Istanbul University
Oral and Maxillofacial Surger
Our aim was to answer the question: "Among patients at high risk of injury to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) after removal of 3rd molars, what factors are associated with postoperative neurosensory deficits?" We organized a... more
Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the possible role of Ki-67 and argyrophilic nucleolar organizing regions (AgNOR) between the recurrent and nonrecurrent keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs). Another aim was... more
The removal of an impacted maxillary third molar is an easy procedure for an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The most commonly seen complications associated with this type of surgery are excessive hemorrhage, infection, pain, swelling,... more
The authors surveyed dentists in Istanbul, Turkey to determine the modes they were using to access current professional information. A questionnaire was sent to 379 privately practicing dentists. The response rate was 35 percent.... more
The authors surveyed dentists in Istanbul, Turkey to determine the modes they were using to access current professional information. A questionnaire was sent to 379 privately practicing dentists. The response rate was 35 percent.... more
The removal of an impacted maxillary third molar is an easy procedure for an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The most commonly seen complications associated with this type of surgery are excessive hemorrhage, infection, pain, swelling,... more
- by Firat Selvi
The dentigerous cyst is a developmental odontogenic cyst, accounting for 10% of all cysts of the jaws. The treatment options are decompression, marsupialization, or enucleation regarding the features of the lesions. In this article, a... more
- by Firat Selvi
Intraosseous lipoma is a benign tumor of the bone. It is mostly seen in the metaphyses of the long bones and calcaneus. There are few documented cases of intraosseous lipomas in the jaw. Clinically, the lesion is usually silent and... more
licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). Reproduction is permitted for personal, noncommercial use, provided that the article is in whole, unmodified, and properly cited. Received: 2011.08.19; Accepted: 2011.10.18; Published: 2011.10.22 Objective:... more
Background: The risk factors for infection with leptospirosis in Iran have never been studied. We aimed to determine the risk factors of leptospirosis and the epidemiological pattern of this disease in Golestan Province, Iran during... more