Books by Moamen E . Abd El Raouf
1 2-Retaining Walls 2-1NTRODUCTION Structures that are built to retain vertical or nearly vertica... more 1 2-Retaining Walls 2-1NTRODUCTION Structures that are built to retain vertical or nearly vertical earth banks or any other material are called retaining walls. Retaining walls may retain water also. The earth retained may be natural soil or fill. Some of the purposes for which retaining walls are used are shown in figure (2-1). Figure (2-1) Use of retaining walls 2-2 Classification of the Retaining wall Retaining wall can be classified according to the following: 2-2-1 Classification of the Retaining Wall According to Mechanism of load Support Retaining wall according to mechanism of load support can be classified to two types: أ. م. د / مؤمن السيد عبد الرءوف-أستاذ مساعد ميكانيكا التربة واألساسات-هندسة األزهر
Cofferdams and Braced Cuts
Classification of Cofferdams
The control of groundwater is one of the most common and complicated problems encountered on a co... more The control of groundwater is one of the most common and complicated problems encountered on a construction site. Construction dewatering can become a costly issue if overlooked during project planning.
Papers by Moamen E . Abd El Raouf
Journal Of The Institution Of Engineers (india): Series A, Jul 1, 2023

One of the main causes of bridge failure is the excessive local scouring around piers and abutmen... more One of the main causes of bridge failure is the excessive local scouring around piers and abutments during floods. Also, the failure of groins, spur-dikes, and guide banks frequently occur during the flood season due to severe scouring. Every bridge over a waterway, whether existing or under design, should be evaluated as to its vulnerability to scour Data on scour at bridge piers and abutments should be collected and analyzed in order to improve existing procedures for estimating scour. The main objectives of this study are to help the designers to choose the suitable shape of the bridge piers constructed on the river Nile to decrease the morphological changes on the bed by a comparison of the various shapes of piers in the study area and local scour that occurred vicinity the piers of the bridges in a period time of 22years.
Finally, it is concluded that Structural engineers must avoid circular piers, because the deep scour holes downstream from the large circular piers was produced by the conflicting velocity fields at the intersection of the wake vortexes streams from adjacent piers and it’s recommended to construct two piers only in the bridges on River Nile and using streamlined shape in piers.

Bridges consider the most important structures on rivers. The most important problems that affect... more Bridges consider the most important structures on rivers. The most important problems that affect the safety of the bridges is the scour around the foundations of bridges. At this research was study two factors that affect on scour around piles Bridges established on the Nile River: The first of these factors is the earthquake. Monitoring the amount of water in the Nile River during the month of October of 1990 until 1995, and notes a significant increase in the volume of water in the river up about 50% during the following week of the earthquake as it has been compared to that data with anther data about the amount of water discharged behind the High Dam during the same period to make sure that, the increase due to the earthquake only. And found that, it does not increase the amount of water discharged behind the High Dam during this period. The reason that this large increase did not draw attention because the quake happened in a period of decrease in the amount of water in the River Nile, so it is necessary to take this increase into account in the design of any

Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022
Ground anchors are used as earth reinforcement to stabilize unstable landslides and slopes. In th... more Ground anchors are used as earth reinforcement to stabilize unstable landslides and slopes. In this paper, the
effect of some parameters, such as the anchor inclination angle, position of the anchor and the number of the
anchor's rows, was investigated using the finite element strength-reduction method. The results of the finite
element strength-reduction method were compared with the results of the limit-equilibrium methods (Bishop’s
method and Spencer's method). The results of this analysis revealed that the finite element strength-reduction
method (FESRM) is very applicable to evaluating the stability of reinforced and unreinforced slopes. The angle
ranging from 10∘ to 15∘ is the optimum inclination angle to increase the factor of safety and decrease the
displacement. The anchor position had a considerable effect on the determination of the critical slip surfaces
and the optimum location of the anchor is at (x/L) =0.4, where (x) is the horizontal distance of the anchor head
from the slope toe and (L) is the horizontal distance from the toe to the heel of the slope. Also, reinforcing the
slope by two rows of anchors increases the factor of safety by about 10%.
Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2020
Soft clay soil is characterized by high compressibility and low shear strength, so the settlement... more Soft clay soil is characterized by high compressibility and low shear strength, so the settlement is the major problem facing the embankment constructed on soft clay soils and causes an increase in the cost of maintenance. Numerical analysis has been carried out to study some parameters affect the settlement of embankment founded on soft clay such as, the clay thickness (h c) and the width of the embankment base (B), and the stiffness of clay layer. The lateral extrusion due to the settlement of the embankment was also included. The results of the finite element analysis were verified using field and the traditional method results. Numerical analysis was performed using the GEO5 finite element program. Finally, the results of the finite element analysis were discussed in detail.

Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2019
Compaction of backfill behind a retaining wall is normally affected by the compactors. The compac... more Compaction of backfill behind a retaining wall is normally affected by the compactors. The compaction plant can be represented approximately by a surcharge load equal to the weight of the roller. If a vibratory roller is employed, the centrifugal force due to the vibrating mechanism should be added to the static weight. After compaction, the lateral stress does not revert to the basic value (k a γz). At a certain depth, the residual lateral pressure may be high enough to cause passive failure in the soil behind the retaining wall. The present paper analyses the effect of compaction of the backfill behind the retaining walls. The values of the residual lateral earth pressure induced by common compacting equipment the most parts of the world especially in Egypt are calculated by the classical methods (the method of Canadian code of Practice). The study compares the method of Canadian Practice results and the results of the analysis using the finite element to enhance the method of calculation the lateral earth pressure due to compaction.

Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2018
A discrete element method (DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced ... more A discrete element method (DEM) model was used to simulate the development of compaction-induced stress in a granular base course, with and without geogrid reinforcement. The granular base course was modeled as a mixture of uniformly sized triangular particles. The geogrid was modeled as a series of equally spaced balls that interact with each other through long-range interaction contacts. The longrange interaction contact was also used to simulate a deformable subgrade. The compactor was modeled as a solid cylinder rolling at a constant speed. The DEM model shows that the geogridreinforced granular base course gains additional compaction-induced stress due to the residual tensile stress developed in the geogrid. The residual tensile stress in the geogrid increases with the number of compaction passes. Parametric analyses were also conducted to assess the effects of geogrid stiffness and subgrade modulus on the compaction-induced stress.
The Academic Research Community publication, 2018
The construction of any river obstruction has some morphological impacts on the river bed and flo... more The construction of any river obstruction has some morphological impacts on the river bed and flow as it implies some disturbance to the river water flow. This disturbance causes local scour to occur due to bridge construction. For many reasons, there exists a need to protect these assets by continuous monitoring and maintenance. For this research, 6 th October Bridge was considered as a case study for bridges constructed on caissons along the River Nile. A field data (contour maps for the bed of the River Nile at year 1982and 2008) and computer model FDOT (developed by Florida Department of Transportation), was used to evaluate the depth of scour at the caissons of 6 th October Bridge. Conclusions and recommendations were highlighted.

Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2020
Anchored sheet pile walls are used to restrain excavation when the depth of the excavation exceed... more Anchored sheet pile walls are used to restrain excavation when the depth of the excavation exceeds about 6 m. In this paper, the influence of some parameters on anchored sheet pile walls was studied. The parameters are: anchor inclination with the horizontal ground, the number of anchors (one-row, or more), the cohesion of soil, and angle of internal friction of the backfill soil. The previous parameters affect soil behavior, wall bending moments, and wall displacement. Numerical analysis of the anchored sheet pile walls was implemented using a finite element program GEO5. The results of the analysis indicated that the optimum angle of anchor inclination is 25 degrees to reduce the horizontal displacement at the top of the wall and maximum bending moment. Variation of the angle of internal friction has a significant effect on the wall. As the friction angle increases, the maximum displacement and the internal forces decrease. As the cohesion of soil increases, the maximum bending moment, shear force, and wall displacement decreases. Increasing the number of anchors decreases the maximum bending moment, wall displacement, and increases the maximum shear force.

JES. Journal of Engineering Sciences, 2020
The reinforcement by geotextiles or geogrids helps to improve the embankment stability and guaran... more The reinforcement by geotextiles or geogrids helps to improve the embankment stability and guarantee more uniform settlement. The factors effect on the stability of the reinforced embankment on soft clay, in terms of slope stability and sliding resistance has been studied using a finite element program (GEO5 program). In this paper, the effect of geogrid Spacing, the height of the first geogrid layer, unit weight of embankment fill, and the angle of internal friction was studied. The numerical model results indicated that the optimum spacing between the geogrid layers is 0.5 m. Increasing the angle of internal friction for the embankment fill causes to increase the factors of safety. Increasing the density of the embankment fill causes to decrease the factors of safety. Also, it was recommended to install the first geogrid layer between the embankment base and underlying soft clay layer without any vertical distance.
Soft clay soil is characterized by high compressibility and low shear strength, so the settlement... more Soft clay soil is characterized by high compressibility and low shear strength, so the settlement is the major problem facing the embankment constructed on soft clay soils and causes an increase in the cost of maintenance. Numerical analysis has been carried out to study some parameters affect the settlement of embankment founded on soft clay such as, the clay thickness (h c) and the width of the embankment base (B), and the stiffness of clay layer. The lateral extrusion due to the settlement of the embankment was also included. The results of the finite element analysis were verified using field and the traditional method results. Numerical analysis was performed using the GEO5 finite element program. Finally, the results of the finite element analysis were discussed in detail.

Journal of Engineering Sector of Engineering Colleges - Al-Azhar University., 2020
Anchored sheet pile walls are used to restrain excavation when the depth of the excavation exceed... more Anchored sheet pile walls are used to restrain excavation when the depth of the excavation exceeds about 6 m. In this paper, the influence of some parameters on anchored sheet pile walls was studied. The parameters are: anchor inclination with the horizontal ground, the number of anchors (one-row, or more), the cohesion of soil, and angle of internal friction of the backfill soil. The previous parameters affect soil behavior, wall bending moments, and wall displacement. Numerical analysis of the anchored sheet pile walls was implemented using a finite element program GEO5. The results of the analysis indicated that the optimum angle of anchor inclination is 25 degrees to reduce the horizontal displacement at the top of the wall and maximum bending moment. Variation of the angle of internal friction has a significant effect on the wall. As the friction angle increases, the maximum displacement and the internal forces decrease. As the cohesion of soil increases, the maximum bending moment, shear force, and wall displacement decreases. Increasing the number of anchors decreases the maximum bending moment, wall displacement, and increases the maximum shear force.

Journal of Engineering Sciences Assiut University Faculty of Engineering , 2020
The reinforcement by geotextiles or geogrids helps to improve the embankment stability and guaran... more The reinforcement by geotextiles or geogrids helps to improve the embankment stability and guarantee more uniform settlement. The factors effect on the stability of the reinforced embankment on soft clay, in terms of slope stability and sliding resistance has been studied using a finite element program (GEO5 program). In this paper, the effect of geogrid Spacing, the height of the first geogrid layer, unit weight of embankment fill, and the angle of internal friction was studied. The numerical model results indicated that the optimum spacing between the geogrid layers is 0.5 m. Increasing the angle of internal friction for the embankment fill causes to increase the factors of safety. Increasing the density of the embankment fill causes to decrease the factors of safety. Also, it was recommended to install the first geogrid layer between the embankment base and underlying soft clay layer without any vertical distance.

Anti-slide piles are vertical members from reinforced concrete used to resist the landslide and i... more Anti-slide piles are vertical members from reinforced concrete used to resist the landslide and improve the slope stability. Recently, the anti-slide piles are widely used because it's characterized by high slide resistance, good retaining effect, small masonry compared with the anti-slide retaining wall. The goal of this paper is studying the parameters effect on the factors of safety for slopes and the performance of the pile-stabilized slopes. These factors include the pile diameter, pile spacing, the length of the pile embedded in the stable zone (under slip surface), and the most suitable location of the piles within the slope. The finite element program GEO5 was used in this analysis to study the stability of slopes using the anti-slide pile. The results of the finite element program indicated that using the anti-slide piles is an effective method to increase the factor of safety for the slopes. As the piles spacing increase, the factor of safety decreases. The optimum pile spacing occurred when S= D. The critical embedded length of pile occurs when the depth of the unstable zone above the slip surface is equal to the embedded length of piles. The optimum position of the piles is in the middle of the slope.

Journal of engineering science, 2019
Compaction equipment worked behind the retaining walls causes additional lateral earth pressures ... more Compaction equipment worked behind the retaining walls causes additional lateral earth pressures acting on the wall. The effect of compaction-induced stress (CIS) usually neglected when designing the retaining walls. Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil walls (GRS walls) have increasing popularity in Egypt in the last years. The earth pressure at the facing of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil wall (GRS wall) is different from that in the natural soil. The internal lateral pressure in the GRS soil is governed by compaction-induced stresses (CIS) and additional confining effects that the reinforcement provides to the soil. The compaction-induced stress for GRS wall is difficult to be predicted during the design stage because it depends on the characteristics of compaction equipment and other factors. The objectives of the research are:1) Studying the effect of compact the backfill of GRS wall by vibratory plates on the internal stability, the external stability, and the foundation soil for GRS wall. 2) Evaluating the performance of the various types of vibratory plates which used to compact the backfill for GRS wall. So, a finite element analysis using GEO5 program was used to achieve these objectives. Finally, the recommendations for the design and construction of GRS walls were highlighted.
The Academic Research Community Publication, Dec 2018
The construction of any river obstruction has some morphological impacts on the river bed and flo... more The construction of any river obstruction has some morphological impacts on the river bed and flow as it implies some disturbance to the river water flow. This disturbance causes local scour to occur due to bridge construction. For many reasons, there exists a need to protect these assets by continuous monitoring and maintenance. For this research, 6 th October Bridge was considered as a case study for bridges constructed on caissons along the River Nile. A field data (contour maps for the bed of the River Nile at year 1982and 2008) and computer model FDOT (developed by Florida Department of Transportation), was used to evaluate the depth of scour at the caissons of 6 th October Bridge. Conclusions and recommendations were highlighted.
Books by Moamen E . Abd El Raouf
Papers by Moamen E . Abd El Raouf
Finally, it is concluded that Structural engineers must avoid circular piers, because the deep scour holes downstream from the large circular piers was produced by the conflicting velocity fields at the intersection of the wake vortexes streams from adjacent piers and it’s recommended to construct two piers only in the bridges on River Nile and using streamlined shape in piers.
effect of some parameters, such as the anchor inclination angle, position of the anchor and the number of the
anchor's rows, was investigated using the finite element strength-reduction method. The results of the finite
element strength-reduction method were compared with the results of the limit-equilibrium methods (Bishop’s
method and Spencer's method). The results of this analysis revealed that the finite element strength-reduction
method (FESRM) is very applicable to evaluating the stability of reinforced and unreinforced slopes. The angle
ranging from 10∘ to 15∘ is the optimum inclination angle to increase the factor of safety and decrease the
displacement. The anchor position had a considerable effect on the determination of the critical slip surfaces
and the optimum location of the anchor is at (x/L) =0.4, where (x) is the horizontal distance of the anchor head
from the slope toe and (L) is the horizontal distance from the toe to the heel of the slope. Also, reinforcing the
slope by two rows of anchors increases the factor of safety by about 10%.
Finally, it is concluded that Structural engineers must avoid circular piers, because the deep scour holes downstream from the large circular piers was produced by the conflicting velocity fields at the intersection of the wake vortexes streams from adjacent piers and it’s recommended to construct two piers only in the bridges on River Nile and using streamlined shape in piers.
effect of some parameters, such as the anchor inclination angle, position of the anchor and the number of the
anchor's rows, was investigated using the finite element strength-reduction method. The results of the finite
element strength-reduction method were compared with the results of the limit-equilibrium methods (Bishop’s
method and Spencer's method). The results of this analysis revealed that the finite element strength-reduction
method (FESRM) is very applicable to evaluating the stability of reinforced and unreinforced slopes. The angle
ranging from 10∘ to 15∘ is the optimum inclination angle to increase the factor of safety and decrease the
displacement. The anchor position had a considerable effect on the determination of the critical slip surfaces
and the optimum location of the anchor is at (x/L) =0.4, where (x) is the horizontal distance of the anchor head
from the slope toe and (L) is the horizontal distance from the toe to the heel of the slope. Also, reinforcing the
slope by two rows of anchors increases the factor of safety by about 10%.