Hello! You've managed to stumble upon my icon journal. The new home for itsnotmytree_'s icons. Here you will find icons of many things, and sometimes I'll be taking requests. Although no one except sparrowlover (me) & _pianomagic (Trish) can post, you can join the community for the icons! So please, join!
1.) Credit is a must. If you don't credit, you will get a warning, then be banned.
2.) Comment with exactly what you are taking.
3.) You must put a name link in your userinfo or somewhere. Please, you promote lame rating communities, all I ask is that you at least put a small username link in your userinfo for us.
4.) I don't do requests, though sometimes I will offer them. Same for Trish. Do not request unless we clearly state that we're taking them.
5.) Do not direct link. I've had this problem before, and it isn't fun. I'm already hotlinking my own work, posting it for you, don't screw it up and hotlink or you won't be able to see my icons. Trust me, it's your own loss, not mine. So please, save to your own server. If you don't have one, try photobucket, tinypic, or imageshack.
6.) LJ use only.
7.) No claiming my work as your own, it's stealing.
8.) No customizing. NONE.
9.) No offense to anyone, you're all sweet, but please don't ask to be friended on my personal journal because you like my graphics.
11.) For the makers: You can post up to 3 teasers, and if you have more than 3 icons put them behind an LJ-cut.