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In this study, the antioxidant and antiacetylcholinesterase activities of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz fruits were evaluated. Total phenolic and flavonoid compounds, 2,2-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothioazoline-6-sulfonic acid),... more
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İnsülin karaciğer, kas ve yağ dokusu olmak üzere 3 ana hedef dokuya etki eder. Karaciğerde; glikolizi ve glikojen sentezini arttırır. Lipolizi baskılar. Lipojenezi ve lipoprotein lipazı uyarır. Glikoneojenezi ve protein katabolizmasını... more
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› Bütün epitel hücre tabakalarının altında uzanan › Esnek › İnce (40-120 nm) › Özelleşmiş ekstrasellüler bir yapıdır. › Üzerinde yerleşmiş bulunan hücreler tarafından sentezlenir.
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Kan, damarlardan oluşan kapalı bir sistemde akar ve damar duvarlarına basınç uygular. Bu basınç kan basıncı olarak bilinir. Oluşan basınç kardiak devir esnasında farklılık gösterir. Kan basıncı ölçüldüğünde 2 ölçüm kaydedilir.
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Embriyo geliĢirken gebelik hormonlarının (progesteron) etkisi ile endometrium desidua halini alır. Ġmplantasyon 12. günde tamamlanır. Endometriyuma gömülen embriyonun üstü tekrar desidua ile örtülür.
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 Ökaryot hücrelerin sitoplazmasında bulunan bir organeldir.  Genelde oval şekilli  0.5-1.0 mikrom genişliğinde  2-3mikrom uzunluğunda  Her biri uç uca eklenerek uzun filamentler oluşturur.
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Glukoneojenez; glukoz eksikliğinde (açlık) ve kullanım bozukluğunda (diabet) gliserol, laktat ve bazı amino asid metabolitlerinden karaciğer ve böbrekte, glukoz sentezlenmesini sağlayan bir yoldur ve enerji gerektirir. Gerekli enerji... more
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    • Diabetes
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    • Lipid metabolism
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    • Diabetes
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Fruits of several Sorbus species (Rosaceace) are used both in traditional medicine as antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, vasoprotective and in foods. In this study, in vitro antidiabetic activities of water extracts of Sorbus... more
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Fruits of several Sorbus species (Rosaceace) are used both in traditional medicine as antidiabetic, antiinflammatory, diuretic, vasoprotective and in foods. In this study, in vitro antidiabetic activities of water extracts of Sorbus... more
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      ChemistryIn VitroFlavonoidAcarbose
Fabry disease (FD) is a progressive, X-linked inherited disorder of glycosphingolipid metabolism due to deficient or absent lysosomal alpha-galac-tosidase A (AGALA) activity. FD and familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) have typical clinical... more
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Objective: Chronic inflammation play an important role on abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) formation. Chemokine receptor-2 (CCR2) is involved in regulation of the inflammatory response. However, relation between CCR2 polymorphism and AAA... more
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      GeneticsInflammatory Immune ResponseMutationClinical Sciences
Objective A number of chemokines and chemokine receptors are produced by intrinsic renal cells as well as by infiltrating cells during renal inflammation. The CCR2 chemokine receptor mediates leukocyte chemoattraction in the initiation... more
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      Internal MedicineClinical SciencesAgedGenotype
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Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) plays a major role in the pathogenesis and progression of different types of human renal disease. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of MCP-1 gene -2518 A>G promoter... more
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      AtherosclerosisTurkeyHypertensionClinical Sciences