Merki viðbótar: tag
WordPress Tag, Category, and Taxonomy Manager – AI Autotagger
(175 samtals einkunnagjafir)Tags, Categories and WordPress terms are easy with TaxoPress. Add a Tag or Category to Pages, manage your WooCommerce Categories and Tags and more.
Term Management Tools
(75 samtals einkunnagjafir)Allows you to merge terms, move terms between taxonomies, and set term parents, individually or in bulk. WPML is supported when changing taxonomies.
WP No Base Permalink
(16 samtals einkunnagjafir)Removes category base or parents categories or tag base from your permalinks. Compatible with WPML Plugin and WordPress Multisite.
Taxonomy Images
(40 samtals einkunnagjafir)Associate images from your media library to categories, tags and custom taxonomies.
Remove Taxonomy Base Slug
(23 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin can remove specific taxonomy base slug from your permalinks (e.g. "/genre/fiction/" to "/fiction/").
Format Media Titles
(18 samtals einkunnagjafir)Automatically formats the title (and optionally the ALT field) for new media uploads. No need to manually edit the title anymore every time you upload …
WordPress Ad Widget
(16 samtals einkunnagjafir)Easily upload ad images and ad code to your sidebar. For those that don't need or want a complicated ad management system.
Taxonomy Switcher
(22 samtals einkunnagjafir)Switch the taxonomy for all terms or only child terms of a specified parent term.
Taxonomy Dropdown Widget
(9 samtals einkunnagjafir)Creates a dropdown list of non-hierarchical taxonomies as an alternative to the term (tag) cloud. Formerly known as Tag Dropdown Widget.
Taxonomy List Widget
(12 samtals einkunnagjafir)Creates a list (bulleted, number, or custom) of non-hierarchical taxonomies as an alternative to the term (tag) cloud. Formerly known as Tag List Widg …
Custom Recent Posts Widget
(9 samtals einkunnagjafir)A widget to show recent posts list based on categories or tags
Posts By Tag
(15 samtals einkunnagjafir)Provide sidebar widget, shortcode and template functions that can be used to display posts from a set of tags using various options in the sidebar or …
Smart Hashtags [#hashtagger]
(39 samtals einkunnagjafir)Allows you to use #hashtags, @usernames and $cashtags in your posts. #hashtags are automatically added as post tags. Highly customizable!
Rename Taxonomies by WebMan
(5 samtals einkunnagjafir)Customizes text and menu labels for any registered taxonomy using a simple interface.
Remove Orphan Shortcodes
(14 samtals einkunnagjafir)Quickly remove unused (orphan) shortcode tags from your content.
Taxonomy Filter
(14 samtals einkunnagjafir)Taxonomy Filter is a plugin which allow users to filter hierarchical taxonomy terms inside admin pages and provides a way to hide terms for each user