Istanbul University
Turizm, yerel toplum (ev sahibi) ile turistin (misafir) bir araya gelmelerini sağlayarak, farklı kültürel ve sosyal yapıya sahip olan toplumların kaynaşmasına neden olmaktadır. Özellikle kırsal alanda yerel halk, turizm sayesinde kentsel... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmada, antropoloji biliminin bakış açısıyla turizmin kırsal alanda gerçekleştirdiği değişim anlatılacaktır. Turizm, özellikle kırsal alanda, halkın dış dünya ile iletişim kurmayı arttırmakta, kentsel değerler ile daha sık... more
ÖZ KÜRESELLEŞME DÖNEMİNDE AFRİKALI GÖÇMENLERİN FARKLILAŞMA VE UYUM SÜRECİ: İSTANBUL ÖRNEĞİ NAZLI UÇAR Küreselleşmeyle birlikte uluslararası göçün çeşitliliği, hacmi ve coğrafi kapsamı şekil değişmiştir. Bu durum hiç şüphesiz Türkiye’yi de... more
Sanayileşme ile birlikte gelişen turizm, yerel toplum (ev sahibi) ile turistin (misafir) bir araya gelmelerini sağlayarak, farklı kültürel ve sosyal yapıya sahip olanların kaynaşmasına neden olmaktadır. Böylece farklı bilgiye, görgüye,... more
Hemen her toplumda, ortalama ömür bebeklik, çocukluk, delikanlılık, yetişkinlik ve yaşlılık gibi dönemlere ayrılır. Birey, sosyalizasyon sürecinde çeşitli aşamalardan geçer, her aşamada cinsiyetine ve yaşına bağlı olarak, ait olduğu... more
Long bone length is one of the best-known indicators of human stature. Although the long bone length/height ratio differs in tall and short individuals, no detailed study has investigated whether specific formulae should be used to... more
Most forensic and biological anthropological studies use the stature-estimation formulae developed by Trotter and Gleser (1). In recent decades, studies of morphological differences between populations have indicated that... more
This study is to evaluate whether it is possible to predict living stature from sacral and coccygeal vertebral dimensions. Individual vertebral body heights, sacral height (SH), and sacrococcygeal height (SCH) were recorded from the... more
It is a fact that researchers make use of various calibration methods for calculating and correcting dental caries frequency. The lack of standardization and accuracy of such methods has made it difficult for the researchers to draw... more
The incisors and canines and the premolars and molars show differential resistance to cariogenic factors. The anterior teeth have a lower caries frequency than the posterior teeth. However, these tooth classes are lost differentially in... more
In forensic and anthropological studies, body height is usually estimated from a single regression formula of the population of interest. The aim of this study was to test the accuracy of regression formulae devised for different stature... more
Data about the effects of working environment and excessive physical loads on human growth and constitution are insufficient. Although there are a few studies which link growth retardation in children's stature and long bones to their... more
In forensic work, it is important to be able to estimate body height from a variety of bones. It is well known that estimates based on upper limb long bone measurements are highly accurate. This report describes an equation devised for... more
- by Izzet Duyar
The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how economic, social, and cultural factors affect the growth process in an economically developing country, Turkey. Growth studies carried out in Turkey indicate that living in urban or rural... more
- by Izzet Duyar
Prediction of stature in forensic medicine and anthropology is one of the most important tools in forensic identification. This study is aimed at generating group–specific stature equations that produce the most accurate results. The... more
- by Izzet Duyar