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Purpose-Financial innovation augment the investment alternatives of individuals, allowing them to have different investment opportunities in changing economic conditions. Channeling the idle savings into productive sectors increase the... more
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We present a theoretical framework that demonstrates the globalization as a beneficial trend which fosters the movement of advanced technology from developed nations to developing countries leading to the deployment of large scale energy... more
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Advanced accounting systems have been used for a long time in Anatolia. Especially in the Ottoman Empire period, these systems remained within the boundaries of state accounting since private companies could not develop because of strict... more
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      HumanitiesArtOttoman Empire
The study has been carried out to identify auditors' perception regarding fraud prevention measures. In particular, the research focuses on the differences in perception of the effectiveness of fraud prevention measures among three... more
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There have been similar research studies done previously in developed economies and also in emerging ones. This study in the developing economies of Turkey and Romania might differ from previous studies in some significant ways: Turkey... more
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Yıllara yaygın inşaat taahhütlerinin muhasebeleştirilmesindeki temel sorun, inşaat gelir ve maliyetlerinin dönemler itibari ile dağıtılmasıdır. 11 No'lu Türkiye Muhasebe Standardı (TMS) inşaat sözleşmesinin sonucunun güvenilir biçimde... more
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This paper extends previous research, which investigated the relationship between performance and corporate governance practices. This study examines the concept of corporate governance in Turkey and compares compliance with good... more
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    • Corporate
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İşletmeler, var oluş amaçları doğrultusunda yaşamlarını sürdürebilmek için çeşitli faaliyetlerde bulunurlar. İşletmeler sistemli ve doğru bilgiyi kullanıcılara aktarmak amacıyla finansal tablolarını içinde bulunduğu iş sahasına en uygun... more
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Bu çalışma, pandemi öncesi süreçte çocuğun kentsel alandaki sıkışmışlığına bir pencere açmak hayaliyle ortaya çıkan bir proje deneyimini değerlendirmektedir. Proje, önce çocuğu kentle tanıştırmaya, ardından çocuğun kente aidiyeti için... more
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    • Çocuk Ve Kent
ÖZ 21. Yüzyılın başından beri finansal raporlamanın en önemli kriteri Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartlarıdır (UFRS). Bu sürecin uygulanması; finansal raporlamanın kalitesini ve karşılaştırılabilirliğini arttırarak, hisse... more
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ÖZ 21. Yüzyılın başından beri finansal raporlamanın en önemli kriteri Uluslararası Finansal Raporlama Standartlarıdır (UFRS). Bu sürecin uygulanması; finansal raporlamanın kalitesini ve karşılaştırılabilirliğini arttırarak, hisse... more
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    • Business Administration
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Previous research studied characteristics of high performance companies (HPCs) in mature economies (United States, Europe, and Australia) and in an Asian emerging economy (India). This study of HPCs in the developing economy investigates... more
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      Emerging EconomiesPerformance MeasurementFinancial AnalysisFinancial Crisis
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... denetim görüşü, denetçi şirketin dört büyüklerden biri olup olmaması ve işletmenin bulunduğu sektörün finansal tabloların yayınlanma zamanı üzerinde etkisi ... Ahmad and Kamarudin [8] investigate the determinants of audit delay in the... more
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      Financial ReportingManufacturing IndustryMultivariate Regression
The purpose of this study to compare the previous research about how the nonfinancial companies listed in the Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and deposit banks in Turkey have disclosed information regarding the usage of derivatives, and the... more
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      Risk ManagementComparative StudyHedge Accounting
This paper extends previous research, which investigated the relationship between performance and corporate governance practices. This study examines the concept of corporate governance in Turkey and compares compliance with good... more
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    • Corporate Governance
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    • IFRS