Videos by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
Análise Crítica do Artigo «Aphasia with recurring utterances: Old syndrome, new perspectives».
Thesis by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
Tendências Ideológicas no Discurso dos Media, Jun 12, 2005
O presente estudo analisa a presença de marcas ideológicas político-partidárias no discurso dos m... more O presente estudo analisa a presença de marcas ideológicas político-partidárias no discurso dos meios de comunicação em Portugal, analisando três jornais digitais e três sites de estações televisivas, em relação a medidas governamentais anunciadas em 2005. Os resultados sugerem que alguns meios de comunicação tinham uma tendência para enfatizar ou minimizar certos aspectos das medidas, refletindo possíveis afinidades políticas. Enquanto a TVI foi identificada como possivelmente tendenciosa a favor do partido no governo, o Correio da Manhã e a SIC foram considerados, aparentemente, tendenciosos contra. Donde, erguem-se questões sobre a isenção política dos meios de comunicação e a influência das suas marcas ideológicas na opinião pública e nas decisões eleitorais em Portugal.

Objetivos: (1) Aferir se existe um padrão de forças de caráter (FC) através da VIA-IS (Values In ... more Objetivos: (1) Aferir se existe um padrão de forças de caráter (FC) através da VIA-IS (Values In Action – Inventory of Strengths; Peterson & Seligman, 2004), autopercecionado por psicoterapeutas de quatro países, que contribua para que alguns psicoterapeutas tenham mais sucesso do que outros; e (2) aferir se existem outras qualidades humanas (para além das aferidas com a VIA-IS) que distingam os psicoterapeutas com maior sucesso (PTS) dos com menor sucesso (PTMS). Métodos: Para o primeiro objetivo foram usados métodos quantitativos (para analisar os resultados da VIA-IS, uma escala do tipo Likert de concordância com 5 pontos) e para o segundo objetivo foram usados métodos qualitativos (a análise de conteúdo dedutiva e indutiva) seguidos de uma análise quantitativa. Resultados: Obteve-se um padrão de FC (autopercecionadas pelos psicoterapeutas), que distingue a eficiência dos PTS face aos PTMS, bem como um conjunto de qualidades humanas (comunicabilidade, reflexividade, contenção e presença) associadas ao sucesso clínico dos psicoterapeutas, mas que não os diferencia na autoperceção de eficiência. Conclusões: Os psicoterapeutas amorosos, perseverantes, curiosos, entusiastas, honestos e com uma boa perspetiva, poderão obter mais sucesso no seu trabalho clínico. Porém são necessários mais estudos que validem também esta conclusão a fim de que se criem formações específicas que fomentem estas FC, para ampliar a quantidade de terapeutas de topo e a qualidade dos serviços de saúde mental. Sugere-se ainda a criação de um Inventário de Forças de Caráter dos Psicoterapeutas para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre as qualidades humanas que contribuem para o sucesso das psicoterapias.
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Objectives: (1) To verify if there is a pattern of character strengths (CS), through VIA-IS (Values In Action – Inventory of Strengths; Peterson & Seligman, 2004), self-perceived by psychotherapists from four countries, that contributes for some psychotherapists to have more success than others; and (2) gauge if there are other human qualities (beyond those captured by VIA-IS) that distinguish the most successful psychotherapists (MSP) from the least successful psychotherapists (LSP). Methods: For the first objective, quantitative methods were used (to analyze the results of the VIA-IS, a 5-point Likert scale of agreement) and for the second objective qualitative methods (deductive and inductive content analysis) were used followed by a quantitative analysis. Results: A CS pattern (self-identified by psychotherapists) was obtained, which distinguishes the efficiency of the MSP from the LSP, as well as a set of human qualities (communicability, reflexivity, containment and presence) associated with the clinical success of psychotherapists, but that doesn't differentiate them in their self-perception of efficiency. Conclusions: The psychotherapists that are loving, persevering, curious, enthusiastic, honest, and with a good perspective, may be more successful in their clinical work. Yet, further studies are needed to validate this conclusion in order to create specific trainings that promote these CS, to increase the quantity of top therapists and the quality of mental health services. It is also suggested the creation of an Inventory of Character Strengths of Psychotherapists to deepen the knowledge about the human qualities that contribute to the success of psychotherapies.

Objetivos: Inexistindo estudos focados na opinião pública sobre a psicologia em Portugal, definir... more Objetivos: Inexistindo estudos focados na opinião pública sobre a psicologia em Portugal, definiram-se três objetivos: (1) obter opiniões sobre os psicólogos clínicos comparativamente a outros profissionais de saúde; (2) adaptar uma escala que capta atitudes sobre: tolerância ao estigma, perceção de competência dos psicólogos e intenção de adesão psicoterapêutica; (3) cruzando estas duas fontes, contribuir para uma melhor interface psicólogos-público. Métodos: Estudo quantitativo (N = 879) que usou uma escala de diferencial semântico (Nunnally & Kittross, 1958) e a Beliefs About Psychological Services ou BAPS (Ægisdóttir & Gerstein, 2009), que foi sujeita a quatro análises fatoriais. Os resultados foram analisados com os softwares IBM-SPSS e IBM-AMOS, com um nível de significância ≤ .05. Resultados: Validaram-se duas versões da BAPS: uma estrutura trifatorial com 18 itens e uma tetrafatorial com 26 itens. A opinião pública sobre os profissionais de saúde é positiva, mas os psicólogos são percecionados numa posição intermédia entre os grupos avaliados com maior e menor favorabilidade. O público perceciona utilidade nos serviços de psicologia, mas a perceção da velocidade do processo e da humanidade dos psicólogos (mas não o estigma social) poderão inviabilizar uma maior adesão terapêutica. Conclusões: Urge informar o público sobre os serviços de psicologia, pois face à elevada prevalência de perturbações mentais na população portuguesa os psicólogos clínicos são recursos humanos subaproveitados, que podem contribuir para alavancar a economia. Mas importa continuar a investir na capacidade preditiva, na investigação, na automonitorização e na atualização da formação, para aumentar a qualidade dos serviços dos psicólogos clínicos.
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Objectives: In the absence of studies focused on public opinion about psychology in Portugal, three objectives were defined: (1) to obtain opinions about clinical psychologists compared to other health professionals; (2) to adapt a scale to capture attitudes about: stigma tolerance, psychologists’ expertness, and intention of psychotherapeutic adherence; (3) by crossing these two sources, contribute to a better psychologists-public interface. Methods: Quantitative study (N = 879) that used a semantic differential scale (Nunnally & Kittross, 1958) and the Beliefs About Psychological Services or BAPS (Ægisdóttir & Gerstein, 2009), which was subjected to four factorial analyzes. The results were analyzed with IBM-SPSS and IBM-AMOS software, with a significance level ≤ .05. Results: Two versions of the BAPS were validated: a trifactorial structure with 18 items, and a tetrafactorial structure with 26 items. Public opinion on health professionals is positive, but psychologists are perceived in an intermediate position among the groups evaluated with more, and less favorability. The public perceives utility in psychological services, but the perception of the speed of the process, and the humanity of psychologists (but not the social stigma) may thwart a greater therapeutic adherence. Conclusions: It is vital to inform the public about psychology services, because given the high prevalence of mental disorders in the Portuguese population, clinical psychologists are underused human resources, which can contribute to the economic growth. But, it is important to continue investing in predictive capacity, research, self-monitoring and updating of training, to increase the quality of the services provided by clinical psychologists.

Após a caraterização da instituição onde foi efetuado o estágio, este trabalho inclui uma introdu... more Após a caraterização da instituição onde foi efetuado o estágio, este trabalho inclui uma introdução à psicologia aplicada às pessoas com deficiência visual, onde se salienta a abordagem integrativa como o principal modelo teórico. Depois de uma descrição de todas as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio (incluindo as consultas de rastreio e uma exposição mais alargada dos dois casos clínicos que foram acompanhados) este relatório termina com reflexões sobre os casos, sobre a visão (objetiva e subjetiva) e sobre a população com deficiência visual, através do contacto com a qual se fica (na minha experiência) muito mais sensibilizada para com a importância de «ver» para além do óbvio e do concreto.
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After the characterization of the institution where the internship was accomplished, this work includes an introduction to the psychology applied to people with visual impairment, where the integrative approach is highlighted as the main theoretical model. After a description of all activities developed at the internship (including the screening consultations and a broader explanation of the two clinical cases that were followed up) this report culminates with reflections about both cases, about vision (objective and subjective) and about the visually impaired population, through the contact with which one becomes (in my experience) much more sensitized to the importance of "seeing" beyond the obvious and the tangible.

Objetivos: reduzir a sintomatologia depressiva, ampliar a perceção de qualidade de vida e diminui... more Objetivos: reduzir a sintomatologia depressiva, ampliar a perceção de qualidade de vida e diminuir os níveis de declínio cognitivo em indivíduos com idade superior a 65 anos, residentes no Lar da Bafureira. Implementar um estudo que possibilite comparar a eficácia de uma intervenção grupal com uma individual, bem como com um grupo de controlo, a fim de aferir o impacto das intervenções psicológicas nesta população.
Métodos: Estudo quantitativo (N = 17) com um desenho quase-experimental do tipo comparativo causal, onde dois grupos experimentais (um grupal e um individual, que recebeu psicoterapia de apoio) e um grupo de controlo efetuaram pré-testes e pós-testes. Os resultados foram analisados com o software IBM-SPSS, com um nível de significância ≤ .05. Foi usado um sistema de feedback como elemento de uma prática deliberada.
Resultados: As duas intervenções produziram efeitos clínicos de grande magnitude, face ao grupo de controlo, nos três domínios clínicos analisados: sintomatologia depressiva, perceção de qualidade de vida e funções cognitivas. Os resultados do programa grupal não diferiram significativamente dos resultados dos residentes que receberam psicoterapia individual.
Conclusões: Deu-se conta de dois grandes compósitos fantasmáticos que povoam o psiquismo dos residentes: a perda e a guerra. Os elevados níveis atencionais, mormente na intervenção grupal, poderão justificar a subida média de 3.27 pontos na avaliação das funções cognitivas. A fomentação da recordação de memórias autobiográficas positivas poderá ter contribuído para os resultados observados. Importa que, em estudos futuros, seja ampliada a dimensão da amostra e que esta seja heterogeneizada em termos de género.
Objectives: To reduce the depressive symptomatology, increase the perception of quality of life and decrease the levels of cognitive decline in individuals over 65 years, residing in Lar da Bafureira. Implement a study that makes it possible to compare the efficacy of a group intervention with an individual one, as well as with a control group, to gauge the impact of psychological interventions on this population.
Methods: Quantitative study (N = 17) with a quasi-experimental design of causative comparative type, where two experimental groups (one group and one individual, who received supportive psychotherapy) and a control group, carried pretesting and post testing. The results were analyzed with the IBM-SPSS software, with a level of significance ≤ .05. A feedback system was used as an element of a deliberate practice.
Results: The two interventions produced clinical effects of a high magnitude, compared to the control group, in the three clinical domains analyzed: depressive symptomatology, perception of quality of life and cognitive functions. The results of the group program did not differ significantly from the results of residents receiving individual psychotherapy.
Conclusions: Two great phantasmatic composites that populate the residents' psyche were noticed: loss and war. The high attention levels, particularly in the group intervention, may justify the average increase of 3.27 points in the evaluation of cognitive functions. Encouragement of positive autobiographical memories recalling may have contributed to the observed results. In future studies it is important to increase the sample size and that it should be gender heterogeneous.
Papers by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
Intencionalidades sobre as consultas de psicologia, Jan 30, 2016
Este estudo exploratório faz uso do método fenomenológico de investigação em psicologia, para afe... more Este estudo exploratório faz uso do método fenomenológico de investigação em psicologia, para aferir vivências intencionais que possibilitem uma maior compreensão sobre as formas de aumentar a adesão terapêutica, reduzir o dropout dos utentes e o burnout dos clínicos. Para o efeito usou-se um questionário através do qual foram recolhidas informações de 30 indivíduos, que salientam a importância de os psicólogos darem mais atenção às dimensões técnica e pessoal da consulta de psicologia, bem como a uma abordagem clínica integrada, focada não só nos aspetos negativos da personalidade, como nos positivos.

The Family Journal, Aug 13, 2019
To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constella... more Aims:
To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constellations (FC) using mixed methods in mixed settings (videoconference and in person). To obtain variables associated with processes and results.
Using an exploratory design with mixed methods, this single case study used a triangulation of data: quantitative (Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stresse-21) and qualitative (the notes from the consultations and the patient’s responses to the Psychotherapeutic Process Data Mining Questionnaire [PPDMQ]).
The patient’s symptoms of depression went from a level of severe to normal, and the posttest results persisted after a 3-month follow-up. The severe depression seems to have been mitigated through interventions that promoted contact with reality, self-determination, the psychoemotional establishment of systemic places, and through finding meaning in autobiographical events.
This article may encourage further studies that use the PPDMQ to create a metasynthesis and to gauge whether the effectiveness of FC, as a systemic, intergenerational, and integrative psychotherapy, could plausibly contribute to enrich the body of scientific evidence–based psychotherapies and mitigate the global escalation of depression.
Permanent link for the article:

The Humanistic Psychologist, Aug 5, 2021
This article analyzed the process of change and the effectiveness of 10 sessions of Family Conste... more This article analyzed the process of change and the effectiveness of 10 sessions of Family Constellations (FC), explored elements that may aid reconciliation effectiveness, and decrypted factors underlying four variables of interest: suicidal ideation, verge of divorce, depression, and anxiety. Using a mixed methods design, this single case study used a triangulation of data: quantitative (DASS-21) and qualitative (the notes from the consultations and the patient’s responses to the Psychotherapeutic Process Data Mining Questionnaire, or PPDMQ). The Reliable Change Index (RCI) was used to gauge clinical change in the DASS-21 scores. RCI analysis showed a clinically and statistically significant change at process termination, and at the 6-month follow-up, on the patient’s symptoms of anxiety and depression. As a member of a couple on the verge of divorce, by undoing that drive to divorce, the suicidal ideation of the patient seemed to stop. Two focuses of interventions are proposed to mitigate divorce rates, suicide rates linked to divorce, as well as depression and anxiety levels associated with divorce and suicidal ideations. FC, as a psychotherapy, seems to possess a substantial financial and societal positive change potential (e.g., at the judicial sphere) and perhaps needs to be addressed from an unbiased perspective. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)

É certa a finitude do corpo. Mas e quanto à finitude da consciência? Como suporte para várias ref... more É certa a finitude do corpo. Mas e quanto à finitude da consciência? Como suporte para várias reflexões e para procurar responder a esta questão foi analisado o filme “Se eu ficar” (IMDb, 2015). É explorada a consciência da finitude, os dilemas de um estado de coma, as angústias inerentes a uma decisão de «ir ou ficar», a luz atrativa relacionada com as intencionalidades das experiências de quase-morte, a importância do «deixar ir» e salientam-se estudos que poderão mudar o sentido da experiência humana sobre a vida e sobre a vida da consciência depois da finitude corpórea.
The finitude of the body is certain. But what about the finitude of consciousness? As a support for several reflections and to try to answer this question, the movie "If I stay" (IMDb, 2015) was analyzed. The awareness of finitude, the dilemmas of a coma, the anguish inherent in a decision of 'go or stay’, the attractive light related to the intentionalities of a near-death experience and the importance of ‘letting go’ are explored. Studies that may change the meaning of human experience about life and about the life of consciousness after bodily finitude is also emphasized.

Objetivos: encontrar pontos de convergência e de divergência entre a opinião pública e os psicote... more Objetivos: encontrar pontos de convergência e de divergência entre a opinião pública e os psicoterapeutas, a fim de ampliar a adesão terapêutica. Métodos: com um inquérito online obtiveram-se intencionalidades (n = 32) de psicoterapeutas (sobre as consultas de psicologia) que foram comparadas com as da opinião pública (n = 30; obtidas num estudo anterior) através do método fenomenológico de investigação em psicologia, de uma codificação temática e de uma abordagem quantitativa. Resultados: há convergência na importância atribuída a 4 dimensões inerentes às consultas, bem como para com a inclusão da psicologia positiva de forma complementar na psicoterapia; ambos os grupos fazem uma maioria de atribuições causais externas para com a baixa adesão terapêutica e divergem quanto a uma abordagem psicoterapêutica exclusivamente positiva. Conclusões: será importante uma reflexão sobre o que pode melhorar internamente na psicologia e salienta-se a necessidade de haver uma intervenção macrossistémica sobre o estigma associado à psicologia.
Objectives: find points of convergence and divergence between public opinion and psychotherapists in order to increase the therapeutic adhesion. Methods: an online survey obtained the intentionalities (n = 32) of psychotherapists (about psychology consultations) which were compared with the ones from the public’s opinion (n = 30, obtained in a previous study) using the phenomenological psychological method of research, a thematic coding and a quantitative approach. Results: there is convergence on the importance attributed to four dimensions inherent to the consultations, as well as with the inclusion of positive psychology in a complementary way in psychotherapy; both groups make a majority of external causal attributions towards the low therapeutic adhesion and differ as to an exclusively positive psychotherapeutic approach. Conclusions: it seems to be important to reflect on what can improve internally in psychology and is highlighted the need for a macrosystemic intervention on the stigma associated with psychology.
Análise Crítica do Artigo Aphasia with recurring utterances., 2014
Este trabalho faz parte da Unidade Curricular com o nome Neuropsicologia, ministrada pela Profess... more Este trabalho faz parte da Unidade Curricular com o nome Neuropsicologia, ministrada pela Professora Doutora Rita Jerónimo, no curso de Psicologia Geral facultado pelo ISCTE-IU no ano letivo de 2014-2015.

Neste trabalho fazemos uma síntese de um artigo de Paula Heimann (1950) onde a autora sugere uma ... more Neste trabalho fazemos uma síntese de um artigo de Paula Heimann (1950) onde a autora sugere uma atitude psicanalítica, sobre a contratransferência (CT), complementar à de Freud. Para o fundador da psicanálise a CT era uma dinâmica a evitar pelos analistas, mas Heimann argumentou no sentido de que a CT deveria ser usada como um valioso instrumento na análise dos conteúdos inconscientes dos analisandos, por via das reações emocionais que as suas transferências elicitam nos analistas. Concluímos com reflexões sobre a ubiquidade da CT e sobre a importância de Heimann ter tido a coragem de se manter intelectualmente firme na defesa da sua tese, após esta ter sido desconsiderada por Melanie Klein e seus seguidores.
In this work we make a synthesis of an article by Paula Heimann (1950) where the author suggests a psychoanalytic attitude, on countertransference (CT), complementary to Freud’s. For the founder of psychoanalysis CT was a dynamic to avoid by analysts, but Heimann argued that CT should be used as a valuable tool in the analysis of the unconscious contents of the analysands, through the emotional reactions that their transferences elicits in the analysts. We conclude with considerations on the ubiquity of CT and on the importance of the courage that Heimann had by keeping her intellectual honesty in the defense of her thesis, after Melanie Klein and her followers have disregarded it.

Este trabalho possui quatro partes: (1) definições de mindfulness e síntese do programa MBSR; (2)... more Este trabalho possui quatro partes: (1) definições de mindfulness e síntese do programa MBSR; (2) resumo do artigo de Halland, et al. (2015) que investigou a influência do MBSR sobre o uso de estratégias de coping mais ajustadas a situações de stresse; (3) reflexões sobre o referido artigo (em termos metodológicos); (4) reflexões sobre o estilo de vida: a inclusão da mindfulness nas escolas, nas empresas (entre outras organizações) e como potencial fomentadora de um estilo de vida mais saudável, mitigando os efeitos perniciosos do stresse.
This paper has four parts: (1) mindfulness definitions and synthesis of the MBSR program; (2) summary of an article by Halland, et al. (2015) that investigated the influence of MBSR on the use of coping strategies more adjusted to situations of stress; (3) considerations on the above article (from a methodologically point of view); (4) reflections about lifestyle: the inclusion of mindfulness in schools, companies (among other organizations) and as a potential promoter of a healthier lifestyle by mitigating the pernicious effects of stress.

Este estudo exploratório faz uso do método fenomenológico de investigação em psicologia, para afe... more Este estudo exploratório faz uso do método fenomenológico de investigação em psicologia, para aferir vivências intencionais que possibilitem uma maior compreensão sobre as formas de aumentar a adesão terapêutica, reduzir o dropout dos utentes e o burnout dos clínicos. Para o efeito usou-se um questionário através do qual foram recolhidas informações de 30 indivíduos, que salientam a importância de os psicólogos darem mais atenção às dimensões técnica e pessoal da consulta de psicologia, bem como a uma abordagem clínica integrada, focada não só nos aspetos negativos da personalidade, como nos positivos.
This exploratory study makes use of the phenomenological method in psychology research to gauge intentional experiences that allow a greater understanding of the ways to increase therapeutic adherence, reduce the clients’ dropout and the clinicians’ burnout. For this purpose a questionnaire was used through which was collected information of 30 individuals, which emphasize the importance of psychologists to give more attention to the technique and personal dimensions of a psychological session, as well as to an integrated clinical approach, focused not only on the negative aspects of personality, as well as on the positive.
Este trabalho apresenta uma síntese de um clássico de Freud (1912) sobre a dinâmica da transferên... more Este trabalho apresenta uma síntese de um clássico de Freud (1912) sobre a dinâmica da transferência. São também efetuadas reflexões sobre as redefinições da transferência e a sua contemporaneidade, sobre a transferência fora do contexto clínico e sobre as dificuldades em operacionalizar os construtos psicanalíticos (e.g., o da transferência).

Neste trabalho fazemos uma revisão crítica de um programa de treino de competências emocionais, o... more Neste trabalho fazemos uma revisão crítica de um programa de treino de competências emocionais, o Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), aplicado à população de pacientes com Perturbação Pós-Stresse Traumático (PPST). Nesse sentido efetuámos um enquadramento taxonómico, uma pesquisa com critérios sistemáticos, descrevemos os contextos de aplicação do MBSR, as suas etapas e a avaliação da sua eficácia bem como os seus efeitos neuroanatómicos, a sua eficiência e a sua efetividade. Finalizamos com algumas considerações sobre limitações na aferição da sua eficácia e salientando a mais-valia da sua aplicação aos profissionais de saúde mental.
In this paper we do a critical review of an emotional skills training program, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), applied to the population of patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To this end, we made a taxonomic framework, a search with systematic criteria, a description of the MBSR and its application contexts and stages, the evaluation of its effectiveness as well as its neuroanatomical effects, efficiency and effectivity. We conclude with some considerations about the limitations assessing MBSR effectiveness and highlighting the worth of its application to the mental health professionals.

Este trabalho preconiza dar sequência ao que é requerido como trabalho individual para esta unida... more Este trabalho preconiza dar sequência ao que é requerido como trabalho individual para esta unidade curricular: uma recensão crítica sobre um filme com base em duas teorias sistémicas. Foi selecionado o filme “Os Divinos Segredos da Irmandade Ya-Ya” e como teorias para a sua análise foram escolhidas a pragmática da comunicação humana e o ciclo de vida da família. Assim este trabalho inclui uma sinopse do filme, uma breve introdução às referidas teorias, uma análise de algumas cenas do filme para ilustrar as teorias e uma reflexão critica sobre o que aprendi com este trabalho e com esta disciplina.
This paper proposes to follow up what is required as an individual work for this course: a critical review on a movie based on two systemic theories. The movie ‘The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood’ was selected and the two chosen theories to its analysis were pragmatics of human communication and the family life cycle. So this work includes a synopsis of the movie, a brief introduction to the mentioned theories, an analysis of some scenes of the movie to illustrate the theories and a critical reflection on what I learned from this work and this course.

Com base em duas teorias sistémicas (pragmática da comunicação humana e teoria estrutural familia... more Com base em duas teorias sistémicas (pragmática da comunicação humana e teoria estrutural familiar) neste trabalho faz-se uma revisão crítica do filme “Gente Vulgar” (1981) que é considerado o melhor filme para ser usado como apoio a intervenções terapêuticas em famílias com problemas intergeracionais. Após uma introdução às referidas teorias elas são usadas como instrumentos de análise de sete excertos do filme. Por fim fazem-se reflexões críticas sobre o pensamento sistémico e uma abordagem pedagógica sistémica integrativa.
Based on two systemic theories (pragmatics of human communication and family structural theory) this paper makes a critical review on the movie ‘Ordinary People’ (1981) which is considered the best movie to be used as a support of therapeutic interventions in families with intergenerational issues. After an introduction to the referred theories they are used as instruments of analysis of seven excerpts of the movie. To conclude critical reflections are made on systemic thinking and on an integrative systemic pedagogical approach.
Videos by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
Thesis by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
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Objectives: (1) To verify if there is a pattern of character strengths (CS), through VIA-IS (Values In Action – Inventory of Strengths; Peterson & Seligman, 2004), self-perceived by psychotherapists from four countries, that contributes for some psychotherapists to have more success than others; and (2) gauge if there are other human qualities (beyond those captured by VIA-IS) that distinguish the most successful psychotherapists (MSP) from the least successful psychotherapists (LSP). Methods: For the first objective, quantitative methods were used (to analyze the results of the VIA-IS, a 5-point Likert scale of agreement) and for the second objective qualitative methods (deductive and inductive content analysis) were used followed by a quantitative analysis. Results: A CS pattern (self-identified by psychotherapists) was obtained, which distinguishes the efficiency of the MSP from the LSP, as well as a set of human qualities (communicability, reflexivity, containment and presence) associated with the clinical success of psychotherapists, but that doesn't differentiate them in their self-perception of efficiency. Conclusions: The psychotherapists that are loving, persevering, curious, enthusiastic, honest, and with a good perspective, may be more successful in their clinical work. Yet, further studies are needed to validate this conclusion in order to create specific trainings that promote these CS, to increase the quantity of top therapists and the quality of mental health services. It is also suggested the creation of an Inventory of Character Strengths of Psychotherapists to deepen the knowledge about the human qualities that contribute to the success of psychotherapies.
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Objectives: In the absence of studies focused on public opinion about psychology in Portugal, three objectives were defined: (1) to obtain opinions about clinical psychologists compared to other health professionals; (2) to adapt a scale to capture attitudes about: stigma tolerance, psychologists’ expertness, and intention of psychotherapeutic adherence; (3) by crossing these two sources, contribute to a better psychologists-public interface. Methods: Quantitative study (N = 879) that used a semantic differential scale (Nunnally & Kittross, 1958) and the Beliefs About Psychological Services or BAPS (Ægisdóttir & Gerstein, 2009), which was subjected to four factorial analyzes. The results were analyzed with IBM-SPSS and IBM-AMOS software, with a significance level ≤ .05. Results: Two versions of the BAPS were validated: a trifactorial structure with 18 items, and a tetrafactorial structure with 26 items. Public opinion on health professionals is positive, but psychologists are perceived in an intermediate position among the groups evaluated with more, and less favorability. The public perceives utility in psychological services, but the perception of the speed of the process, and the humanity of psychologists (but not the social stigma) may thwart a greater therapeutic adherence. Conclusions: It is vital to inform the public about psychology services, because given the high prevalence of mental disorders in the Portuguese population, clinical psychologists are underused human resources, which can contribute to the economic growth. But, it is important to continue investing in predictive capacity, research, self-monitoring and updating of training, to increase the quality of the services provided by clinical psychologists.
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After the characterization of the institution where the internship was accomplished, this work includes an introduction to the psychology applied to people with visual impairment, where the integrative approach is highlighted as the main theoretical model. After a description of all activities developed at the internship (including the screening consultations and a broader explanation of the two clinical cases that were followed up) this report culminates with reflections about both cases, about vision (objective and subjective) and about the visually impaired population, through the contact with which one becomes (in my experience) much more sensitized to the importance of "seeing" beyond the obvious and the tangible.
Métodos: Estudo quantitativo (N = 17) com um desenho quase-experimental do tipo comparativo causal, onde dois grupos experimentais (um grupal e um individual, que recebeu psicoterapia de apoio) e um grupo de controlo efetuaram pré-testes e pós-testes. Os resultados foram analisados com o software IBM-SPSS, com um nível de significância ≤ .05. Foi usado um sistema de feedback como elemento de uma prática deliberada.
Resultados: As duas intervenções produziram efeitos clínicos de grande magnitude, face ao grupo de controlo, nos três domínios clínicos analisados: sintomatologia depressiva, perceção de qualidade de vida e funções cognitivas. Os resultados do programa grupal não diferiram significativamente dos resultados dos residentes que receberam psicoterapia individual.
Conclusões: Deu-se conta de dois grandes compósitos fantasmáticos que povoam o psiquismo dos residentes: a perda e a guerra. Os elevados níveis atencionais, mormente na intervenção grupal, poderão justificar a subida média de 3.27 pontos na avaliação das funções cognitivas. A fomentação da recordação de memórias autobiográficas positivas poderá ter contribuído para os resultados observados. Importa que, em estudos futuros, seja ampliada a dimensão da amostra e que esta seja heterogeneizada em termos de género.
Objectives: To reduce the depressive symptomatology, increase the perception of quality of life and decrease the levels of cognitive decline in individuals over 65 years, residing in Lar da Bafureira. Implement a study that makes it possible to compare the efficacy of a group intervention with an individual one, as well as with a control group, to gauge the impact of psychological interventions on this population.
Methods: Quantitative study (N = 17) with a quasi-experimental design of causative comparative type, where two experimental groups (one group and one individual, who received supportive psychotherapy) and a control group, carried pretesting and post testing. The results were analyzed with the IBM-SPSS software, with a level of significance ≤ .05. A feedback system was used as an element of a deliberate practice.
Results: The two interventions produced clinical effects of a high magnitude, compared to the control group, in the three clinical domains analyzed: depressive symptomatology, perception of quality of life and cognitive functions. The results of the group program did not differ significantly from the results of residents receiving individual psychotherapy.
Conclusions: Two great phantasmatic composites that populate the residents' psyche were noticed: loss and war. The high attention levels, particularly in the group intervention, may justify the average increase of 3.27 points in the evaluation of cognitive functions. Encouragement of positive autobiographical memories recalling may have contributed to the observed results. In future studies it is important to increase the sample size and that it should be gender heterogeneous.
Papers by Sandra Ramos and Jorge A. Ramos
To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constellations (FC) using mixed methods in mixed settings (videoconference and in person). To obtain variables associated with processes and results.
Using an exploratory design with mixed methods, this single case study used a triangulation of data: quantitative (Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stresse-21) and qualitative (the notes from the consultations and the patient’s responses to the Psychotherapeutic Process Data Mining Questionnaire [PPDMQ]).
The patient’s symptoms of depression went from a level of severe to normal, and the posttest results persisted after a 3-month follow-up. The severe depression seems to have been mitigated through interventions that promoted contact with reality, self-determination, the psychoemotional establishment of systemic places, and through finding meaning in autobiographical events.
This article may encourage further studies that use the PPDMQ to create a metasynthesis and to gauge whether the effectiveness of FC, as a systemic, intergenerational, and integrative psychotherapy, could plausibly contribute to enrich the body of scientific evidence–based psychotherapies and mitigate the global escalation of depression.
Permanent link for the article:
The finitude of the body is certain. But what about the finitude of consciousness? As a support for several reflections and to try to answer this question, the movie "If I stay" (IMDb, 2015) was analyzed. The awareness of finitude, the dilemmas of a coma, the anguish inherent in a decision of 'go or stay’, the attractive light related to the intentionalities of a near-death experience and the importance of ‘letting go’ are explored. Studies that may change the meaning of human experience about life and about the life of consciousness after bodily finitude is also emphasized.
Objectives: find points of convergence and divergence between public opinion and psychotherapists in order to increase the therapeutic adhesion. Methods: an online survey obtained the intentionalities (n = 32) of psychotherapists (about psychology consultations) which were compared with the ones from the public’s opinion (n = 30, obtained in a previous study) using the phenomenological psychological method of research, a thematic coding and a quantitative approach. Results: there is convergence on the importance attributed to four dimensions inherent to the consultations, as well as with the inclusion of positive psychology in a complementary way in psychotherapy; both groups make a majority of external causal attributions towards the low therapeutic adhesion and differ as to an exclusively positive psychotherapeutic approach. Conclusions: it seems to be important to reflect on what can improve internally in psychology and is highlighted the need for a macrosystemic intervention on the stigma associated with psychology.
In this work we make a synthesis of an article by Paula Heimann (1950) where the author suggests a psychoanalytic attitude, on countertransference (CT), complementary to Freud’s. For the founder of psychoanalysis CT was a dynamic to avoid by analysts, but Heimann argued that CT should be used as a valuable tool in the analysis of the unconscious contents of the analysands, through the emotional reactions that their transferences elicits in the analysts. We conclude with considerations on the ubiquity of CT and on the importance of the courage that Heimann had by keeping her intellectual honesty in the defense of her thesis, after Melanie Klein and her followers have disregarded it.
This paper has four parts: (1) mindfulness definitions and synthesis of the MBSR program; (2) summary of an article by Halland, et al. (2015) that investigated the influence of MBSR on the use of coping strategies more adjusted to situations of stress; (3) considerations on the above article (from a methodologically point of view); (4) reflections about lifestyle: the inclusion of mindfulness in schools, companies (among other organizations) and as a potential promoter of a healthier lifestyle by mitigating the pernicious effects of stress.
This exploratory study makes use of the phenomenological method in psychology research to gauge intentional experiences that allow a greater understanding of the ways to increase therapeutic adherence, reduce the clients’ dropout and the clinicians’ burnout. For this purpose a questionnaire was used through which was collected information of 30 individuals, which emphasize the importance of psychologists to give more attention to the technique and personal dimensions of a psychological session, as well as to an integrated clinical approach, focused not only on the negative aspects of personality, as well as on the positive.
In this paper we do a critical review of an emotional skills training program, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), applied to the population of patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To this end, we made a taxonomic framework, a search with systematic criteria, a description of the MBSR and its application contexts and stages, the evaluation of its effectiveness as well as its neuroanatomical effects, efficiency and effectivity. We conclude with some considerations about the limitations assessing MBSR effectiveness and highlighting the worth of its application to the mental health professionals.
This paper proposes to follow up what is required as an individual work for this course: a critical review on a movie based on two systemic theories. The movie ‘The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood’ was selected and the two chosen theories to its analysis were pragmatics of human communication and the family life cycle. So this work includes a synopsis of the movie, a brief introduction to the mentioned theories, an analysis of some scenes of the movie to illustrate the theories and a critical reflection on what I learned from this work and this course.
Based on two systemic theories (pragmatics of human communication and family structural theory) this paper makes a critical review on the movie ‘Ordinary People’ (1981) which is considered the best movie to be used as a support of therapeutic interventions in families with intergenerational issues. After an introduction to the referred theories they are used as instruments of analysis of seven excerpts of the movie. To conclude critical reflections are made on systemic thinking and on an integrative systemic pedagogical approach.
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Objectives: (1) To verify if there is a pattern of character strengths (CS), through VIA-IS (Values In Action – Inventory of Strengths; Peterson & Seligman, 2004), self-perceived by psychotherapists from four countries, that contributes for some psychotherapists to have more success than others; and (2) gauge if there are other human qualities (beyond those captured by VIA-IS) that distinguish the most successful psychotherapists (MSP) from the least successful psychotherapists (LSP). Methods: For the first objective, quantitative methods were used (to analyze the results of the VIA-IS, a 5-point Likert scale of agreement) and for the second objective qualitative methods (deductive and inductive content analysis) were used followed by a quantitative analysis. Results: A CS pattern (self-identified by psychotherapists) was obtained, which distinguishes the efficiency of the MSP from the LSP, as well as a set of human qualities (communicability, reflexivity, containment and presence) associated with the clinical success of psychotherapists, but that doesn't differentiate them in their self-perception of efficiency. Conclusions: The psychotherapists that are loving, persevering, curious, enthusiastic, honest, and with a good perspective, may be more successful in their clinical work. Yet, further studies are needed to validate this conclusion in order to create specific trainings that promote these CS, to increase the quantity of top therapists and the quality of mental health services. It is also suggested the creation of an Inventory of Character Strengths of Psychotherapists to deepen the knowledge about the human qualities that contribute to the success of psychotherapies.
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Objectives: In the absence of studies focused on public opinion about psychology in Portugal, three objectives were defined: (1) to obtain opinions about clinical psychologists compared to other health professionals; (2) to adapt a scale to capture attitudes about: stigma tolerance, psychologists’ expertness, and intention of psychotherapeutic adherence; (3) by crossing these two sources, contribute to a better psychologists-public interface. Methods: Quantitative study (N = 879) that used a semantic differential scale (Nunnally & Kittross, 1958) and the Beliefs About Psychological Services or BAPS (Ægisdóttir & Gerstein, 2009), which was subjected to four factorial analyzes. The results were analyzed with IBM-SPSS and IBM-AMOS software, with a significance level ≤ .05. Results: Two versions of the BAPS were validated: a trifactorial structure with 18 items, and a tetrafactorial structure with 26 items. Public opinion on health professionals is positive, but psychologists are perceived in an intermediate position among the groups evaluated with more, and less favorability. The public perceives utility in psychological services, but the perception of the speed of the process, and the humanity of psychologists (but not the social stigma) may thwart a greater therapeutic adherence. Conclusions: It is vital to inform the public about psychology services, because given the high prevalence of mental disorders in the Portuguese population, clinical psychologists are underused human resources, which can contribute to the economic growth. But, it is important to continue investing in predictive capacity, research, self-monitoring and updating of training, to increase the quality of the services provided by clinical psychologists.
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After the characterization of the institution where the internship was accomplished, this work includes an introduction to the psychology applied to people with visual impairment, where the integrative approach is highlighted as the main theoretical model. After a description of all activities developed at the internship (including the screening consultations and a broader explanation of the two clinical cases that were followed up) this report culminates with reflections about both cases, about vision (objective and subjective) and about the visually impaired population, through the contact with which one becomes (in my experience) much more sensitized to the importance of "seeing" beyond the obvious and the tangible.
Métodos: Estudo quantitativo (N = 17) com um desenho quase-experimental do tipo comparativo causal, onde dois grupos experimentais (um grupal e um individual, que recebeu psicoterapia de apoio) e um grupo de controlo efetuaram pré-testes e pós-testes. Os resultados foram analisados com o software IBM-SPSS, com um nível de significância ≤ .05. Foi usado um sistema de feedback como elemento de uma prática deliberada.
Resultados: As duas intervenções produziram efeitos clínicos de grande magnitude, face ao grupo de controlo, nos três domínios clínicos analisados: sintomatologia depressiva, perceção de qualidade de vida e funções cognitivas. Os resultados do programa grupal não diferiram significativamente dos resultados dos residentes que receberam psicoterapia individual.
Conclusões: Deu-se conta de dois grandes compósitos fantasmáticos que povoam o psiquismo dos residentes: a perda e a guerra. Os elevados níveis atencionais, mormente na intervenção grupal, poderão justificar a subida média de 3.27 pontos na avaliação das funções cognitivas. A fomentação da recordação de memórias autobiográficas positivas poderá ter contribuído para os resultados observados. Importa que, em estudos futuros, seja ampliada a dimensão da amostra e que esta seja heterogeneizada em termos de género.
Objectives: To reduce the depressive symptomatology, increase the perception of quality of life and decrease the levels of cognitive decline in individuals over 65 years, residing in Lar da Bafureira. Implement a study that makes it possible to compare the efficacy of a group intervention with an individual one, as well as with a control group, to gauge the impact of psychological interventions on this population.
Methods: Quantitative study (N = 17) with a quasi-experimental design of causative comparative type, where two experimental groups (one group and one individual, who received supportive psychotherapy) and a control group, carried pretesting and post testing. The results were analyzed with the IBM-SPSS software, with a level of significance ≤ .05. A feedback system was used as an element of a deliberate practice.
Results: The two interventions produced clinical effects of a high magnitude, compared to the control group, in the three clinical domains analyzed: depressive symptomatology, perception of quality of life and cognitive functions. The results of the group program did not differ significantly from the results of residents receiving individual psychotherapy.
Conclusions: Two great phantasmatic composites that populate the residents' psyche were noticed: loss and war. The high attention levels, particularly in the group intervention, may justify the average increase of 3.27 points in the evaluation of cognitive functions. Encouragement of positive autobiographical memories recalling may have contributed to the observed results. In future studies it is important to increase the sample size and that it should be gender heterogeneous.
To analyze the process of change and the effectiveness of five sessions of family constellations (FC) using mixed methods in mixed settings (videoconference and in person). To obtain variables associated with processes and results.
Using an exploratory design with mixed methods, this single case study used a triangulation of data: quantitative (Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stresse-21) and qualitative (the notes from the consultations and the patient’s responses to the Psychotherapeutic Process Data Mining Questionnaire [PPDMQ]).
The patient’s symptoms of depression went from a level of severe to normal, and the posttest results persisted after a 3-month follow-up. The severe depression seems to have been mitigated through interventions that promoted contact with reality, self-determination, the psychoemotional establishment of systemic places, and through finding meaning in autobiographical events.
This article may encourage further studies that use the PPDMQ to create a metasynthesis and to gauge whether the effectiveness of FC, as a systemic, intergenerational, and integrative psychotherapy, could plausibly contribute to enrich the body of scientific evidence–based psychotherapies and mitigate the global escalation of depression.
Permanent link for the article:
The finitude of the body is certain. But what about the finitude of consciousness? As a support for several reflections and to try to answer this question, the movie "If I stay" (IMDb, 2015) was analyzed. The awareness of finitude, the dilemmas of a coma, the anguish inherent in a decision of 'go or stay’, the attractive light related to the intentionalities of a near-death experience and the importance of ‘letting go’ are explored. Studies that may change the meaning of human experience about life and about the life of consciousness after bodily finitude is also emphasized.
Objectives: find points of convergence and divergence between public opinion and psychotherapists in order to increase the therapeutic adhesion. Methods: an online survey obtained the intentionalities (n = 32) of psychotherapists (about psychology consultations) which were compared with the ones from the public’s opinion (n = 30, obtained in a previous study) using the phenomenological psychological method of research, a thematic coding and a quantitative approach. Results: there is convergence on the importance attributed to four dimensions inherent to the consultations, as well as with the inclusion of positive psychology in a complementary way in psychotherapy; both groups make a majority of external causal attributions towards the low therapeutic adhesion and differ as to an exclusively positive psychotherapeutic approach. Conclusions: it seems to be important to reflect on what can improve internally in psychology and is highlighted the need for a macrosystemic intervention on the stigma associated with psychology.
In this work we make a synthesis of an article by Paula Heimann (1950) where the author suggests a psychoanalytic attitude, on countertransference (CT), complementary to Freud’s. For the founder of psychoanalysis CT was a dynamic to avoid by analysts, but Heimann argued that CT should be used as a valuable tool in the analysis of the unconscious contents of the analysands, through the emotional reactions that their transferences elicits in the analysts. We conclude with considerations on the ubiquity of CT and on the importance of the courage that Heimann had by keeping her intellectual honesty in the defense of her thesis, after Melanie Klein and her followers have disregarded it.
This paper has four parts: (1) mindfulness definitions and synthesis of the MBSR program; (2) summary of an article by Halland, et al. (2015) that investigated the influence of MBSR on the use of coping strategies more adjusted to situations of stress; (3) considerations on the above article (from a methodologically point of view); (4) reflections about lifestyle: the inclusion of mindfulness in schools, companies (among other organizations) and as a potential promoter of a healthier lifestyle by mitigating the pernicious effects of stress.
This exploratory study makes use of the phenomenological method in psychology research to gauge intentional experiences that allow a greater understanding of the ways to increase therapeutic adherence, reduce the clients’ dropout and the clinicians’ burnout. For this purpose a questionnaire was used through which was collected information of 30 individuals, which emphasize the importance of psychologists to give more attention to the technique and personal dimensions of a psychological session, as well as to an integrated clinical approach, focused not only on the negative aspects of personality, as well as on the positive.
In this paper we do a critical review of an emotional skills training program, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), applied to the population of patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To this end, we made a taxonomic framework, a search with systematic criteria, a description of the MBSR and its application contexts and stages, the evaluation of its effectiveness as well as its neuroanatomical effects, efficiency and effectivity. We conclude with some considerations about the limitations assessing MBSR effectiveness and highlighting the worth of its application to the mental health professionals.
This paper proposes to follow up what is required as an individual work for this course: a critical review on a movie based on two systemic theories. The movie ‘The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood’ was selected and the two chosen theories to its analysis were pragmatics of human communication and the family life cycle. So this work includes a synopsis of the movie, a brief introduction to the mentioned theories, an analysis of some scenes of the movie to illustrate the theories and a critical reflection on what I learned from this work and this course.
Based on two systemic theories (pragmatics of human communication and family structural theory) this paper makes a critical review on the movie ‘Ordinary People’ (1981) which is considered the best movie to be used as a support of therapeutic interventions in families with intergenerational issues. After an introduction to the referred theories they are used as instruments of analysis of seven excerpts of the movie. To conclude critical reflections are made on systemic thinking and on an integrative systemic pedagogical approach.
This paper is focused on a line of thought that stems in the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, passes through humanistic psychology and becomes stronger in positive psychology: the interest in the study of the best of human being. By creating a scale to measure virtues and character strengths (2000) and with the publication of a manual of sanities (2004) Peterson and Seligman introduced in psychology a new perspective on personality analysis, which we illustrated in this work through four articles that emphasize: the effects of positive self-representations in individuals with psychosis; the crossculturality of character strengths and its association with job performance and post-traumatic growth. We conclude with reflections and suggestions on how to contribute to more positive cultures.
Bartsch (2012) assessed 7 dimensions of emotional gratifications (EG) that are obtained by watching movies (3 hedonic and 4 eudaimonic dimensions). To Peterson and Seligman (2004) perspective implies having the ability to give advice on difficult questions about conducts and the meanings of life. This study examines (N = 331; ages 18-77) if perspective may perhaps be an 8th dimension of EG, being expected a positive association between perspective and the 7 dimensions of EG (H1a), a positive association between perspective and the amount of movies that are watched (H2a) and that age interact as a moderator (H1b and H2b). Two instruments were used: the Bartsch scale (which measures EG with 28 items) and a subscale of VIA-IS (which measures perspective with 10 items) both Likert type with 5 points. The results confirmed H1a (r(331) = 0.178, p = 0.001) and H2a (r (331) = 0.104, p = 0.031; one-tailed), therefore we consider the possibility that perspective, as a reflexive externalizing factor, represents an 8th dimension of EG: obtaining knowledge (by way of watching movies) to strengthen the ability to give advice and to analyze the challenges of life according to several angles.
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This paper follows up the requirements for the group work of this curricular unit called Clinical and Health Psychology: characterization of a psychopathology chosen by the group (which was PTSD); description of possible interventions for that psychopathology and characterization of the most effective (which is CBT); description of the application of CBT to PTSD and studies on its effectiveness (which includes two meta-analyzes); description of a clinical case (of a war veteran) and critical reflection, which stressed the importance of CBT consider the positive side of PTSD as well as the consideration of the latest knowledge of epigenetics (on the transgenerational transmission of traumatic memories) in order to accomplish a more complete etiological work and transgenerationally preventive.
This paper follows up the requirements for the group work of this curricular unit: the elaboration of a portfolio with examples of some of the key concepts covered in learning (where we explored associative learning and the use of subliminal, as well as observational learning emphasizing the importance of a positive approach), motivation (where we looked at adult students' intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation with a focus on the importance of pedagogy, and human motivation in general) and emotion (where we addressed alexithymia and the importance of meditation as an emotional regulator, as well as on mood especially as a stimulator of joy and about its positive physiological effects).
✅ Baseado em psicologia positiva: fomenta o foco no lado positivo e saudável do ser humano; e
✅ Estrutura simplificada: sessões diárias de 3 a 5 minutos com tarefas muito simples.
✅ Based on positive psychology: encourages a focus on the positive and healthy side of the human nature; and
✅ Simplified structure: daily sessions of 3 to 5 minutes with very simple tasks.
Structured as both a practical and meditaginative resource, the book delves into topics such as sleep, relationships, self-sabotage, abundance, and extrasensory perception, offering actionable strategies to improve daily life. It also includes a linguistic analysis of meditagination in the appendix to empower readers to create meditaginations tailored to their unique needs.
Fundamentado no método fenomenológico, a obra fomenta reflexões transformadoras e apresenta conceitos inovadores que ampliam a compreensão de si e dos outros. Alguns desses conceitos são: Angústia identitária com raiz in utero, útero-casa, útero-túmulo, simbiose holográfica, hierarquia do trauma em camadas e proto-alienação parental.
Enriquecido com centenas de frases homeostaticamente orientadas, In Utero II é um recurso valioso para terapeutas e uma ferramenta preciosa de autoajuda. É uma leitura essencial para profissionais de saúde, estudantes e todos aqueles fascinados pelas complexidades do psiquismo humano.
Descubra novas perspetivas sobre as origens da sua identidade e alguns dos fatores subjacentes à qualidade dos seus relacionamentos nesta obra inovadora.
More than just a coloring book, “Love is in the color” is a journey of self-discovery, creativity, and romantic love.
Immerse yourself in a serene coloring adventure as you bring to life a delightful collection of 70 adorable couples in love.
This unique coloring book is not only a creative outlet, but also a therapeutic way to foster respect, empathy, and precious shared moments.
Unlock the Magic of Coloring Together
Immerse yourself in charming patterns and gorgeous couples, using each page as a canvas for self-expression and rekindling of your romantic love.
By coloring together, couples of all cultural backgrounds and gender orientations can create magical and unforgettable moments of pure love and joy.
This inclusive and enchanting coloring book is the perfect way to strengthen your bond and nurture your romantic love.
A Path to Inner Peace and Romantic Bliss
More than just a coloring book, “Love is in the color” is a path to inner peace and a guide to a more vibrant romantic life.
With its soothing and beautiful illustrations, this book is the perfect way to unwind and recharge with positive energy.
May this book be a pure source of loving inspiration, where the colors of your inner beauty sparkle like precious diamonds with every coloring!
Enhance Your Well-being with This Enchanting Coloring Book
“Love is in the color” is available on Amazon! Gift it to yourself and/or to someone special and experience the transformative power of art therapy!
Mais do que apenas um livro para colorir, “O amor está na cor” é uma jornada de autodescoberta, criatividade e amor romântico.
Invista-se numa tranquila aventura de colorações e dê vida a uma deliciosa coleção de 70 adoráveis casais apaixonados.
Este cativante livro de colorir não é apenas um meio de expressão criativa, mas também uma forma terapêutica de fomentar respeito, empatia e preciosos momentos de partilha.
Desbloqueie a Magia do Colorir Juntos
Envolva-se em padrões charmosos e em casais lindos, usando cada página como uma tela para a expressão e restauração do seu amor romântico.
Colorindo juntos, os casais de todas as culturas e orientações de género podem criar momentos mágicos e inesquecíveis de amor puro e alegria.
Este inclusivo e encantador livro de colorir é uma via perfeita para fortalecer o seu vínculo e nutrir o seu amor romântico.
Um Caminho para Paz Interior e uma Vida Romântica Vibrante
Mais do que apenas um livro de colorir, “O amor está na cor” é um caminho para a paz interior e um guia para uma vida romântica mais vibrante.
Com as suas suaves e lindas ilustrações, este livro é um meio perfeito para descontrair e recarregar boas energias.
Que este livro seja uma fonte pura de inspiração amorosa, onde as cores da sua beleza interior brilham como preciosos diamantes com cada coloração!
Melhore o seu Bem-Estar com este Encantador Livro de Colorir
“O amor está na cor” está disponível na Amazon! Ofereça-o a si próprio e/ou a alguém especial e experimente o poder transformador da arteterapia!
Discover the deep connection between mindfulness and mental health as you immerse yourself in 70 intricately designed garden scenes. Each page is a canvas for your creativity to flourish, a meditation in color that transcends the ordinary. Beyond mere coloring, this book is a gateway to unleashing your inner natural beauty — a journey of self-discovery and profound tranquility.
Let the serenity of these enchanting gardens, and the therapeutic power of coloring, transport you to a realm of peace and rejuvenation. Enhance your wellbeing with "Mindfulness Gardens," where coloring becomes a transformative experience and a respite from the chaos of life. Buy now and cultivate the garden of serenity within your soul!
Este encantador livro para colorir não é apenas um deleite visual, mas também um oásis terapêutico concebido para ampliar a qualidade da sua saúde mental!
Cada uma das 70 adoráveis ilustrações de jardins é uma tela para a sua amorosidade florescer, para uma meditação a cores, que o irá surpreender positivamente! Para além da mera coloração, este livro fomenta uma viagem de autodescoberta e de profunda paz de espírito.
Permita que a serenidade destes jardins encantadores e o poder terapêutico da coloração o transportem para um reino abençoado de paz e rejuvenescimento.
Amplie a sua qualidade de vida com Jardins Tranquilos, onde colorir se torna uma experiência meditativa, transformadora e pacificadora.
Disponível na Amazon! Cultive um jardim de serenidade interna, colorindo uma adorável ilustração por dia!
Featuring 70 intricately designed chibi fairy illustrations, each page is a canvas for your creativity to flourish!
In times when stress levels are rising worldwide, "Chibi Fairies" is a beacon of tranquility, offering you a wonderful escape and a powerful tool for your mental well-being. In addition to the joy of coloring, this book is also a catalyst for positive character strengths and promotes a sense of calm and mindfulness.
Let the whimsical charm of these fairies inspire your creativity and transport you to a realm of deep relaxation. Unwind, relax and discover the joy of coloring with this enchanting collection that will be a source of comfort in the midst of life's demands. Illuminate your path to inner peace — one fairy at a time!
Com 70 ilustrações de lindas fadas chibi, cada página é uma tela mágica onde a sua criatividade e o seu amor-próprio irão florescer de uma forma fluída e natural!
Numa época em que os níveis de stresse aumentam em todo o mundo, "Fadas Amorosas" é um farol de tranquilidade, facultando-lhe um prazeroso escape e uma poderosa ferramenta para o seu bem-estar mental. Para além da alegria de colorir, este livro é também um catalisador de forças de carácter positivas, calma e atenção plena.
Permita que o encanto destas adoráveis fadas o transporte para um espaço interno de relaxamento profundo. Descontraia, relaxe e descubra a alegria de colorir com esta coleção encantadora!
Ilumine o seu percurso existencial na companhia destas ilustrações inspiradoras – uma fada de cada vez!
Immerse yourself in intricate patterns and endearing animals, using each page as a canvas for self-expression and emotional release. Coloring, combined with mindful breathing, has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and provide a sense of calm.
Within these pages, you will discover a sanctuary where art and mindfulness harmonize to ease the burdens of the modern world. More than just a coloring book, Zen Serenity is a path to inner peace and a guide to a more vibrant life.
Embrace the joy of coloring, find solace in the artistry of your own hands, and let Zen Serenity be your companion on the path to a tranquil and harmonious life. Enhance your well-being with this enchanting coloring book, now available on Amazon.
Mergulhe em padrões complexos e animais cativantes, usando cada página como uma tela para a sua autoexpressão e libertação emocional. Está cientificamente provado que a coloração, combinada com a respiração consciente, diminui os níveis de stresse, reduz a ansiedade e proporciona uma sensação de pura calma.
Nestas páginas, descobrirá um santuário onde a arteterapia e a mindfulness se harmonizam para aliviar os fardos do mundo moderno. Mais do que um simples livro para colorir, Animais Zen fomenta a paz interior e é um guia para uma vida mais prazerosa.
Abrace a alegria de colorir, encontre conforto na arte das suas próprias mãos e permita que os lindos animais deste livro sejam os seus companheiros num percurso existencial mais tranquilo.
Melhore a sua qualidade de vida com este encantador livro para colorir, agora disponível na Amazon!
Immerse yourself in intricate patterns and cute creatures, using each page as a canvas for self-expression and emotional release. Coloring, combined with mindful breathing, has been scientifically proven to lower stress levels, reduce anxiety, and provide a sense of calm.
Within these pages, you will discover a sanctuary where art and mindfulness harmonize to ease the burdens of the modern world. More than just a coloring book, Zen Tranquility is a path to inner peace and a guide to a more vibrant life.
Embrace the joy of coloring, find solace in the artistry of your own hands, and let Zen Tranquility be your companion on the path to a serene and harmonious life. Enhance your well-being with this enchanting coloring book.
Mergulhe nos padrões morfológicos e muito fofinhos de 70 animais cativantes, usando cada página como uma tela para reencontrar a sua paz de espírito. Está cientificamente provado que colorir em combinação com uma respiração atenta diminui vários índices de disfunção psicoemocional.
Donde, deixe que cada página se torne o seu porto seguro! Com cada coloração, as suas preocupações dissolver-se-ão e os animais muito amorosos e queridos destas páginas tornar-se-ão inspirações positivas para o seu percurso existencial!
Give free rein to the imagination of your children, grandchildren, nephews, godchildren and other children, including the one that still lives inside you!
Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, kindness, love, and valuable life lessons with this enchanting collection of 11 tales. It’s the perfect book to create positive moments at bedtime or any other time of the day!
Guided by the positive characteristics of animals, each tale is a delightful journey that encourages the expression of virtues and positive character strengths, as well as creativity and humanity!
With their colorful illustrations and enchanting tales, this book will also captivate adults and encourage them to express the best of the child that still lives within them! Let yourself be enchanted!
Give free rein to the imagination of your children, grandchildren, nephews, godchildren and other children, including the one that still lives inside you! Immerse yourself in a world of adventure, kindness, love, and valuable life lessons with this enchanting collection of 11 tales.
It’s the perfect book to create positive moments at bedtime or any other time of the day! Guided by the positive characteristics of animals, each tale is a delightful journey that encourages the expression of virtues and positive character strengths, as well as creativity and humanity!
With their colorful illustrations and enchanting tales, this book will also captivate adults and encourage them to express the best of the child that still lives within them! Let yourself be enchanted!
Dê asas à imaginação dos seus filhos, netos, sobrinhos, afilhados e outras crianças, incluindo a que ainda vive dentro de si!
Deixe-se envolver por um mundo de aventuras, bondade, amor e valiosas lições de vida com esta encantadora coleção de 11 contos. É um livro perfeito para criar momentos positivos antes de dormir ou em qualquer outra altura do dia!
Guiados pelas caraterísticas positivas dos animais, cada conto é uma jornada deliciosa, que estimula a expressão de virtudes e de forças positivas do caráter, bem como a criatividade e a humanidade!
Com as suas ilustrações coloridas e contos encantadores, este livro também vai cativar os adultos e incentivá-los a expressar o melhor da criança que ainda vive dentro deles! Deixe-se encantar!
Dê asas à imaginação dos seus filhos, netos, sobrinhos, afilhados e outras crianças, incluindo a que ainda vive dentro de si!
Deixe-se envolver por um mundo de aventuras, bondade, amor e valiosas lições de vida com esta encantadora coleção de 11 contos. É um livro perfeito para criar momentos positivos antes de dormir ou em qualquer outra altura do dia!
Guiados pelas caraterísticas positivas dos animais, cada conto é uma jornada deliciosa, que estimula a expressão de virtudes e de forças positivas do caráter, bem como a criatividade e a humanidade!
Com as suas ilustrações coloridas e contos encantadores, este livro também vai cativar os adultos e incentivá-los a expressar o melhor da criança que ainda vive dentro deles! Deixe-se encantar!
Este guia abrangente, apoiado por cerca de 300 estudos científicos, permite-lhe transformar positivamente as suas cognições e emoções, e motiva-o a abraçar a vida com uma saúde ótima, amor mais genuíno, empatia e bem-estar.
Os protocolos podem ser utilizados por qualquer pessoa como uma ferramenta de autoajuda, bem como por profissionais de saúde que desejem integrar as EFT na sua prática clínica.
Empodere-se com as 776 sequências frásicas transformacionais incluídas nos 21 protocolos EFT.
This comprehensive guide, backed by nearly 300 scientific studies, empowers you to positively transform your cognitions and emotions, and motivates you to embrace life with optimal health, more genuine love, empathy and well-being.
The protocols can be used by anyone as a self-help tool, as well as by health professionals who wish to integrate EFT into their clinical practice.
Empower yourself with the 775 transformational phrase sequences included in the 21 EFT protocols.
Official page:
Neste curso os formandos colaboram (facultativamente) num estudo científico (quase-experimental) sobre a efetividade psicoterapêutica de um compósito de práticas xamânicas transculturais, praticando-as (entre os formandos e com voluntários) com supervisão.
Trata-se de um curso pioneiro, onde, pela primeira vez se aplicam métodos mistos de investigação científica, no sentido de aferir: as práticas xamânicas funcionam mesmo?
O nosso estudo preliminar deu uma resposta afirmativa. Mas, será que com a ampliação da amostra (de formandos e de voluntários), se mantêm os resultados sobre a efetividade do xamanismo?
Conforme Krippner (2002) os investigadores têm dissertado (em estudos sobre o xamanismo) com um teor predominantemente pejorativo (talvez até projetivo). Com o nosso estudo, sugerimos um novo olhar sobre o xamanismo: uma psicoterapia clássica, que pode ser estruturada e testada cientificamente conforme ocorre com outras psicoterapias.
Assim, mais do que teórico, este é um curso prático onde se aprende, fazendo. Mas, fazendo de uma forma cientificamente estruturada, ajustando as práticas xamânicas milenares às demandas e às realidades contemporâneas das sociedades ditas «modernas».
Este é um curso para pessoas com uma mentalidade integrativa, não-sectária e com interesse ontológico. Porque o «ser humano» é mais que apenas o «humano». O «ser» faz parte do «ser humano». E é no estudo do «ser» que (da nossa perspetiva) se encontra o «ouro» que complementa e torna inteiro o estudo sobre o Ser Humano.
In this paper we do a critical review of an emotional skills training program, the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), applied to the population of patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). To this end, we made a taxonomic framework, a search with systematic criteria, a description of the MBSR and its application contexts and stages, the evaluation of its effectiveness as well as its neuroanatomical effects, efficiency and effectivity. We conclude with some considerations about the limitations assessing MBSR effectiveness and highlighting the worth of its application to the mental health professionals.
This paper has four parts: (1) mindfulness definitions and synthesis of the MBSR program; (2) summary of an article by Halland, et al. (2015) that investigated the influence of MBSR on the use of coping strategies more adjusted to situations of stress; (3) considerations on the above article (from a methodologically point of view); (4) reflections about lifestyle: the inclusion of mindfulness in schools, companies (among other organizations) and as a potential promoter of a healthier lifestyle by mitigating the pernicious effects of stress.
We asked Dr. Robinson about in which contexts she makes PA, how does she defines PA in those contexts, the main goals of PA, what’s her role as a psychologist and what instruments does she usually uses. Besides the VIA-IS (that we already knew) Dr. Robinson presented us three other measures which we got thrilled to get to know: the Gallup’s Clifton Strengths Finder 2.0 (used e.g., in Microsoft), Realise2 (used e.g., in BBC and Pwc) and the Mental Fitness Scale (built by Dr. Robinson). Then we ask our interviewed how many phases she usually considers when making PA, what is her experience with the VIA-IS and how the clients react when they get to know their strengths of character. To end, we asked Dr. Robinson to tell us about a case study related with the administration of the VIA-IS, and she gave us her own example as an inspiration to look at our own strengths and embrace the positively challenging exercise of balance them.