Papers by Abubakar LUJJA

Disiplinlerarası Dil ve Kültür Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2023
Family businesses (FBs) constitute 80% - 98% of all businesses in the world, with GDP of over 75%... more Family businesses (FBs) constitute 80% - 98% of all businesses in the world, with GDP of over 75%, employing over 75% of the working population and the highest contributor in economic growth in the world. Although the survival of FBs is associated with better succession, strategic management and planning factors (Chrisman et al, 2003), nepotism, poor communication, inward-looking, conflicts, financial indiscipline, difficult to change and lack of professionalism easily fail FBs. Some researchers believe Organizational Culture (OC) plays an important role in the survival of FBs. This study seeks to investigate the causes for the failures of FBs in Uganda and the role of OC on FB survival. This study uses Gibb Dyer’s dimension (1988:40) which viewed OC in form of paternalistic, laissez-faire, participative and professional cultures. Methodologically, in this study qualitative grounded theory is used as a research method to understand the impact of OC on the survival of FBs beyond first generatıons and data was analyzed through thematic content analysis as an independent qualitative descriptive approach on published works (Braun and Clarke, 2006). Our findings suggest that start up FBs need to adopt a paternalistic culture, those undergoing through turbulent situations, nepotism to adopt a participative culture, those undergoing growth and expansion to adopt a laissez-faire culture and FBs that lack professionalism and big in size to evolve into professional culture.

Journal of Interdisciplinary African Studies, 2024
Family Businesses (FBs) face survival threats with experiences of pre and post-succession conflic... more Family Businesses (FBs) face survival threats with experiences of pre and post-succession conflicts, male gender favoritism, nepotism, and poor succession planning whether polygamous FBs, indigenous or non indigenous owned. FBs’ generational continued survival is tied to the succession question. Addressing succession-related challenges contribute to FB’s survival to the next generation and the continuity of the founder’s legacy. This study looks at critical aspects that lead to smooth succession planning, succession process, and succession model. Thematic content analysis as a research approach to understanding critical concepts of succession planning in Uganda was used. In sum, FBs need to search, prepare, and groom successors of any gender early enough, have written succession plans, written family constitutions and
make successor choices based on informed calculated decisions rather than nepotistic, emotional, gender-biased, non-scientific based decisions which in this study is adopted from the contingency model of Family Business Succession (FBS) (Royer et al., 2008) which is based on competence and skills of either an inside-family member or outside-non family member for a successor choice. The study suggests a regulatory body to address peculiar concerns, offer guidance, sensitization, and technical support to the stakeholders of FBs. Big and financially strong FBs are advised to regularly consult FB consultants on peculiar FB concerns in order to overcome FB related challenges that require technical support from FB specialists.
Business and Economics Research Journal, 2017

Consumer Engagement is increasingly becoming one of the important issues in the competitive busin... more Consumer Engagement is increasingly becoming one of the important issues in the competitive business environment and with its unique features and structure, Social Networking Sites offer an upper advantage to build consumer brand relationships and instant consumer engagement. This study set out to determine the consequences of consumer engagement in social networking sites. Consumer engagement was viewed as a multi-dimensional concept comprising behavioral, cognitive and emotional dimensions and as such the hypotheses were aimed at determining how each of the three dimensions of consumer engagement affect the individual consequences of consumer engagement such as brand loyalty, satisfaction, commitment and trust. The study used a quantitative research design. It used a questionnaire survey to collect data from university students. Facebook is chosen as a case for this study. 400 questionnaires were collected and the analyses were conducted with the 387 valid questionnaire. The results suggest that emotional and behavioral engagement dimensions were significant predictors for brand loyalty; emotional engagement for satisfaction, cognitive and behavioral engagement for commitment, while behavioral and emotional engagement dimensions were found to be significant predictors for trust.
Thesis Chapters by Abubakar LUJJA

şekilde rekabetçi ticaret ortamındaki önemli konulardan biri haline gelmektedir. Hem araştırmacıl... more şekilde rekabetçi ticaret ortamındaki önemli konulardan biri haline gelmektedir. Hem araştırmacılar hem de uygulamacılar farklı kanallar aracılığı ile tüketici bağlılığının nasıl geliştirilebileceğine odaklanmaktadırlar. Sosyal ağların ortaya çıkması tüketici davranışlarında ve marka ilişkilerinde önemli derecede değişime neden olmuştur. Eşsiz özellikleri ve yapısı ile Sosyal Ağ Siteleri, tüketici ve marka ilişkisi ve anlık tüketici bağlılığı oluşturmak için üst düzey bir avantaj sunmaktadır. Araştırmacılar ve uygulamacıların tüketici bağlılığına çok önem vermesine ragmen, hala bağlılığın tüketici davranışlarını nasıl etkilediğinin anlaşılmasına ihtiyaç vardır. Bu yüzden, bu araştırma SNS'de tüketici bağlılığının sonuçlarını belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca araştırma tüketici bağlılığını davranışsal, bilişsel ve duygusal boyutları kapsayan çok boyutlu bir kavram olarak incelemektedir ve bu bağlamda tüketici bağlılığının bu üç boyutunun marka sadakati, tatmin, taahhüt ve güven gibi biresel sonuçları nasıl etkilediğini belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırmada nicel araştırma deseni kullanılmakta ve araştırma için geliştirilen hipotezlere dayanan bir model geliştirilmiştir. Veri toplamak için anket kullanılmıştır ve anket. Anadolu Üniversitesi yaz okulu öğrencilerine uygulanmıştır. Bu araştırmada durum olarak Facebook seçilmiştir. 400 anket ile very toplanmış ve 387 geçerli anket analize tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma verileri SPSS versiyon 20.0 ile analiz edilmiştir. iv Sonuçlar göstermektedir ki, duygusal ve davranışsal tüketici bağlılığı boyutları marka sadakati için; duygusal tüketici bağlılığı tatmin için; bilişsel ve davranışsal tüketici bağlılığı taahhüt için; davranışsal ve duygusal bağlılık boyutları ise güven için önemli göstergelerdir. Özet olarak çalışma marka sadakati, tatmin, taahhüt ve güvenin Facebook gibi bir online platforda tüketici bağlılığının muhtemel sonuçları olduğunu göstermektedir. the competitive business environment. Both researches and practitioners are focusing on how consumer engagement can be enhanced through different channels. The emergence of social networks has significantly caused a shift in consumer behaviors and brand relationships. With its unique features and structure, Social Networking Sites (SNS) offer an upper advantage to build consumer brand relationships and instant consumer engagement. Although researchers and practitioners are giving so much importance to consumer engagement, there is still a need to understand how engagement affects consumer behavior. Therefore, this study set out to determine the consequences of consumer engagement in SNS. It further viewed consumer engagement as a multi-dimensional concept comprising behavioral, cognitive and emotional dimensions and as such the hypotheses were aimed at determining how each of the three dimensions of consumer engagement affect the individual consequences of consumer engagement such as brand loyalty, satisfaction, commitment and trust in SNS. The study used a quantitative research design and developed a model that was based on the hypotheses developed vi for the study. It used a questionnaire survey to collect data from Anadolu University students in summer school. Facebook is chosen as a case for this study. 400 questionnaires were collected and the analyses were conducted with the 387 valid questionnaire. The research data was analyzed by SPSS program 20.0 version.
Conference Presentations by Abubakar LUJJA

E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, ... more E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many business players go online to tap the growing online consumers. The consumer behavior in the physical market place may not practically be the same when it comes to e-markets. This study tries to find out the behavior of online consumers in the market space which is technically referred to as e-markets. Price, time factor, and convenience were considered to be the most influential factors for online purchases. Price was the most important factor among the others. Most on-line respondents agreed that presence and fear of fake online stores, safety of payment, refund policy, shipping costs, warranty and claims were part of the limitations to online purchases. Online stores must consider the protection of on-line system, maintain favorable but competitive prices, provide security confidence in regards to payments, proof store availability, and clearly define their product refund policies on web sites.

E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, ... more E-market is a new and growing online channel that brings closer consumers and commodity sellers, retailers, and other business opportunity. It involves transacting on internet through exchange of interests at a cost. This is why many business players go online to tap the growing online consumers. The consumer behavior in the physical market place may not practically be the same when it comes to e-markets. This study tries to find out the behavior of online consumers in the market space which is technically referred to as e-markets. Price, time factor, and convenience were considered to be the most influential factors for online purchases. Price was the most important factor among the others. Most on-line respondents agreed that presence and fear of fake online stores, safety of payment, refund policy, shipping costs, warranty and claims were part of the limitations to online purchases. Online stores must consider the protection of on-line system, maintain favorable but competitive prices, provide security confidence in regards to payments, proof store availability, and clearly define their product refund policies on web sites.
Papers by Abubakar LUJJA
make successor choices based on informed calculated decisions rather than nepotistic, emotional, gender-biased, non-scientific based decisions which in this study is adopted from the contingency model of Family Business Succession (FBS) (Royer et al., 2008) which is based on competence and skills of either an inside-family member or outside-non family member for a successor choice. The study suggests a regulatory body to address peculiar concerns, offer guidance, sensitization, and technical support to the stakeholders of FBs. Big and financially strong FBs are advised to regularly consult FB consultants on peculiar FB concerns in order to overcome FB related challenges that require technical support from FB specialists.
Thesis Chapters by Abubakar LUJJA
Conference Presentations by Abubakar LUJJA
make successor choices based on informed calculated decisions rather than nepotistic, emotional, gender-biased, non-scientific based decisions which in this study is adopted from the contingency model of Family Business Succession (FBS) (Royer et al., 2008) which is based on competence and skills of either an inside-family member or outside-non family member for a successor choice. The study suggests a regulatory body to address peculiar concerns, offer guidance, sensitization, and technical support to the stakeholders of FBs. Big and financially strong FBs are advised to regularly consult FB consultants on peculiar FB concerns in order to overcome FB related challenges that require technical support from FB specialists.