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King for their help. v I would like to thank my sister, Mukadder (Dağtekin) Bingöl, for selflessly coming here to help me during my most difficult years. I thank my parents, Ahmet and Hatice, for their unconditional love and support. They... more
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Presented herein is a fully integrated low-noise CMOS multi-channel amplifier for neural recording applications. The circuit employs the chopper modulation technique to reduce the effect of flicker noise and DC offset. A reduced area... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePower ConsumptionChopper
A video processing and display system for performing high speed geometrical image transformations has been designed. It involves looking up the video image by using a pointer memory. The system supports any video format which does not... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceImage ProcessingVideo Processing
In this study, hybrid methods are proposed for feature selection and classification of gene expression datasets. In the proposed genetic algorithm/support vector machine (GA-SVM) and genetic algorithm/k nearest neighbor (GA-KNN) hybrid... more
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      Computer ScienceFeature SelectionElectrical And Electronic Engineering
This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License ÖZ Bilgisayar teknolojisinin hızlı gelişmesi sonucunda çok büyük miktarlarda verilerle çalışmak olağan bir durum haline gelmiştir. Bu... more
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Wireless Ad hoc network is a network, which does not have any geographical restriction and fixed substructure. This kind of networks are divided into cellular and special networks. Cellular networks are comprised of a fixed spinal column... more
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Wireless Sensor Network consist of large number of sensing devices, which are equipped with limited radio communication capabilities and limited computing which is used for many purposes in the present and the future. Clustering and... more
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Cognitive impact factor is one of the main measures for media-human interaction. In this study, we explain design and implementation of a semi-autonomous humanoid character display system that provides high cognitive impact on people. It... more
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      MarketingHuman Computer InteractionVisualizationComputational Intelligence
In optical networks, a connection is used to transmit data between source and destination nodes via lightpaths. The optical signal transmitted along a lightpath requires cross-connect switches (OXCs) and telecommunication carriers to... more
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This article presents a comparative study between Optical Burst Switching (OBS) and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) with variable-size packets on mono-service and multiservice network with Quality of Service (QoS) support. In terms of... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComparative StudySimulation
This article presents a comparative study between Optical Burst Switching (OBS) and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) with variable-size packets on mono-service and multiservice network with Quality of Service (QoS) support. In terms of... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyComparative StudySimulation
In parallel with the enormous spread of Internet usage, the tendency of users for high capacity applications (HDTV, Online Games, P2P File Transfer) are rising. This increase in needs of data communication, compel the service providers to... more
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In this study, Earth’s magnetic field signals have been investigated to determine mobile user’s location. In theory, Earth’s magnetic field does not change during the day at a certain point. But, the various noise effects that are exposed... more
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      Computer SciencePhysics
This study is about a prediction approach for our previous dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (EPON). Our previous work (hcDBA) is based on half cycle timing for bandwidth allocation. That can be... more
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      Computer ScienceBandwidth AllocationEthernetDynamic Bandwidth Allocation
This article presents a comparative study between Optical Burst Switching (OBS) and Optical Packet Switching (OPS) with variable-size packets on mono-service and multiservice network with Quality of Service (QoS) support. In terms of... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTechnologyComparative Study
A performance comparison according to different number of wavelengths and topologies on OBS has been studied in this paper. Preemptive Channel Scheduling Algorithm (PCSA) has been used as reservation mechanism in OBS. In terms of... more
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      Computer ScienceMarkov ProcessesQueueing theoryStochastic processes
In this study, Earth's magnetic field signals have been investigated to determine mobile user's location. In theory, Earth's magnetic field does not change during the day at a certain point. But, the various noise effects that are exposed... more
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      Computer SciencePhysics
According to the upstream TDM in the system of Ethernet passive optical network (EPON), this paper proposes a novel dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm which supports the mechanism with correction-based the multiple services... more
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      Computer ScienceNetworksAlgorithmComputer Network
Dans ce travail de these, un apercu general sur les systemes PON est presente et sont etudies les mecanismes et classification PON existants. Apres, nous introduisons notre premiere contribution qui est un algorithme d'allocation... more
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      Computer ScienceHumanitiesPolitical ScienceResource Allocation