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The general solutions for contaminant transport in a saturated semi-infinite porous media are derived by using the Laplace transform and Fourier transform, along with their transform inversions, under the conditions of one-dimensional... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHydrologyMultidisciplinary
The behavior of solute transport in pool and riffle, or meandering types of streams, is greatly influenced by surface/subsurface flow and solute transport interactions. It is important to model these processes accurately in rivers and... more
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      Environmental ScienceHydrologyMultidisciplinaryHyporheic Zone
Ground water should be used efficiently and improved for sustainable water management plans. For this purpose, comprehensive ground water flow models are developed incorporating surface/ground water interactions. Typically, these models... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceHydrologyGroundwater
Su kaynaklarının ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel açıdan en verimli şekilde kullanılması, canlı hayatın sürdürülebilmesi için kaçınılmazdır. Özellikle kentleşme ile birlikte betonlaşma ve buna paralel olarak topraktaki geçirimsiz yüzey... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceLow impact developmentStormwater management
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Construction site manager is one of key personnel staffs to serve in construction projects in order to satisfy several required criteria such as project duration, cost and quality. In construction sector, personnel contracting depends on... more
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    • Computer Science
The construction industry is nonhomogeneous and also managing construction projects are more difficult in today's world. Construction projects are huge and contractors want to accomplish them within a short time in this fast changing era.... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceHarmony Search
Gittikce globalle?en dunyada uluslararasy arenada tek ba?yna faaliyette bulunmak neredeyse imkânsyz hale gelecektir. Gerek uretim, gerek hizmet sektorunde olsun, dunya pazarlarynda rekabeti go?usleyebilmenin en onemli ?arty, surekli... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesEngineering Sciences
Dunyada kuresel isinmanin artmasinin, iklim degisikliklerinin yasanmasinin ve enerji kaynaklarinin tukenmeye baslamasinin en onemli nedenlerinden biri de geleneksel bina yapim teknolojisi ile uretilen binalardir. Insaat sektoru, sebebiyet... more
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      PhysicsEngineering Sciences
Construction is a locomotive sector for the economies of developing countries. Occupational safety is very important in construction works, as it is one of the most dangerous business lines. The consequences of occupational accidents at... more
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Stratejik havalimanı planlaması üzerine yapılan alan çalışmaları, çeşitli profesyonel faaliyetlerin bir tahminini oluşturarak havalimanı profesyonellerinin gerçek dünyadaki sorunlara, durumlara ve krizlere hazırlanmalarına yardımcı... more
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    • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Construction site manager is one of key personnel staffs to serve in construction projects in order to satisfy several required criteria such as project duration, cost and quality. In construction sector, personnel contracting depends on... more
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    • Computer Science
The construction industry is nonhomogeneous and also managing construction projects are more difficult in today's world. Construction projects are huge and contractors want to accomplish them within a short time in this fast changing era.... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringComputer ScienceHarmony Search
Construction is a locomotive sector for the economies of developing countries. Occupational safety is very important in construction works, as it is one of the most dangerous business lines. The consequences of occupational accidents at... more
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    • Art
As the industrialisation has gained speed, energy consumption and given harm to environment has become one of the biggest global problems. Designing buildings and constructing them with conventional methods cause damages to environment... more
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ÖZET Bir inşaat firması, taahhüdü altındaki bir projeyi, zamanında, bütçesinde ve istenilen kalitede bitirmek ister. Teknik personel de firmanın bu amacını gerçekleştirmede anahtar bir rol oynamaktadır. Teknik personelin seçimi... more
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      Construction ManagementFuzzy LogicPersonnel Selection
ÖZET Bir inşaat firması, taahhüdü altındaki bir projeyi, zamanında, bütçesinde ve istenilen kalitede bitirmek ister. Teknik personel de firmanın bu amacını gerçekleştirmede anahtar bir rol oynamaktadır. Teknik personelin seçimi... more
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      Construction ManagementContruction Project Management
Sürdürülebilirlik, günümüzü geleceğe sorunsuz, eksiksiz ve iyileştirerek taşıyabilmektir.İnşaat sektörü medeniyetlerin inşa edildiği, toplumun temel yapısı olan bireyin sosyal yaşantısının kurulmasına olanak sağlayan bir sektördür. Bu... more
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    • Construction Management
İnşaat firmalarında, farklı unvanlar ile beyaz yakalı personel çalıştırılmaktadır. Bir proje kapsamında çalışan proje müdürü, şantiye şefi ve mühendisler, beyaz yakalı personel olarak nitelendirilebilirler. Projelerde çalışacak beyaz... more
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    • Construction Management
Bireyin umumi anlamda barınma ihtiyacı gibi esas ihtiyaçlarından birini yerine getiren fiziki bir mekân olan konutun satın alınma kararı çok ölçütlü bir karar verme problemidir. Bu çalışmada bir sıralama tekniği olan PROMETHEE (Preference... more
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    • Construction Management