Papers by Catur Iswahyudi
AIP Conference Proceedings

Jurnal Jarkom, Oct 11, 2021
Load balancing merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memaksimalkan kualitas jaringan. Dengan diterapka... more Load balancing merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memaksimalkan kualitas jaringan. Dengan diterapkannya load balancingdalam suatu jaringan maka trafficakan berjalan optimal, throughputdapat maksimal, memperkecil waktu tanggap dan menghindari overloadpada salah satu jalur koneksi. Penelitian ini membahas perbandingan kinerja load balancingdengan metode Per Connection Classifer (PCC), Equal Cost Multi Path(ECMP)dan Nthmenggunakan aplikasi simulasi GNS3 dengan sistem oprasi MikrotikOS dalam implementasinya.Penelitian menggunakan studi kasus topologi jaringan Kampus Institut Sains dan TeknologiAKPRIND Yogyakarta. Penelitian diterapkan dengan melakukan konfigurasi pada masing-masing metode kemudian dilakukan pengujian Quality of Servicedengan parameter delay, jitter, packet loss, throughput,pengujian pembagian jalur trafficdan pengujian bebanCPU Load pada sisi router.Hasil penelitian berupa perbandingan kualitas jaringan berdasarkan pengujian yang digunakan dengan hasil pengujian Quality of Serviceparameter delay, jitter, packet loss dan throughput metode PCCmendapat nilai lebih baik diantra metode lainnya, pada pengujian CPU Loadmetode Nthlebih baik diantara metode lainnya dengan nilai CPU Loadmencapai32%, metode ECMP 34% dan metode PCC 61%.Pada pengujian pembagian trafficmetode PCCdan Nth dapat melakukan pembagian trafficsecara merata melalui kedua sumber internet sedangkan metode ECMPhanya menggunakan salah satu jalur ketika melakukan aktifitas.
Jurnal Jarkom, Oct 11, 2021
Jurnal Jarkom, Oct 11, 2021
Jurnal Jarkom, Jun 5, 2020
Jurnal Jarkom, Oct 11, 2021

The main problem in producing high accuracy software defect prediction is if the data set has an ... more The main problem in producing high accuracy software defect prediction is if the data set has an imbalance class and dichotomous characteristics. The imbalanced class problem can be solved using a data level approach, such as resampling methods. While the problem of software defects predicting if the data set has dichotomous characteristics can be approached using the classification method. This study aimed to analyze the performance of the proposed software defect prediction method to identify the best combination of resampling methods with the appropriate classification method to provide the highest accuracy. The combination of the proposed methods first is the resampling process using oversampling, under-sampling, or hybrid methods. The second process uses the classification method, namely the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm and the Logistic Regression (LR) algorithm. The proposed, tested model uses five NASA MDP data sets with the same number attributes of 37. Based on th...

Besarnya manfaat teknologi informasi yang berkembang saat ini, maka diperlukan sebuah system untu... more Besarnya manfaat teknologi informasi yang berkembang saat ini, maka diperlukan sebuah system untuk media informasi bagi desa. Menurut peraturan tentang Desa yaitu UU nomor 6 tahun 2014 pasal 8 ayat 3 butir f menyatakan bahwa batas wilayah Desa yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk Peta Desa yang telah ditetapkan dalam peraturan Bupati/Walikota. Adanya peta desa memungkinkan aparat desa dapat mengetahui batas wilayah desa, mengidentifikasi dan inventarisasi potensi atau aset desa sebagai langkah langkah awal perencanaan pemberdayaan potensi yang dimiliki desa. Pemanfaatan system informasi geografis berbasis web dapat membantu Desa Candi Kecamatan Ampel Kabupaten Boyolali dalam pemetaan potensi desa yang berada di desa tersebut.Metodologi yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dan observasi. Sistem Pemetaan Cagar Budaya ini dibangun menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, HTML, CSS, database MYSQL, web server Apache, text editor Visual Studio Code. Website system informasi geografi potensi desa terda...

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
Large organizations generally have assets distributed over separate locations. The problem is, de... more Large organizations generally have assets distributed over separate locations. The problem is, decisions or policies will be easier to make if they are supported by a system that can dynamically visualize the existence of every asset owned by the organization. The WebGIS-based asset management approach is an alternative solution to this problem. This study examines a proposed WebGIS-based organizational asset management model. An application prototype was developed to test the proposed model using PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS software. The Google Maps API is also used to create a base map. On the back end, authorized users can control and perform input, edit, and delete asset data. On the front end, public users can access public information. The test results of the developed prototype can provide various information on organizational assets visually based on digital maps that suit the needs of its users. The developed prototype still needs to be tested further, especially concern...

Museum is one of many attraction . destination at Yogyakarta. The presence of Geographic Informa... more Museum is one of many attraction . destination at Yogyakarta. The presence of Geographic Information Systems would be very helpful to show complete information, and become tool to searching route of museum location to arrive there using route of Trans Jogja as used vehicles.The system is built using a web-based programming using the CodeIgniter framework, with a MySQL database. Maps feature in this study using the Google Map API. Google also supports for the manufacture of Trans Jogja path which will be integrated with the location of the museum.This Geographic Information System has a feature to search the museum, museum location search, search route to the museum using Trans Jogja, in this system there are also articles or news related to the existing museum. Using Geographic Information Systems museum is expected to be petrified visitors in search of a variety of information museums in District of Yogyakarta. Keyword : GIS, Museum, Route, Trans Jogja, Google Map.

Notebook is no longer a luxury item anymore but it’s become being demands in the work place and e... more Notebook is no longer a luxury item anymore but it’s become being demands in the work place and even at school. So many vendors offers their notebook series that fit to their customer needs, and one of them is Hewlett-Packard. With so many customers it should be handled seriously to full fill their needs about their product. As an electronic with thousands or even millions of electrical component inside, the possibility of damage cannot be avoided. Therefore an expert system is need to be made for customer to help them handle some faulty components. This expert system that build based on forward chaining as inference machine and Depth-First Search as searching method is designed as part of vendor concern about their customer and it’s covered from purchasing where customer registered their product until their product become out of warranty. This web based system offers their customer so they can do error troubleshooting and download driver need for their product in this case is noteb...

A system can facilitate the application of a job if done manually would take a long time, then wi... more A system can facilitate the application of a job if done manually would take a long time, then with the system can help you to work more quickly and more efficiently. SKPDs requires management of archival documents in a neat and structured as currently in handling documents, especially incoming and outgoing mail is still handled manually. Each receives incoming mail is recorded in the book of receipt of the entry manually by employees, and archiving using a control card also entered manually so that the employee is very difficult in case of a double writing on the archive. The existence of the application system can be used to help local government officials in carrying out their duties, which manages incoming and outgoing mail and archive incoming mail and outgoing mail archives in local work unit Bantul Yogyakarta. The result of implementation system to facilitate the work of the employees in carrying out the activity SKPDs correspondence. Implementation of the system is done with...

The rise of 4G LTE networks with all the benefits can promise super-fast mobile data communicatio... more The rise of 4G LTE networks with all the benefits can promise super-fast mobile data communications. Currently in Yogyakarta has been present 4G LTE technology that can be enjoyed by a few people, it is certainly affected by 4G device such a sim card 4G different sim cards 3G, data packets are used, a mobile device that supports 4G technology, as well as the area of coverage signal 4G uneven, to the area of signal coverage 4G in Yogyakarta city can be seen on the website of the network operator Indosat, and XL with coverage in the form of network points, but what about the location of base stations 4G on each network operator gsm, as well as the results of field testing on 4G signal quality in Yogyakarta. Surely this is a question of its own for some parties, who want speed internet at a faster devices using 4G signal.To answer these questions do research on signal quality 4G in Yogyakarta. With this research is expected that people who want to enjoy the services of 4G technology ...

Jogjakarta Montessori School membutuhkan teknologi jaringan yang dapat membantu dalam sharing dat... more Jogjakarta Montessori School membutuhkan teknologi jaringan yang dapat membantu dalam sharing data dan akses internet yang handal. Hal terebut dibutuhkan untuk membantu staf pengajar dalam mencari bahan ajar sehingga dapat mempersiapkan proses belajar mengajar yang lebih menarik dan tidak membosankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan membangun suatu sistem jaringan komputer di Jogja Metosori School (JMS) berbasis wireless sehingga memudahkan para staf dapat terkoneksi baik dengan jaringan internet dan data storage. Analisis dan perancangan jaringan wireless LAN dilakukan mengunakan Mikrotik board dan winbox. Sedangkan konfigurasi pengamanan jarignan menggunakan firewall. Selain dari itu, penelitian ini juga melakukan alokasi bandwidth sehingga koneksi internet dapat digunakan dengan maksimal. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu berupa perencangan jaringan komputer berbasis wirelesss yang ditempatkan di empat lantai gedung JMS. Sistem jaringan wireless yang diterapkan menggunakan ...

Personality is very important to be known by everyone so that every individual is able to develop... more Personality is very important to be known by everyone so that every individual is able to develop its advantages. Someone who had difficulty in developing itself the possibility of not knowing at all its weaknesses and shortcomings. Expert System is a system that is built to remove the ability of one or several experts in the computer that is used to solve the problems faced by users in a specific field. To help everyone who wants to know his personality, the authors build A web based expert system for determining human personality based on Florence Littauer personality test that is able to assist the introduction of one's personality. The process of making these applications using object-oriented methodologies with modeling Unified Modeling Language (UML). In the implementation phase the authors use a web-based programming using Ruby on Rails. This application can help the user to know his personality, so it can help to develop themselves. Keywords : Expert System, Personality,...

Access point berfungsi sebagai pusat pemancar dan penerima sinyal radio pada jaringan nirkabel. K... more Access point berfungsi sebagai pusat pemancar dan penerima sinyal radio pada jaringan nirkabel. Kinerja access point tidak hanya ditentukan oleh spesifikasi perangkat keras dalam access point tersebut, tetapi juga oleh firmware. Firmware bawaan dalam access point TP-LINK TL-MR3020 masih memiliki banyak kekurangan. Salah satu solusi mengatasi kekurangan tersebut adalah mengupgrade firmware asli dengan firmware OpenWRT yang bersifat open source. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan kinerja acces point dengan firmware default dan firmware OpenWRT. Hasil pengujian pada parameter throughput menunjukkan bahwa kualitas bandwidth aktual menggunakan firmware openWRT memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik dibandingkan firmware default dengan selisih rata-rata 26.9%. Sedangkan pada parameter delay diketahui bahwa waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menempuh jarak dari titik asal ke titik tujuan menggunakan firmware openWRT lebih cepat dibandingkan access point dengan firmware default dengan rata-ra...
Papers by Catur Iswahyudi