Manish Jain
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Papers by Manish Jain
floral diversity of least concern (LC) plant species based on the
plot quadrat sampling patterns on the accuracy of phytosociological
characterization of the road side floral diversity. The
size of each plot was taken as 10 m2. LC plant species in each
quadrat along the National Highway (NH-2) Delhi–Kolkata
were identified, and total 16LCplant species were recorded in
each 24 randomly selected quadrat along the both sides of
National Highway.Atotal of 16LCplant species belonging to
13 families and 16 genera were recorded in which family
Fabaceae was represented by four species followed by
Asteraceae, Apocynaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cactaceae, Pteridaceae,
Dipterocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Arecaceae,
Acanthaceae, Pontederiaceae, and Convolvulaceae by
only a single species. The result showed that the LC plant
species had a floral diversity composed of a total of 16 LC
plant species of tree, shrub, herb, climber, and cactus,
respectively, with varied qualities. These research paper deals
with the floristic assessment are the necessary prerequisites to
understand the present diversity status of LC species along the
National Highway.
floral diversity of least concern (LC) plant species based on the
plot quadrat sampling patterns on the accuracy of phytosociological
characterization of the road side floral diversity. The
size of each plot was taken as 10 m2. LC plant species in each
quadrat along the National Highway (NH-2) Delhi–Kolkata
were identified, and total 16LCplant species were recorded in
each 24 randomly selected quadrat along the both sides of
National Highway.Atotal of 16LCplant species belonging to
13 families and 16 genera were recorded in which family
Fabaceae was represented by four species followed by
Asteraceae, Apocynaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cactaceae, Pteridaceae,
Dipterocarpaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Arecaceae,
Acanthaceae, Pontederiaceae, and Convolvulaceae by
only a single species. The result showed that the LC plant
species had a floral diversity composed of a total of 16 LC
plant species of tree, shrub, herb, climber, and cactus,
respectively, with varied qualities. These research paper deals
with the floristic assessment are the necessary prerequisites to
understand the present diversity status of LC species along the
National Highway.