakışın hiçbir zaman kaybolmayışının göstergesi olan Team 10 ve insan için mimarlık arayışında Mat-Building. Diğer taraftan modernleşmeye çalışan Türkiye ve yeni akımlardan etkilenirken bir yandan da kendi kimliğini bulma yolculuğunda olan bir mimari. Tüm bu karmaşanın içinde gözden kaçırılmış bir Haluk Baysal Melih Birsel yapısı olan, Türkiye’nin modern mimarisi açısından büyük önem taşıdığına inandığım ve vernaküler öğelerle harmanlanmış bir Mat-Building örneği oluşturabilecek Yeşilköy Toplu Konut Sitesi.
The writing will focus on the narrative language of Elia Suleiman. It will first interpret the disconnected scenes in the film and what their implications might be. Also repetitions that address traumas, the silenced character of Elia that withholds personal feelings and the usage of framings that keep the viewer at a distance from the events. Lastly, the interpretation of the Palestinian experience through the director’s personal family life will be discussed.