Istanbul University
American Culture and Literature
This thesis studies the dengbêj tradition as a space of memory where alternative interpretations of the past and present, acoustic communication of different voices and female singing voices dwell in. This study initially argues that... more
SALIK, Dilan, "Sıradan Özneler: Teorinin Sustuğu, Çeperin Getirebildikleri" in Kürtler ve Cumhuriyet, ed. by Ayhan Işık, Gülay Kılıçaslan, Behzat Hiroğlu, Kübra Sağır et Çağrı Kurt (Ankara : Dipnot Yayinlari, 2023): pp. 665-674.
In this essay, I'd like to refer to the problematic identity and pathetic situation of the protaganist Edison Banks. The text, although it doesn't seem to have so much in plot, has indeed numerous significant points when read between the... more
In this paper, I am going to outline the general themes of "meaninglessness&purposelessness" that are dominant throughout the story. Those themes, though implicitly, constitute the mainstream of "Water From the Sun" with the help of... more
The short story "Discovering Japan" by Bret Ellis Easton focuses on the problematic mind of a celebrity, which is shaped by his reluctant existence in the world of fame. As a consequence of such a life, Bryan Metro, the famous rock star... more
This essay is an attempt to draw a broad sketch of El Movimiento Chicano, or “The Chicano Movement” in the United States (ca. 1965–1975) through an analysis of Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales’s poem “I am Joaquín” (1967) and its adaptation by... more
Taking its name from the Spanish verb correr, which means “to run” or “to flow,” the corridos are a special form of narrative folk songs within the age-old bulk of Mexican balladry tradition – especially, those of epic themes. Américo... more
The present article explores the articulation of the trauma of exile in Dominican-American writer Julia Álvarez’s debut novel, How The Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (1991). In reverse chronology the loosely autobiographical novel... more
Since the 1980s, the literary and theoretical output of American women writers of Latin-American heritage has offered an alternative reading of feminist literary tradition. Sandra Cisneros is probably one of the foremost figures within... more
Bu çalışma, yapıbozucu bir okuma yöntemiyle, Sandra Cisneros’un ilk eseri olan Mango Sokağı’ndaki Ev (1984) romanında ele aldığı iki kadın arketipini inceler: 1) Kirletilmiş hain Malinche ve 2) Kutsal Bakire Guadalupe. Latin Amerika,... more
The preset study deals with Rudolfo Alfonso Anaya’s New Mexican trilogy which is comprised of the author’s acclaimed debut novel Bless Me Ultima (1972), followed by Heart of Aztlán (1976) and Tortuga (1979). Renowned as the “father” of... more
Between 1820 and 1860, African Americans produced thousands of autobiographical texts, detailing the atrocities of the co-called institution of slavery experienced particularly in the deep South. With the ultimate political goal of the... more
Richard Wright has been considered as one of the founding fathers of African American novel together with his contemporaries, viz. Ralph Ellison and James Baldwin. Wright wrote in a period when the influence of the deterministic... more
Deeply engraved within the socio-cultural imagination and political landscape of the American mind is the "Post-9/11 Era," which has been denominated so since the attacks on the Twin Towers of New York City in September 11 th , 2001. The... more
The present study focuses on the selected poetry of the Harlem Renaissance period to assert that although the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was an intense arena of socio-cultural upheavals, ideological controversies, and artistic... more
In the light of trauma studies, the present study examines three distinct contemporary texts of Chicana writing, which utilize folkloric, mythological, spiritual, oral and performance rituals to heal wounded female bodies and traumatic... more
Sleeping and dreaming are very important part of human life. According to Sigmund Freud human dreams are created by unconscious mind and the thoughts which are suppressed daily may come up during this state. Furthermore desires, wishes or... more
Jacques Lacan is one of the interesting French psychoanalyst and psychiatrist of 20th century. According to Jacques Lacan reflection in the mirror is something through which an infant creates the “I” or ego in the mirror stage. The... more
Sovyet Edebiyatında “Köy Nesri”, Rus Beşeri Ansiklopedik Sözlüğü’ne («Российский гуманитарный энциклопедический словарь») göre geniş anlamda 1960-1980’li yılları kapsayan, 20. yüzyılın köy hayatının dramatik gelişimini inceleyen, ve rus... more