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The impact of land use changes on sustainable development is of increasing interest in many regions of the world. This study aimed to test the transferability of the Framework for Participatory Impact Assessment (FoPIA), which was... more
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      Environmental ManagementDeveloping CountriesEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinary
The need to enhance sustainable development of land use is more urgent than ever; specifically in developing countries where poverty and land degradation are often interlinked. To promote a common understanding of land use problems by... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentMultidisciplinaryLand Use ChangeLand Use Policy
The development of a decision or policy support system is a very time consuming and expensive process. Reusing an existing system provides therefore major benefits. This paper describes the process followed when applying the existing... more
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Environmental threats and progressive degradation of natural resources are considered critical impediments to sustainable development. This paper reports on a participatory impact assessment of alternative soil and water conservation... more
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      SoilDecision MakingEnvironmental policyWater quality
Indicator-based approaches are often used to monitor land degradation and desertification from the global to the very local scale. However, there is still little agreement on which indicators may best reflect both status and trends of... more
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      SoilEnvironmental ManagementAgricultureEnvironmental Monitoring
In the arid regions of Tunisia, considerable investments are being made to maintain the old water harvesting techniques and introduce new ones to capture the scarce amount of rainwater (100 mm to 230 mm annually) for agricultural and... more
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      FisheriesArid Land EcologyAgricultureMultidisciplinary
For stimulating sustainable development in developing countries, land use patterns and land use changes are considered critical, and therefore effective and efficient land use policies are needed. In this paper we present a methodological... more
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      Science PolicySustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentIntegrated assessment
Ce rapport de recherche propose une analyse croisée des processus d'émergence des territoires ruraux dans les pays du pourtour méditerranéen. La contribution d'équipes de recherche de 10 pays permet une analyse originale qui... more
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The development of a decision or policy support system is a very time consuming and expensive process. Reusing an existing system provides therefore major benefits. This paper describes the process followed when applying the existing... more
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    • The Future
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Overpumping of the Smar and Jorf Aquifers in Zeuss-Koutine region due expansion of irrigated agriculture is believed to have resulted in reductions in water shortage volumes and drops in water table in several regions. It is widely agreed... more
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A l'heure actuelle, les stratégies de développement durable apparaissent comme un moyen utile pour améliorer les conditions de vie des populations et lutter contre la pauvreté, surtout en milieu rural. Dans le présent travail, nous allons... more
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Cette étude évalue la vulnérabilité de l'agriculture dans la plaine de Jeffara (sud-est tunisien) aux changements climatiques en utilisant la méthode Ricardienne. Cette méthode consiste à exprimer les revenus nets agricoles en fonction... more
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Vous trouverez ci-après le tiré à part de votre article au format électronique (pdf) : Un système d'information pour le suivi opérationnel de la désertification à l'échelle locale (prototype SIELO) paru dans Sécheresse, 2012, Volume 23,... more
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GIS platform the paper presents a complete approach to characterizing quantifying and modelling spatially agricultural practices along with available natural resources, both in interaction in a given landscape area. The description of a... more
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Vous trouverez ci-après le tiré à part de votre article au format électronique (pdf) : Un système d'information pour le suivi opérationnel de la désertification à l'échelle locale (prototype SIELO) paru dans Sécheresse, 2012, Volume 23,... more
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      Human GeographyDesertificationCase StudyOrganization Development
tech n ologies en Méditerran ée. In : Cantero-Martínez C. (ed.), Gabiña D. (ed.). Mediterranean rainfed agriculture: Strategies for sustainability .
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    • Technology transfer