Akademik Makaleler (Journal Articles) by Ahmet Bekmen

This article puts Turkey's current state crisis into a historical perspective. During the transit... more This article puts Turkey's current state crisis into a historical perspective. During the transition to neo-liberalism after the hegemony crisis of the late 1970s, a critical objective for those in the high echelons of bureaucracy and ruling politicians was to ensure the security of state apparatuses. However, the policies implemented to achieve this led to fragmentation in both the state and the political spheres. Thus, during the second half of the 1990s and during the 2000s, the state became a field for open warfare between power networks that had established direct links between state apparatuses, political society, and civil society. These fragmentationsthat is the parcellation of state apparatusestriggered an intra-state crisis. Regarding the formation of the state and the political spheres in the neo-liberal era, this article shows that Turkey is a unique case in the debate on variegated forms of authoritarian statism.

Rethinking Marxism, 2022
Three countries-Turkey, Thailand, and Brazil-exemplify the rise of neoliberal populism as a respo... more Three countries-Turkey, Thailand, and Brazil-exemplify the rise of neoliberal populism as a response to the crisis created in peripheral social formations by their integration into global capitalism. This essay thus begins by examining the social dimensions of neoliberal populism: namely, the formation of its social base, its policies of economic inclusion, and its organic relations with revisionist capitalist groups. Since these countries have undergone political crises resulting in regime changes with different authoritarian patterns, the essay then deals with three domains of struggle in which the specific dynamics of each country and the strategies and capacities of neoliberal populist parties can be decisive: political struggles with and among intrastate actors, the strategies followed by segments of capital and neoliberal populist parties, and the capacity of such parties to hold broad class coalitions together.
Critical Sociology, 2020
This article examines transition in Kocaeli, an industrial city in the north-western part of Turk... more This article examines transition in Kocaeli, an industrial city in the north-western part of Turkey,
away from left-wing politics and trade unionism in the early 1970s, and toward Islamic politics
from the mid-1990s onwards. It does do by investigating the ideological, political, and social
transformation of the working class. Based on fieldwork involving in-depth, semistructured
interviews conducted with current and former workers and trade union leaders, the article
analyzes the various aspects of, and limits to, the hegemonic relationships between workers and
left-wing politics on the one hand, and with Islamic politics, on the other.
Kitap Bölümleri (Book Chapters) by Ahmet Bekmen
Kapitalizm ve Demokrasi: Bir Zıtlığın Anatomisi, 2023

08 kriziyle beraber başlayan toplumsal ve politik başkaldırı dalgasını üç temel kategori altında ... more 08 kriziyle beraber başlayan toplumsal ve politik başkaldırı dalgasını üç temel kategori altında sınıflandırmak mümkün. İlki ekonomik krizin doğrudan mağduru kitlelerin başlattıkları, Yunanistan ve İspanya'da derin bir siyasal temsil krizine ve siyasal alanın yeniden yapılanmasına neden olan isyan dalgası. İkincisi Mısır, Tunus, Suriye gibi ülkelerde gerçekleşen ve gelişimleri emperyalist sistem içerisindeki çatlaklara bağlı olarak farklılaşan rejim karşıtı ayaklanmalar. Üçüncüsüyse, 1990'ların sonundaki küresel kriz sonrasında yeniden yapılandırılan Türkiye, Tayland, Brezilya gibi ülkelerde, bu yapılanmaya bağlı olarak yaşanan toplumsal ve siyasal güç dengelerindeki kırılma ve dönüşümlerle ilişkili olarak ortaya çıkan toplumsal başkaldırılar. Bu sınıflandırma elbette mutlak değil. Ne aynı kategori altında ele alınan ülkelerde yaşanan süreçler tamamen aynı ne de bir kategoriyi açıklamak için seçilen kriter diğerlerinde etkisiz. Fakat yine de ortaya çıkış ve gelişim dinamikleri itibariyle 2007-08 sonrası toplumsal isyan dalgasını böylesi bir sınıflandırmaya tâbi tutmak, açıklayıcı olması nedeniyle mümkün ve faydalı. emperyalizm-son.indd 157 5.02.2016 13:13
Kitaplar (Books / Author) by Ahmet Bekmen
Derleme Kitaplar (Books / Editor) by Ahmet Bekmen
Siyasallaşmanın Alanları, Özneleri ve Araçları
Akademik Makaleler (Journal Articles) by Ahmet Bekmen
away from left-wing politics and trade unionism in the early 1970s, and toward Islamic politics
from the mid-1990s onwards. It does do by investigating the ideological, political, and social
transformation of the working class. Based on fieldwork involving in-depth, semistructured
interviews conducted with current and former workers and trade union leaders, the article
analyzes the various aspects of, and limits to, the hegemonic relationships between workers and
left-wing politics on the one hand, and with Islamic politics, on the other.
Kitap Bölümleri (Book Chapters) by Ahmet Bekmen
Kitaplar (Books / Author) by Ahmet Bekmen
Derleme Kitaplar (Books / Editor) by Ahmet Bekmen
away from left-wing politics and trade unionism in the early 1970s, and toward Islamic politics
from the mid-1990s onwards. It does do by investigating the ideological, political, and social
transformation of the working class. Based on fieldwork involving in-depth, semistructured
interviews conducted with current and former workers and trade union leaders, the article
analyzes the various aspects of, and limits to, the hegemonic relationships between workers and
left-wing politics on the one hand, and with Islamic politics, on the other.