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In the research, our goal is to carry out the learning activities of the students independent of space and time, and complete education units from concrete to abstract, known to unknown, simple to complex, according to their own speed and... more
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      Science EducationAcademic Student Success InitiativesAttitudesMainstreaming
This research aimed at determining the effects of web-assisted instruction on the performance and satisfaction levels of the mainstreaming students in the natural sciences course and to obtain significant outcomes concerning the... more
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      Special EducationStudent SatisfactionNatural SciencesMainstreaming
Özellikle 20. yüzyılın sonlarında bilgisayar ve iletişim teknolojilerinin çok hızlı gelişme göstermesi ve 21. yüzyılın başında da bu gelişmelerin artık gündelik yaşamın vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmesi ile geleneksel derslerde... more
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      Online and Distance EducationAcademic Student Success InitiativesStudents AttitudesElearning, Web-Based Distance Education, Instructional Video
By considering that educational institutions are places where new information is created and applied, today’s educational institutions must achieve organizational learning by applying information management processes and initially by... more
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      Information ManagementOrganizational LearningHigh School
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This study is aimed to design activities that improve creative thinking skills and to observe the effects of this teaching method supported by these improved activities on students’ academic successes and their creativity in an web-based... more
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      CreativityOnline LearningWeb Based LearningMathematics Instruction
One of the lessons in where learned helplessness is most observed is maths. Learned helplessness behavior towards maths can affect students’ maths performance greatly. The first formation of students’ learned helplessness behavior towards... more
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      Maths EducationLearned helplessness behaviorCausality Dimensions
In this study, it is aimed to determine the organizational learning levels of regular and vocational high schools in accordance with the views of administrators, teachers, students and parental guardians and to compare the results... more
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      Information ManagementOrganizational LearningHigh SchoolLearning Organization
Problem Based Learning is one of the learning models that contain the general principles of active learning and students can use scientific process skills. Within this research it was aimed to investigate in detail the postgraduate thesis... more
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      Active LearningContent AnalysisProblem Based Learning
Bu araştırmada bilim kurgu filmlerinin, 10. sınıf öğrencilerinin coğrafya dersine yönelik tutumları üzerindeki etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada ön test-son test kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desen kullanılmıştır. Araştırma... more
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      GeographyEducationScience FictionAttitude
The math teaching has generally issues about paying attention and trusting ownself for learners. To solve such a critical problem, information technology, which are used in educational technologies tool, Geogebra, is used. In this study,... more
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      Information TechnologyEducational Technology
The innovations in the banking system which have been in parallel with the technological developments have presented the clients with different alternatives. One of the alternatives, internet banking, is considered very important... more
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      TechnologyInternet BankingTechnological DevelopmentBanking system