Papers by Francisco Machado

Research, Society and Development, 2021
The deviant conducts practiced by teenagers are seen as behaviors that go against social norms an... more The deviant conducts practiced by teenagers are seen as behaviors that go against social norms and order, even though they are configured as a very harsh reality in several countries, both from specialists’ research and according to statistics. The present paper aims at assessing the empiric validity of the factor structure of the Scale of Anti-Social and Criminal Conduct (SCS) in different countries. It is an assessment measure of the deviant conducts that has been frequently used with different samples and which can be seen as conducts that interfere in people’s rights and duties and threaten their social and individual welfare. The study encompassed 411 teenagers, that is, 137 in each country, with ages ranging from 13 to 18 (M = 15.71; DP = 1,65; Mo = 15). The results show that the SCS factor structure was consistent. They also confirmed the bi-factor organization of such measure seen in Brazilian studies. Moreover, their factor invariance stands out in samples from the countrie...
Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 2016
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer Internatio... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer International Publishing. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2015
The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for students in Portugal. Their... more The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for students in Portugal. Their new situation requires an update and a new personal, academic, and social contextualization and, in this new universe, hazing plays a significant role. This study aimed to understand the phenomenon of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586 university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%) women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years ( M = 23.27, SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had violent behaviors towa...

Apoiada no teoria da Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal (PARTheory) de Rohner (1986), a presente inv... more Apoiada no teoria da Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal (PARTheory) de Rohner (1986), a presente investigação tem como intuito explorar a forma como a perceção de aceitação-rejeição parental e do professor dos estudantes de 9º ano se relacionam com as suas competências de adaptabilidade de carreira. O nosso principal objectivo foi o de analisar até que ponto é que a perceção de serem aceites ou rejeitados pelas suas figuras parentais e pelos professores desempenha um papel importante na forma como os estudantes do 9º ano estão preparados para fazer face às tarefas e escolhas vocacionais. Procuramos ainda verificar se existem diferenças entre rapazes e raparigas na perceção de aceitação-rejeição por parte das figuras parentais e professores, assim como na forma como os estudantes se adaptam às diferentes tarefas vocacionais. Desta forma, utilizamos o Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição Parental (PARQ, Rohner, 2005), o Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição do Professor (TARQ/Control, Rohner,...

Cross-Cultural Research, 2014
This article discusses the relationship between perceived paternal and maternal acceptance, paren... more This article discusses the relationship between perceived paternal and maternal acceptance, parental power and prestige, and psychological adjustment, having in mind national and international gender equality indicators. The sample consisted of 785 Portuguese college students, 44% of whom were men. The participants ranged in age from 18 through 62 years ( M = 22.38). Measures used were Portuguese translations of the adult versions of the Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire for mothers and fathers, and the Personality Assessment Questionnaire, as well as the Parental Power–Prestige Questionnaire. Gender differences were found only in perceived parental power, with men perceiving fathers as being more powerful than did women. The study concluded that parental power (especially paternal power) moderated the relation between perceived paternal acceptance and women’s psychological adjustment. However, parental prestige (especially paternal prestige) moderated the relation between...

Baseando-se na teoria de Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal de Rohner (1986), o presente trabalho de... more Baseando-se na teoria de Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal de Rohner (1986), o presente trabalho de investigação pretende estudar as relações existentes entre a percepção de aceitação e rejeição pelo professor, e dimensões específicas do contexto de sala de aula, nomeadamente a interacção positiva, a estimulação da linguagem, as dificuldades de gestão do comportamento e as estratégias de ensino, bem como o desempenho escolar obtido pelo/a aluno/a. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo com a utilização de dois questionários, o TARQ (Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição do Professor) de Rohner (2005), o IPSA (Inventário de Processos de sala de aula) de Bastos, Barbosa, Oliveira e Dias (2009) assim como um questionário sociodemográfico. No que concerne à amostra utilizada, foi constituída por 184 alunos que frequentam o 6º ano de escolaridade na região norte do país. Os resultados principais indicam que a percepção de aceitação pelo professor se encontra correlacionada de for...

Cross-Cultural Research, 2019
This study assesses interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory’s (IPARTheory’s) prediction that ad... more This study assesses interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory’s (IPARTheory’s) prediction that adults’ (both men’s and women’s) remembrances of parental (both maternal and paternal) rejection in childhood are likely to be associated with adults’ fear of intimacy, as mediated by adults’ psychological maladjustment and relationship anxiety. The study also assesses the prediction that these associations will not vary significantly by gender, ethnicity, language, culture, or other such defining conditions. To test these predictions a sample of 3,483 young adults in 13 nations responded to the mother and father versions of the Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (short forms), Adult Personality Assessment Questionnaire (short form), the Interpersonal Relationship Anxiety Questionnaire, the Fear of Intimacy Scale, and the Revised Personal Information Form. Results of multigroup analyses showed that adults’ remembrances of both maternal and paternal rejection in childhood ind...

Cross-Cultural Research, 2019
This study assesses interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory’s (IPARTheory’s) prediction that ad... more This study assesses interpersonal acceptance-rejection theory’s (IPARTheory’s) prediction that adults’ (both men’s and women’s) remembrances of parental (both maternal and paternal) rejection in childhood are likely to be associated with adults’ fear of intimacy, as mediated by adults’ psychological maladjustment and relationship anxiety. The study also assesses the prediction that these associations will not vary significantly by gender, ethnicity, language, culture, or other such defining conditions. To test these predictions a sample of 3,483 young adults in 13 nations responded to the mother and father versions of the Adult Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (short forms), Adult Personality Assessment Questionnaire (short form), the Interpersonal Relationship Anxiety Questionnaire, the Fear of Intimacy Scale, and the Revised Personal Information Form. Results of multigroup analyses showed that adults’ remembrances of both maternal and paternal rejection in childhood independently predicted men’s and women’s fear of intimacy in all 13 countries. However, remembered maternal rejection was a significantly stronger predictor of adults’ fear of intimacy than was remembered paternal rejection. Results also confirmed the prediction in all 13 countries and across both genders that both maternal and paternal rejection independently predicted adults’ psychological maladjustment and relationship anxiety, which in turn predicted fear of intimacy. In addition, psychological maladjustment partially mediated the relation between remembrances of maternal and paternal rejection, and adults’ fear of intimacy in all 13 countries and both genders.
In this study, we compare Portuguese and
Cape Verdean youths’ upholding of traditional beliefs ab... more In this study, we compare Portuguese and
Cape Verdean youths’ upholding of traditional beliefs about
intimate partner violence (IPV) and the frequency of self reported violent behavior in dating relationships. The sample (n =404) consisted of 183 Cape Verdean and 221 Portuguese secondary school students of both sexes (56 % female; mean age = 16). We used two questionnaires that had previously been validated in the Portuguese population. The results revealed that young Cape Verdean adolescents uphold stronger traditional beliefs than Portuguese adolescents do, but there were no differences in overall prevalence of abuse between the two samples. The relationship between traditional beliefs and self-reported violence was significant only in the Cape Verdean sample, suggesting that campaigns against IPV have not, so far, been as effective in Cape Verde as inPortugal.

Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica, 2015
A Escala de Condutas Antissociais e Delitivas tem vindo a ser usada em vários países como uma med... more A Escala de Condutas Antissociais e Delitivas tem vindo a ser usada em vários países como uma medida comportamental do desvio juvenil, evidenciando resultados muito consistentes. Este artigo apresenta e discute a análise da validade empírica da estrutura fatorial da sua versão Portuguesa. A amostra foi constituída por 443 estudantes, 305 do sexo feminino e 138 do sexo masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 15 e os 23 anos de idade (M = 14,8; DP = 1,90; Mo = 20), maioritariamente de nacionalidade portuguesa (92,1%). Em 60,6% dos casos os/as estudantes frequentavam a universidade. Os resultados sugerem a adequação psicométrica do instrumento, corroborando a estrutura bifatorial proposta em estudos prévios. São discutidas as potencialidades da utilização do instrumento em Portugal. Palavras-chave: Condutas antissociais e delitivas, avaliação, estrutura fatorial, Portugal.

The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for
students in Portugal. Their... more The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for
students in Portugal. Their new situation requires an update and a new
personal, academic, and social contextualization and, in this new universe,
hazing plays a significant role. This study aimed to understand the phenomenon
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can
occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire
for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that
allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations
of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%)
women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27,
SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing
rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had
violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such
as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and
hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.

The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for students in Portugal. Their... more The moment of entry into university marks an important transition for students in Portugal. Their new situation requires an update and a new personal, academic, and social contextualization and, in this new universe, hazing plays a significant role. This study aimed to understand the phenomenon
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%) women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27, SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.

Baseando-se na teoria de Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal de Rohner (1986), o presente trabalho de... more Baseando-se na teoria de Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal de Rohner (1986), o presente trabalho de investigação pretende estudar as relações existentes entre a perceção de aceitação e rejeição pelo professor, e dimensões específicas do contexto de sala de aula, nomeadamente a interação positiva, a estimulação da linguagem, as dificuldades de gestão do comportamento e as estratégias de ensino, bem como o desempenho escolar obtido pelo/a aluno/a. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo quantitativo com a utilização de dois questionários, o TARQ (Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição do Professor) de Rohner (2005), o IPSA (Inventário de Processos de sala de aula) de Bastos, Barbosa, Oliveira e Dias (2009) assim como um questionário sociodemográfico. No que concerne à amostra utilizada, foi constituída por 184 alunos que frequentam o 6º ano de escolaridade na região norte do país. Os resultados principais indicam que a perceção de aceitação pelo professor se encontra correlacionada de forma significativa com algumas dimensões específicas no contexto de sala de aula, nomeadamente a interação positiva entre o professor e os alunos e com a estimulação da linguagem. No que concerne ao desempenho escolar, encontraram-se correlações significativas tanto com a perceção de aceitação pelo professor como com as estratégias de ensino. É demonstrada a importância da relação interpessoal entre professor e aluno para o desempenho escolar deste último.

Apoiada no teoria da Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal (PARTheory) de Rohner (1986), a presente inv... more Apoiada no teoria da Aceitação-Rejeição Interpessoal (PARTheory) de Rohner (1986), a presente investigação tem como intuito explorar a forma como a perceção de aceitação-rejeição parental e do professor dos estudantes de 9º ano se relacionam com as suas competências de adaptabilidade de carreira. O nosso principal objectivo foi o de analisar até que ponto é que a perceção de serem aceites ou rejeitados pelas suas figuras parentais e pelos professores desempenha um papel importante na forma como os estudantes do 9º ano estão preparados para fazer face às tarefas e escolhas vocacionais. Procuramos ainda verificar se existem diferenças entre rapazes e raparigas na perceção de aceitação-rejeição por parte das figuras parentais e professores, assim como na forma como os estudantes se adaptam às diferentes tarefas vocacionais. Desta forma, utilizamos o Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição Parental (PARQ, Rohner, 2005), o Questionário de Aceitação-Rejeição do Professor (TARQ/Control, Rohner, 2005) e a Escala de Adaptabilidade de Carreira (Duarte et al, 2011) tendo como participantes um grupo de 107 de estudantes do 9º ano de escolaridade. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma relação significativa entre aceitação do professor e as dimensões da adaptabilidade de carreira, ao contrário do que se passa relativamente às figuras parentais. Não se observaram diferenças significativas entre sexo masculino e feminino relativamente à perceção de aceitação-rejeição parental e por parte do professor, assim como de adaptabilidade de carreira. Os resultados sugerem uma maior preponderância da qualidade das relações interpessoais com os professores no desenvolvimento vocacional dos estudantes, realçando a importância da figura do professor na construção de carreira dos estudantes do 9º ano.
Coming Out for LGBT Psychology in the current international scenario, Mar 2014
Numa sociedade cada vez mais escolarizada é importante que todos os alunos sintam que pertencem à... more Numa sociedade cada vez mais escolarizada é importante que todos os alunos sintam que pertencem à escola e que têm bons motivos para colher todas as experiências educativas que ela lhes pode proporcionar. Só dessa forma é possível que a escola cumpra todas as funções psicossociais e educacionais que lhe são atribuídas. Nos últimos anos, o insucesso escolar e a falta de envolvimento com a escola têm sido largamente debatidos quer nos meios de comunicação social, quer nos meios políticos e educativos, retratando a relevância do tema e a crescente preocupação da sociedade em relação ao sistema educativo. A indisciplina por parte dos alunos, as queixas acerca da perda de autoridade da fi gura do professor e a sua consequente insatisfação são frequentes nos últimos anos, tornando o carácter relacional da escola um fator a explorar.
Papers by Francisco Machado
Cape Verdean youths’ upholding of traditional beliefs about
intimate partner violence (IPV) and the frequency of self reported violent behavior in dating relationships. The sample (n =404) consisted of 183 Cape Verdean and 221 Portuguese secondary school students of both sexes (56 % female; mean age = 16). We used two questionnaires that had previously been validated in the Portuguese population. The results revealed that young Cape Verdean adolescents uphold stronger traditional beliefs than Portuguese adolescents do, but there were no differences in overall prevalence of abuse between the two samples. The relationship between traditional beliefs and self-reported violence was significant only in the Cape Verdean sample, suggesting that campaigns against IPV have not, so far, been as effective in Cape Verde as inPortugal.
students in Portugal. Their new situation requires an update and a new
personal, academic, and social contextualization and, in this new universe,
hazing plays a significant role. This study aimed to understand the phenomenon
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can
occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire
for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that
allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations
of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%)
women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27,
SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing
rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had
violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such
as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and
hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%) women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27, SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.
Cape Verdean youths’ upholding of traditional beliefs about
intimate partner violence (IPV) and the frequency of self reported violent behavior in dating relationships. The sample (n =404) consisted of 183 Cape Verdean and 221 Portuguese secondary school students of both sexes (56 % female; mean age = 16). We used two questionnaires that had previously been validated in the Portuguese population. The results revealed that young Cape Verdean adolescents uphold stronger traditional beliefs than Portuguese adolescents do, but there were no differences in overall prevalence of abuse between the two samples. The relationship between traditional beliefs and self-reported violence was significant only in the Cape Verdean sample, suggesting that campaigns against IPV have not, so far, been as effective in Cape Verde as inPortugal.
students in Portugal. Their new situation requires an update and a new
personal, academic, and social contextualization and, in this new universe,
hazing plays a significant role. This study aimed to understand the phenomenon
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can
occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire
for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that
allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations
of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%)
women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27,
SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing
rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had
violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such
as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and
hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.
of hazing in Portugal, analyzing, specifically, the violent behaviors that can occur in this context. To this effect, we have developed the Questionnaire for the Assessment of Experience in Hazing (QAVPA)—a questionnaire that allows the analysis of Portuguese students’ hazing experiences and situations of violence. This questionnaire was applied to a sample consisting of 586
university students and ex-students who participated in hazing, 393 (67.1%) women and 193 (32.9%) men, with ages between 18 and 47 years (M = 23.27, SD = 4.24). From the gathered data, 77.8% were victims of violence in hazing rituals, 86.9% witnessed violent practices, and 39.8% admitted having had violent behaviors toward new students. It was also found that variables such as having been a victim of this type of violence, sex, type of education, and hierarchy level are associated with the perpetration of violence in this context.