Books by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Book Chapter by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel

Encyclopedia of Strategic Leadership and Management, 2017
Scholars in the field of management studies are not reticent about how lively is the correlation ... more Scholars in the field of management studies are not reticent about how lively is the correlation between leadership and innovation. Given the pervasiveness of mechanistic view of organizations in the last century, this correlation was supposed to be entertained by the leaders who possessed certain personal traits and displayed behavioral patterns relevant for their followers. However, in an age of interconnectedness, leadership calls for more than leaders are capable to afford. Leadership should be acknowledged as an inter-relational social component, which is inherently embedded in each and every social interaction in the organization. Innovation, therefore, is embodied in the sum of all the interaction. This conceptual chapter intends to merge leadership and innovation and coins the term innoveadership to demonstrate their intertwined nature. Innoveadership could be described as a conflation of constructs postulated by leading scholars in the field of leadership and management studies within the contextual climate of complexity thinking.

Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) Strategies for Sustainable Development, 2020
Climate change has palpable cross-scale implications given the severity of the matter epitomized ... more Climate change has palpable cross-scale implications given the severity of the matter epitomized in the prolonged discussions and negotiations between various parties that incur the consequences of the policy applications. Cross-border adjustment, though seemingly plausible, is a controversial method employed to mitigate the adverse potential impact of carbon emissions through placing an extra cost for the goods imported from countries that lag behind the standards set by multiple global agreements. Exercising cross-border adjustment on international trading activities is likely to have positive reverberations on taming the perils posed by climate change as well as triggering unforeseen perturbations in the interaction of actors involved in the global trading system. This chapter intends to shed light on cross-border adjustments via diagnosing the issues emerging out of the inter-scale interactions and question its effectiveness in micro and macro terms.

International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization, IGI Global, 2020
International trade introduces a range of risks, which causes uncertainty over the timing of deli... more International trade introduces a range of risks, which causes uncertainty over the timing of delivery and payment between exporters and importers. This chapter is a first attempt in dissecting Turkey’s trade data in terms of risk allocation and trust between the parties involved. Breaking down Turkish export and import data for the years 2000 to 2018 according to methods of payment and use of currencies, the chapter first finds the risk is distributed unevenly between the exporter and the importer. Then findings are evaluated to open a new avenue of future research, constructed on the inquiry whether emerging economies like Turkey can establish trust in their trade with developed economies by using blockchain technology.
Taşbaşı, A., Sarıca, P. Y., & Yüksel, A. H. (2020). An Analysis of Risk Transfer and Trust Nexus in International Trade With Reference to Turkish Data. In A. Coşkun Özer (Ed.), International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization (pp. 189-208). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9566-3

Bureaucracy as an organizational form has always been a controversial
issue and placed at the ver... more Bureaucracy as an organizational form has always been a controversial
issue and placed at the very heart of most discussions within organizational theory.
One side of this prolonged discussion praises this administrative form as the
‘rational’ way to run an organization. It provides needed guidance and clarifies
responsibilities, which enables employees to become more efficient. However, the
opposition claims that in a non-linear world, where industrial organizations are
forced to confront the challenging task of sensing and responding to unpredictable,
novel situations of highly competitive markets, such an organizational form stifles
creativity, fosters de-motivation and causes pressure on employees. Dealing with a
bureaucratic form of organization and its consequences begs for a context. It would
be appropriate to quit ‘taking sides’ and develop a sound analysis of this phenomenon
under the conditions of today’s global workplace environment. This chapter
intends to delineate the conditions under which bureaucracy has emerged and the
way it has been interpreted since its inception and develop a sound and appropriate
analytical approach to its functioning given the prevailing conditions of the contemporary
Conference Papers by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Bureaucracy had been referred to as the usual suspect whose door was knocked with an attempt to a... more Bureaucracy had been referred to as the usual suspect whose door was knocked with an attempt to address an organizational failure and had always been pointed at as the villain that rendered organizations incapable to adapt to the shifting paradigms in the global business environment. Nothwithstanding the fact that it has survived throughout the last century there is an extensive literature in organizational studies that is dedicated to reveal its imperfections especially after the incorporation of such concepts as fluidity and complexity into management studies. This conceptual paper proposes that bureaucracy and complexity are not mutually exclusive concepts. They both can co-exist on the way to create knowledge-based organizations in which novel ideas emerge and innovative outcomes are cultivated.

Organizations are expected to devise adroit actions in the face of prevailing complexity in busin... more Organizations are expected to devise adroit actions in the face of prevailing complexity in business environment. Under the circumstances of intensive competition in global markets, dealing with the concept of innovation entails to embrace a more profound coverage than generally ascribed. Innovation is about building capabilities that will eventually be materialized into novel ways of doing things. The very essence of innovation lies in its ability to carry a work process to a superior level of value generation. Therefore, leaders (leadership) are supposed to be reengineered as enablers who function as catalyst for the transformation of organizations into ecologies of innovation where building capabilities and creation of knowledge are continuous endeavors. This conceptual paper aims to tap into the heart of this matter and deal with the relationship between becoming innovative and the appropriate context of leadership that should be instilled in contemporary organizations.
There is a widely heralded need for improved corporate governance practices in order to stave off... more There is a widely heralded need for improved corporate governance practices in order to stave off potential turbulences in financial markets. Corporate governance index enables investors to monitor the compliance level of firms with corporate governance principles. This study attempts to examine whether the market players in Borsa İstanbul recognise the value of getting a corporate governance score in the period of 2007 and 2013. The initial evidence supports that the market players value the scoring and the market price of firms announcing the scoring shows a sharp increase in the first announcement day and this dies out over the next 10 days.
Articles by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel

Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 2019
Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan m... more Modernist düşünce akımının örgütleri mekanik sistemler olarak tanımlamasının bir yansıması olan makina metaforunun etkisi altında geliştirilmiş örgütsel kuramların temel varsayımlarının günümüzün kompleks küresel ortamında işlerliği sorgulanır hale gelmiştir. Eşi benzeri görülmemiş düzeydeki karşılıklı bağlılık ve bağımlılık ortamında küresel ağda etkileşime geçen sayısız aktörün, kelebek etkisi olarak da adlandırılan durumda anlatılmak istendiği gibi, hangi şekilde ve yoğunlukta ilişki kurup etkileşime gireceği ve bu etkileşimlerin nitel olarak özgün hangi yeni görüngünün belirimine yol açabileceğini kestirebilmek mümkün görünmemektedir. Her an olma halindeki şartlar altında örgütlerin neden-sonuç ilişkileri arasındaki rasyonel bağları kurarak anı idrak edebileceklerine inanmaya devam etmeleri söz konusu değildir. Kavramsal tahlile dayalı bu makale, örgütlerin birer makina olarak tanımlandıkları ontolojik konumlanmanın, örgütlerin kompleks sosyal etkileşim ağları olarak yeniden şekillenmesi akışkanlar çağında var olmayı sürdürebilmek için elzem bir düşünsel gereklilik olduğunu, modernist örgüt kuramlarının varsayımlarının karşısına kompleksite kavramını konumlayarak ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Kompleks sistemler yaklaşımını benimsemekte somut bir metafor olarak ekoloji kavramı önerilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Kompleksite, inovasyon, yönetim düşüncesi, örgüt kuramı, strateji. JEL Kodları: M10, M11
Abstract: Organizational studies had been substantially influenced by the basic underlying assumptions of the modernist stream of thought which embraced 'machine metaphor' as the ontological ground on which entire theories of organization and management had been built. Given the unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectednes and the amount of data and information flowing in the global network, organizations seem to be haunted by the feeble references of linear causality in their endeavors to survive under the circumstances of complexity. This article intends to diagnose and analyze the need for replacing the ingrained assumptions of modernist organization and management theories with the ones postulated by complexity thinking which puts special emphasis on concepts like evolution, interaction, symbiosis and nonlinearity. Ecology metaphore, as suggested in the article, could serve as a plausible anchor to explicate the 'in-the-making' nature of the interactions between the constituting parts of the whole, namely organization.

Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde mali... more ÖZ
Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyeti ağır sonuçların doğacağına işaret eden semptom ve sinyallerin göz ardı edilmesi durumunu tarif etmektedir. Örgüt üyelerinin söz konusu semptom ve sinyalleri kasıtlı olarak göz ardı etmelerinin yönetsel, bilişsel ve psikolojik boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, bireylerin hataları fark edip süreçleri yeniden ayarlamak yerine işlevsizliğin devinimine uyum sağlamayı tercih etmelerinin altyapısını inceleyen işlevsiz momentum yaklaşımı, örgütlerin neden yönelmeyi arzu ettikleri istikametin tam tersine yol alma eğiliminde olduğunu inceleyen Abilene paradoksu ekseninde tahlil edilecektir. Örgütsel işlevsizliğin bir öğrenmeme hali olduğu yorumundan hareketle makaledeki tahlil tek-döngülü ve çift-döngülü öğrenme modelleri ile ilişkilendirilecektir.
Organizational dysfunction refers to ignoring the salient symptoms and cues about emerging inefficiencies in work processes. Dysfunctional momentum occurs when people fail to pause and recalibrate inefficient work processes. Abilene paradox deals with why organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to their original intentions. This article intends to comprehend the psychodynamics of turning a blind eye to the dysfunctional organizational processes through incorporation of the insight provided by dysfunctional momentum and Abilene paradox into the analysis.

Newton paradigmasının filtresinden dünyaya bakan modernist düşünce akımı nesnel ontoloji ve buna... more Newton paradigmasının filtresinden dünyaya bakan modernist düşünce akımı nesnel ontoloji ve buna bağlı olarak gelişen mekanik epistemoloji ve enstrümantal praksiyoloji varsayımı altında örgütleri birer makina olarak tasavvur etmiştir. Örgütlerin, denge halini muhafaza etme eğiliminde, determinist, rasyonel olarak tasarlanmış, parçaların toplamından oluşan bir bütün olarak algılanması, 19.yüzyıldan itibaren yönetim kuramlarının şekillenişini etkisi altına almıştır. Ancak, ağ tipi bütünleşmenin sonucunda eşi görülmemiş biçimde karşılıklı olarak bağlı ve bağımlı olunan küresel bir sistemde, umulmayan fırtınalar artık bir kelebeğin kanat çırpmasıyla tetiklenebilmektedir. Akışkanlar çağında, muazzam hacimdeki veri ve enformasyon paylaşılarak ağdaki aktör sayısı kadar farklı yorumların etkileşime girmesine ve nitel olarak benzersiz hallerin ve anlamların doğmasına neden olmaktadır. Böyle bir ortamda örgüt ve yönetim çalışmalarında modernist ontoloji ve epistemolojinin ışığında ilerlemenin mümkün görünmediği yönündeki görüşler güçlenmektedir. Bu kavramsal çalışmada, günümüzde ve gelecekte örgüt ve yönetim bilim alanındaki araştırmalara yön verecek bir yaklaşım olarak, özellikle son yirmi yıldır artarak rağbet gören kompleksite kavramının varsayımlarından hareketle ontolojik ve epistemolojik dönüşüm ihtiyacının teşhisi, makina metaforunun ussal köklerine atıfta bulunularak konulmaya gayret edilecektir.

The modernist stream of thought had immensely influenced the theories of organizational managemen... more The modernist stream of thought had immensely influenced the theories of organizational management in the early twentieth century. Equilibrium-oriented and universally valid reductionist approaches viewed organizations as machines that could be broken down into pieces, hence, behavior of the whole could be understood from the knowledge of its parts. Mary Parker Follett, owing to her valuable contribution ahead of her time, emerges as a prominent figure in the history of management thought and organizational studies. Most of what is written and discussed today in the field of organization studies and management such as power, authority, group dynamics, leadership, coordination and governance have been derived from Mary Parker Follett’s corpus. She had built the bridge between complexity thinking and management almost four decades before the introduction of nonlinear dynamics to scientific research. Although the actual terminology of nonlinear dynamics was not employed in her postulations Mary Parker Follett’s works provide profound insights for the field of management under the prevailing global circumstances where the impact of repeated attempts to design the ‘whole’ seems to have been neutralized since it is barely enough to predict the outcomes of the upward-causality from the knowledge of the parts. A thorough analysis of her writings reveals that she had accurately anticipated the problems associated with the contemporary organizational settings as well as incorporating nonlinear dynamics into management thinking. This conceptual paper intends to draw inspiration from Mary Parker Follett’s works with special emphasis on the links between her conceptions and complexity thinking in the field of management.
Papers by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel

Pressacademia, 2022
Purpose- There is a need for organizations to be innovative and keep on adapting to changes and n... more Purpose- There is a need for organizations to be innovative and keep on adapting to changes and new circumstances in today’s highly competitive world. Accordingly, some challenges emerged for both organizations and employees in adapting to the new situations as well as work-related daily routine tasks. Adaptation and coping capabilities of the employees have become an essential part of the work environment. These challenges have created stress among employees, affecting their personal lives and business lives. A concept of “Mindfulness” that enables people to be flexible and adaptable in adverse environments, and this, in turn, reduces people’s stress levels is used in business life as well. The purpose of this paper is to explore the factors affecting employees’ occupational stress and clarify their coping capabilities using mindfulness during turbulent times. Methodology- There are qualitative and quantitative studies about occupational stress and mindfulness in business and psych...

Newton paradigmasnin filtresinden dunyaya bakan modernist dusunce akimi nesnel ontoloji ve b... more Newton paradigmasnin filtresinden dunyaya bakan modernist dusunce akimi nesnel ontoloji ve buna bagli olarak gelisen mekanik epistemoloji ve enstrumantal praksiyoloji varsayim altinda orgutleri birer makina olarak tasavvur etmistir. Orgutlerin, denge halini muhafaza etme egiliminde, determinist, rasyonel olarak tasarlanmis, parcalarin toplamindan olusan bir butun olarak alglanmasi, 19.yuzyildan itibaren yonetim kuramlarinin sekillenisini etkisi altna almistir. Ancak, ag tipi butunlesmenin sonucunda esi gorulmemis bicimde karsilikli olarak bagli ve bagimli olunan kuresel bir sistemde, umulmayan firtinalar artk bir kelebegin kanat cirpmasiyla tetiklenebilmektedir. Akiskanlar caginda, muazzam hacimdeki veri ve enformasyon paylasilarak agdaki aktor sayisi kadar farkli yorumlarin etkilesime girmesine ve nitel olarak benzersiz hallerin ve anlamlarin dogmasina neden olmaktadir. Boyle bir ortamda orgut ve yonetim calismalarinda modernist ontoloji ve e...

Yönetim ve Ekonomi: Celal Bayar Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2017
Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyet... more Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyeti ağır sonuçların doğacağına işaret eden semptom ve sinyallerin göz ardı edilmesi durumunu tarif etmektedir. Örgüt üyelerinin söz konusu semptom ve sinyalleri kasıtlı olarak göz ardı etmelerinin yönetsel, bilişsel ve psikolojik boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, bireylerin hataları fark edip süreçleri yeniden ayarlamak yerine işlevsizliğin devinimine uyum sağlamayı tercih etmelerinin altyapısını inceleyen işlevsiz momentum yaklaşımı, örgütlerin neden yönelmeyi arzu ettikleri istikametin tam tersine yol alma eğiliminde olduğunu inceleyen Abilene paradoksu ekseninde tahlil edilecektir. Örgütsel işlevsizliğin bir öğrenmeme hali olduğu yorumundan hareketle makaledeki tahlil tek-döngülü ve çift-döngülü öğrenme modelleri ile ilişkilendirilecektir.
Pressacademia, 2016
Bureaucracy had been referred to as the usual suspect whose door was knocked with an attempt to a... more Bureaucracy had been referred to as the usual suspect whose door was knocked with an attempt to address an organizational failure and had always been pointed at as the villain that rendered organizations incapable to adapt to the shifting paradigms in the global business environment. Nothwithstanding the fact that it has survived throughout the last century there is an extensive literature in organizational studies that is dedicated to reveal its imperfections especially after the incorporation of such concepts as fluidity and complexity into management studies. This conceptual paper proposes that bureaucracy and complexity are not mutually exclusive concepts. They both can co-exist on the way to create knowledge-based organizations in which novel ideas emerge and innovative outcomes are cultivated.

Labor and Employment Relations in a Globalized World, 2014
Bureaucracy as an organizational form has always been a controversial issue and placed at the ver... more Bureaucracy as an organizational form has always been a controversial issue and placed at the very heart of most discussions within organizational theory. One side of this prolonged discussion praises this administrative form as the 'rational' way to run an organization. It provides needed guidance and clarifies responsibilities, which enables employees to become more efficient. However, the opposition claims that in a non-linear world, where industrial organizations are forced to confront the challenging task of sensing and responding to unpredictable, novel situations of highly competitive markets, such an organizational form stifles creativity, fosters de-motivation and causes pressure on employees. Dealing with a bureaucratic form of organization and its consequences begs for a context. It would be appropriate to quit 'taking sides' and develop a sound analysis of this phenomenon under the conditions of today's global workplace environment. This chapter intends to delineate the conditions under which bureaucracy has emerged and the way it has been interpreted since its inception and develop a sound and appropriate analytical approach to its functioning given the prevailing conditions of the contemporary workplace. A.H. Yu ¨ksel (*) Is ¸ık University, Universite Sok. No.2, 34980 S ¸ile, I ˙stanbul, Turkey T. Dereli et al. (eds.), Labor and Employment Relations in a Globalized World, Contributions to Economics,
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014
There is a widely heralded need for improved corporate governance practices in order to stave off... more There is a widely heralded need for improved corporate governance practices in order to stave off potential turbulences in financial markets. Corporate governance index enables investors to monitor the compliance level of firms with corporate governance principles. This study attempts to examine whether the market players in Borsa İstanbul recognize the value of getting a corporate governance score in the period of 2007 and 2013. The initial evidence supports that the market players value the scoring and the market price of firms announcing the scoring shows a sharp increase in the first announcement day and this dies out over the next 10 days.

Procedia Economics and Finance, 2016
Major developments in the last three decades have set the scene for the rise of novel problems on... more Major developments in the last three decades have set the scene for the rise of novel problems on global scale. The unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectedness between countries, firms and institutions has paved the way for the emergence of, both, novel practices that increase the quality of life and intriguingly complicated issues of global governance. The relationship between global actors are so intertwined that striving for predictability is barely feasible. In spite of the enhanced capabilities gained through involvement in the economic and financial value creation process, there are perils ahead for better global governance. Major issues pose global actors in terms of credibility, building and ensuring sustainability, erosion of capacity to fulfill promises and increasing fragility of financial markets as well as issues regarding depleting energy resources, environment and security. G-20 emerged as a remedial governance structure in the wake of the 2008 financial turmoil making sure that the prominent dynamic emerging countries are seated around the table. The expansion of G-8 into G-20 including the new global powerhouses has many positive implications. However, ongoing debates regarding this structure oscillate between hope and contestation. This conceptual paper intends to draw a general framework regarding the representative capability of G-20 members and discuss the hybrid quality of this so called steering committee given the era of turbulence that the world is heading towards.
Books by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Book Chapter by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Taşbaşı, A., Sarıca, P. Y., & Yüksel, A. H. (2020). An Analysis of Risk Transfer and Trust Nexus in International Trade With Reference to Turkish Data. In A. Coşkun Özer (Ed.), International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization (pp. 189-208). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9566-3
issue and placed at the very heart of most discussions within organizational theory.
One side of this prolonged discussion praises this administrative form as the
‘rational’ way to run an organization. It provides needed guidance and clarifies
responsibilities, which enables employees to become more efficient. However, the
opposition claims that in a non-linear world, where industrial organizations are
forced to confront the challenging task of sensing and responding to unpredictable,
novel situations of highly competitive markets, such an organizational form stifles
creativity, fosters de-motivation and causes pressure on employees. Dealing with a
bureaucratic form of organization and its consequences begs for a context. It would
be appropriate to quit ‘taking sides’ and develop a sound analysis of this phenomenon
under the conditions of today’s global workplace environment. This chapter
intends to delineate the conditions under which bureaucracy has emerged and the
way it has been interpreted since its inception and develop a sound and appropriate
analytical approach to its functioning given the prevailing conditions of the contemporary
Conference Papers by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Articles by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Abstract: Organizational studies had been substantially influenced by the basic underlying assumptions of the modernist stream of thought which embraced 'machine metaphor' as the ontological ground on which entire theories of organization and management had been built. Given the unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectednes and the amount of data and information flowing in the global network, organizations seem to be haunted by the feeble references of linear causality in their endeavors to survive under the circumstances of complexity. This article intends to diagnose and analyze the need for replacing the ingrained assumptions of modernist organization and management theories with the ones postulated by complexity thinking which puts special emphasis on concepts like evolution, interaction, symbiosis and nonlinearity. Ecology metaphore, as suggested in the article, could serve as a plausible anchor to explicate the 'in-the-making' nature of the interactions between the constituting parts of the whole, namely organization.
Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyeti ağır sonuçların doğacağına işaret eden semptom ve sinyallerin göz ardı edilmesi durumunu tarif etmektedir. Örgüt üyelerinin söz konusu semptom ve sinyalleri kasıtlı olarak göz ardı etmelerinin yönetsel, bilişsel ve psikolojik boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, bireylerin hataları fark edip süreçleri yeniden ayarlamak yerine işlevsizliğin devinimine uyum sağlamayı tercih etmelerinin altyapısını inceleyen işlevsiz momentum yaklaşımı, örgütlerin neden yönelmeyi arzu ettikleri istikametin tam tersine yol alma eğiliminde olduğunu inceleyen Abilene paradoksu ekseninde tahlil edilecektir. Örgütsel işlevsizliğin bir öğrenmeme hali olduğu yorumundan hareketle makaledeki tahlil tek-döngülü ve çift-döngülü öğrenme modelleri ile ilişkilendirilecektir.
Organizational dysfunction refers to ignoring the salient symptoms and cues about emerging inefficiencies in work processes. Dysfunctional momentum occurs when people fail to pause and recalibrate inefficient work processes. Abilene paradox deals with why organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to their original intentions. This article intends to comprehend the psychodynamics of turning a blind eye to the dysfunctional organizational processes through incorporation of the insight provided by dysfunctional momentum and Abilene paradox into the analysis.
Papers by Ahmet Hakan Yüksel
Taşbaşı, A., Sarıca, P. Y., & Yüksel, A. H. (2020). An Analysis of Risk Transfer and Trust Nexus in International Trade With Reference to Turkish Data. In A. Coşkun Özer (Ed.), International Trade Policies in the Era of Globalization (pp. 189-208). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9566-3
issue and placed at the very heart of most discussions within organizational theory.
One side of this prolonged discussion praises this administrative form as the
‘rational’ way to run an organization. It provides needed guidance and clarifies
responsibilities, which enables employees to become more efficient. However, the
opposition claims that in a non-linear world, where industrial organizations are
forced to confront the challenging task of sensing and responding to unpredictable,
novel situations of highly competitive markets, such an organizational form stifles
creativity, fosters de-motivation and causes pressure on employees. Dealing with a
bureaucratic form of organization and its consequences begs for a context. It would
be appropriate to quit ‘taking sides’ and develop a sound analysis of this phenomenon
under the conditions of today’s global workplace environment. This chapter
intends to delineate the conditions under which bureaucracy has emerged and the
way it has been interpreted since its inception and develop a sound and appropriate
analytical approach to its functioning given the prevailing conditions of the contemporary
Abstract: Organizational studies had been substantially influenced by the basic underlying assumptions of the modernist stream of thought which embraced 'machine metaphor' as the ontological ground on which entire theories of organization and management had been built. Given the unprecedented level of interdependence and interconnectednes and the amount of data and information flowing in the global network, organizations seem to be haunted by the feeble references of linear causality in their endeavors to survive under the circumstances of complexity. This article intends to diagnose and analyze the need for replacing the ingrained assumptions of modernist organization and management theories with the ones postulated by complexity thinking which puts special emphasis on concepts like evolution, interaction, symbiosis and nonlinearity. Ecology metaphore, as suggested in the article, could serve as a plausible anchor to explicate the 'in-the-making' nature of the interactions between the constituting parts of the whole, namely organization.
Örgütsel işlevsizlik, örgütlerdeki iş süreçlerinde belirgin hale gelen ve sürdürüldüğünde maliyeti ağır sonuçların doğacağına işaret eden semptom ve sinyallerin göz ardı edilmesi durumunu tarif etmektedir. Örgüt üyelerinin söz konusu semptom ve sinyalleri kasıtlı olarak göz ardı etmelerinin yönetsel, bilişsel ve psikolojik boyutları bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede, bireylerin hataları fark edip süreçleri yeniden ayarlamak yerine işlevsizliğin devinimine uyum sağlamayı tercih etmelerinin altyapısını inceleyen işlevsiz momentum yaklaşımı, örgütlerin neden yönelmeyi arzu ettikleri istikametin tam tersine yol alma eğiliminde olduğunu inceleyen Abilene paradoksu ekseninde tahlil edilecektir. Örgütsel işlevsizliğin bir öğrenmeme hali olduğu yorumundan hareketle makaledeki tahlil tek-döngülü ve çift-döngülü öğrenme modelleri ile ilişkilendirilecektir.
Organizational dysfunction refers to ignoring the salient symptoms and cues about emerging inefficiencies in work processes. Dysfunctional momentum occurs when people fail to pause and recalibrate inefficient work processes. Abilene paradox deals with why organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to their original intentions. This article intends to comprehend the psychodynamics of turning a blind eye to the dysfunctional organizational processes through incorporation of the insight provided by dysfunctional momentum and Abilene paradox into the analysis.
Lesson 2: Audition
Lesson 3: Smell, Taste, and the Remaining Senses
Lesson 4: Movement and Action
Lesson 5: Subcortical Brain Areas
Lesson 2: Excitation and Inhibition
Lesson 3: Small Circuits
Lesson 4: Neuromodulation
Lesson 5: Neuronal Plasticity
Lesson 2: Passive Membrane Properties
Lesson 3: The Action Potential
Lesson 4: Action Potential Propagation