Books by yusuf yurdigül
Renk düzeltme ve renk sınıflandırması anlamlarına gelen color correction ve grading uygulamaları ... more Renk düzeltme ve renk sınıflandırması anlamlarına gelen color correction ve grading uygulamaları görsel anlam oluşturma-da duygu durum ifadelerinden, film atmosferinin yaratılmasına kadar pek çok şekilde iş görmektedir. Rengin görsel yapımlarda-ki önemi bir metafor olarak pek çok yönetmen tarafından fark-lı kültürlere ilişkin algılamalarla değişebilmektedir. İzleyicinin rengin kullanımına vereceği tepki ya da yönetmenin kullandığı anlam, içinde yaşanan toplumun kültürüne göre değişebilmekte-dir (Büker,1991: 95). Çünkü renklerin farklı kültürlere göre fark-lı anlamlara gelebilecek anlatı değerleri bulunmaktadır. Ancak renk uygulamalarının sinematografide kullanımına bakıldığında evrensel anlamlara vurguda bulunan renk değerlendirmelerinin kullanıldığı görülmektedir (Yurdigül, 2019: 52).

ANLAM Yüzyılı aşkın bir süredir ışık, kamera, oyunculuk ve kurgu stratejileri ile görüntü üzerind... more ANLAM Yüzyılı aşkın bir süredir ışık, kamera, oyunculuk ve kurgu stratejileri ile görüntü üzerinden anlam inşasını sürdüren sinema küresel açıdan bir rağbet mecrasına dönüşmüştür. Andre Bazin'in (1966) biraz abar lı yakış rmasıyla yeniçağın diniymiş gibi kutsiyet a edilen sinematografi dünyası, Lumiere kardeşlerden günümüze kadar kendine özgü bir dil geliş rmiş r… Görüntü oluşturmaya dair metotlar geçmişten günümüze her ne kadar değişmiş ve gelişmiş olsa da görüntü üzerinden anlam üretme kaygısı hiç yok olmamış r. Özellikle yaşadığımız çağda görüntü, anlamın ta kendisi olmuş; gerçeklik ya da kurgusallık gibi diğer tüm kıstasları alt etmeyi başarmış r. Ancak bu başarı, karşılığında ağır bedeller ödenmesini de zorunlu kılmış r. En büyük bedel de görüntü üzerindeki anlamın, üretenin hakimiye nden çıkması olmuştur. Görüntüdeki anlam ar k üretenin değil; herkesin kendi gerçekliğini, kendi anlamını bulduğu bir göstergeler sistemine dönüşmüştür. Bu kitap; bir yerlere ait olmak ya da sadece var olmak konusunda temel belirleyenin "görünür olmak" üzerinden kurulduğu günümüzde, okuyucuyu dürterek görüntü ve anlam arasındaki ilişkiyi bir kez daha sorgulamaya itmektedir. Bu amaçla kitapta görüntü ve anlam ilişkisini tar şan al yazıyla okuyucuya farklı pencereler açılmaktadır. GÖRÜNTÜ VE ANLAM
Dolayımlı bir enformasyon türü olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz haber, genelde kamuoyunun özelde de bi... more Dolayımlı bir enformasyon türü olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz haber, genelde kamuoyunun özelde de bireylerin her türlü olay ve durum karşısında nasıl tavır geliştireceklerini belirleyen önemli bir işleve sahiptir. Özellikle bireysel tercihlerin iktidarı belirlediği demokratik sistemlerde, söz konusu tercihlerin doğru bir şekilde yapılabilmesinin yolu bu enformasyonun bütün yönleriyle tarafsız ve doğru bir şekilde oluşturulmasına ve dağıtılmasına bağlıdır. Tam da bu noktada, habere ilişkin temel iki sorun karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisi; haberin doğruluk kriterlerinin neler olduğu, ikincisi ise haberde tarafsızlığın mümkün olup olmadığıdır. Epistemolojik açıdan yaklaşıldığında doğrulukla ilgili üç temel kuramdan söz edebiliriz.
Conference Presentations by yusuf yurdigül

Mythology is one of the most effective tools of the connection that can be established
between th... more Mythology is one of the most effective tools of the connection that can be established
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.

Mythology is one of the most effective tools of the connection that can be established
between th... more Mythology is one of the most effective tools of the connection that can be established
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.
Papers by yusuf yurdigül
Иранское кино является важной частью киноиндустрии стран третьего мира. Кино, чья история развива... more Иранское кино является важной частью киноиндустрии стран третьего мира. Кино, чья история развивалась параллельна событиям иранской революции, построено на устоявшейся традиции литературы и культуры Ирана. С одной стороны, это традиция, тесно связанная с прошлым, с другой стороны – это форма художественного самовыражения, выступающая против культурного влияния Запада. Вклад Фонда Фараби в развитие иранского кино очень велик, потому что именно основы философии Фараби стали решающим фактором в переходе от дореволюционных кинематографических постановок западного стиля к традиционным формам. Борьбой с политическими и социальными ограничениями цензуры обусловлен и стиль иранских фильмов

Herhangi bir siyasal ya da toplumsal sistem dayanmis oldugu ontolojik ve ahlaki temellerden bagim... more Herhangi bir siyasal ya da toplumsal sistem dayanmis oldugu ontolojik ve ahlaki temellerden bagimsiz olarak dusunu-lemez. Zira her siyasal sistem belli bir insan dogasi tanimlamasina, bu insan dogasi tanimlamasi da genel bir varlik tanimlamasina bagli olarak ortaya cikar. Idealist bir ontolojiye dayanan insan dogasi tanimlamasiyla, pozitivist ya da materyalist bir ontolojiye dayanan insan dogasi tanimlamasi kuskusuz birbirinden farkli olacaktir. 19. Yuzyil Avru-pa’sinda siyasal anlamda yayginlasan liberalizmin kokleri son 300 yilda gelisen fikirler ve teorilere dayandirilmistir. Liberal fikirler, Avrupa’da feodalizmin cokusu ve onun yerine gelisen bir piyasa toplumunun veya kapitalist toplumun sonucu olarak ortaya cikmistir. Bir cok acidan liberalizm, mutlak monarklarin ve toprak sahibi aristokratlarin yerlesik iktidari ile catisma halinde buyuyen orta sinifin ozlemlerini yansitmaktadir. Sanayilesme bati ulkelerinde yayginlastikca, liberal fikirler zafer kazanmistir. Boylece liberal...

1896 yilindan beri suregelen olimpiyat oyunlari dort yilda bir kere duzenlenmektedir. Dunyanin do... more 1896 yilindan beri suregelen olimpiyat oyunlari dort yilda bir kere duzenlenmektedir. Dunyanin dort bir tarafindan sporcular bir araya gelerek degisik spor dallarinda mucadele etmektedir. Bu oyunlarin ev sahipligini yapmak icin ulkeler aday sehirlerini gostermektedir. Iletisim teknolojilerinin gelisimi ile birlikte iletisim araclari tanitim amacli kullanilmaya baslanmistir. Gunumuzde olimpiyat oyunlarina ev sahipligi yapmak isteyen aday ulkeler de tanitim filmlerine onem vermis, kendi sehir ve kulturlerini tanitici filmler cekmeye baslamislardir. Calisma, olimpiyat oyunlarina sunum hazirlayan aday ulkelerin tanitim filmlerinde kullandiklari stratejilere odaklanmaktadir. Bu amacla sehir imaji, sehir sunum stratejileri, tanitim filmi ve olimpiyat oyunlari gibi kavramlar dogrultusunda calismaya bir cerceve belirlenmistir. Calismanin uygulama asamasinda ise 2016, 2020, 2024 ve 2028 yillarindaki olimpiyat oyunlarina ev sahipligi icin aday olan ulkelerin tanitim filmleri icer...

Economical, social and technological developments in the 20th century affected almost every segme... more Economical, social and technological developments in the 20th century affected almost every segment of society and brought along radical changes in every field. This process which caught the attention of the intellectuals also took the attention of the Frankfurt school which determined the aim of establishment as “information and understanding of social life from” (Slater, 1998: 16).The Frankfurt school which aims to deal with social structure carried out studies on analysis of this structure, determining the missing and failing points and creating a social atmosphere in higher and better standards. In these studies conducted with critical theory, concern about individual and scoiety has always generated the main emphasis. This emphasis provided foundation for constituting and developing the culture industry in the school.This study, which aims the approach of the Frankfurt School toward individual and society, determined the conceptual framework with critical theory and culture ind...

Gunumuzde demokratik yonetimlerin bir cikmaza girdigi ve temsil sisteminin toplumlarin yonetimsel... more Gunumuzde demokratik yonetimlerin bir cikmaza girdigi ve temsil sisteminin toplumlarin yonetimsel taleplerini karsilamadigi gorulmektedir. Bu sebeple halkin yonetime katilimini artirmak ve sistemi tekrar benimsemelerini saglamak icin farkli arayislara girilmektedir. Bu surecte ise one cikan en onemli arac internet ve yeni medya olarak gorunmektedir. Demokratik yonetimlerin daha katilimci bir yapiya kavusmalari icin internet, ozellikle de yeni medya araclarina ve bu ortamda gelistirilecek uygulamalara yonelik buyuk beklentiler icerisine girilmektedir. Facebook ise bu beklentilere karsilik vermesi beklenen en yaygin sosyal paylasim sitesi olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Bu baglamda Facebook’u aktif olarak kullanan kisilere uygulanan anket calismasinda demokrasiye ve Facebook’a yonelik algilari ortaya konulmaya calisilmis ve bir demokratiklesme araci olarak Facebook’u algilayis bicimlerine ulasilmaya calisilmistir.

While the social interaction, that mass media inevitably brings along in its train on one hand, c... more While the social interaction, that mass media inevitably brings along in its train on one hand, causes identification from the aspect of the formation of the mutual identity, and on the other hand it lays the foundation for the expression/presentation of the identity change between the individuals in social life in a clearer way. The television news which define what is normal behavior and who should be accepted as normal people, in reality which behaviors of the people called marginal are accepted to be abnormal, is in a sense an important part of the elimination mechanism formed by the mutual identity. This is the main problem that this study dwells upon. In this study, tranvestites are analyzed as marginal sexsual identites and news on travesty are examined. Moreover by pointing that the reason why tranvestites are thought to be marginal identites is tv news, the subject is discussed on this problematic.

Evrensel bir dil oldugu yolundaki butun goruslere ragmen sinema, oteki olanin resmedilmesi icin m... more Evrensel bir dil oldugu yolundaki butun goruslere ragmen sinema, oteki olanin resmedilmesi icin muazzam bir arac olarak is gormektedir. Goruntu ve sesin uyumu noktasinda sinematografik anlati herkesin anlayabilecegi bir dille “biz” bilincini rahatlikla insa ederken, diger yandan “biz” olmanin gorunumleri sayilan dil, gelenek, simgeler, kultur, din, kader birligi, etnisite vb. ortak etkenlerin disinda kalanlar acisindan “biz” ve “onlar” ayrimina vurguda bulunmakta ve cogunlugun kabul gordugu toplumsal olcutlere, kabul edilmis tutumlara, kanaatlere ve davranislara “otekinin” uygun olmadigini rahatlikla ilan edebilmektedir. Oscar odul torenleri de filmler araciligiyla gerceklesen bu lokal ilanlarin kuresel duzeyde mesrulastigi ve normallestigi bir mecra olarak is gormektedir. Calisma; sinematografinin “oteki olanin” resmedilmesine olanak saglayan bir sanat formu oldugu on kabulunden hareketle, batinin oteki uzerinden kendi ulusal ve dini kimliklerini tanimlama ve yansitma araci olarak ...
Books by yusuf yurdigül
Conference Presentations by yusuf yurdigül
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.
Papers by yusuf yurdigül
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.
between the past and the future. Myth and mythological elements are also important for the
creation of social memory in the context of culture, identity, tradition and customs.
Sports, such as natural events, people, Heroes, rituals, animals and places, have also been
one of the influential elements for the formation of myths. Sport emerges as an element that
works for the emergence of Legends or for the transformation of characters into a legendary
hero. Considering the established narratives such as ancient Greek mythology, we can see that
the Olympic Games were created from mythological narratives involving the games of the Gods.
There are many traces of the traditional sports that have survived to the present day, such
as Kok Boru, arrow throwing, equestrian competitions, ordo and many other games in Kyrgyz
mythology. These sports elements can be mentioned in many texts such as Manas, Semetey, and
Seytek, which are considered as the contents of Kyrgyz mythology. In these texts, sport acts as
an element in the creation of characters, the emphasis on space, the processing of gender, the
introduction of traditional and customary law, and the preparation for war.
The universe of the study, which uses the method of fairy tale analysis that Propp applies
to fairy tales narratives, is the Kyrgyz epoces that contains mythological elements. Sport
elements in these eposes are considered as samples. The reflections of the social effects of sport
elements on Kyrgyz culture are evaluated in the context of issues such as belief, tradition,
customs, memory transfer and national identity.