Merki viðbótar: classic editor
WPDevs Classic Editor & Widgets
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)WPDevs Classic Editor & Widgets enables the traditional WordPress classic editor, classic widgets, and the previous version of the Edit Post scree …
FibroJedi's Sticky Preview and Publish Buttons
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)A customisable tab containing your update/save/publish buttons. As you use page/post editor, it scrolls down the screen with you.
Turn-On Classic Editor
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)A simple plugin that disables the block editor and enables the classic editor, making your writing experience more comfortable and familiar.
Duplicate Page or Post, Delete Revisions and Enable Classic Editor
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin adds options to duplicate pages or posts as drafts, clear revisions, and enable the WordPress Classic Editor.
Disable Classic Editor and Widget
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin disables the Gutenberg Editor and Gutenberg widget block.
Disable Block
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Disable Block disables Gutenberg editor and Gutenberg Block Library CSS totally everywhere and enables Classic Editor & Classic Widgets.
Priority Shortcodes
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Processes specific shortcodes before wpautop() and do_shortcode()
Relive Classic
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Plugin Relive Classic is help you use editor, widgets in classic style and disable Gutenberg.
ACF Copilot – LivePreview, Code Snippets & Group Addons
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Improve Advanced Custom Fields workflows with livepreview, inline help, custom code snippets, html components and field group bulk delete and move.
Classic Editor Media Link
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Plugin adds Media Library Button to the default TinyMCE (Classic Editor) Insert Link dialog
Block Editor Navigator
(2 samtals einkunnagjafir)Navigate posts & pages with ease inside the Block Editor without going to the main page; Classic Editor support included.
Block Editor Disabler
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)This plugin for disable gutenberg editor for specific role.
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Here is a short description of the plugin. This should be no more than 150 characters. No markup here.
Drag Drop Switch
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Short Description: Prevent accidental rearrangement of meta boxes while on post editing page.
Restore Classic Editor & Widgets + Dashboard Cleaner
(1 samtals einkunnagjafir)Restores the classic editor and widgets, blocks dashboard ads for a smoother, faster experience. FR: Restaure l’éditeur et les widgets classiques, bl …
Shortcuts for Admin Bar
(0 samtals einkunnagjafir)Shortcuts Menu for Admin Toolbar. Please contact me at [email protected] for advices or errors. Enjoy!