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Bu araştırma, toplam kalite yönetimi uygulamalarının şirketin finansal olmayan performans algısı üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Araştırma turizm, ulaşım, inşaat, gıda ve teknoloji sektörlerinde faaliyet gösteren... more
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    • Performance Studies
Bu araştırmada, çalışanların dönüşümcü liderlik algılarının örgütsel bağlılıkları üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Araştırma bir hizmet firmasının farklı departmanlarında çalışan 144 beyaz yakalı çalışanı ile yapılmıştır. Verilerin... more
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      Organizational CommitmentTransformational Leadership
ÖZET Sağlık hizmetlerinin daha yaygın ve erişilebilir olması ancak hizmet-lerin daha adil ve eşit bir şekilde sunulması ile mümkün olabilir. Hiz-metlerin adil ve eşit sunulmasında son yıllarda etkin olarak kullanılan yöntemlerin başında... more
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      Health Care ManagementBiometrics And Identity
This study examines the contractual relationships from a managerial point of view in a sample of 55 family firms in an industrial zone in Turkey. The results show that the contract type (i.e. behavior or outcome-based) is not affected... more
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    • Agency Theory
This paper studies the relationship between stock volatility and corporate bond yield spread in Thai market by using Campbell and Taksler (2003) panel data regression approach. The results show that the equity volatility's variables, such... more
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    • Agency Theory
Scholars have been extensively researching the link between strategic and market orientations and organizational performance and the link between innovativeness and organizational performance in various different settings. Given the... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementMarket OrientationInnovativeness
Scholars have been extensively researching the link between strategic and market orientations and organizational performance and the link between innovativeness and organizational performance in various different settings. Given the... more
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      BusinessHuman Resource ManagementMarket OrientationInnovativeness
The study attempts to fill in the empirical gap of spiritual leadership relationship with organizational commitment in the oil and gas industry in Malaysia. On a wider perspective, the study will provide an insight on spiritual leadership... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
In the social sciences literature, the concept of "trust" as an important phenomenon has been increasingly recognized. Basically it shows us the nature and importance of establishing and maintenance of trust in building business to... more
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      BusinessBusiness and Management
The main purpose of this paper is to explore the effects of the dimensions of organizational trust such as interpersonal trust (coworkers trust and trust in supervisors/leaders), and institutional trust on the dimensions of organizational... more
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      BusinessBusiness and Management
This study examines the contractual relationships from a managerial point of view in a sample of 55 family firms in an industrial zone in Turkey. The results show that the contract type (i.e. behavior or outcome-based) is not affected... more
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Strategic alliances are an important phenomenon in management literature that has been increasingly recognized. Within the framework of alliance theories, this study focuses on examining strategic alliance types in the lodging industry.... more
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    • Leadership styles
The purpose of this study is to investigate the governance mechanisms as drivers of relationship quality perceived in buyer-supplier exchanges in transportation and logistics industry. The study deals with the question of "what type of... more
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Companies aim growth and increase market share via mergers. However contrary to the expectations, the financial success rate is less then 50 percent. The main reason for this is management's focusing on financial figures rather than human... more
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      TrustMediationBank Mergers and acquisitionManagerial Studies
Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye'deki ihracatçı işletmelerin uluslararası girişimciliği ile ihracat pazar performansları arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Bu amaçla, araştırma "işletmelerin girişimcilik özellikleri ile ihracat pazarlarındaki... more
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    • International Business
In this study, strategic alliances are discussed from the perspective of hospitality industry and inter organizational relation factors that regulate the formation of strategic alliances have been revealed in hospitality industry. In... more
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    • Business
Although Mayer et al.'s (1995) integrative model of organizational trust has clarified some confusion regarding the concept of interpersonal trust involving two specific parties by differentiating between factors that cause trust,... more
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      Information SystemsManagement Information SystemsOrganizational CommitmentOrganizational Citizenship Behavior
Both competitive rivalry and internal communication play a crucial role for a business to position itself in a favourable manner in order to succeed particularly in a hostile environment. While numerous studies present the importance of... more
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The study aims to investigate the influence of inter-organizational knowledge sharing enablers-communication, trust, shared vision, commitment, learning intent, and absorptive capacity directly and indirectly through interorganizational... more
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      TourismEuropean tourism
The aim of this study is to determine job satisfaction and organizational justice perceptions in nurses and health officers working in private hospitals in Istanbul. The study was conducted by applying organizational justice and job... more
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