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Large masses of moving water in seas and oceans are called currents. Root causes of currents are steady winds that occur due to the global atmospheric system and the density differences caused by different heat and salinity levels of... more
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      Geography EducationEducational MaterialsOcean Currents
Verschiedene natürliche Archive spiegeln die Vergangenheit zur Untersuchung von langfristigen Entwicklungsverläufen. Seesedimente haben eine direkte Verbindung zur Entwicklung der limnischen Systeme, da sie über die Jahrhunderte hinweg... more
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      PaleolimnologyPaleoclimate and paleolimnology
As the third largest lake in Turkey, Bey¸sehir Lake is the largest freshwater lake in the country. The lake which is located on the northern side of the Taurus Mountains range, a great chain running parallel to the Mediterranean Coast... more
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Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are passive... more
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      ChemistryEducationTeaching Methodology
Constructivist learning allows students to be actively involved in the learning process and thus the learning to be permanent. It makes the lesson more interesting and enjoyable compared to classical learning where students are passive... more
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      ChemistryEducationTeaching Methodology
Graffiti which has been a self-expression since humans started to draw pictures to the cave walls is today used especially by young people. Puberty is a physical, sexual social transition period between childhood and adulthood, where... more
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      EducationCounseling PsychologyGraffitiCounseling
Bazı öğrenciler için okul, gidilmek istenmeyen ya da gidilse de ilk fırsatta kaçılacak bir yer olabilmektedir. Öğrencilerin ‘içeride tutulmasını’ sağlamak için de okul idaresi tarafından başta tel örgü olmak üzere birçok önlem... more
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ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin batısında yer alan Abant ve Yeniçağa göllerinin çevresindeki bitki örtüsünün geçirdiği değişimlerin, European Pollen Database’den (EPD) alınan fosil polen analizleri verisi ile incelenerek,... more
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      Climate ChangeQuaternaryPalinolojiFossil Pollen