Blog posts by Kadidiatou Kadio
access to health care available to the poor? 'Alone we go faster, together we go further': commun... more access to health care available to the poor? 'Alone we go faster, together we go further': communities of practice in support of making
Depuis 2007 est mise en oeuvre dans le district sanitaire d'Ouargaye, au Burkina Faso, une recher... more Depuis 2007 est mise en oeuvre dans le district sanitaire d'Ouargaye, au Burkina Faso, une recherche action sur l'accès aux soins des indigents afin de mettre au point des stratégies de ciblage des plus pauvres, pour les protéger contre l'exclusion des services de santé engendrée par l'obligation du paiement direct des soins depuis 1987. Une évaluation de la pauvreté selon une mesure économique a prouvé la capacité à identifier les indigents. Cependant, paradoxalement, 410 des 2 330 indigents repérés en 2010 (17,6 %) étaient issus de ménages du quintile supérieur de pauvreté, majoritairement des personnes âgées qui n'étaient plus en mesure de travailler et qui profitaient de la solidarité familiale sous plusieurs formes : repas quotidiens, vêtements, labour de champs, respect.

The use of community health workers to administer prompt treatments is gaining popularity in most... more The use of community health workers to administer prompt treatments is gaining popularity in most sub-Saharan African countries. Their performance is a key challenge because it varies considerably, depending on the context, while being closely associated with the effectiveness of case management strategies. What determines community health workers' performance is still under debate. Based on a realist perspective, a systematic review recently hypothesized that several mechanisms are associated with good performance and successful community interventions. In order to empirically investigate this hypothesis and confront it with the reality, we conducted a study in Burkina Faso, where in 2010 health authorities have implemented a national program introducing community case management of malaria. The objective was to assess the presence of the mechanisms in community health workers, and explore the influence of contextual factors. In 2012, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 35 community health workers from a study area established in two similar health districts (Kaya and Zorgho). Results suggest that they perceive most of the mechanisms, except the sense of being valued by the health system and accountability to village members. Analysis shows that drug stock-outs and past experiences of community health workers simultaneously influence the presence of several mechanisms. The lack of integration between governmental and non-governmental interventions and the overall socioeconomic deprivation, were also identified as influencing the mechanisms' presence. By focusing on community health workers' agency, this study puts the influence of the context back at the core of the performance debate and raises the question of their ability to perform well in scaled-up anti-malaria programs.
Papers by Kadidiatou Kadio
BMC International Health and Human Rights, 2011
Background: Systems to exempt the indigent from user fees have been put in place to prevent the w... more Background: Systems to exempt the indigent from user fees have been put in place to prevent the worst-off from being excluded from health care services for lack of funds. Yet the implementation of these mechanisms is as rare as the operational research on this topic. This article analyzes an action research project aimed at finding an appropriate solution to make health care accessible to the indigent in a rural district of Burkina Faso.
Blog posts by Kadidiatou Kadio
Papers by Kadidiatou Kadio