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A comprehensive computational analysis is performed to investigate the nature of rarefied gas flow through a backward-facing step duct. A characteristic-based split Navier-Stokes FEM solver is used for the simulations of the flows found... more
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      Heat TransferFinite element methodNanotechnologySecond Order
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to present a computational study to investigate the effects of rectangular cavity design of a piezoelectrically driven micro-synthetic-jet actuator on generated flow. Design/methodology/approach -Flow... more
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    •   6  
      Finite element methodDesign MethodologyFlow measurementOscillations
Gas flow in micro-electro-mechanical systems can be considered as rarefied since the ratio of free molecular path length to the characteristic length of the device is high. It is possible to analyse these flows using a conventional... more
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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    • Finite element method
Ders Kurulu: 204 Dersin Adı: Beyin Zarları ve Sinüsleri Özet: Beyin dıştan içe doğru dura mater cranialis (encephali), arachnoidea mater cranialis ve pia mater cranialis denilen zarlar tarafından sarılıdır. Bu zarların hepsine birden... more
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