Istanbul University
Biyoistatistik Ve Tıp Bilişimi
The aim of the present study is to determine and correlate adiponectin, homocysteine, nitric oxide, and ADP-induced platelet aggregation levels in untreated patients with essential hypertension and healthy individuals. A total of 36... more
Background: The incidence of hepatocellular cancer in complicated alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases is on the rise in western countries as well in our country. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) levels have been presented... more
Background: Abdominal surgery can lead to intra-abdominal adhesions with significant morbidity and mortality. To prevent adhesions, an experimental study was planned to designate the effects of low molecular weight (LMW) heparins and... more
Backgraund: Acute-phase response proteins (APRP), cytokines and hormones have been claimed to be an independent prognostic factor of malignancies, however the basis for their association with prognosis remains unexplained. We suggest that... more
Background: Acute-phase response proteins (APRPs), cytokines, and hormones have been claimed to be an independent, important factor of cancers. We suggest that in gastrointestinal system cancers, changes in APRP, cytokines, and hormones... more
Background: Abdominal surgery can lead to intra-abdominal adhesions with significant morbidity and mortality. To prevent adhesions, an experimental study was planned to designate the effects of low molecular weight (LMW) heparins and... more
Introduction: When a body is recovered from the water after a fatal SCUBA diving accident, it is useful to know if the diver was under pressure or not when he/she took his/her last breath, in order to determine the cause and manner of the... more