Ana Letunić
Ana Letunić is a contemporary performing arts and cultural policy researcher, curator and producer based between Zagreb, Croatia and Berlin, Germany. She graduated from the Master in International Performance Research at the University of Warwick and University of Arts Belgrade as well as specialized in “Kuratieren in den szenischen Künsten” at the Universities of Salzburg and LMU Munich. She has worked as a curator, producer and dramaturgical advisor with contemporary performing arts organisations in Europe, USA and East Asia, as well as European networks such as IETM – International network for contemporary performing arts, Advancing Performing Arts Project (APAP), Nomad Dance Academy and Life Long Burning. As a researcher at the intersection of performance studies and cultural policy, she has participated in numerous international conferences, professional training, and research projects; edited books and authored articles translated into English, French, Turkish and German; co-curated discursive programmes for festivals such as Tanz im August and Zürcher Theater Spektakel; and taught at universities in across Europe. Currently, she works as an Associate Professor at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb and is the director of the artistic organization “Mašina”. In 2023, she received her PhD with Magna cum Laude at the University of Arts in Belgrade (Faculty of Drama Arts), Serbia and at the University of Hildesheim (Faculty of Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication), Germany.
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Papers by Ana Letunić
Books by Ana Letunić
Academy in the frame of Life Long Burning project, www.lifelongburning.eu, criticalpracticemadeinyu.info; www.nomaddanceacademy. org; nomaddanceinstitute. tumblr.com/
EDITOR Tjaša Pureber
EDITORIAL TEAM Ana Abramović, Marijana Cvetković, Iskra Geshoska, Tjaša Pureber, Vullnet Sanaja, Domagoj Šavor
RESEARCHERS Ana Letunić and Jovana Karaulić
COORDINATORS Marija Krnić and Tihana Pupovac
Academy in the frame of Life Long Burning project, www.lifelongburning.eu, criticalpracticemadeinyu.info; www.nomaddanceacademy. org; nomaddanceinstitute. tumblr.com/
EDITOR Tjaša Pureber
EDITORIAL TEAM Ana Abramović, Marijana Cvetković, Iskra Geshoska, Tjaša Pureber, Vullnet Sanaja, Domagoj Šavor
RESEARCHERS Ana Letunić and Jovana Karaulić
COORDINATORS Marija Krnić and Tihana Pupovac