Articles by Derya TOKSÖZ

The causes, process and result of becoming a digital nomad family: a phenomenological case study, 2024
Purpose-The aim of the research is to reveal information with regard to being a digital nomad as ... more Purpose-The aim of the research is to reveal information with regard to being a digital nomad as a family. Within this brief, the aim is to provide information regarding the reasons for choosing the digital nomad lifestyle of families, the female and male thoughts regarding the experience, destination selection factors and the difficulties and conveniences of digital nomadism for family aspects. Design/methodology/approach-The data were obtained through a semi-structured interview questionnaire with a British digital nomad family, individually from the wife and husband, using a qualitative research design in the scope of the phenomenological research. Findings-It was determined that having a better lifestyle, being willing to spend more time with family and traveling with them were the reasons for becoming a digital nomad. The opinions of the woman and man are in parallel. While the main features of being a digital nomad are freedom and flexibility, having time to spend with family is also important. Factors for choosing a destination as a nomad were access to nature, quality of life, cost of living, quality of the food, climate, proximity to other families who are nomads and interest in nonschool education. As a family, they meet their needs and wants, such as going to a local shop or staying in a rented house, but prefer to use restaurants and other facilities if their stay is short. Although having children motivates digital nomadism, it has been determined that families prefer to stay in a fixed place as nomads since it is not appropriate for children over a certain age to travel frequently. Originality/value-The study provides detailed information regarding a family experience with digital nomadism through a case study.

Journal of Gastronomy, Hospitality and Travel, 2023
Yürütülen araştırmada, ziyaretçilerin Göreme Milli Parkı'na etkilerinin neler olduğu, milli parkt... more Yürütülen araştırmada, ziyaretçilerin Göreme Milli Parkı'na etkilerinin neler olduğu, milli parkta yer alan kaynakların ve çekiciliklerin sürdürülebilirliği ve alanda ideal bir ziyaretçi yönetiminin oluşturulabilmesi için nelerin yapılması gerektiğine dair önerilerin oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada durum çalışması deseni benimsenmiştir. Çalışmada, amaçlı örnekleme tekniğiyle belirlenen Göreme Milli Parkı paydaşları ile görüşmeler yapılmış ve toplamda 34 kişiden görüşme verileri toplanmıştır. Görüşme yoluyla elde edilen verilere içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz uygulanmıştır. Milli parkta yürütülen turistik faaliyetlerde parkın kaynak değerlerinin korunabilmesi/zarar görmemesi için kısıtlamaların ve belirli kuralların olduğu ancak bu kurallara uyulma ve kuralların denetlenmesi konusunda eksikliklerin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, alanın kontrol, denetim ve güvenliği konusunda özellikle personel eksikliğinden kaynaklı yetersizliğin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Milli parkın kontrolü, güvenliği ve parka yönelik bilgilendirmenin eksikliği görüşme verilerinden elde edilen önemli sonuçlar arasında yer almakta olup konuya dair öneriler geliştirilmiştir.

In this study, national theses and articles on memorable tourism experience, which is a very popu... more In this study, national theses and articles on memorable tourism experience, which is a very popular topic in the field of tourism, were analyzed in terms of some bibliometric features and the general framework of the national literature on the subject was tried to be revealed. In this context, access to 21 theses from YÖK Thesis database and 18 articles from ULAKBİM and Google Scholar databases was provided and data were collected between 25.06.2023-30.06.2023. The collected data were analyzed bibliometrically within the framework of various parameters (year of publication, research approach, topics covered in the study titles, etc.). The research was designed as a conceptual study and secondary data in the field were utilized. The knowledge obtained from secondary data was tried to be evaluated within the framework of a positivist perspective. The data obtained were visualized with the help of tables, figures and graphs. It was determined that the first thesis on memorable tourism experience was published in 2015, the first article was published in 2017 and the studies on the subject have continued until today. In theses and articles, behavioral intention, recommendation intention and general satisfaction were the most frequently studied topics. It was observed that the studies carried out mainly adopted a quantitative approach.

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2022
Purpose-Discussions of authenticity in touristic experiences indicate that it is a significant ar... more Purpose-Discussions of authenticity in touristic experiences indicate that it is a significant area in the search for meaning. This study aims to demonstrate that the quest for authenticity in a tourist experience begins in the pre-travel period by associating it with meaning in life. Design/methodology/approach-Data were collected via survey from 356 people planning to participate in tourism activities. The survey included demographic questions, the meaning in life scale and the quest for authenticity (QfA) scale, designed by previous researchers. Findings-The analysis revealed that meaning in life levels significantly explained the quest for subjective authenticity (R2 5 0.303) and objective authenticity (R2 5 0.131) in tourist experiences. The search for objective authenticity in a tourist experience significantly mediated the relationship between meaning in life and subjective authenticity. Research limitations/implications-The research has several limitations. Primarily, the sampling group of the research consists of Turkish tourists who are planning to participate in tourism mobilities, and mostly females volunteered to respond in the data collection process. Hence it is necessary to study potential tourists from other countries for a more generalized conclusion. Second, the authors did not specifically ask the sample group which forms of tourism they are planning to participate in, heritage and culture, fair, etc. Subsequent studies may address this distinction and the explanatory power of the independent variable may differ according to plan to participate in different forms of tourism. Practical implications-Tourism has an important place in individuals' search for meaning in life and authenticity. Because it offers an environment/setting where individuals can find answers to these searches. As a result of modernism, individuals become alienated from themselves, and their environment and the meanings they attribute to life are sometimes blurred. Some individuals experiencing this tend towards tourist mobility. This process individuals go through also includes the need for authenticity. Thus, such tourist behaviors cause the emergence of different authentic products that can meet the expectations and wishes of individuals. Social implications-One of the main elements that encourages people to travel is quest for authenticity, which they feel is lacking in modern life. Thus, tourists are more likely to experience meaning in life based on subjective experiences than viewed objects. Originality/value-The study offers three novel findings: individuals seek authenticity in tourist experiences in order to find meaning in life; quest for authenticity begins in the pre-travel process; and objective authenticity is necessary to seek subjective authenticity through meaning in life. While a few studies have investigated these variables, the authenticity literature has neglected the pre-travel phase. However, this needs attention to better understand authenticity in tourism.

Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2022
Purpose-This study aims to better understand the phenomenon of travel itch by revealing the trave... more Purpose-This study aims to better understand the phenomenon of travel itch by revealing the travel motives and travel attributes of "travel itchers" within the framework of motivational theories. Design/methodology/approach-This is an exploratory study. An online questionnaire was used to collect data from individuals who have first-hand experience of travel itch (N: 30). Data were analysed using content analysis within the framework of motivational theories. Findings-This exploratory study finds that travel itch means a desire to travel and findings revealed that the motives of travel itchers are novelty, escape, host-site involvement, self-actualization, stimulation in line with the Travel Career Pattern (TCP) except travel itself. Travel itself is both one of the main motives and coping methods that distinguish those from other travellers. For coping methods, itchers do travel-related activities apart from travel itself. Nonetheless, travel itch is a recurrent cycle even after having a holiday. Consequently, an attempt was made to redefine the concept of 'travel itch' in light of all these findings. Originality of the research-Travel itch is an interesting concept newly introduced into tourism literature. And in order to obtain data this study puts the travel itchers themselves who use this concept. Since this is one of the first studies to examine the concept of travel itch, this study can be a guide for future research and place the concept in the context of travel motivation.

Turist Rehberliği Dergisi (TURED) , 2020
Öz Amaç ve Önem: Bu çalışmada turist rehberinin hikâyeleştirme teknikleri incelenmiş ve hikâyeleş... more Öz Amaç ve Önem: Bu çalışmada turist rehberinin hikâyeleştirme teknikleri incelenmiş ve hikâyeleştirme yoluyla turistik deneyim sürecinde mekânların tüketilmesine yönelik turist bakışını nasıl oluşturulduğu analiz edilmiştir. Yöntem: Bu amaçla 14 profesyonel turist rehber ile yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği yoluyla veri toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilere içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmada elde edilen bulgular, rehberlerin hikâyeleştirme temel düzeyde bilgi verme, farklı anlatım teknikleri kullanma, anlatım dışı faaliyetler ve yardımcı kaynak kullanımı tekniklerinden yararlandıklarını göstermektedir. Rehberlerin mekân veya nesnenin hikâyeleştirmesinde anlatımı güçlendirme, tur grubunu hikâyeye katma ve beden dilini kullanmaya çok dikkat ettikleri bulgulanmıştır. Ek olarak rehberlerin hikâyeleştirme tekniğiyle anlatımında tur grubunda mekâna ve nesneye yönelik merakın uyanması, tur grubunun mekân ve nesne ile ilişki kurması ve tur sonrası için anı ve kaynak biriktirmesi, mekânların tüketilmesine yönelik inşa edilen bakışın bazı özelliklerini ortaya koymaktadır. Özgünlük/Bilimsel Katkı: Araştırma öncellikle turist rehberlerinin hikâyeleştirme tekniklerini inceleyerek mesleğin pratik alanına yönelik olarak katkı sunmaktadır. Ayrıca mekanların tüketilmesi kuramını ampirik olarak inceleyerek turist bakışının deneyim anında ve yerinde nasıl oluşturulduğunu araştırarak turizm ve turist rehberliği literatürünü zenginleştirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Turist rehberi, hikâyeleştirme, mekân tüketimi. Makale Türü: Araştırma makalesi Abstract Purpose and Importance: This study aims to examine the storytelling techniques of the tour guides and to analyze how the tourist gaze for consuming places is formed through storytelling in situ of experience. Methodology: For this purpose, data were collected through semi-structured interview technique with 14 professional tourist guides. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were applied to the obtained data. Findings: Findings show that guides use basic information level in storytelling, use different narrative techniques, non-narrative activities and use of auxiliary resources. It has been found that the guides pay

İzmir Journal of Economics, 2020
The aim of this study is to adapt the scale of “thriving at work” into Turkish, which is develope... more The aim of this study is to adapt the scale of “thriving at work” into Turkish, which is developed by Porath et al. (2012) in order to measure the thriving at work phenomenon and which includes vitality and learning dimensions. For this purpose, 455 questionnaires were collected from three different sample groups (academicians, tourism workers and teachers). In order to ensure the language validity of the scale items, in the first stage, all items were translated from English to Turkish by 5 academicians, in the next stage, these items were translated from Turkish to English by five different academicians with bilingual experts. Reliability and validity analyzes were applied to the language validated scale. According to the results of exploratory factor analysis for construct validity, it was found that the total explained variance is %57,943 and items were grouped under two factors in accordance with its original structure called as learning and vitality. Model fit of the structure has been tested by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Accordingly, two-factor “thriving at work” scale has a good fit (X2/sd= 3,86; RMSEA=0,080; SRMR= 0.05, GFI= 0.95, NFI= 0.96, RFI= 0.94, CFI= 0.97 and IFI= 0.97) and the model has been confirmed by the data. In order to test the criterion validity, Pearson correlation coefficient between “thriving at work” and Job Performance scales was examined and it was found that correlation between performance and vitality dimensions as .40, performance and learning dimensions as.47 (p<.01).According to the reliability analysis; the reliability coefficient of the “Thriving at Work” scale with a two-factor structure was found to be .82. Consequently, the psychometric procedures of the scale supported that Turkish form of the “Thriving at Work” is a valid and confidential scale. In terms of giving the concept and scale of thriving at work into the national literature, this study has been seen important.

Journal of Tourism Theory and Research, 2019
In modern day travel trends, there are tourists not only want to travel for sightseeing but also ... more In modern day travel trends, there are tourists not only want to travel for sightseeing but also require every travel experience becomes meaningful and want to build their own stories. New travel movement with changing tourist profile has brought a new concept on the agenda. The concept of "travel itch" is expressed as a feeling that touches people firstly sometime but then frequently comes up and stimulates them to travel. Major symptoms of it are; checking flights, reduced prices of hotels and frequently searching the travel magazines. In this research, it is aimed to bring the concept of "travel itch" which seems to reflect the modern tourist characteristic, into the literature. Thus, this research is expected to shed light for the future studies on marketing, planning and management in accordance with modern tourist profile. Değişen seyahat kültüründe yeni bir kavram: Travel Itch 4 Öz Günümüz seyahat trendlerinde artık sadece gidip görmüş olmak için seyahat etmek yerine seyahat deneyiminin anlamlı olmasını, yolculuklarında kendi hikayelerini yazabilmeyi talep etmektedirler. Yeni seyahat akımları, değişen turist profili ile yeni bir kavramı gündeme getirmiştir: Travel Itch. "Seyahat kaşıntısı" olarak Türkçeye çevrilen bu kavram, önce, insanın iç dünyasının derin bir katmanında ara sıra, ya da sık sık yoklayan bir yer değiştirme güdüsünün sonucu olarak ortaya çıkan bir duygu olarak ifade edilmektedir. Seyahat kaşıntısının belirtileri arasında sürekli uçak biletlerini, indirim kampanyalarını ve otel fırsatlarını takip etmek, seyahat dergilerini karıştırmak sayılabilir. Bu çalışma ile günümüz turist özelliklerini ifade edebilecek bir kavram olan "Travel itch" kavramını literatüre kazandırma amacı güdülmektedir. Bu sayede günümüz turist profiline uygun pazarlama, planlama ve yönetim çalışmalarının yapılmasında yol gösterici bir araştırma olması beklenmek-tedir.

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of corporate reputation of five-star hotels i... more The purpose of this study is to determine the level of corporate reputation of five-star hotels in Belek for foreign tourists who This study is aimed to determine the perceptions of the consumers of Y generation towards green star applications. At the same time, we will try to determine how the "Green Star" applications in hotels are evaluated by the Y Gen. Research method is a descriptive research type. Data collected by using a survey from visitors in a shopping center. 221 available questionnaires were analyzed with the relevant protocols. The fact that perceptions of consumers (in Mersin) about green star applications have not been investigated before, reflects the originality of the study. According to results the Y generation customers' travel plans hotels' green star standards have a limited presence. In addition, it has been found that consumers of the Y generation are more likely to benefit from the "internet" when planning their travels. Two factors were derived in the study and the factors were called "society and awareness" and "energy efficiency and water conservation".

Examination of Academic Researches on Tourism Guidance Department, 2018
Purpose and Importance: In order to reveal the progress of tourism guidance, in this research nat... more Purpose and Importance: In order to reveal the progress of tourism guidance, in this research national theses on Higher Education Board (YOK), international theses on Proquest, the national articles on National Network Center and Information Center (ULAKBIM) and Google Academic database, international top ranking 35 articles on Scimago Journal & Country Rank (SJR), conference papers submitted in National Tourism Congress and Graduate Tourism Student Research Congress are examined. Besides, papers on 1st Tourism Guidance Congress held on 2018 April and articles on Journal of Tour Guiding which published the first issue on 2018 June were examined. Upon examining the literature it is noticed that researches examining tourism guidance department are limited with national basis and no research examining the department on international basis. Hence, this research is thought to be important for filling this gap.
Methodology: The research is designed as a conceptual study. Bibliometric technique was used to evaluate secondary data. Bibliometry is a technique used in various disciplines to illustrate the evolution of the field. Findings: As a result of reviews, 40 national theses, 51 international theses and 32 national articles, 71 international articles and 41 international conference papers were analyzed with frequency analysis, word cloud analysis and graphs. It was found that of 91 theses were written in the field of tourism guidance. Comparisons of published journals between 2005-2017 years it was revealed that articles most commonly published (3 article) in Journal of Balıkesir University Social Sciences Institute however, it was found that in Journal of Tour Guiding which published its first issue in 2018 June, there are 5 articles as well. International articles were published mostly in 2013 in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism. Besides, within the scope of the papers examined, it was determined that the highest number of studies (58 papers) were presented at National Tourism Guidance Congress. The most studied topics in the theses, national articles and papers were determined as role, education, service, occupation. Originality/Value: In terms of the results obtained in this study is thought to be important for the researchers in their field related studies as it provides wide-range of source regarding the mostly searched topics and implications about the topics that might be searched. Also it is thought that this paper has a unique value for containing the international researches on the field that were not included in the previous studies. Keywords: Tourism, tourism guidance, tourist guide, bibliometrics

The purpose of the research is to determine what the proposals for the development of the carniva... more The purpose of the research is to determine what the proposals for the development of the carnival of the participants of the V. International Orange Flower Carnival are. The research was based on content analysis from qualitative research methods. Proposals for the development of the carnival participants were collected from 97 people using a questionnaire (07-09 April 2017) and the data were subjected to content analysis. More than half of the participants have participated in carnavals organized earlier. It has been found out that more than half of the information source about the carnival is "friends and family". When the proposal for the development of the carnival of the participants is examined, it has been determined that the most important emphasis is on the quality of the organization. In addition, "promotional activities in local and national borders" and "promotion and informing activities in big cities", "organizing carnival in the first organized place", "improving environment and land-scape", "making carnival food and beverage and souvenir prices more reasonable" suggestions have been also found. Findings were presented as; (1) suggestions for the carnival organizer, (2) suggestions for carnaval promotion, (3) suggestions for the carnaval where the carnival was organized and suggestions for the superstructure, and (4) suggestions for prices. The sampling is limited to participating in the Adana V. Orange Blossom Carnival. The participants of the Orange Flower Carnival held in Adana show the originality of the study of what their views on the development of the carnival have not been investigated before.
Crisis is an unplanned phenomenon which emerges from internal or
external environment of an organ... more Crisis is an unplanned phenomenon which emerges from internal or
external environment of an organization, region or country, disrupts the operations, threatens people physically or mentally and seems difficult to overcome by using normal administrative method. The crisis, which affects many sectors negatively,
may bring more negative results for tourism sector in terms of demand fragility. The most important negative findings in terms of tourism sector are; financial losses, effect of tourism and connected sectors, adverse effects on employment. In this context, It was investigated in crisis management and positive and negative
expectations of the 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Istanbul. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the hospitality enterprises are mostly engaged in marketing and human resources management practices.
Adana Orange Blossom Carnival that is o f Turkey’s first carnival has
hosted guests from differen... more Adana Orange Blossom Carnival that is o f Turkey’s first carnival has
hosted guests from different parts o f the country in previous years. In this study, IV.
International Orange Blossom Carnival participants’ reasons were studied and
their motivations to participate were analyzed. Data were collected using
questionnaire form which was developed based on literature, from local and foreign
participants. The questionnaire was conducted on 202 people face to face benefiting
from convenience sampling method. According to findings o f the study, the
participants’ motives were defined as “activity", “escape", “socialization" and
“innovation". The study has an important place in terms o f contributing to sustainability and promotion o f Adana’s local culture by providing interaction between participants and local people.

Küreselleşen dünyada turizm sektöründe artan rekabet nedeniyle turistlerin arzu ve isteklerinin b... more Küreselleşen dünyada turizm sektöründe artan rekabet nedeniyle turistlerin arzu ve isteklerinin belirlenmesi ve yönlendirilmesi doğrultusunda araştırmalar yapılıp çalışmalar ortaya konulmaktadır. Seyahat motivasyonu bu çalışmalardan biri durumundadır. Turisti tatile çıkmaya yönelten motivasyonlar ve belirli bir zamanda, belirli bir destinasyonda tatilini geçirmeye yönelten motivasyonlar seyahat motivasyonunu oluştururlar. Turistlerin seyahat ve destinasyon tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerden biri de tatile gideceği yere özgü yiyecek ve içeceklerdir. Seyahate çıkan turistlerin yaklaşık % 88,2'si için destinasyon tercihinde yiyecek-içeceğin önemli bir etken olduğu düşünüldüğünde yöresel mutfakların daha da önemli hale geldiği gerçeği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı; literatürden yararlanılarak yöresel mutfağın turistlerin seyahat motivasyonundaki rolünü ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada yöresel mutfakla ilgili kavramsal açıklamalarda bulunularak, yöresel mutfağın turistlerin seyahat motivasyonundaki rolü araştırılıp literatür taraması ile analiz edilmiştir. Destinasyonun sahip olduğu kimlik, iyi tanımlanmış bir destinasyon imajı, yöresel mutfağın ulaşılabilirliği, destinasyon sakinlerinin yeme-içme alışkanlıkları turistleri destinasyona çekmede önemli bir faktör olduğu tespit edilmiştir. In today's globalizing world because of the competition in the tourism industry there are researches aiming to determine and guide the demands of tourists. Travel motivation is one of those researches. The motivations that encourage the tourist to go on vacation at a certain destination and on a certain time, form the travel motivations. One of the factors that effects the tourist's decision about the destination, is the unique local food and beverages that the destination has. Considering that food and beverage are important factors on choice of approximate %88,2 of the travelers, it comes up that local cuisine is becoming more and more important. From this point of view, in this study conceptual explanations about local cuisine are given and the role of local cuisine on travelers' travel motivation is examined.
Kongre-Sempozyum by Derya TOKSÖZ

It is important to identify perceptions of the participants in order to improve the continuity an... more It is important to identify perceptions of the participants in order to improve the continuity and quality of the events
where products and services are exhibited and business connections are established at a given time. Thus, corrective
and developmental studies can be carried out by determining what the participants consider important about the fair
(visitor profile, reputation of the fair-quality-performance, etc.).
It is aimed to determine the fair-oriented perceptions of tourism sector professionals and related public and private
institutions employees who participate in the Tourism Trade and Fair Conference (Travel Turkey Izmir). The data of
the survey consists of 151 valid surveys collected through convenience sampling at the Travel Turkey Fair held in
Izmir between 7-10 December 2017. It has been ascertained that there are studies about the reasons for participating in
fairs, fair motivations and satisfaction. However, the absence of a study to identify participants' perception for the
Travel Turkey Fair, which is an important international Fair in Turkey, shows the value of research. As a result of the
analyzes, it was determined that the most important thing in the opinions of professional participants for the Travel
Turkey Izmir Tourism Fair was “reputation of the fair”. In addition, three factors were obtained as a result of the factor
analysis and the factors were named as “organization firm perception”, “benefit-competitive image perception” and
“general fair image perception”.

Çalışma, Mersin Uluslararası Bahar Şenliği’ne katılanların katılım
motivasyonlarını belirlemek ve... more Çalışma, Mersin Uluslararası Bahar Şenliği’ne katılanların katılım
motivasyonlarını belirlemek ve bu motivasyonların demografik özelliklere göre değişip değişmediğinin tespit edilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışmada kolayda örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmış olup, veriler, ilgili literatür taraması sonucunda oluşturulan anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Uluslar arası Bahar Şenliği’ne katılımda en önemli motivasyon unsurunun “değişik ve yeni şeyler yapmayı severim” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öte yandan, Şenliğe katılım motivasyon unsurlarına yönelik yapılan Faktör analizi ile üç faktör elde edilmiş olup, faktörler “şenlik ruhu”, “değişiklik ve kaçış” ve “birliktelik ve eğlenme” şeklinde isimlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, demografik
değişkenlerden cinsiyete ve medeni duruma göre sadece “birliktelik ve eğlenme” faktöründe anlamlı bir farklılık belirlenmiştir. Uluslararası Bahar Şenliği, daha uzun bir zaman diliminde gerçekleştirilmesi halinde farklı etkinliklerle de zenginleştirilmesi ile daha fazla katılımcının katılabileceği bir etkinlik olabilir ve Mersin’in tanıtımına katkı sağlayabilir.

Kriz, bir örgütün, bölgenin ya da ülkenin içsel veya dışsal çevresinde oluşan olumsuz gelişmelerd... more Kriz, bir örgütün, bölgenin ya da ülkenin içsel veya dışsal çevresinde oluşan olumsuz gelişmelerden dolayı ortaya çıkan, faaliyetleri sekteye uğratan, insanları fiziksel ve zihinsel olarak tehdit eden, normal yönetsel yöntemleri kullanarak aşılması zor görülen ve planlı olmayan bir olaydır. Özellikle turizm sektöründe krizin iyi yönetilmemesi, turizm pazarında kötü imaj, talep azalma, ülkenin turizm gelirlerinin düşmesi, turizm işletmelerinin maddi kayıplar yaşaması, turizm sektörüyle bağlantılı olan diğer sektörlerin olumsuz etkilenmesi, ülkedeki işsizlik oranın artması gibi durumların ortaya çıkmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu sebeple kriz yönetimi konusu turizm sektörü açısından ayrı bir öneme sahiptir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de yaşanan krizden etkilenen ve İstanbul’da faaliyet gösteren konaklama işletmelerinin kriz yönetim uygulamaları, kısa ve uzun vadeli olumlu ve olumsuz beklentiler araştırılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, konaklama işletmelerinin en çok pazarlama ve insan kaynakları yönetimi konusunda uygulamalar yaptıkları bulgulanmıştır. Konaklama işletmelerinin bakım-onarım ve yönetim uygulamalarına da önem vermeleri önerilmektedir.

The guidance profession has been known since ancient times. Guidance has a pretty old history, ho... more The guidance profession has been known since ancient times. Guidance has a pretty old history, however in our
country the profession of tourist guide has just been recognized as a formal profession with The Profession of Tourist
Guiding Law in 2012. It is observed that the scientific studies on guidance particularly started in the international
literature after 1979. From that day to present it can be expressed that many studies have been performed about the
qualifications, qualities, roles, tasks of guiding. However, it is observed that most of the roles, qualifications, and a
certain compilation of tasks attributed to guide need to be brought in a systematic way and filtered. There are many
different classifications about the qualities that guide should have. Hence, it can be said that this can cause a
complexity in determining attributes of guide. From this point of view, it is found appropriate to make a classification
under the cognitive, affective and behavioral factors by using the literature. This study is believed to obviate the
reference confusion about the classification on quality of guide.

Activities have an important role in the development and promotion of destinations. Among these a... more Activities have an important role in the development and promotion of destinations. Among these activities is Turkey's
first carnival Adana Orange Blossom Carnival, which has an important place. Adana Orange Blossom Carnival brings
together thousands of people every year in Adana with the slogan "In April in Adana" every year, the smells of orange
flowers will bring happiness, excitement and love to humans, and this idea of life in Turkey and the whole world.In
this study, it was aimed to determine the perceptions of the youngs participating in V. International Orange Blossom
Carnival towards Adana's destination image. The Carnival took place in Adana on 07-09 April 2017. Data were
collected from the young participants who participated in the Carnival through a questionnaire developed on the basis
of the literature. Easy Sampling was used to collect the data. The most important result obtained from the relevant
analyzes is that the people of Adana are "hospitable and friendly", the most important issue facing the Adana
destination image before and after Carnival participation. In addition, there were significant differences between the
frequencies of Carnival visits and perceived destination images.
Keywords: Destination image, Orange Blossom Carnival, The young, Adana.
Articles by Derya TOKSÖZ
Methodology: The research is designed as a conceptual study. Bibliometric technique was used to evaluate secondary data. Bibliometry is a technique used in various disciplines to illustrate the evolution of the field. Findings: As a result of reviews, 40 national theses, 51 international theses and 32 national articles, 71 international articles and 41 international conference papers were analyzed with frequency analysis, word cloud analysis and graphs. It was found that of 91 theses were written in the field of tourism guidance. Comparisons of published journals between 2005-2017 years it was revealed that articles most commonly published (3 article) in Journal of Balıkesir University Social Sciences Institute however, it was found that in Journal of Tour Guiding which published its first issue in 2018 June, there are 5 articles as well. International articles were published mostly in 2013 in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism. Besides, within the scope of the papers examined, it was determined that the highest number of studies (58 papers) were presented at National Tourism Guidance Congress. The most studied topics in the theses, national articles and papers were determined as role, education, service, occupation. Originality/Value: In terms of the results obtained in this study is thought to be important for the researchers in their field related studies as it provides wide-range of source regarding the mostly searched topics and implications about the topics that might be searched. Also it is thought that this paper has a unique value for containing the international researches on the field that were not included in the previous studies. Keywords: Tourism, tourism guidance, tourist guide, bibliometrics
external environment of an organization, region or country, disrupts the operations, threatens people physically or mentally and seems difficult to overcome by using normal administrative method. The crisis, which affects many sectors negatively,
may bring more negative results for tourism sector in terms of demand fragility. The most important negative findings in terms of tourism sector are; financial losses, effect of tourism and connected sectors, adverse effects on employment. In this context, It was investigated in crisis management and positive and negative
expectations of the 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Istanbul. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the hospitality enterprises are mostly engaged in marketing and human resources management practices.
hosted guests from different parts o f the country in previous years. In this study, IV.
International Orange Blossom Carnival participants’ reasons were studied and
their motivations to participate were analyzed. Data were collected using
questionnaire form which was developed based on literature, from local and foreign
participants. The questionnaire was conducted on 202 people face to face benefiting
from convenience sampling method. According to findings o f the study, the
participants’ motives were defined as “activity", “escape", “socialization" and
“innovation". The study has an important place in terms o f contributing to sustainability and promotion o f Adana’s local culture by providing interaction between participants and local people.
Kongre-Sempozyum by Derya TOKSÖZ
where products and services are exhibited and business connections are established at a given time. Thus, corrective
and developmental studies can be carried out by determining what the participants consider important about the fair
(visitor profile, reputation of the fair-quality-performance, etc.).
It is aimed to determine the fair-oriented perceptions of tourism sector professionals and related public and private
institutions employees who participate in the Tourism Trade and Fair Conference (Travel Turkey Izmir). The data of
the survey consists of 151 valid surveys collected through convenience sampling at the Travel Turkey Fair held in
Izmir between 7-10 December 2017. It has been ascertained that there are studies about the reasons for participating in
fairs, fair motivations and satisfaction. However, the absence of a study to identify participants' perception for the
Travel Turkey Fair, which is an important international Fair in Turkey, shows the value of research. As a result of the
analyzes, it was determined that the most important thing in the opinions of professional participants for the Travel
Turkey Izmir Tourism Fair was “reputation of the fair”. In addition, three factors were obtained as a result of the factor
analysis and the factors were named as “organization firm perception”, “benefit-competitive image perception” and
“general fair image perception”.
motivasyonlarını belirlemek ve bu motivasyonların demografik özelliklere göre değişip değişmediğinin tespit edilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışmada kolayda örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmış olup, veriler, ilgili literatür taraması sonucunda oluşturulan anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Uluslar arası Bahar Şenliği’ne katılımda en önemli motivasyon unsurunun “değişik ve yeni şeyler yapmayı severim” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öte yandan, Şenliğe katılım motivasyon unsurlarına yönelik yapılan Faktör analizi ile üç faktör elde edilmiş olup, faktörler “şenlik ruhu”, “değişiklik ve kaçış” ve “birliktelik ve eğlenme” şeklinde isimlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, demografik
değişkenlerden cinsiyete ve medeni duruma göre sadece “birliktelik ve eğlenme” faktöründe anlamlı bir farklılık belirlenmiştir. Uluslararası Bahar Şenliği, daha uzun bir zaman diliminde gerçekleştirilmesi halinde farklı etkinliklerle de zenginleştirilmesi ile daha fazla katılımcının katılabileceği bir etkinlik olabilir ve Mersin’in tanıtımına katkı sağlayabilir.
country the profession of tourist guide has just been recognized as a formal profession with The Profession of Tourist
Guiding Law in 2012. It is observed that the scientific studies on guidance particularly started in the international
literature after 1979. From that day to present it can be expressed that many studies have been performed about the
qualifications, qualities, roles, tasks of guiding. However, it is observed that most of the roles, qualifications, and a
certain compilation of tasks attributed to guide need to be brought in a systematic way and filtered. There are many
different classifications about the qualities that guide should have. Hence, it can be said that this can cause a
complexity in determining attributes of guide. From this point of view, it is found appropriate to make a classification
under the cognitive, affective and behavioral factors by using the literature. This study is believed to obviate the
reference confusion about the classification on quality of guide.
first carnival Adana Orange Blossom Carnival, which has an important place. Adana Orange Blossom Carnival brings
together thousands of people every year in Adana with the slogan "In April in Adana" every year, the smells of orange
flowers will bring happiness, excitement and love to humans, and this idea of life in Turkey and the whole world.In
this study, it was aimed to determine the perceptions of the youngs participating in V. International Orange Blossom
Carnival towards Adana's destination image. The Carnival took place in Adana on 07-09 April 2017. Data were
collected from the young participants who participated in the Carnival through a questionnaire developed on the basis
of the literature. Easy Sampling was used to collect the data. The most important result obtained from the relevant
analyzes is that the people of Adana are "hospitable and friendly", the most important issue facing the Adana
destination image before and after Carnival participation. In addition, there were significant differences between the
frequencies of Carnival visits and perceived destination images.
Keywords: Destination image, Orange Blossom Carnival, The young, Adana.
Methodology: The research is designed as a conceptual study. Bibliometric technique was used to evaluate secondary data. Bibliometry is a technique used in various disciplines to illustrate the evolution of the field. Findings: As a result of reviews, 40 national theses, 51 international theses and 32 national articles, 71 international articles and 41 international conference papers were analyzed with frequency analysis, word cloud analysis and graphs. It was found that of 91 theses were written in the field of tourism guidance. Comparisons of published journals between 2005-2017 years it was revealed that articles most commonly published (3 article) in Journal of Balıkesir University Social Sciences Institute however, it was found that in Journal of Tour Guiding which published its first issue in 2018 June, there are 5 articles as well. International articles were published mostly in 2013 in Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism. Besides, within the scope of the papers examined, it was determined that the highest number of studies (58 papers) were presented at National Tourism Guidance Congress. The most studied topics in the theses, national articles and papers were determined as role, education, service, occupation. Originality/Value: In terms of the results obtained in this study is thought to be important for the researchers in their field related studies as it provides wide-range of source regarding the mostly searched topics and implications about the topics that might be searched. Also it is thought that this paper has a unique value for containing the international researches on the field that were not included in the previous studies. Keywords: Tourism, tourism guidance, tourist guide, bibliometrics
external environment of an organization, region or country, disrupts the operations, threatens people physically or mentally and seems difficult to overcome by using normal administrative method. The crisis, which affects many sectors negatively,
may bring more negative results for tourism sector in terms of demand fragility. The most important negative findings in terms of tourism sector are; financial losses, effect of tourism and connected sectors, adverse effects on employment. In this context, It was investigated in crisis management and positive and negative
expectations of the 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Istanbul. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the hospitality enterprises are mostly engaged in marketing and human resources management practices.
hosted guests from different parts o f the country in previous years. In this study, IV.
International Orange Blossom Carnival participants’ reasons were studied and
their motivations to participate were analyzed. Data were collected using
questionnaire form which was developed based on literature, from local and foreign
participants. The questionnaire was conducted on 202 people face to face benefiting
from convenience sampling method. According to findings o f the study, the
participants’ motives were defined as “activity", “escape", “socialization" and
“innovation". The study has an important place in terms o f contributing to sustainability and promotion o f Adana’s local culture by providing interaction between participants and local people.
where products and services are exhibited and business connections are established at a given time. Thus, corrective
and developmental studies can be carried out by determining what the participants consider important about the fair
(visitor profile, reputation of the fair-quality-performance, etc.).
It is aimed to determine the fair-oriented perceptions of tourism sector professionals and related public and private
institutions employees who participate in the Tourism Trade and Fair Conference (Travel Turkey Izmir). The data of
the survey consists of 151 valid surveys collected through convenience sampling at the Travel Turkey Fair held in
Izmir between 7-10 December 2017. It has been ascertained that there are studies about the reasons for participating in
fairs, fair motivations and satisfaction. However, the absence of a study to identify participants' perception for the
Travel Turkey Fair, which is an important international Fair in Turkey, shows the value of research. As a result of the
analyzes, it was determined that the most important thing in the opinions of professional participants for the Travel
Turkey Izmir Tourism Fair was “reputation of the fair”. In addition, three factors were obtained as a result of the factor
analysis and the factors were named as “organization firm perception”, “benefit-competitive image perception” and
“general fair image perception”.
motivasyonlarını belirlemek ve bu motivasyonların demografik özelliklere göre değişip değişmediğinin tespit edilmesi amacını taşımaktadır. Çalışmada kolayda örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmış olup, veriler, ilgili literatür taraması sonucunda oluşturulan anket aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Uluslar arası Bahar Şenliği’ne katılımda en önemli motivasyon unsurunun “değişik ve yeni şeyler yapmayı severim” olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öte yandan, Şenliğe katılım motivasyon unsurlarına yönelik yapılan Faktör analizi ile üç faktör elde edilmiş olup, faktörler “şenlik ruhu”, “değişiklik ve kaçış” ve “birliktelik ve eğlenme” şeklinde isimlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, demografik
değişkenlerden cinsiyete ve medeni duruma göre sadece “birliktelik ve eğlenme” faktöründe anlamlı bir farklılık belirlenmiştir. Uluslararası Bahar Şenliği, daha uzun bir zaman diliminde gerçekleştirilmesi halinde farklı etkinliklerle de zenginleştirilmesi ile daha fazla katılımcının katılabileceği bir etkinlik olabilir ve Mersin’in tanıtımına katkı sağlayabilir.
country the profession of tourist guide has just been recognized as a formal profession with The Profession of Tourist
Guiding Law in 2012. It is observed that the scientific studies on guidance particularly started in the international
literature after 1979. From that day to present it can be expressed that many studies have been performed about the
qualifications, qualities, roles, tasks of guiding. However, it is observed that most of the roles, qualifications, and a
certain compilation of tasks attributed to guide need to be brought in a systematic way and filtered. There are many
different classifications about the qualities that guide should have. Hence, it can be said that this can cause a
complexity in determining attributes of guide. From this point of view, it is found appropriate to make a classification
under the cognitive, affective and behavioral factors by using the literature. This study is believed to obviate the
reference confusion about the classification on quality of guide.
first carnival Adana Orange Blossom Carnival, which has an important place. Adana Orange Blossom Carnival brings
together thousands of people every year in Adana with the slogan "In April in Adana" every year, the smells of orange
flowers will bring happiness, excitement and love to humans, and this idea of life in Turkey and the whole world.In
this study, it was aimed to determine the perceptions of the youngs participating in V. International Orange Blossom
Carnival towards Adana's destination image. The Carnival took place in Adana on 07-09 April 2017. Data were
collected from the young participants who participated in the Carnival through a questionnaire developed on the basis
of the literature. Easy Sampling was used to collect the data. The most important result obtained from the relevant
analyzes is that the people of Adana are "hospitable and friendly", the most important issue facing the Adana
destination image before and after Carnival participation. In addition, there were significant differences between the
frequencies of Carnival visits and perceived destination images.
Keywords: Destination image, Orange Blossom Carnival, The young, Adana.
green star applications. Within this purpose, it is aimed to reveal the level of importance
of the “green star” practices in terms of consumers.
Method: A descriptive research method was used. Data were collected by face to face
with consumers who visited a shopping center between February 15 and March 6, 2017.
After removing the missing data, multivariate deviant and normal distribution analysis,
t-test and ANOVA were used on the remaining 342 surveys.
Findings: Consumers who participating in the survey are mostly not familiar with the
terms “green” and “going green” from an eco-friendly point-of-view (70%). Consumers
do not investigate (82%) whether the hotel has green star while planning their trips. It
was determined that the most important information source utilized is “internet (%65)”
when consumers are planning for trips. In addition, it has been found that “female”
consumers pay more attention than “male” consumers for “green star” practices.
Results and Suggestions: It can be said that depending on the change and the
environmental consciousness consumers will prefer green practices in hotel preferences
when planning their trips. For this reason, hotel managers’ emphasis on “green star”
applications will increase consumers' preference for business.
Limitation: The research was conducted only on visitors to a shopping center in
Mersin. Participants were asked about the importance of the “green star” practices.
Originality: The fact that consumers in Mersin’s perceptions of green star applications
are not investigated before demonstrates the originality of the study.
discipline with quantitative analysis and it is used in tourism field progressively. The purpose of the study,
is to determine the bibliometric characteristics of postgraduate thesis on cultural heritage registered in the
website of Council of Higher Education, National Thesis Center.
Research Methodology: For this purpose, postgraduate theses between 2006-2015 were searched in related
website, with “cultural heritage” and “kültürel miras” key words, and a total of 84 theses were included in
scope of the study. Theses were examined on the basis of their bibliometric characteristics such as
university, institute, publication year, sub-topics, etc. The general structure of cultural heritage in the
reviewed graduate theses has been tried to present.
Study Results: The results show that the highest number of thesis has been prepared in Istanbul Technical
University. It is determined that maximum research topics base the disciplines of architecture and the most
related concept with cultural heritage is the conservation.
Conclusion and Recommendations: The literature on studies of cultural heritage lacks basic features and
current trend which examine specific characteristics and structure of cultural heritage literature with
bibliometric profile shows the gaps in the field. This study is believed to benefit related works about cultural
heritage in the future.
culture, geography, architecture and gastronomy of the destination visited. At the same time, the guide plays a key role in eliminating
the language barrier between the visitor and the destination by providing information about the places visited to foreign guests. For
this reason, foreign language proficiency has always been an important issue in the execution of tour guides. Today, there are debates
about the necessity of foreign language knowledge (getting score of 75 or above in a foreign language exam), which is one of the
conditions for being a tourist guide in Türkiye. Based on these discussions, the aim of this research is to examine the necessity of
speaking a foreign language in order to be a tour guide by making comparisons with the tourist guidance regulations and practices
of various countries. Within the scope of this research, literature analysis has been realized. This research is classified descriptive
in terms of purpose-based classification. The descriptive characteristic of the research covers the processes regarding foreign
language learning conditions in global tour guiding training curricula. In accordance with research goals, authors accessed topicrelevant secondary data from databases ULAKBİM, Social Science Research Network Directory of Open Access, Ebscohost,
Scopus, Sage, Emerald and Oxford University Press between February 10th 2022-October 9th 2022. Keywords used during the
query were in Turkish and English; “turist rehberliği eğitimi/tour guiding training ve turist rehberliğinde dil eğitimi/ foreign
language learning for tour guiding”. In the results of the research, the regulations on the language education and foreign language
requirements of guides in Turkey were compared with different countries.