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Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. Many homes have Christmas trees and other decorations in the weeks leading to Christmas Day. For two millennia, people around the world have... more
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      BusinessMarketingBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Consumer Engagement is increasingly becoming one of the important issues in the competitive business environment and with its unique features and structure, Social Networking Sites offer an upper advantage to build consumer brand... more
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      Brand LoyaltySocial MediaConsumer Engagement
şekilde rekabetçi ticaret ortamındaki önemli konulardan biri haline gelmektedir. Hem araştırmacılar hem de uygulamacılar farklı kanallar aracılığı ile tüketici bağlılığının nasıl geliştirilebileceğine odaklanmaktadırlar. Sosyal ağların... more
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      Brand LoyaltySocial MediaConsumer BehaviorSocial Networking Sites (SNS)
E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many... more
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    • Consumer Behavior
E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many... more
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      MarketingE MarketingConsumer Behavior
Family Businesses (FBs) face survival threats with experiences of pre and post-succession conflicts, male gender favoritism, nepotism, and poor succession planning whether polygamous FBs, indigenous or non indigenous owned. FBs’... more
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      Family Business(Family) Business succession/transferFamily owned businesses
Family businesses (FBs) constitute 80% - 98% of all businesses in the world, with GDP of over 75%, employing over 75% of the working population and the highest contributor in economic growth in the world. Although the survival of FBs is... more
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      Family BusinessOrganizational CultureFamily owned businessesFamily Business Management
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It is known that the word penture derives from the French word "peinture". Its Turkish equivalent is translated as "painting". However, it has an artistic painting meaning in our language [1]. The peinture was a symbol... more
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