Istanbul University
Business Management
E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many... more
E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many... more
Family Businesses (FBs) face survival threats with experiences of pre and post-succession conflicts, male gender favoritism, nepotism, and poor succession planning whether polygamous FBs, indigenous or non indigenous owned. FBs’... more
Family businesses (FBs) constitute 80% - 98% of all businesses in the world, with GDP of over 75%, employing over 75% of the working population and the highest contributor in economic growth in the world. Although the survival of FBs is... more
It is known that the word penture derives from the French word "peinture". Its Turkish equivalent is translated as "painting". However, it has an artistic painting meaning in our language [1]. The peinture was a symbol... more