Drafts by Gökçe Tırnovalı

Ethanolamines are raw materials widely used in industry. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide abso... more Ethanolamines are raw materials widely used in industry. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide absorption and the production of materials such as paint, rubber, adhesive, detergent, soap are the areas where ethanolamines are frequently used. With the formation of new industrial areas, the demand for ethanolamine is increasing every year.
Our design project aimed to produce mono-, di-, tri-ethanolamine of high purity and quality. In aqueous environment, ethanolamines are obtained by the serial reactions carried out by feeding ammonia and ethylene oxide into the plug flow reactor. This process runs on a continuous model. Compared with other alternatives, the selected process has more sensitivity to the environment. Production planning Turkey's industrial structure has been expected to establish a complex system. For this reason, it was decided to establish the facility in İzmir, Aliağa Industrial Zone. We take into account when determining the quality of our process is the most important factor in Turkey's foreign trade deficit ethanolamine field. Accordingly, our annual production capacity has been determined as 4440 tons.
Mass, energy and utility requirements values and some calculations were made using Chemcad® simulation software. The process flow chart and block diagram were drawn using Microsoft Visio 2013, and the process control charts of the equipment were drawn using Draw.io. Capcost 2012 was used in the economic analysis. Other calculations were made by manually.

Kemikte oluşan kusurları onarmak için kemik hücrelerini taklit eden, kemiklerin yerini alabilecek... more Kemikte oluşan kusurları onarmak için kemik hücrelerini taklit eden, kemiklerin yerini alabilecek yapay kemik ikame malzemelerin arayışı geçmişten günümüze büyük bir araştırma konusu olmuştur. Kemik doku mühendisliği uygulamalarındaki gelişmeler, bu alana olan ilgi ve yeni polimerlerin ortaya çıkması sayesinde giderek artmaktadır. Uygulamalarda kullanılacak malzeme biyouyumlu, biyobozunabilir, toksik olmayan, iyi mekanik özellikler sergileyen bir yapıya sahip olmalı ve apetit oluşumunu sağlayarak kemik rejenerasyonunu desteklemelidir. Tüm bu özellikleri sağlayabilecek kemik ikame malzemesinin bulunabilmesi için bu konu hakkında birçok çalışma yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalarda en sık kullanılan malzemelerden biri polilaktik asit (PLA) olmuştur. PLA, yenilebilir malzemelerden elde edilebilen, laktik asit türevi bir polimerdir. Biyouyumlu ve biyobozunabilir olan, toksik veya kanserojen olmayan, metabolizma yoluyla kolayca atılabilen bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu özelliklere ek olarak, üretiminde düşük enerji kullanılması ve yenilenebilir olması diğer polimerlere kıyasla PLA’yı çok güçlü bir malzeme haline getirmiştir. PLA, kemik doku mühendisliği uygulamaları için gereken özelliklerin neredeyse tamamını karşılamaktadır, fakat tedavilerde kullanılması için gerekli olan bazı özelliklerde yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Bunun üzerine, PLA bazlı kompozit malzemeler ile ilgili çalışmalar yapılmış ve birçok başarılı sonuç elde edilmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalarla; PLA’nın biyoaktivitesi, mekanik ve kemik rejenerasyonunu arttıracak özellikleri, PLA’nın farklı malzemeler ile bir araya getirilmesi ile geliştirilmektedir.
Drafts by Gökçe Tırnovalı
Our design project aimed to produce mono-, di-, tri-ethanolamine of high purity and quality. In aqueous environment, ethanolamines are obtained by the serial reactions carried out by feeding ammonia and ethylene oxide into the plug flow reactor. This process runs on a continuous model. Compared with other alternatives, the selected process has more sensitivity to the environment. Production planning Turkey's industrial structure has been expected to establish a complex system. For this reason, it was decided to establish the facility in İzmir, Aliağa Industrial Zone. We take into account when determining the quality of our process is the most important factor in Turkey's foreign trade deficit ethanolamine field. Accordingly, our annual production capacity has been determined as 4440 tons.
Mass, energy and utility requirements values and some calculations were made using Chemcad® simulation software. The process flow chart and block diagram were drawn using Microsoft Visio 2013, and the process control charts of the equipment were drawn using Draw.io. Capcost 2012 was used in the economic analysis. Other calculations were made by manually.
Our design project aimed to produce mono-, di-, tri-ethanolamine of high purity and quality. In aqueous environment, ethanolamines are obtained by the serial reactions carried out by feeding ammonia and ethylene oxide into the plug flow reactor. This process runs on a continuous model. Compared with other alternatives, the selected process has more sensitivity to the environment. Production planning Turkey's industrial structure has been expected to establish a complex system. For this reason, it was decided to establish the facility in İzmir, Aliağa Industrial Zone. We take into account when determining the quality of our process is the most important factor in Turkey's foreign trade deficit ethanolamine field. Accordingly, our annual production capacity has been determined as 4440 tons.
Mass, energy and utility requirements values and some calculations were made using Chemcad® simulation software. The process flow chart and block diagram were drawn using Microsoft Visio 2013, and the process control charts of the equipment were drawn using Draw.io. Capcost 2012 was used in the economic analysis. Other calculations were made by manually.