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II. Philipos'un ölümünden sonra tahta geçen oğlu Makedonya Kralı Büyük İskender (III. Alexandros), on üç yıl (İ.Ö. 336-323) tahtta kalmış ve düzenlediği askeri seferler ile ülkesini İmparatorluk düzeyine çıkartmıştır. Büyük... more
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      HellenisticMegarian bowlsHellenistikKalıp Yapımı Kaseler
Ivory carving, which is thought to enter Anatolia as a result of highly advanced commercial and cultural relations of the 1st Millennia BC, spread to a wider area and every region created their own school once it became a tradable... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyIron Age (Archaeology)Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)
The subject of this study is ‘Evolution, Geographical Distribution and Dating of Bottle Shaped Forms in the Context of Relations between Anatolia and its Southern Neighbors’. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the evolution,... more
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      ArchaeologyAnatolian StudiesAnatolian ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Syrian Bottle
3rd millennium BC is a very important period in which relations between Anatolia and Syria-Mesopotamia intensified and impacted the development of civilizations directly. With these relations, trade activities increased and new... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologySyrian BottleEarly Bronge Age
 Bu çalışma esnasında yardımlarını esirgemeyen sevgili yüksek lisans danışmanım Prof. Dr. Gülsün UMURTAK'a en içten teşekkürlerimle. An Overview Regarding the Application of Syrian Bottles… Esra ALP OANNES-International Journal of... more
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The Bronze Age in Anatolia was a turning point in which new vessel forms appeared. Archaeological studies have shown that many innovations sourced from the interaction between Anatolia and Syria-Mesopotamia were transferred between the... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyEarly Bronze Age (Archaeology)Syrian BottleIlk Tunç çağı
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      Urartian ArchaeologyArkeolojiUrartuUrartian Studies
Urartu had significant rock-carving works, including a series of carvings on massive rock formations in various V-shaped, U-shaped, sickle-shaped, circular, and channel forms. Research has shown that these "signs" were not made randomly,... more
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      ArchaeologyUrartian ArchaeologyIron AgePhrygia