Books by Helena Carreiras

É conhecida a importância da emigração espanhola e italiana na constituição das sociedades nacion... more É conhecida a importância da emigração espanhola e italiana na constituição das sociedades nacionais do cone sul da América Latina; muito menos se sabe sobre a emigração portuguesa, especialmente nos países de fala hispânica. Este artigo explora as dinâmicas migratórias e as características dos imigrantes portugueses na região do Rio da Prata, área que abarca a República Oriental do Uruguai, as províncias do litoral argentino e os estados do Sul do Brasil. Após uma introdução em que se descreve a singularidade histórica e geográfica da região, apresenta-se uma análise sucinta dos processos migratórios que a foram povoando entre meados do século XIX e o final do século XX. Identificam-se políticas migratórias na origem e no destino e periodizam-se os fluxos migratórios provenientes de Portugal. Em seguida, apresentam-se alguns elementos de caracterização dos vários núcleos de imigrantes portugueses e luso-descendentes, bem como as respectivas dinâmicas associativas. O artigo conclui com uma série de reflexões comparativas.

"This book examines the methodology of qualitative research in military studies.
Since the end... more "This book examines the methodology of qualitative research in military studies.
Since the end of the Cold War, the number of studies on military and society has grown substantially in substance, size and impact. However, only a tiny part of this bibliography deals in depth with the research methods used, especially in relation to qualitative methods. The data that form the basis of the researchers’ analyses are often presented as if they were immediately available, rather than as a product of interaction between the researcher and those who participated in the research.
Comprising essays by international scholars, the volume discusses the methodological questions raised by the use of qualitative research methodology in military settings. On the one hand, it focuses on the specificity of the military as a social context for research: the authors single out and discuss the particular field effects produced by institutional arrangements, norms and practices of the military. On the other, the authors proceed in an empirical manner: all methodological questions are addressed with regard to concrete situations of field research.
This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, research methods, sociology, anthropology, war and conflict studies and security studies in general."
The debate about the role of women in war, violent conflict and the military is not only a long a... more The debate about the role of women in war, violent conflict and the military is not only a long and ongoing one; it is also a heated and controversial one. The contributions to this anthology come from experts in the field who approach the topic from various angles thus offering different and, at times, diverging perspectives. The reader will therefore gain in-depth insight into the most importat aspects and positions in the debate.

This is the first comparative, cross-national study of the participation of women in the armed fo... more This is the first comparative, cross-national study of the participation of women in the armed forces of NATO countries. Along side an analysis of this key topic stands a critique of existing theoretical models and the proposal of a revised analytical framework.
Unlike previous works this new study employs mixed-methodological research design combining quantitative and qualitative data - a large N-analysis based on general policies and statistical information concerning every country in the sample with more in-depth case-studies.
This volume includes original empirical data regarding the presence of women in the armed forces of NATO countries, proposes an index of ‘gender inclusiveness’ and assesses the factors that affect women’s military roles. The book also presents two new key case studies – Portugal and the Netherlands - based on both documentary sources and in-depth interviews of both men and women officers in the two countries.
This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars of strategic studies, gender and women studies and military history.
Papers by Helena Carreiras

This article addresses the relevance of gender to understand the transformations of civil-militar... more This article addresses the relevance of gender to understand the transformations of civil-military relations in advanced democracies. After clarifying the analytical perspective in an opening section, it examines in a second section the debate over women's roles in the military-the so-called 'rights vs. readiness' debate-to show how gender issues have been both an arena for the expression of civil-military tensions and a constitutive element of civil-military relations. Resorting to available empirical information on Western advanced democracies, it focuses in a third section on the topic of women's military integration, highlighting how it has exerted pressures to bring about greater convergence between armed forces and societies. Since these pressures have not been uniform, the article highlights patterns of similarity and difference among countries, showing how varying constellations of circumstances in both armed forces and societies at large have produced different outcomes. The article makes two claims : that gender issues have become an increasingly important indicator of trends in civil-military relations and that both military effectiveness, and congruence between the armed forces and democratic social values can better be achieved if gender issues are addressed and gender integration is promoted in the military.
Le présent article porte sur la pertinence du genre dans la compréhension des changements qui affectent les relations civilo-militaires au sein des démocraties développées. Après une clarification des perspectives analytiques (première partie), il examine dans une deuxième partie les termes du débat autour du rôle des femmes dans les armées-connu sous le nom de débat entre droits versus efficacité militaire-, et montre que les questions de genre sont à la fois l'une des arènes où se manifestent les tensions civilo-militaires et une dimension constitutive de ces relations. Une troisième partie est consacrée, à partir de l'information empirique disponible à propos des pays démocratiques occidentaux, à l'intégration des femmes au sein des armées ; elle met en évidence les pressions qu'elle y exerce dans le sens d'une plus grande convergence entre armées et sociétés. Ces pressions n'étant guère uniformes, l'article souligne les différences et similitudes que révèle la comparaison entre les pays étudiés, où les armées et les sociétés tout entières connaissent des évolutions complexes variables, sources de situations disparates. L'auteur avance deux thèses : l'une est que les questions de genre sont deviennent un indicateur de plus en plus important des tendances que suivent les rapports armées-sociétés, l'autre que tant l'efficacité militaire que la congruence entre armées et valeurs sociales démocratiques peuvent être favorisées par une prise en compte du genre et par la promotion de la cause des femmes au sein de l'institution militaire.

This article addresses, from a sociological point of view, the involvement of the Portuguese arme... more This article addresses, from a sociological point of view, the involvement of the Portuguese armed forces in international peace operations. After reviewing some major sociological contributions for understanding change in military institutions and the development of international military missions, it concentrates on the Portuguese case, aiming at uncovering the place and meaning of peace operations for the Portuguese armed forces during the past two decades. After briefly recalling some facts and figures concerning the Portuguese participation in peace operations, it addresses the relevance of such involvement at different analytical levels, showing that peace operations have come to play a decisive role in the national defence political discourse, the organizational configuration of the Portuguese armed forces and the soldiers' professional identity. The last section consists of a short prospective exercise looking at possible implications of disengagement from international peace missions. The conclusion is that, considering the strategic, organizational and sociopsychological centrality of these missions, disengagement is likely to have important consequences in the overall strategic definition, purpose and identity of the Keywords Portuguese military international peace operations legitimacy civil-military relations

Portuguese Studies Review, 2009
Through a selective analysis of Portuguese associations in the River Plate (Argentine litoral pro... more Through a selective analysis of Portuguese associations in the River Plate (Argentine litoral provinces, Uruguay and southern Brazil), this article explores the relation between integration processes, associational practices and collective identities in migratory contexts. Despite the amount and richness of existing scholarly literature on ethnic associations and integration, not much has been written on the present Portuguese experience in this region. This article aims to overcome such an absence by exploring how different associative trajectories relate to the social integration of individuals and groups. Drawing on collected data on the existing associations and clubs in the beginning of the twenty-first century, it investigates the role of immigrant associations in both the construction and reinforcement of Portuguese national symbols and references, a trend that the literature identifies as ethnicizing, and the impact of associational practices on social and cultural assimilation within the host society. We contend that, in the cases under consideration, the activation of identities from the country of origin does neither have strong ethnicizing goals or effects. On the contrary, it seems to work as an effective resource for integration in the host society through the promotion of open social networks rather than isolation or closure within the original community. This analysis builds on empirical data collected through surveys and interviews with leaders and members of Portuguese associations, written documents (statistics, legislation, private archives) and direct field observation, in the framework of a research project developed between 2005 and 2007.
Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development, 2009
International Peacekeeping, 2014
Books by Helena Carreiras
Since the end of the Cold War, the number of studies on military and society has grown substantially in substance, size and impact. However, only a tiny part of this bibliography deals in depth with the research methods used, especially in relation to qualitative methods. The data that form the basis of the researchers’ analyses are often presented as if they were immediately available, rather than as a product of interaction between the researcher and those who participated in the research.
Comprising essays by international scholars, the volume discusses the methodological questions raised by the use of qualitative research methodology in military settings. On the one hand, it focuses on the specificity of the military as a social context for research: the authors single out and discuss the particular field effects produced by institutional arrangements, norms and practices of the military. On the other, the authors proceed in an empirical manner: all methodological questions are addressed with regard to concrete situations of field research.
This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, research methods, sociology, anthropology, war and conflict studies and security studies in general."
Unlike previous works this new study employs mixed-methodological research design combining quantitative and qualitative data - a large N-analysis based on general policies and statistical information concerning every country in the sample with more in-depth case-studies.
This volume includes original empirical data regarding the presence of women in the armed forces of NATO countries, proposes an index of ‘gender inclusiveness’ and assesses the factors that affect women’s military roles. The book also presents two new key case studies – Portugal and the Netherlands - based on both documentary sources and in-depth interviews of both men and women officers in the two countries.
This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars of strategic studies, gender and women studies and military history.
Papers by Helena Carreiras
Le présent article porte sur la pertinence du genre dans la compréhension des changements qui affectent les relations civilo-militaires au sein des démocraties développées. Après une clarification des perspectives analytiques (première partie), il examine dans une deuxième partie les termes du débat autour du rôle des femmes dans les armées-connu sous le nom de débat entre droits versus efficacité militaire-, et montre que les questions de genre sont à la fois l'une des arènes où se manifestent les tensions civilo-militaires et une dimension constitutive de ces relations. Une troisième partie est consacrée, à partir de l'information empirique disponible à propos des pays démocratiques occidentaux, à l'intégration des femmes au sein des armées ; elle met en évidence les pressions qu'elle y exerce dans le sens d'une plus grande convergence entre armées et sociétés. Ces pressions n'étant guère uniformes, l'article souligne les différences et similitudes que révèle la comparaison entre les pays étudiés, où les armées et les sociétés tout entières connaissent des évolutions complexes variables, sources de situations disparates. L'auteur avance deux thèses : l'une est que les questions de genre sont deviennent un indicateur de plus en plus important des tendances que suivent les rapports armées-sociétés, l'autre que tant l'efficacité militaire que la congruence entre armées et valeurs sociales démocratiques peuvent être favorisées par une prise en compte du genre et par la promotion de la cause des femmes au sein de l'institution militaire.
Since the end of the Cold War, the number of studies on military and society has grown substantially in substance, size and impact. However, only a tiny part of this bibliography deals in depth with the research methods used, especially in relation to qualitative methods. The data that form the basis of the researchers’ analyses are often presented as if they were immediately available, rather than as a product of interaction between the researcher and those who participated in the research.
Comprising essays by international scholars, the volume discusses the methodological questions raised by the use of qualitative research methodology in military settings. On the one hand, it focuses on the specificity of the military as a social context for research: the authors single out and discuss the particular field effects produced by institutional arrangements, norms and practices of the military. On the other, the authors proceed in an empirical manner: all methodological questions are addressed with regard to concrete situations of field research.
This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, research methods, sociology, anthropology, war and conflict studies and security studies in general."
Unlike previous works this new study employs mixed-methodological research design combining quantitative and qualitative data - a large N-analysis based on general policies and statistical information concerning every country in the sample with more in-depth case-studies.
This volume includes original empirical data regarding the presence of women in the armed forces of NATO countries, proposes an index of ‘gender inclusiveness’ and assesses the factors that affect women’s military roles. The book also presents two new key case studies – Portugal and the Netherlands - based on both documentary sources and in-depth interviews of both men and women officers in the two countries.
This book will be of great interest to all students and scholars of strategic studies, gender and women studies and military history.
Le présent article porte sur la pertinence du genre dans la compréhension des changements qui affectent les relations civilo-militaires au sein des démocraties développées. Après une clarification des perspectives analytiques (première partie), il examine dans une deuxième partie les termes du débat autour du rôle des femmes dans les armées-connu sous le nom de débat entre droits versus efficacité militaire-, et montre que les questions de genre sont à la fois l'une des arènes où se manifestent les tensions civilo-militaires et une dimension constitutive de ces relations. Une troisième partie est consacrée, à partir de l'information empirique disponible à propos des pays démocratiques occidentaux, à l'intégration des femmes au sein des armées ; elle met en évidence les pressions qu'elle y exerce dans le sens d'une plus grande convergence entre armées et sociétés. Ces pressions n'étant guère uniformes, l'article souligne les différences et similitudes que révèle la comparaison entre les pays étudiés, où les armées et les sociétés tout entières connaissent des évolutions complexes variables, sources de situations disparates. L'auteur avance deux thèses : l'une est que les questions de genre sont deviennent un indicateur de plus en plus important des tendances que suivent les rapports armées-sociétés, l'autre que tant l'efficacité militaire que la congruence entre armées et valeurs sociales démocratiques peuvent être favorisées par une prise en compte du genre et par la promotion de la cause des femmes au sein de l'institution militaire.