Papers by Angelia Panjaitan

and Singapore. This animated film is depicted in Kumandra's land, which includes five regions, na... more and Singapore. This animated film is depicted in Kumandra's land, which includes five regions, namely Heart, Fang, Spine, Talon, and Tail. Each region has distinctive characteristics that are expressed through verbal language and visual characters. The moving characters are adapted to dialogues and scenes that have a purposeful meaning and that can be analyzed using the 12 principles of animation. The result of this study is to analyze the motion of animation using 12 principles of animation, namely anticipation, appeal, arch, exaggeration, follow through and overlapped action, secondary action, slow in and slow out, solid drawing, squash, and stretch, staging, straight ahead action, and pose to pose timing. Signs and the meaning of motion are identified using Roland Barthes's theory of semiotics, namely denotation, connotation, and myth. This study employs a descriptive qualitative method with a case study paradigm and an interpretation approach to art criticism. The aim of this study is to understand the 12 principles of animation and the meaning of characters' motion in character scenes when conveying messages visually. This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA license.

Raya and The Last Dragon is one of the first animated fantasy films produced by Disney that eleva... more Raya and The Last Dragon is one of the first animated fantasy films produced by Disney that elevates and displays the cultural identities of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos and Singapore. This animated film depicts a fantasy world called Kumadera country which is divided into five regions namely Heart, Fang, Spine, Talon and Tail. The five regions seem to describe the diverse Indonesian nation "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" which means the unity and oneness of the Indonesian nation. This animated film is packed with artistic elements of Indonesian culture including Wayang kulit, batik, keris, pencak silat, gamelan, gadang houses, food, and people's behavior. This animated film applies the artistic design of several visual elements such as location sets, decorations, props, costumes and all work units that represent Indonesian culture. This research method uses descriptive qualitative using artistic theory and Roland Barthes semiotic cultu...

Pada dunia pemasaran persaingan merupakan hal yang lumrah dan wajar. Maka dari itu berbagai usaha... more Pada dunia pemasaran persaingan merupakan hal yang lumrah dan wajar. Maka dari itu berbagai usaha dilakukan dalam upaya memenangkan persaingan ini. Salah satu diantaranya adalah membuat desain kemasan produk yang menarik sehingga dapat mengundang konsumen untuk membeli produk yang dipasarkan. Menurut Christine Suharto Cenadi, daya tarik suatu produk tidak dapat terlepas dari kemasannya. Kemasan merupakan " pemicu " karena ia langsung berhadapan dengan konsumen. Karena itu kemasan harus dapat mempengaruhi konsumen untuk memberikan respon positif. Wingko atau sering disebut juga Wingko babat adalah makanan tradisional khas Indonesia. Wingko adalah sejenis kue yang terbuat dari kelapa muda, tepung beras ketan dan gula. Wingko sangat terkenal di pantai utara pulau Jawa. Kue ini sering dijual di stasiun kereta api, stasiun bus atau juga di toko-toko kue untuk oleh-oleh keluarga. Kue khas babat lamongan Jatim Wingko cap kelapa muda produksi Soemarsono memiliki dua model kemasan salah satunya ialah kemasan berbahan material kertas berbentuk tas sandang yang sangat unik sebagai oleh-oleh untuk saudara dan krabat.
Papers by Angelia Panjaitan