Cüneyt Kubanç
Address: Istanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
Related Authors
Simten Nerdin Kubanç
Istanbul University
Universiteit Hasselt
Isa Schön
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Federico Marrone
Università degli Studi di Palermo
Anna Iglikowska
Gdansk University of Technology
University of Parma
Hamidreza Rasouli
Ege University
Papers by Cüneyt Kubanç
lateral spinous tubercles on pereonites I-II; and a pereon with a part of a mid-dorsal carina on the posterior half of each of the pereonites in Stenosoma inonuei sp. nov.; the two new species
also differ in the morphology of mouthparts, pleotelson, and pereopods. Both new species were collected from seagrass meadows, colonized predominantly by Zostera (Zostera) marina Linnaeus, 1753 and Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, 1813, in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. An up-to-date
morphological identification key to species level for to genus Stenosoma is also provided.
Four specimens of Stereomastis were caught by beam-trawl on 07 August 2011 at a depth of 1000 m in the western deep basin, around the submarine thermal vent site, along the North Anatolian Earthquake Fault, in the Sea of Marmara. These specimens appeared to belong to an as yet undescribed species. As a result, Stereomastis artuzi sp. nov. is described in this study as a new species in the family Polychelidae (Decapoda, Polychelida; also alternatively classified under Decapoda, Palinura, Eryonoidea).
Two sub order ( PLATYCOPA- PODOCOPA); One super family (CYTHERACEA); Ten families ( CYTHERELLIDAE, LEPTOCYTHERIDAE, CYTHERIDEIDAE, TRACHYLEBERIDIDAE, HEMICYTHERIDAE, LOXOCONCHIDAE, PARACYTHERIDEIDAE, CYTHERURIDAE, XESTOLEBERIDIDAE, PARADOXOSTOMATIDAE); Seventeen genera (Cytherelloidea, Callistocythere, Cyprideis, Trachyleberis, Cythereis, Carinocythereis, Costa, Buntonia, Aurila, Urocythereis, Loxoconcha, Paracytheridea, Pseudocytherura, Semicytherura, Cytherepteron, Xestoleberis, Paradoxostoma); Twenty- one species (Callistocythere lobiancoi, Cyprideis torosa, Trachyleberis hystrix, Cythereis tuberculata, Cythereis dunelmensis, Cythereis jonesi, Carinocythereis antiquata, Carinocythereis aff antiquata, Carinocythereis quadridentata, Costa edwardsii, Costa batei, Buntonia giesbrachtii, Aurila convexa, Urocythereis britannica, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura incongruens, Cytherepteron punctatum, Cythereptoron alatum, Paradoxostoma ensiforme) were determined.
By means of this study, a part of ‘’Ostracoda fauna of the Sea of Marmara’’ has been completed. Since all the reported genera are new records for Turkey, only their disturbition in abroad has been given in this study. So, the Sea of Marmara has been firstly added to the zoogeographical distribution of these reported genera, in the literature, by this study
and Ayvalık from Seventecn different station choosen on the basis of Lagoon area was
examined. And two sub-order (Plalycopa-Podocopa); two süçper family (Cytheracea,
Cypridacea); eight familles; (Cytherellidae, Leptocytheridae, Cytherideidae,
Cushmanideidae, Trachyleberididae, Hemicytheridae, Loxoconchidae,
Pontocyrididae); twenty genera (Cytherella alvearium, Cytherella abyssorum,
Leptocythere pellucida, Cyprideis torasa, Pontocythere elongata, Cythereis
dunelmensis, Hiltermanycythere af. Rubra, Aurila convexa, Aurila woodwardi, Aurila
spayeri, Aurila prasina, Urocythereis britannica, Urocythereis distinquenda, Caudites
calceolatus, Loxoconcha exagona, Loxoconcha impressa, Loxoconcha stellifaera,
Loxoconcha bairdi, Loxoconcha parallela, Pontocypris intermedia) were determined.
summer, autumn and winter months. The materials collected from 23 stations were evaluated and 13 species belonging to 10 genera were determined: Ilyocypris biplicata, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris decipiens, Candona sp, Eucypris virens, Cyprinotus salinus, Heterocypris incongruens, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Ilyodromus olivaceus, Cypridopsis parva, Potamocypris yillosa, Cyprideis torosa, Cytheretta adriatica. Of these species C. adriatica is a new species for the Ostracoda fauna of Turkey.
materials collected from 19 stations were evaluated and 25 species (Ilyocypris biplicata. Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba.
Physocypria kliei. Eucypris virens. Eucypris zenkeri. Eucypris lutaria. Eucypris hamadanensis. Cyprinotus salinus.Heterocypris
incongruens. Potamocypris villosa. Potamocypris variegate. Potamocypris wolfi. Potamocypris longisetosa. Cypridopsis vidua.
Cyprideis torosa. Umnocythere inopinata. Loxoconcha impressa. Loxoconcha stellifera. Loxoconcha tamarindus. Callistocythere
rostrifera. Aurila prasina. Heterocytherets albomaculata. Semicytherura sulcate. Urocythereis brittanica) belonging to 15 genera
were determined.
Of these species. P. variegata. P. longisetosa. L. tamarindus. C. rostrifera. S. sulcate and H. albomacu/ata are new records of the
Ostracoda fauna for Turkey.
The material for this research was obtained from thirt areas during the months of spring,1992 and summer, 1993, and the evalaution and classification of the materials were made as fallows; Sixtyone species tür (Polycopa reticulata, Polycopa parareticulata, Polycopa vasfiensis, Polycopa frequens, Polycopa demulderi, Cytherella alvearium, Cytherella vandelboldi, Cytherella vulgata, Bairdia conformis, Bairdia serrata, Bairdia mediterranea, Leptocythere bituberculata, Callistocythere crispata, Callistocythere intricatoides, Cyprideis torosa, Cytheridea neapolitana, Pontocythere elongata, Bosquetina carinella, Acantocytereis hystrix, Carinocythereis carinata, Carinocythereis rhombica, Carinocythereis antiquata, Costa edwardsi, Costa punctatissima, Hhiltermannicytere turbida, Pterygocythereis jonesi, Henryhowella sarsi, Buntonia textilis, Aurila speyeri, Cythereis polygonata, Qadrocythere prava, Urocythereis margaritifera, Urocythereis neopolitana, Urocythereis britannica, Cytheretta subradiosa, Cytheretta adriatica, Microcythere obliqua, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Loxoconcha affinis, Loxoconcha agilis, Loxoconchagibberosa, Loxoconcha versicolor, Loxoconcha bonaducei, Loxoconcha bairdi, Loxoconcha ovulata, Loxoconcha tumida, Loxoconcha punctatella, Loxoconcha turbida, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura inversa, Cytherepteron alatum, Xestoleberis communis, Xestoleberis dispar, Xestoleberis decipiens, Bytocythere turgida, Monoceratina mediterranea, Paradoxostoma smile, Pontocypris acuminata, Argilloecia sp., Propontocypris dispar ) were determined.
By means of this study, a part of “Ostracoda fauna of the Agean sea” has been completed.Since some the4 genera are old records for Turkey,so that their Turkey disterbution too has been given in this study. So,The Agean Sea has been added to the zoogeographical distribution of the reported genera, in the literature, by this study.
Two suborder (Platycopa, Podocopa), one superfamily (Cytheracea), ten families (Cytherellidae, Leptocytheridae, Cytherideidae, Trachyleberididae, Hemicytheridae, Loxoconchidae, Paracytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Xestoleberididae, Paradoxostomatıdae), sixteen genera (Cytherelloidea, Callistocythere, Cyprideis, Trachyleberis, Cythereis, Carinocythereis, Costa, Buntonia, Urocythereis, Loxoconcha, Paracytheridea, Pseudocytherura, Semicytherura, Cytheropteron, Xestoleberis, Paradoxostoma), twenty-five species (Cytherelloidea sp., Calistocythere lobiancoi, Cyprideis torosa, Trachyleberis hystrix, Cythereis tuberculata, Cythereis dunelmensis, Cythereis jonesi, Carinocythereis sp., Carinocythereis aff. antiquata, Carinocythereis antiquata, Carinocythereis quadridentata, Costa edwardsii, Costa batei, Buntonia giesbrachtii, Aurila convexa, Urocythereis britannica, Loxoconcha sp., Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura incongruens, Cytheropteron punctatum, Cytheropteron alatum, Xestoleberis sp., Paradoxostoma ensiforme) were determined. Among these species Calistocythere lobiancoi, Cythereis tuberculata, Carinocythereis aff. Antiquata, Buntonia giesbrachtii, are new records for recent ostracoda fauna of Turkey.
ten different transects, representing different habitat types. Authors recorded 63 nonpasseriformes species all of which were determined to be breeding during the study. In addition to its Mediterranean type of maquis, other habitats such as rangelands, .croplands and plantations present suitable breeding habitats to birds. Consequently, the island has an important conservation value and open to future ornithological researches.
lateral spinous tubercles on pereonites I-II; and a pereon with a part of a mid-dorsal carina on the posterior half of each of the pereonites in Stenosoma inonuei sp. nov.; the two new species
also differ in the morphology of mouthparts, pleotelson, and pereopods. Both new species were collected from seagrass meadows, colonized predominantly by Zostera (Zostera) marina Linnaeus, 1753 and Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, 1813, in the Sea of Marmara, Turkey. An up-to-date
morphological identification key to species level for to genus Stenosoma is also provided.
Four specimens of Stereomastis were caught by beam-trawl on 07 August 2011 at a depth of 1000 m in the western deep basin, around the submarine thermal vent site, along the North Anatolian Earthquake Fault, in the Sea of Marmara. These specimens appeared to belong to an as yet undescribed species. As a result, Stereomastis artuzi sp. nov. is described in this study as a new species in the family Polychelidae (Decapoda, Polychelida; also alternatively classified under Decapoda, Palinura, Eryonoidea).
Two sub order ( PLATYCOPA- PODOCOPA); One super family (CYTHERACEA); Ten families ( CYTHERELLIDAE, LEPTOCYTHERIDAE, CYTHERIDEIDAE, TRACHYLEBERIDIDAE, HEMICYTHERIDAE, LOXOCONCHIDAE, PARACYTHERIDEIDAE, CYTHERURIDAE, XESTOLEBERIDIDAE, PARADOXOSTOMATIDAE); Seventeen genera (Cytherelloidea, Callistocythere, Cyprideis, Trachyleberis, Cythereis, Carinocythereis, Costa, Buntonia, Aurila, Urocythereis, Loxoconcha, Paracytheridea, Pseudocytherura, Semicytherura, Cytherepteron, Xestoleberis, Paradoxostoma); Twenty- one species (Callistocythere lobiancoi, Cyprideis torosa, Trachyleberis hystrix, Cythereis tuberculata, Cythereis dunelmensis, Cythereis jonesi, Carinocythereis antiquata, Carinocythereis aff antiquata, Carinocythereis quadridentata, Costa edwardsii, Costa batei, Buntonia giesbrachtii, Aurila convexa, Urocythereis britannica, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura incongruens, Cytherepteron punctatum, Cythereptoron alatum, Paradoxostoma ensiforme) were determined.
By means of this study, a part of ‘’Ostracoda fauna of the Sea of Marmara’’ has been completed. Since all the reported genera are new records for Turkey, only their disturbition in abroad has been given in this study. So, the Sea of Marmara has been firstly added to the zoogeographical distribution of these reported genera, in the literature, by this study
and Ayvalık from Seventecn different station choosen on the basis of Lagoon area was
examined. And two sub-order (Plalycopa-Podocopa); two süçper family (Cytheracea,
Cypridacea); eight familles; (Cytherellidae, Leptocytheridae, Cytherideidae,
Cushmanideidae, Trachyleberididae, Hemicytheridae, Loxoconchidae,
Pontocyrididae); twenty genera (Cytherella alvearium, Cytherella abyssorum,
Leptocythere pellucida, Cyprideis torasa, Pontocythere elongata, Cythereis
dunelmensis, Hiltermanycythere af. Rubra, Aurila convexa, Aurila woodwardi, Aurila
spayeri, Aurila prasina, Urocythereis britannica, Urocythereis distinquenda, Caudites
calceolatus, Loxoconcha exagona, Loxoconcha impressa, Loxoconcha stellifaera,
Loxoconcha bairdi, Loxoconcha parallela, Pontocypris intermedia) were determined.
summer, autumn and winter months. The materials collected from 23 stations were evaluated and 13 species belonging to 10 genera were determined: Ilyocypris biplicata, Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris decipiens, Candona sp, Eucypris virens, Cyprinotus salinus, Heterocypris incongruens, Herpetocypris chevreuxi, Ilyodromus olivaceus, Cypridopsis parva, Potamocypris yillosa, Cyprideis torosa, Cytheretta adriatica. Of these species C. adriatica is a new species for the Ostracoda fauna of Turkey.
materials collected from 19 stations were evaluated and 25 species (Ilyocypris biplicata. Ilyocypris bradyi, Ilyocypris gibba.
Physocypria kliei. Eucypris virens. Eucypris zenkeri. Eucypris lutaria. Eucypris hamadanensis. Cyprinotus salinus.Heterocypris
incongruens. Potamocypris villosa. Potamocypris variegate. Potamocypris wolfi. Potamocypris longisetosa. Cypridopsis vidua.
Cyprideis torosa. Umnocythere inopinata. Loxoconcha impressa. Loxoconcha stellifera. Loxoconcha tamarindus. Callistocythere
rostrifera. Aurila prasina. Heterocytherets albomaculata. Semicytherura sulcate. Urocythereis brittanica) belonging to 15 genera
were determined.
Of these species. P. variegata. P. longisetosa. L. tamarindus. C. rostrifera. S. sulcate and H. albomacu/ata are new records of the
Ostracoda fauna for Turkey.
The material for this research was obtained from thirt areas during the months of spring,1992 and summer, 1993, and the evalaution and classification of the materials were made as fallows; Sixtyone species tür (Polycopa reticulata, Polycopa parareticulata, Polycopa vasfiensis, Polycopa frequens, Polycopa demulderi, Cytherella alvearium, Cytherella vandelboldi, Cytherella vulgata, Bairdia conformis, Bairdia serrata, Bairdia mediterranea, Leptocythere bituberculata, Callistocythere crispata, Callistocythere intricatoides, Cyprideis torosa, Cytheridea neapolitana, Pontocythere elongata, Bosquetina carinella, Acantocytereis hystrix, Carinocythereis carinata, Carinocythereis rhombica, Carinocythereis antiquata, Costa edwardsi, Costa punctatissima, Hhiltermannicytere turbida, Pterygocythereis jonesi, Henryhowella sarsi, Buntonia textilis, Aurila speyeri, Cythereis polygonata, Qadrocythere prava, Urocythereis margaritifera, Urocythereis neopolitana, Urocythereis britannica, Cytheretta subradiosa, Cytheretta adriatica, Microcythere obliqua, Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Loxoconcha affinis, Loxoconcha agilis, Loxoconchagibberosa, Loxoconcha versicolor, Loxoconcha bonaducei, Loxoconcha bairdi, Loxoconcha ovulata, Loxoconcha tumida, Loxoconcha punctatella, Loxoconcha turbida, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura inversa, Cytherepteron alatum, Xestoleberis communis, Xestoleberis dispar, Xestoleberis decipiens, Bytocythere turgida, Monoceratina mediterranea, Paradoxostoma smile, Pontocypris acuminata, Argilloecia sp., Propontocypris dispar ) were determined.
By means of this study, a part of “Ostracoda fauna of the Agean sea” has been completed.Since some the4 genera are old records for Turkey,so that their Turkey disterbution too has been given in this study. So,The Agean Sea has been added to the zoogeographical distribution of the reported genera, in the literature, by this study.
Two suborder (Platycopa, Podocopa), one superfamily (Cytheracea), ten families (Cytherellidae, Leptocytheridae, Cytherideidae, Trachyleberididae, Hemicytheridae, Loxoconchidae, Paracytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Xestoleberididae, Paradoxostomatıdae), sixteen genera (Cytherelloidea, Callistocythere, Cyprideis, Trachyleberis, Cythereis, Carinocythereis, Costa, Buntonia, Urocythereis, Loxoconcha, Paracytheridea, Pseudocytherura, Semicytherura, Cytheropteron, Xestoleberis, Paradoxostoma), twenty-five species (Cytherelloidea sp., Calistocythere lobiancoi, Cyprideis torosa, Trachyleberis hystrix, Cythereis tuberculata, Cythereis dunelmensis, Cythereis jonesi, Carinocythereis sp., Carinocythereis aff. antiquata, Carinocythereis antiquata, Carinocythereis quadridentata, Costa edwardsii, Costa batei, Buntonia giesbrachtii, Aurila convexa, Urocythereis britannica, Loxoconcha sp., Loxoconcha rhomboidea, Paracytheridea parallia, Pseudocytherura calcarata, Semicytherura incongruens, Cytheropteron punctatum, Cytheropteron alatum, Xestoleberis sp., Paradoxostoma ensiforme) were determined. Among these species Calistocythere lobiancoi, Cythereis tuberculata, Carinocythereis aff. Antiquata, Buntonia giesbrachtii, are new records for recent ostracoda fauna of Turkey.
ten different transects, representing different habitat types. Authors recorded 63 nonpasseriformes species all of which were determined to be breeding during the study. In addition to its Mediterranean type of maquis, other habitats such as rangelands, .croplands and plantations present suitable breeding habitats to birds. Consequently, the island has an important conservation value and open to future ornithological researches.