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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to offer an operationalization of an aggregate construct and a decisive contribution to building a dynamic capabilities theory with marketing implications. The authors investigate the influence of... more
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      Dynamic CapabilitiesDynamic Capability
ERASMUS + is the mobility program, unique or without similar, with excellent numbers of mobilities, in a culture in which globalization at the educational level begins to make itself felt. It is important to realize at the psychological... more
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Local products are underappreciated by Angolan consumers. However, there are some pioneer cases of local agri-food products that are valuing their producers. In as far as studies related to the creation of local value in Angola go; there... more
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The link between local value creation through creative tourism and local development isn´t completely understood in the literature. Specifically it is unclear how creative tourism is developed in the context of rural communities with few... more
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Em Portugal, a perequação financeira sofreu em termos normativos diversos ajustamentos nos últimos 30 anos no sentido de corrigir as assimetrias regionais. Assente em critérios de distribuição que visam assegurar um mínimo de recursos... more
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This article discusses what happens in our body and the response in the organizational environment addressing the chemical of stress and the chemical of happiness from dopamine (motivation hormone); serotonin (lead hormone); and oxytocin... more
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A Revista de Gestão e Empreendedorismo buscando criar laços com pesquisadores lusófonos de além-mar, e trazer o resultado de suas pesquisas para os leitores brasileiros, bem como ampliar a divulgação do que se produz nas terras... more
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The mentoring as a process of knowledge transfer: an experimental study from retired and skilled unemployed Abstract: The study was based on the development of a methodological framework applied experientially during the research. The... more
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A preocupação das organizações em contar com indivíduos com alto desempenho profissional não é recente, o assunto tem recebido substancial interesse investigativo e editorial nas últimas décadas. Este estudo pretende identificar fatores... more
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In a global economy without barriers that provide protection to the organizations, all available resources are critical to achieving success and market leadership.
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This research aims to analyze the relation between the quality of corporate governance practices and the financial performance of international listed banks. In order to meet this goal the variables related to company returns-IL/GL;... more
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his study aims to evaluate the impact of organizational training on the degree of organizational commitment of employees, and the impact of organizational commitment on turnover intentions. The empirical work is focused on the private... more
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O objetivo deste artigo é identificar a influência das condicionantes da satisfação e confiança nos turistas que visitam a cidade de Manaus, uma região que representa parte da Amazônia, localizada no norte do Brasil, formando uma visão de... more
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We focused on the analysis of marketing mix dynamic capabilities, taking into account their influence on customer, market and financial performance. In order to achieve this research goal, 201 SMEs in the Portuguese commercial sector were... more
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Investment contract duration is a key parameter for venture capital funds operation. Variables influencing the decision around this parameter are usually treated in general principles in the classical financial literature leaving plenty... more
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between administrative reform in Portugal and the impacts on the dependence of local governments in the face of budgetary resources of state and local municipal revenue... more
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The essence of this research is to shed light on use and importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in commercial activity. As such, the objective of the present study is to understand the impact of AI tools on the development of business... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCommercialInteligencia artificialSMEs performance
In a post-pandemic context, destinations are questioning mass tourism, and are focusing on more sustainable segments, looking for more responsible tourists. This requires obtaining relevant information to assess what kind of tourists... more
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      Tourism ManagementCultural Tourism
Organizational pride has been proved to benefit organizations by enhancing commitment and reducing turnover cost, encouraging employees to go a step further and consequently increase production and improve performance. Despite the fact... more
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      Human Resource ManagementAdministración de Recursos Humanos