Papers by António Teófilo

Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, 2018
Although mobile devices can collaborate and interact when connected by a communication infrastruc... more Although mobile devices can collaborate and interact when connected by a communication infrastructure, such interactions may also be greatly desired or even highly necessary when such infrastructures are not available or cannot be used, like in crowded spaces, disaster situations, and remote areas, or when there is no trust in the existing infrastructures. A major requirement to support such autonomous collaborative systems on top of mobile devices is to build a communication network to interconnect them all. In this quest, Wi-Fi Direct (WFD) stands out as a promising technology to offer infrastructure-less WiFi networking to off-the-shelf devices. However, the WFD standard only addresses communications inside one group of devices, and current WFD inter-group communication solutions have several limitations, as they must contend with intermittent connections, slow communication (broadcasts and/or multicasts), and/or a high number of nodes to interconnect groups. In this paper, we aim to overcome those limitations by proposing two novel topologies, named GOCRGO and GOGO, which use permanent radio connections, can rely on either UDP or TCP communication, and require the minimum number of nodes necessary to interconnect WFD groups. Both topologies present advantages over each other, in different scenarios, and thus can be used together in a complementary way.

Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing, 2020
In the last few years, we have seen a significant increase both in the number and capabilities of... more In the last few years, we have seen a significant increase both in the number and capabilities of mobile devices, as well as in the number of applications that need more and more computing and storage resources. Currently, in order to deal with this growing need for resources, applications make use of cloud services. This raises some problems, namely high latency, considerable use of energy and bandwidth, and the unavailability of connectivity infrastructures. Given this context, for some applications it makes sense to do part, or all, of the computations locally on the mobile devices themselves. In this paper we present Oregano, a framework for distributed computing on mobile devices, capable of processing batches or streams of data generated on mobile device networks, without requiring centralized services. Contrary to current state-of-the-art, where computations and data are sent to worker mobile devices, Oregano performs computations where the data is located, significantly reducing the amount of exchanged data.

Motivated by applications in the security of cyber-physical systems, we pose the finite blockleng... more Motivated by applications in the security of cyber-physical systems, we pose the finite blocklength communication problem in the presence of a jammer as a zero-sum game between the encoder-decoder team and the jammer, by allowing the communicating team as well as the jammer only locally randomized strategies. The communicating team's problem is non-convex under locally randomized codes, and hence, in general, a minimax theorem need not hold for this game. However, we show that approximate minimax theorems hold in the sense that the minimax and maximin values of the game approach each other asymptotically. In particular, for rates strictly below a critical threshold, both the minimax and maximin values approach zero, and for rates strictly above it, they both approach unity. We then show a second order minimax theorem, i.e., for rates exactly approaching the threshold with along a specific scaling, the minimax and maximin values approach the same constant value, that is neither zero nor one. Critical to these results is our derivation of finite blocklength bounds on the minimax and maximin values of the game and our derivation of second order dispersion-based bounds.
Neste artigo é discutido o interesse das abordagens baseadas em agentes como meio de lidar com a ... more Neste artigo é discutido o interesse das abordagens baseadas em agentes como meio de lidar com a crescente complexidade dos sistemas de informação, bem como a forma como essas abordagens poderão ser integradas com os ... Nos últimos anos o nível de ...
MobiQuitous 2020 - 17th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services
Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, 2015
Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, 2015
Proceedings of the 1999 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '99, 1999
Page 1. INFECTED GENES EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM Rui Tavares'.', Ant6nio Tebtilo,... more Page 1. INFECTED GENES EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM Rui Tavares'.', Ant6nio Tebtilo, Paula Silva', Agostinho C. Rosa' ' LaSEEB - institute de Sistemas e 2 Universidade de evora 'lnstituto Superior de .I Rob&ica - IST lnstituto Superior Ticnico ...
Proceedings of the 1999 …, Jan 1, 1999
Papers by António Teófilo