Institute of Space Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Arkadiusz (2009) Analytical modelling and vibration analysis of cracked rectangular plates with different loading and boundary conditions.
This study proposes an analytical model for vibrations in a cracked rectangular plate as one of the results from a programme of research on vibration based damage detection in aircraft panel structures. This particular work considers an... more
- by Asif Israr
In this paper a theoretical relationship for the effective thermal conductivity of a multiphase transversely isotropic composite system is obtained. The Generalized Self-Consistent Method and simple energy balance principle is employed to... more
Arkadiusz (2009) Analytical modelling and vibration analysis of cracked rectangular plates with different loading and boundary conditions.
In this paper the nonlinear vibration of an aircraft panel structure modelled as an isotropic cracked plate and subjected to transverse harmonic excitation is considered for studying the dynamic response, both analytically and... more
In this study derived differential equations are examined by using one of the famous Finite Element Method (FEM) i.e. Galerkin’s method under given boundary conditions. The flow in the pipe is considered to be periodic and moves... more
A specially designed apparatus and circuit working on the principle of inverse piezoelectricity due to the effect of polarization was used to find the relationship between resistance and peak to peak voltage of Lead Zirconate Titanate... more
- by Asif Israr
This research is concerned with analytical modelling of the effects of cracks in structural plates and panels within aerospace systems such as aeroplane fuselage, wing, and tail-plane structures, and, as such, is part of a larger body of... more
- by Asif Israr
A specially designed apparatus and circuit working on the principle of inverse piezoelectricity due to the effect of polarization was used to find the relationship between resistance and peak to peak voltage of Lead Zirconate Titanate... more
- by Asif Israr
Wheat is a strategic crop which is considered to be one of the most important agricultural products. Harvest Loss is a type of loss that decreases final production performance. Combine harvester loss is divided to several losses; natural... more
Objective: To evaluate the analgesic efficacy of a modified ultra sound guided unilateral STAP block with 0.25% bupivacaine in laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with conventional port site and intraperitoneal infiltration of the same... more