Istanbul University
Climate Change
Large masses of moving water in seas and oceans are called currents. Root causes of currents are steady winds that occur due to the global atmospheric system and the density differences caused by different heat and salinity levels of... more
Large masses of moving water in seas and oceans are called currents. Root causes of currents are steady winds
that occur due to the global atmospheric system and the density differences caused by different heat and salinity
levels of water masses. Different feeding and evaporation characteristics of seas and oceans result in salinity and
density levels. As a result, subsurface currents occur in straits where seas with different salinity and density levels
meet and in the nearby seas. The Bosporus in Istanbul where I live and the school I am working at is has these
subsurface currents.
In the Black Sea where the rivers the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Yesilirmak, Kizilirmak and Sakarya flow into and the
evaporation level is less due to the latitude effect, salinity level is less compared to Marmara and Aegean Seas. As
Marmara Sea has higher salt amount than Black Sea, there is a great density difference between these two seas.
Marmara Sea has a higher concentration of salt and therefore a higher density than Black Sea. And this leads to
occurrence of subsurface currents in the Bosporus.
I get my students to carry out a small demonstration to help them understand the occurrence of ocean currents and
currents in the seas and the Bosporus by the use of a material. We need very simple materials to carry out this
demonstration. These are an aquarium, a bowl, water, salt, dye and a mixer. The demonstration is carried out as
follows: we put water, salt and dye in the bowl and mix it well. The salt will increase the density of the water and
the dye will help distinguish the salty water. Then we put tap water half way to the aquarium and pour the mixture
in the bowl to the aquarium slowly. As a result, the colored salty water sinks down due to its higher density, setting
an example of a subsurface current.
Natural events occur in very long periods by great dynamic systems, making understanding of them difficult. It
is important to use different kinds of materials that address to different senses in geography lessons to promote
effective and fun learning. Thus, geography lessons should be based on teaching principles such as ‘from concrete
to abstract’ and ‘from near-to-far’ principles. Also, teaching methods such as visualization, simulation and
experiment should be applied during the lessons.
The use of this material will help students comprehend how subsurface currents in the straits, seas and oceans
occur. By this simple experiment, students will be able to see what kind of a movement takes place under the
Bosporus on which they travel by ferry and they will have the opportunity to carry it out themselves, making the
lesson more fun.
that occur due to the global atmospheric system and the density differences caused by different heat and salinity
levels of water masses. Different feeding and evaporation characteristics of seas and oceans result in salinity and
density levels. As a result, subsurface currents occur in straits where seas with different salinity and density levels
meet and in the nearby seas. The Bosporus in Istanbul where I live and the school I am working at is has these
subsurface currents.
In the Black Sea where the rivers the Danube, Dnieper, Don, Yesilirmak, Kizilirmak and Sakarya flow into and the
evaporation level is less due to the latitude effect, salinity level is less compared to Marmara and Aegean Seas. As
Marmara Sea has higher salt amount than Black Sea, there is a great density difference between these two seas.
Marmara Sea has a higher concentration of salt and therefore a higher density than Black Sea. And this leads to
occurrence of subsurface currents in the Bosporus.
I get my students to carry out a small demonstration to help them understand the occurrence of ocean currents and
currents in the seas and the Bosporus by the use of a material. We need very simple materials to carry out this
demonstration. These are an aquarium, a bowl, water, salt, dye and a mixer. The demonstration is carried out as
follows: we put water, salt and dye in the bowl and mix it well. The salt will increase the density of the water and
the dye will help distinguish the salty water. Then we put tap water half way to the aquarium and pour the mixture
in the bowl to the aquarium slowly. As a result, the colored salty water sinks down due to its higher density, setting
an example of a subsurface current.
Natural events occur in very long periods by great dynamic systems, making understanding of them difficult. It
is important to use different kinds of materials that address to different senses in geography lessons to promote
effective and fun learning. Thus, geography lessons should be based on teaching principles such as ‘from concrete
to abstract’ and ‘from near-to-far’ principles. Also, teaching methods such as visualization, simulation and
experiment should be applied during the lessons.
The use of this material will help students comprehend how subsurface currents in the straits, seas and oceans
occur. By this simple experiment, students will be able to see what kind of a movement takes place under the
Bosporus on which they travel by ferry and they will have the opportunity to carry it out themselves, making the
lesson more fun.
Verschiedene natürliche Archive spiegeln die Vergangenheit zur Untersuchung von langfristigen Entwicklungsverläufen. Seesedimente haben eine direkte Verbindung zur Entwicklung der limnischen Systeme, da sie über die Jahrhunderte hinweg... more
Verschiedene natürliche Archive spiegeln die Vergangenheit zur Untersuchung von langfristigen Entwicklungsverläufen. Seesedimente haben eine direkte Verbindung zur Entwicklung der limnischen Systeme, da sie über die Jahrhunderte hinweg kontinuierlich direkt in bzw. unter den jeweiligen Gewässern entstehen. Ein Sedimentkern ist ein zeitliches Gedächtnis über die Entwicklung des Sees und seiner Umgebung. Er zeigt nicht nur den ungestörten Sedimentationsvorgang, sondern bildet auch Störungen im Sedimentationsvorgang ab; z.B. anthropogene Einflüsse. Mit Hilfe eines Sedimentkerns kann man die Entstehung und Entwicklung eines Sees über Jahrhunderte hinweg nachvollziehen, da sich je nach äußeren Gegebenheiten das Sediment verschieden zusammensetzt.
Die Paläolimnologie versucht durch die Interpretation der gewonnenen Daten der Sedimentuntersuchung die Entwicklung eines Sees und seines Einzugsgebiet zu rekonstruieren. Die Paläolimnologie ist ein Teilbereich der Limnologie. Diese ist die Wissenschaft, die Binnengewässer als Ökosysteme, sowie deren Struktur, den Stoff- und Energiehaushalt erforscht. Die Paläolimnologie kann physikalische, chemische und biologische Veränderungen im See dokumentieren. Die Grundlage für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten sind die Indikatoren, wie messbare chemische und physikalische Parameter z.B. Wassergehalt, organisches und anorganisches Material. Die Indikatoren treten als Anzeiger für übergeordnete Zusammenhänge auf. Die chemischen Indikatoren (wie z.B. Kohlenstoffverbindungen) sind akkumulierte organische und anorganische Elemente. Sie können aus dem Einzugsgebiet des Sees oder aus dem Gewässer selbst stammen. Die physikalischen Indikatoren sind ebenso vielfältig nutzbar wie die chemischen Indikatoren. Eine Reihe wichtiger Parameter sind beispielsweise der Glühverlust (LOI) und die Korngrößenverteilung innerhalb des Sediments, welche Aussagen zur Sedimentstruktur ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit erfolgte eine Konzentration auf die Erhebung und Analyse der physikalischen und der chemischen Indikatoren. Der Wassergehalt in der Tiefe der Sedimente kann ein Faktor zur verschiedenen physikalischen oder chemischen Veränderungen des Sediments sein.
Ziel unserer Untersuchungen ist es durch die Interpretation der erhobenen Daten Korrelationen zwischen den Wassergehalt in der Tiefe des Sediments und die Art des Materials zu überprüfen. Es wird geschaut, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem organischen und anorganischen Material und dem Wassergehalt in der Tiefe festzustellen ist.
Nach der Probenentnahme wurden die einzelnen Proben auf die oben beschriebenen Bestandteile hin getestet.
Die Paläolimnologie versucht durch die Interpretation der gewonnenen Daten der Sedimentuntersuchung die Entwicklung eines Sees und seines Einzugsgebiet zu rekonstruieren. Die Paläolimnologie ist ein Teilbereich der Limnologie. Diese ist die Wissenschaft, die Binnengewässer als Ökosysteme, sowie deren Struktur, den Stoff- und Energiehaushalt erforscht. Die Paläolimnologie kann physikalische, chemische und biologische Veränderungen im See dokumentieren. Die Grundlage für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten sind die Indikatoren, wie messbare chemische und physikalische Parameter z.B. Wassergehalt, organisches und anorganisches Material. Die Indikatoren treten als Anzeiger für übergeordnete Zusammenhänge auf. Die chemischen Indikatoren (wie z.B. Kohlenstoffverbindungen) sind akkumulierte organische und anorganische Elemente. Sie können aus dem Einzugsgebiet des Sees oder aus dem Gewässer selbst stammen. Die physikalischen Indikatoren sind ebenso vielfältig nutzbar wie die chemischen Indikatoren. Eine Reihe wichtiger Parameter sind beispielsweise der Glühverlust (LOI) und die Korngrößenverteilung innerhalb des Sediments, welche Aussagen zur Sedimentstruktur ermöglicht. In dieser Arbeit erfolgte eine Konzentration auf die Erhebung und Analyse der physikalischen und der chemischen Indikatoren. Der Wassergehalt in der Tiefe der Sedimente kann ein Faktor zur verschiedenen physikalischen oder chemischen Veränderungen des Sediments sein.
Ziel unserer Untersuchungen ist es durch die Interpretation der erhobenen Daten Korrelationen zwischen den Wassergehalt in der Tiefe des Sediments und die Art des Materials zu überprüfen. Es wird geschaut, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem organischen und anorganischen Material und dem Wassergehalt in der Tiefe festzustellen ist.
Nach der Probenentnahme wurden die einzelnen Proben auf die oben beschriebenen Bestandteile hin getestet.
As the third largest lake in Turkey, Bey¸sehir Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the country. The lake which is located on the northern side of the Taurus Mountains range, a great chain running parallel to the Mediterranean Coast... more
As the third largest lake in Turkey, Bey¸sehir Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the country. The lake which is
located on the northern side of the Taurus Mountains range, a great chain running parallel to the Mediterranean
Coast across southern Turkey, also has vital importance for the residents in irrigation and fishing. The lake also
plays a great role in the irrigation of the Konya Plain.
Analyzing the last 55 years of climate data from four meteorological stations over the basin, this climate study
performed around Bey¸sehir Lake and its vicinity has seen that, average temperatures have had a tendency to
increase especially since 2005. It has also been seen that actual evapotranspiration has increased in recent
years according to the calculations performed by the Turc formula. The study area has been defined as “semi
arid-humid” according to De Martonne climate classification and “semi arid” according to Erinç’s.
By inspecting in different periods, drought has been evaluated in terms of its meteorological, hydrological and
agricultural impacts, according to the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) method. Especially in the autumn
and winter seasons, an increase in droughts have been seen in the recent years.
located on the northern side of the Taurus Mountains range, a great chain running parallel to the Mediterranean
Coast across southern Turkey, also has vital importance for the residents in irrigation and fishing. The lake also
plays a great role in the irrigation of the Konya Plain.
Analyzing the last 55 years of climate data from four meteorological stations over the basin, this climate study
performed around Bey¸sehir Lake and its vicinity has seen that, average temperatures have had a tendency to
increase especially since 2005. It has also been seen that actual evapotranspiration has increased in recent
years according to the calculations performed by the Turc formula. The study area has been defined as “semi
arid-humid” according to De Martonne climate classification and “semi arid” according to Erinç’s.
By inspecting in different periods, drought has been evaluated in terms of its meteorological, hydrological and
agricultural impacts, according to the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) method. Especially in the autumn
and winter seasons, an increase in droughts have been seen in the recent years.
Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are passive... more
Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are passive and get bored quickly. When students engage in activities during the learning process, they enjoy it more. And there is no doubt that games help this a lot. In this project, a game has been designed to make it more entertaining to learn the periodical table for the students. In this game, a huge periodical table (with empty columns) is drawn with acrylic paint in the school yard. Acrylic paint is preferred because it is resilient to outdoor conditions, quick drying and relatively durable. Besides its func-tionality in the game, the presence of the huge periodical table in the yard boosts students' motivation for scientific activities. Students are taught about the periodical table in their Chemistry lesson a week before the game is to be played. They are informed about the game and asked to bring some sportswear to wear during the game. On the game day, the class is divided into teams of five people. Each team wears a different color vest and is called by the color of the vest they are wearing. The starting point is drawn as far as possible from the periodical table. Furthermore, some question cards that cover the subject are used in the game. As an example from the game: one student from each team is asked to find the correct place by the atomic number of a certain element as described in the cards given to them. There is a time limit so the stopwatch is started as each student starts reading the information on the card. The student runs to the correct place of the certain element according to the clues on their given card. Then they stop and raise their hands. The teacher stops the stopwatch for that student. The teams gain points according to their speed and correct guesses. The game continues as other students are given different question cards and asked to follow same directions. In the end, the winning team is awarded. The game contains both short term goals, like allowing students to acquire the aimed learning outcome in a permanent way while having fun, and long term goals, like increasing the motivation toward the lesson and school and gaining team awareness.
Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are passive... more
Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be
permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are
passive and get bored quickly. When students engage in activities during the learning process, they enjoy it more.
And there is no doubt that games help this a lot.
In this project, a game has been designed to make it more entertaining to learn the periodical table for the students.
In this game, a huge periodical table (with empty columns) is drawn with acrylic paint in the school yard. Acrylic
paint is preferred because it is resilient to outdoor conditions, quick drying and relatively durable. Besides its functionality
in the game, the presence of the huge periodical table in the yard boosts students’ motivation for scientific
Students are taught about the periodical table in their Chemistry lesson a week before the game is to be played.
They are informed about the game and asked to bring some sportswear to wear during the game. On the game day,
the class is divided into teams of five people. Each team wears a different color vest and is called by the color of
the vest they are wearing. The starting point is drawn as far as possible from the periodical table.
Furthermore, some question cards that cover the subject are used in the game. As an example from the game: one
student from each team is asked to find the correct place by the atomic number of a certain element as described in
the cards given to them. There is a time limit so the stopwatch is started as each student starts reading the information
on the card. The student runs to the correct place of the certain element according to the clues on their given
card. Then they stop and raise their hands. The teacher stops the stopwatch for that student. The teams gain points
according to their speed and correct guesses. The game continues as other students are given different question
cards and asked to follow same directions. In the end, the winning team is awarded.
The game contains both short term goals, like allowing students to acquire the aimed learning outcome in a permanent
way while having fun, and long term goals, like increasing the motivation toward the lesson and school and
gaining team awareness.
permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are
passive and get bored quickly. When students engage in activities during the learning process, they enjoy it more.
And there is no doubt that games help this a lot.
In this project, a game has been designed to make it more entertaining to learn the periodical table for the students.
In this game, a huge periodical table (with empty columns) is drawn with acrylic paint in the school yard. Acrylic
paint is preferred because it is resilient to outdoor conditions, quick drying and relatively durable. Besides its functionality
in the game, the presence of the huge periodical table in the yard boosts students’ motivation for scientific
Students are taught about the periodical table in their Chemistry lesson a week before the game is to be played.
They are informed about the game and asked to bring some sportswear to wear during the game. On the game day,
the class is divided into teams of five people. Each team wears a different color vest and is called by the color of
the vest they are wearing. The starting point is drawn as far as possible from the periodical table.
Furthermore, some question cards that cover the subject are used in the game. As an example from the game: one
student from each team is asked to find the correct place by the atomic number of a certain element as described in
the cards given to them. There is a time limit so the stopwatch is started as each student starts reading the information
on the card. The student runs to the correct place of the certain element according to the clues on their given
card. Then they stop and raise their hands. The teacher stops the stopwatch for that student. The teams gain points
according to their speed and correct guesses. The game continues as other students are given different question
cards and asked to follow same directions. In the end, the winning team is awarded.
The game contains both short term goals, like allowing students to acquire the aimed learning outcome in a permanent
way while having fun, and long term goals, like increasing the motivation toward the lesson and school and
gaining team awareness.
Graffiti which has been a self-expression since humans started to draw pictures to the cave walls is today used especially by young people. Puberty is a physical, sexual social transition period between childhood and adulthood, where... more
Graffiti which has been a self-expression since humans started to draw pictures to the cave walls is today used especially by young people. Puberty is a physical, sexual social transition period between childhood and adulthood, where stressful and conflicting instabilities are observed in the feelings, opinions and behaviors of the individuals. Thus, since teenagers cannot convey some of the feelings in their inner worlds due to the social pressure, they try to achieve an abreaction through graffiti. Seeking to leave a mark by attracting attention as if saying " I'm here too " and screaming their feelings, the walls mostly used by young people are the ones at and around school. Students are able to express themselves perspicuously since the writer is unknown, and they reflect their feelings and ideas which they want to communicate to other people onto the walls with their negative attitudes towards the system. This study aims to evaluate the graffiti psychologically and analyze students' moods. The study includes the photos taken of the walls of all public high schools in and around Pendik district containing different cultures located in ˙ Istanbul, where internal immigration occurs the most in Turkey. The graffiti on the photos were examined, and a table was created where such photos were classified under general subject headings based on the contents. According to the theory that claims that patterns of writing provide information about the characters and inner worlds of individuals just like the other patterns of behaviors (graphology), the writings were analyzed from a psychological aspect. Thus, some psychological conclusions were drawn about the general moods of high school students, which had been manifested by reflecting onto the school walls. According to the analysis performed, writings mainly include sentences about sadness, disappointment, unhappiness , regret, being deceived, rage, love and pain, but also include political writings even though few. Besides, single names of people, which are likely to belong to the darling/friend of the writer or the writer itself, are outnumber. Young people who easily reflect their rage onto the walls through slang and abusive writings also reflect their internal worlds with creative, touching and humorous sentences from time to time, if appropriate. Young people who have difficulty in telling about their lives to those around them and their families shout out their moods to the walls where they can create free space for themselves. However, it was seen that these writings had been painted out by municipalities and school administration in most of the schools. Instead of covering up the problems, it is essential to try to understand the feelings of students and approach them sensitively, and to protect this free space where they can express their feelings. It should be remembered that the common feeling that brings teenagers into action to express their despair and show that they have a right to speak in the spaces created by them through these writings on the walls is the urge to say " I have a right to easily express my opinions to other people, too! " .
- by Verim GÜMÜŞSOY and +1
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- Education, Counseling Psychology, Graffiti, Counseling
Bazı öğrenciler için okul, gidilmek istenmeyen ya da gidilse de ilk fırsatta kaçılacak bir yer olabilmektedir. Öğrencilerin ‘içeride tutulmasını’ sağlamak için de okul idaresi tarafından başta tel örgü olmak üzere birçok önlem... more
Bazı öğrenciler için okul, gidilmek istenmeyen ya da gidilse de ilk fırsatta kaçılacak bir yer olabilmektedir. Öğrencilerin ‘içeride tutulmasını’ sağlamak için de okul idaresi tarafından başta tel örgü olmak üzere birçok önlem alınmaktadır. Öğrencilerin okuldan kaçma isteklerinin nedenlerini belirlemek, durum karşısındaki duygularını ve çözüm önerilerini öğrenmek, bu araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, nitel bir araştırma olup, durum çalışması olarak desenlenmiştir. Araştırma için bir meslek lisesi seçilmiştir. Okuldan kaçmayı alışkanlık haline getirmiş 15 öğrenci ile aynı okulun 3 rehber öğretmeni araştırmanın çalışma grubu olarak belirlenmiştir. Veri toplama aracı olarak 8 açık uçlu sorudan oluşan bir anket kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca okulun rehber öğretmenleri ile de yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler nitel veri analiz yöntemlerinden içerik analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre öğrenciler, özellikle öğle aralarında dışarıda yemek yemek için ve derslerin sıkıcı olmasından dolayı okuldan kaçmaktadır. Öğrenciler okulda eğitim öğretim dışında farklı aktivitelere de ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Rehber öğretmenler de öğrencilere anlayış ve yaklaşımı merkeze alan bir bakış açısının okulda hâkim olması, dışarıda çekici gelen imkânların okulda sunulması ve öğrencilerin özgürlüğü okulda hissetmesinin gerekliliği noktasında görüş belirtmişlerdir.
This study aims to identify the reasons why students want to skip school, whose purpose is to prepare them for life, and to learn their feelings and suggested solutions about this issue. This is a qualitative study and designed as a case study. A vocational high school is selected for study. 15 students with a habit of skipping school are identified as the work group of the study. As a tool for data collection, a survey consisting of 8 open-ended questions that aim to find out education and learning perceptions, reasons for skipping school, and suggested solutions is used. In addition, 3 guidance counselors were also face-to-face interviewed in order to understand the case studied in a detailed fashion. The data obtained is made subject to content analysis which is a method of qualitative data analysis. Students say that the money spent for such measures would be more useful if spent on plays and activities. Guidance counselors also underline that students should be approached with empathy and care, opportunities outside school which attract students should be provided at school lessons should be more enjoyable, and students should feel freer at school.
This study aims to identify the reasons why students want to skip school, whose purpose is to prepare them for life, and to learn their feelings and suggested solutions about this issue. This is a qualitative study and designed as a case study. A vocational high school is selected for study. 15 students with a habit of skipping school are identified as the work group of the study. As a tool for data collection, a survey consisting of 8 open-ended questions that aim to find out education and learning perceptions, reasons for skipping school, and suggested solutions is used. In addition, 3 guidance counselors were also face-to-face interviewed in order to understand the case studied in a detailed fashion. The data obtained is made subject to content analysis which is a method of qualitative data analysis. Students say that the money spent for such measures would be more useful if spent on plays and activities. Guidance counselors also underline that students should be approached with empathy and care, opportunities outside school which attract students should be provided at school lessons should be more enjoyable, and students should feel freer at school.
- by Verim GÜMÜŞSOY
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ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin batısında yer alan Abant ve Yeniçağa göllerinin çevresindeki bitki örtüsünün geçirdiği değişimlerin, European Pollen Database’den (EPD) alınan fosil polen analizleri verisi ile incelenerek,... more
ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin batısında yer alan Abant ve Yeniçağa göllerinin çevresindeki bitki örtüsünün geçirdiği değişimlerin, European Pollen Database’den (EPD) alınan fosil polen analizleri verisi ile incelenerek, bölgede yaşanan iklim değişikliklerinin belirlenmesidir. Abant Gölü oluşum şekli bakımından heyelan set gölü olup, milli park içerisinde yer almasına bağlı olarak doğal bitki örtüsünün nispeten korunduğu bir alandadır; tektonik göl olan Yeniçağa Gölü ise Yeniçağa ilçesinin yakınında yer almakta, bu sebepten insan etkisine daha açıktır. Çalışma alanı, dağların uzanışı, bakı ve yükseklik gibi yüzey şekillerinin de etkisiyle farklı yetişme ortamlarının oluştuğu, bu nedenle kısa mesafelerde bitki topluluklarının değiştiği bir bölgedir. Karadeniz ardı oluklardan birinde bulunan çalışma alanının bitki örtüsünün dağılışını yamaçların bakı, yükseklik ve Karadeniz’den gelen nemli havayı alma konumları belirlediğinden, genel olarak olukların tabanları ve güneye bakan yamaçlarında Akdeniz kökenli kurakçıl, ışığı ve sıcaklığı seven, kuzeye bakan yamaçlarında ise gölgeye ve soğuğa dayanıklı nemcil bitkiler yer almakta, böylece Karadeniz ardı oluklarda farklı flora bölgelerine ait bitkiler görülmektedir. Çalışma alanının Karadeniz kıyısına uzak olması ve denizel etkiyi azaltan sıradağların ardında kalması nedeniyle denizel iklimin etkisi azalmış, böylece yüksek kesimlerin kuzeye bakan yamaçlarında nemli ormanlar yer alırken, güneye bakan yamaçlarda kuru ormanlar yayılış göstermektedir. Abant ve Yeniçağa göllerinin güncel iklim özelliklerini temsilen Bolu, Gerede ve Mudurnu olmak üzere üç meteoroloji istasyonu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan sıcaklık ve yağış verileri Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü’nden (MGM) alınmıştır. Bu iklim verileri, bölgenin güncel iklim özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve çalışma alanının içinde yer aldığı iklim tiplerinin ortaya konulması için kullanılmıştır. İklim verileri Thornthwaite iklim sınıflandırma sistemi ve Erinç yağış etkinlik indisi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan iklim analizleri, şekil, tablo ve grafiklerle gösterilmiştir. Fosil polen analizleri için kullanılan veriler Avrupa Polen Veri Tabanından (EPD) alınmıştır. Çalışma, Abant Gölü için 1100 cm’lik bir karot ile Yeniçağa Gölü için 1730 cm’lik bir karota ait fosil polen analizi sonuçlarını içermektedir. Tilia polen programı kullanılarak Abant ve Yeniçağa göllerindeki polenlerin bulundukları derinlikteki yüzde değerlerin diyagramları oluşturulmuştur. Abant Gölü’nde yaklaşık olarak günümüzden 12.000, Yeniçağa Gölü’nde ise 14.000 yıl öncesine dayanan polenlerin diyagramları yorumlanarak vejetasyon değişimine dayalı olarak geçmiş iklim özellikleriyle güncel iklim özellikleri arasında karşılaştırma yapılmıştır. EPD’den elde edilen fosil polen verisi ile vejetasyonun yansıttığı ekolojik koşullar belirlenmiştir. Dünya’da Holosen başlangıcından günümüze kadar gerçekleşen iklim değişikliklerinin Batı Karadeniz Bölümü’nün bitki örtüsü üzerindeki etkileri ortaya konmuştur. Polen birikim derinliği Yeniçağa Gölü’nde Abant Gölü’ne göre çok daha fazla olmasına rağmen AP polen birikim yüzdesinin daha az olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bu durum, Yeniçağa Gölü’nde hem gölün oturduğu çanağın daha geniş olduğunu hem de gölün çevresindeki Yeniçağa yerleşmesinin eskiye dayanmasına bağlı olarak insan etkisiyle ormansızlaşmanın etkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Polen analiz sonuçları bölgede Younger Dryas’ın etkilerinin görüldüğünü ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma alanında Holosen içindeki soğuk ve sıcak dönem geçişlerini ifade eden Bond dönemlerinin etkileri görülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Abant Gölü, Yeniçağa Gölü, Fosil polen analizi, İklim Değişikliği ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to determine the climate changes in the region by examining the changes in the vegetation around the Abant and Yeniçağa lakes, located in the west of the Black Sea Region, with the data of pollen analysis. Abant Lake is a landslide set lake in terms of its formation, and it is in an area where natural vegetation is relatively protected due to its location in the national park; Yeniçağa Lake, which is a tectonic lake, is located near the Yeniçağa district, so it is more open to human influence. The study area is a region where different habitats are formed with the effect of surface shapes such as the extent of the mountains, aspect and height, and therefore plant communities change in short distances. Since the distribution of the vegetation of the study area located in one of the grooves behind the Black Sea is determined by the aspect, altitude and the positions of receiving the humid air coming from the Black Sea, it is generally Mediterranean-origin xeric on the bottoms and south-facing slopes of the grooves, loves light and warmth, and is resistant to shade and cold on the north-facing slopes. moisture plants are located, so plants belonging to different flora regions can be seen in the grooves behind the Black Sea. Due to the fact that the study area is far from the Black Sea coast and is behind the mountain ranges that reduce the marine impact, the effect of the marine climate has decreased, so while moist forests are located on the north-facing slopes of the higher parts, dry forests spread on the south-facing slopes. The climate data used in the study were obtained from the Turkish State Meteorological Service. These climate data were used to determine the current climate characteristics of the region and to reveal the climate types in the study area. Climate data were evaluated using the Thornthwaite climate classification system and the Erinç precipitation efficiency index. Climate analyzes are shown with figures, tables and graphics. Data used for fossil pollen analyzes were obtained from the European Pollen Database (EPD). The study includes the results of fossil pollen analysis of a 1100 cm core for Abant Lake and a 1730 cm core for Yeniçağa Lake. The diagrams of the percentage values of pollen at the depths of the Abant and Yeniçağa lakes were created by using the Tilia program. Diagrams of pollen from Abant Lake dating back to approximately 12.000 years ago and in Yeniçağa Lake 14.000 years ago were interpreted and a comparison was made between past climate characteristics and current climate characteristics based on vegetation change. With the fossil pollen data obtained from the EPD, the ecological conditions reflected by the vegetation were determined. The effects of climate changes in the world from the beginning of the Holocene to the present on the vegetation of the Western Black Sea Region have been revealed. Although the pollen accumulation depth is much higher in Yeniçağa Lake than in Abant Lake, it was determined that the percentage of AP pollen accumulation was lower. This situation shows that both the basin where the lake sits is wider and the deforestation due to human influence is effective due to the fact that the Yeniçağa settlement around the lake is date back to old times in Yeniçağa Lake. Pollen analysis results reveal that the effects of Younger Dryas are seen in the region. In the study area, the effects of the Bond periods, which express the transitions of cold and warm periods in the Holocene, are seen. Keywords: Lake Abant, Lake Yeniçağa, Fossil pollen analysis, Climate change.