Papers by Prof.Dr.Abdul Ghafoor Awan

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between technological progress, innov... more The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between technological progress, innovation, R&D, gross capital formation and per capita income growth, using 31 years' time series data from 1991-2022 and sourced from World Development Indicators, International Labor Organization (ILO), Pakistan Economic Survey and the State Bank of Pakistan. The study employed econometric tools such as Correlation Matrix and ARDL Model to determine long run relationship between variables. According to the findings, R&D expenditures and innovation have insignificant impact on per capita income growth in Pakistan due to low rate of domestic investment, political instability and low literacy rate, while labor productivity has negative impact due to illiterate and unskilled labor. The investment in fixed capital is low, which reduces total output of goods and services.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
A large number of scholars explored this relationship but this area is still unexplored due to co... more A large number of scholars explored this relationship but this area is still unexplored due to complexity and non-linearity between main theoretical streams and empirical findings, providing a research gap for further research. This study aims at investigating the influence of green technology, green products innovation, R&D expenditures and consumer behavior on firm performance, using primary data collected 425 employees of 10 selected textile firms located in Multan, Faisalabad, Karachi, and Lahore districts of Pakistan through questionnaire survey during October-December 2023. Using firm performance metrics, particularly annual profit as a proxy, the study employs Correlation matrix and ARDL approach to analyze the relationships between independent variables: green technology, green product innovation, research and development expenditures, consumer behavior, and dependent variable, firm performance. According to the findings, green technology, green product innovation, and customer preferences have positive and significant impact on firm performance, while the impact of R&D on firm performance was found insignificant.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
This study aims at investigating into the complex interplay between natural resources depletion, ... more This study aims at investigating into the complex interplay between natural resources depletion, energy crises, industrial output, and environmental degradation in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India using 30 years of secondary data spanning from 1992 to 2022 and employing statistical techniques, such as Correlation analysis and Pooled Mean Group method to identify short and long-term relationship between variables. The environmental degradation is dependent variable and it is proxied for CO2 emissions, while natural resources depletion, industrial output and energy crisis are independent variables. The electricity consumption is proxied for energy crisis. According to the findings, natural resources depletion negatively influences environmental degradation. Conversely, energy consumption, transmission and distribution losses, urbanization, and industrial output exhibit positive correlations with environmental degradation, underscoring the urgent need for intervention.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
This study examined the link between mental health and family life of working women during the Co... more This study examined the link between mental health and family life of working women during the Covid-19 restrictions using primary data collected from 250 working women serving in private and public sector organizations. through a questionnaire survey during May-June, 2023. The standardized tools of Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS-21), and Beach Centre Family Quality of Life Scale (FQOL Scale) were used to assess mental health and quality of women's family life. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis. According to findings, majority of working women experienced depression and anxiety during Covid-19 pandemic, whereas working mothers were specifically affected because they had to balance childcare, household tasks, and financial obligations simultaneously. The findings further revealed that the working women having family support reported better mental health and increased life satisfaction compared to those who had nuclear family, uncomfortable working condition, and low income were suffered poor mental health during COVID-19.
Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
This study investigates into the relationship between family system, fertility rate, family size ... more This study investigates into the relationship between family system, fertility rate, family size and women education using primary data from 500 participants and employing various statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics correlation matrix and multiple regression analysis. A questionnaire survey was used for collection of data. The regression analysis reveals significant negative relationships between family system,
fertility rate, and family size with women’s education. It implies that women’s education enhances the household economic well-being. The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to address the cultural barriers hindering women’s educational attainment, particularly in contexts, where larger family sizes and traditional family
systems prevail.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between broad money, discount rate, in... more The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between broad money, discount rate, inflation, exchange rate, KSE 100 index, and market capitalization to test the validity of financial theories such as Sharpes’ theory of market equilibrium and Fama’ s theory of efficient markets using time series data spanning from 1990 to 2020. Market capitalization
was dependent variable, while all others were independent variables. Various econometric techniques, such as correlation matrix and Multiple Regression analysis were employed to determine relationship between variables. The findings reveal that broad money, KSE 100 index and discount rate have positive effect on market capitalization, while inflation and real exchange rate have negative impact on it. The performance of stock index is significantly affected by inflation and exchange rate volatility, and therefore the policymakers should target these two variables to stabilize the stock market.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
This study aims at examining relationship between public debt, unemployment, government consumpti... more This study aims at examining relationship between public debt, unemployment, government consumption expenditures, trade in services, inflation and economic well-being through statistical analysis using time series data spanning from 1991 to 2021. Life expectancy, which is proxied for economic well-being, is dependent variable, while public debt, unemployment, inflation, government consumption expenditures, trade in services were independent variables. Different econometric techniques, such as Correlation matrix, and ARDL Model were used to determine relationship between these variables. The findings reveal a negative
relationship between public debt, trade in services and inflation with life expectancy while unemployment in youth and the Government consumption spending has a positive association with it. The study suggests that policymakers should prioritize public spending to reduce unemployment in youth and reduce public debt, trade in services deficit and inflation to reduce stress on economy and the people

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
The objective of this research paper is to investigate relationship between digital technologies,... more The objective of this research paper is to investigate relationship between digital technologies, human capital, foreign direct investment and balance of payment with economic growth. 22-years’ time series data spanning 2000 to 2022 was used and sourced from World Development
indicators, Pakistan Economic Survey and the State Bank of Pakistan, Economic growth is dependent variable, while digital technologies, foreign direct investment, human capital and balance of payment are independent variables. The study used various statistical techniques such as correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to determine the relationship between variables. The empirical results reveal that there is negative association between FDI and economic growth in Pakistan, whereas there is positive and significant relationship between digital technologies, human capital, and balance of payment with economic growth in the long-term.

Earth Sciences Pakistan, 2017
In urban areas, management of solid waste is a big and serious issue because of high amount of wa... more In urban areas, management of solid waste is a big and serious issue because of high amount of waste generated from different sources (industries, domestic etc.). In Lahore solid waste generated daily is about 5000 ton comprising of around 60% biodegradable and 40% non-biodegradable waste. About 70% of waste is collected which is then disposed of in unmonitored dumping sites. It causes severe environmental problems. The present study is for minimizing the solid waste being collected. Composting technique was adopted from Municipal solid waste and garden waste. The aerated composting technique made results more efficient by using an effective microbe's solution which acts as an activator to enhance microbial activity and reduced the composting period. The results demonstrated that compost was good in organic content 25% and carbon-nitrogen ratio 26:1. It was planned to convert organic waste into compost thus substantially reducing the MSW loads being generated in Lahore.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
Wage, gender and income inequalities and low productivity are the main issues confronting many de... more Wage, gender and income inequalities and low productivity are the main issues confronting many developing countries like Pakistan and these issues need in depth investigation in order to understand their causes and effects. A structured questionnaire was administered to 307 employees in public and private educational institutions. Various statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, correlation matrices, ANOVA tests, and multiple regression analysis were employed to estimate relationship between dependent and independent variables. The findings revealed a significant positive association between wages and employee productivity, suggesting that higher wages lead to increased productivity levels. Conversely, income levels displayed a negative correlation with productivity, implying that higher incomes may diminish motivation for improving performance. This suggests that policymakers and institutions should explore alternative motivational factors beyond just income to enhance employee engagement and performance.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2024
There is a critical issues oof wage disparity, gender inequality and women discrimination special... more There is a critical issues oof wage disparity, gender inequality and women discrimination specially in Pakistan and a lot of research and policy initiatives have been taken but this issue is still existing and hurting the economy of the country. Therefore, this study aims at examining the sensitivity of gender problem and wage inequality in Pakistan, using primary data collected through a structured questionnaire from 348 participants and applying mixed qualitative and quantitative methods. The selected variables of this study were the labor market inefficiency, gender inequality, Wage disparities, Labor market inefficiency, Education and Public Policies. Wage disparity was dependent variable and all other variables were independent variables. The findings reveal that there is wide range of gender disparities in labor market participation as well as wage disparity and discrimination with working women. In the light of these findings, the study suggest that policy makers should intervene to remove discriminatory practices against women in employment and education.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
The purpose of this study is to investigate in the relationship between wage inequality, unskille... more The purpose of this study is to investigate in the relationship between wage inequality, unskilled workers, inflation, foreign direct investment and low per capita income of workers in services sector. The author utilized time series secondary data of 20 years to examine empirical relationship between dependent variable, per capita income, and independent variables such as foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation, unemployment, population growth and wages. Different statistical tools such as ADF Test, Correlation matrix, ARDL Model, Error Correction Model, Granger causality and Ramsey Reset test were employed to analyze these relationships. The empirical findings reveal that FDI has positive association with dependent variable, per capita income, while population growth unemployment and wages have negative relationship with it. The study suggests that the Government of Pakistan should boost FDI, control population growth, inflation, wage rate and reduces unemployment to improve per capita income of workers in service sector.
Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and umanities, 2023
This paper explores link among financial literacy, financial inclusion, and microfinance developm... more This paper explores link among financial literacy, financial inclusion, and microfinance development in Pakistan to understand their impact on economic growth and individual well-being. The objectives of this paper are to examine these relationships and draw meaningful conclusion based on their interconnectedness. The empirical findings reveal that active borrowers have positive and significant impact on microfinance development, emphasizing the need to expand access to microfinance services. The study suggests: (i) to improve financial literacy (ii) to expands access to financial services (iii) to introduce innovating microfinance products and (iv) to cut interest rate on microfinance loans and soften collateral conditions.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
The main aim of this study is to explore the role of technology and human capital in the developm... more The main aim of this study is to explore the role of technology and human capital in the development of renewable energy. The study used time series data from Pakistan spanning from 2005 to 2022 and employs Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Granger Causality tests for estimations. The estimation results of OLS reveal that human capital and technology innovation have a positive and significant impact on renewable energy development in Pakistan. Based on these findings, we suggest that the government should prioritize investments in education and training programs to build a skilled workforce in renewable energy and related technologies, offering incentives for students to pursue relevant studies and supporting for research and development in renewable energy technologies and encouraging collaboration among academia, industry, government and global organizations.
Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
It is generally assumed that money and financial success plays crucial role in human wellbeing an... more It is generally assumed that money and financial success plays crucial role in human wellbeing and it further motivates him to accumulate more wealth for increasing his satisfaction. To test this assumption statistically this study has aimed at analyzing relationship between money, financial success and human well-being through primary data analysis. The dependent variable was human well-being which was proxied of human happiness while independent variables include money and financial success. The findings reveal that there is a positive and significant association between money, financial success and human well-being. Therefore, the study suggests that access to finance and increasing earning opportunities for the youth can enhance their socioeconomic well-being.

Global Journal of management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
This study aims to analyze the impacts of an imports-led tax growth strategy on the trade deficit... more This study aims to analyze the impacts of an imports-led tax growth strategy on the trade deficit and exchange rate in Pakistan, utilizing secondary data spanning over the period from 2001 to 2019, The study employed Auto-regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to determine both short-run and long-run relationships between independent and dependent variables. The independent variables include Tax Revenue, Exchange rate, Imports, Inflation, Money supply and Exports while dependent variable was Trade Deficit. The findings reveal a positive relationship between trade deficit and tax revenue with exchange rate and trade deficit, while money supply and imports exhibit a positive relationship with trade deficit. Conversely, exports and exchange rate display a negative association with trade deficit. The study suggests that Pakistan should curtail its import volume and enhance tax revenue to mitigate trade deficit and achieve exchange rate stability.
Global Journal of Management, Social and Humanities, 2023
This research paper has compared the role of print media in shaping national identity in the ligh... more This research paper has compared the role of print media in shaping national identity in the light of the selected editorials of two leading Pakistani English Newspapers, "Daily Dawn" and "The News international". The editorials were selected randomly and analyzed through contents analytical technique. The national identity was examined in the context of culture and national politics. The findings of the study found significant differences in the portrayal of national identity by these two Newspapers. The study also found that culture and politics have strong impact on the perception of national identity. The results highlight the fact that print media still has significant impact in formation of national identity and molding public opinion and the policy makers and media managers should not overlook its role.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
This research paper explores the multifaceted causes of public policy failure and the fragility o... more This research paper explores the multifaceted causes of public policy failure and the fragility of the public health system during the COVID-19 pandemic, shedding light on the resulting social immobility. A questionnaire with 17 statements was administered to 250 participants from public and private universities to collect primary data. Responses were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale, and statistical tools, including percentage point and mean score calculations, were applied and results presented in tables and figures. The study found that a significant majority of participants adopted protective measures during the pandemic, including avoiding handshakes, limiting contact with infected individuals, wearing masks, and reducing social activities. The public policy framework was perceived as fragile, and healthcare professionals were deemed ineffective, primarily due to their lack of preparedness and training. The policy makers must have policies in place to save elders from such fatal disease,
Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humaniities, 2023
This study has examined complex relationship between Balance of payment, trade deficit, inflation... more This study has examined complex relationship between Balance of payment, trade deficit, inflation and exports. GDP is dependent variable while trade deficit, Inflation, balance of payment and exports are independent variables. The study has used yearly time series data spanning from 1990 to 2022 and employed different statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, correlation Matrix, ADF Test, ARDL, Error Correction Model and Granger Causality test. The results of the ARDL model show that exports, inflation and trade deficit have positive association with GDP while balance of payment has negative relationship with it in the long run.The study suggests that the Government of Pakistan should take corrective measures to reduce balance of payment as it is hurting economic growth.

Global Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023
The objective of this research paper is to investigate the causes of water shortage, low crop yie... more The objective of this research paper is to investigate the causes of water shortage, low crop yields and food crisis in Pakistan, using time series data from 1991 to 2019 to predict the behavior of corps production and food security in future. Crop yield was dependent variable whereas water availability, precipitation, seed, fertilizer and pesticides were used as independent variables. Various statistical techniques such as Descriptive statistics, ADF Test, Correlation Matrix, ARDL Model, Bound Test and Error Correction Model to analyze the data. The findings of study show that all independent variables except precipitation have positive relationship with crop yield. The comparison of the results of ARDL and ECM Models shows that the variables like water, seed, fertilizer and pesticides have more significant and positive relationship with crop yield in the short run than in the long run.
Papers by Prof.Dr.Abdul Ghafoor Awan
fertility rate, and family size with women’s education. It implies that women’s education enhances the household economic well-being. The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to address the cultural barriers hindering women’s educational attainment, particularly in contexts, where larger family sizes and traditional family
systems prevail.
was dependent variable, while all others were independent variables. Various econometric techniques, such as correlation matrix and Multiple Regression analysis were employed to determine relationship between variables. The findings reveal that broad money, KSE 100 index and discount rate have positive effect on market capitalization, while inflation and real exchange rate have negative impact on it. The performance of stock index is significantly affected by inflation and exchange rate volatility, and therefore the policymakers should target these two variables to stabilize the stock market.
relationship between public debt, trade in services and inflation with life expectancy while unemployment in youth and the Government consumption spending has a positive association with it. The study suggests that policymakers should prioritize public spending to reduce unemployment in youth and reduce public debt, trade in services deficit and inflation to reduce stress on economy and the people
indicators, Pakistan Economic Survey and the State Bank of Pakistan, Economic growth is dependent variable, while digital technologies, foreign direct investment, human capital and balance of payment are independent variables. The study used various statistical techniques such as correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to determine the relationship between variables. The empirical results reveal that there is negative association between FDI and economic growth in Pakistan, whereas there is positive and significant relationship between digital technologies, human capital, and balance of payment with economic growth in the long-term.
fertility rate, and family size with women’s education. It implies that women’s education enhances the household economic well-being. The findings underscore the need for targeted interventions to address the cultural barriers hindering women’s educational attainment, particularly in contexts, where larger family sizes and traditional family
systems prevail.
was dependent variable, while all others were independent variables. Various econometric techniques, such as correlation matrix and Multiple Regression analysis were employed to determine relationship between variables. The findings reveal that broad money, KSE 100 index and discount rate have positive effect on market capitalization, while inflation and real exchange rate have negative impact on it. The performance of stock index is significantly affected by inflation and exchange rate volatility, and therefore the policymakers should target these two variables to stabilize the stock market.
relationship between public debt, trade in services and inflation with life expectancy while unemployment in youth and the Government consumption spending has a positive association with it. The study suggests that policymakers should prioritize public spending to reduce unemployment in youth and reduce public debt, trade in services deficit and inflation to reduce stress on economy and the people
indicators, Pakistan Economic Survey and the State Bank of Pakistan, Economic growth is dependent variable, while digital technologies, foreign direct investment, human capital and balance of payment are independent variables. The study used various statistical techniques such as correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis to determine the relationship between variables. The empirical results reveal that there is negative association between FDI and economic growth in Pakistan, whereas there is positive and significant relationship between digital technologies, human capital, and balance of payment with economic growth in the long-term.