

This plugin has been closed as of 18. mars, 2025 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


14. febrúar, 2025
Massively outdated with no updates, barely any install base and more importantly, it leaks your Mailchimp API key, because it includes it on every page. Strongly recommend to not use or uninstall this.
31. maí, 2022
After asking for advice whether there were certain options in the PRO version, this turned out not to be the case after installation. They don’t give home on contact. Various emails and tickets submitted. very bad support
3. júlí, 2019 1 reply
Sorry, but I hate it. Besides the fact that it’s quite unclear to me; 1: I can’t change the order of the fields. The email field stays on top, no matter what I do. It’s the only field I can’t remove, so I can’t add it to the bottom. 2: When I try to test it, it keeps saying I need to fill in the Name field, but it’s filled in.
18. apríl, 2017 1 reply
I have tried many other mailchimp plugins but this one is best, it allows to easily create subscription forms and developers support is also good.
17. apríl, 2017
Nice and easy interface to create a MailChimp subscription form.
3. september, 2016
Not sure who’s at fault here, but the latest version of this plugin no longer works with the Lush Wordpress theme v2.7: http://themeforest.net/item/lush-music-band-musician-wordpress-theme/7293614 The problem is, that once updated to latest version, it is totally unclear, how a downgrade can be done. In the current constallation of Wordpress 4.5.3, Lush theme 2.6 and n-media mailchimp plugin 4.5, the newsletter feature of the theme no longer shows and cannot be enabled.
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