Boris Dundović
Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Bauforschung und Denkmalpflege, Doctoral Candidate
Boris Dundović, M.Arch. and Conservation Architect, graduated from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, in 2016 and is currently a doctoral candidate at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Institute of History of Art, Building Archaeology and Restoration. As a researcher, he collaborated on scientific research projects at the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and Institute of Art History in Zagreb, as well as of the Hungarian Museum of Architecture and Monument Protection Documentation Centre in Budapest.
His research interests are architectural and cultural connections between Hungary and Croatia within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He authored and co-authored a number of academic, professional and other papers, as well as edited and co-edited several books.
From 2016 to the end of 2018, he worked as an external associate in conservation for the Croatian Conservation Institute. Since 2018, he has lectured an elective graduate course Architecture and Urban Planning in Nineteenth-Century Hungary, carried out at the Chair of Hungarian Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. He has worked as a professional associate in science and higher education at the Institute of Art History in Zagreb since February 2019.
He works as an architect in built heritage research, preservation, conservation, and revitalisation.
His research interests are architectural and cultural connections between Hungary and Croatia within the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He authored and co-authored a number of academic, professional and other papers, as well as edited and co-edited several books.
From 2016 to the end of 2018, he worked as an external associate in conservation for the Croatian Conservation Institute. Since 2018, he has lectured an elective graduate course Architecture and Urban Planning in Nineteenth-Century Hungary, carried out at the Chair of Hungarian Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. He has worked as a professional associate in science and higher education at the Institute of Art History in Zagreb since February 2019.
He works as an architect in built heritage research, preservation, conservation, and revitalisation.
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Papers by Boris Dundović
Keywords: Baroque and Neo-Classicist Architecture; Bassegli-Gozze Palace, Dubrovnik; Gundulić and Bunić Square; historical city core; identity factors; residential block
from the l8th century onward, the nobility began to build residential country houses without fortifications, and former burgs, castles and fortresses were soon replaced by country houses, mansions and curiae.
Books by Boris Dundović
Keywords: Baroque and Neo-Classicist Architecture; Bassegli-Gozze Palace, Dubrovnik; Gundulić and Bunić Square; historical city core; identity factors; residential block
from the l8th century onward, the nobility began to build residential country houses without fortifications, and former burgs, castles and fortresses were soon replaced by country houses, mansions and curiae.
This is the second of the author's two articles for Építészfórum covering the 2020 earthquakes in Croatia and describing the first steps in post-earthquake reconstruction process.
This is the first of the author's two articles for Építészfórum covering the 2020 earthquakes in Croatia and describing the first steps in post-earthquake reconstruction process.
Dekorativni elementi pročelja jak su ambijentalni čimbenik gradskih ulica, duboko ukorijenjen u kulturno pamćenje stanovnika i identitet grada, stoga ih je potrebno u što većoj mjeri obnoviti. Uslijed potresa, zajedno sa zgradama koje rese, posebno su nastradala pročelja nastala u 19. i početkom 20. stoljeća. Ipak, bitno je znati da na pročeljima toga perioda postoje četiri glavne vrste ornamenata, od kojih se svaka razlikuje izvedbom i ugradnjom, pa tako zahtijeva i drugačiji pristup u obnovi i zaštiti: 1. modelirani elementi, 2. vučene profilacije, 3. arhitektonske skulpture i reljefi, te 4. metalni elementi. U nastavku je svaka od tih vrsta objašnjena, te popraćena ilustracijama.
Tüköry Mansion in Dioš, Croatia, an earlier project by Foerk done in 1904/05 in collaboration with architect Gyula Sándy, shows strong stylistic similarity to the artistic details of the church complex in Szeged. The mansion’s painted and sculptured, or elsewise crafted motifs and themes were conceived as artistic quotes of numerous architectural and sculptural North Italian mediaeval examples. Those artistic interventions – largely advocated by the mansion’s commissioner, Paula Falkenberg – have subsequently become Foerk’s architectural signature. In this short overview, the author calls attention to the specific examples of Foerk’s Romanesque sources in order to point to the artistic connection between the two buildings.
U Palači je danas smješten Pomorski i povijesni muzej Hrvatskog primorja, koji u dijelu svojih prostora nudi izloške što predstavljaju kulturnu i političku povijest Rijeke. Pritom je bitno napomenuti kako se Muzej sa svojim izlošcima širi i na vanjski, perivojno uređeni dio sklopa koji čini neposrednu okolicu zgrade Palače.
Tijekom 120 godina svojega postojanja, vanjski prostor Muzeja prošao je brojne faze koje su ga u konačnici oblikovale u skladu s trenutačnom namjenom same Guvernerove palače kao muzejsko-izložbenog prostora. Pritom je svakim novim zahvatom izmijenjen dio njegove izvorne strukture, dok se njegova osnovna kompozicija u glavnini održala. Ipak, kako bi se prikladno oblikovao, uredio i afirmirao perivojni prostor Muzeja, bilo je potrebno obaviti iscrpna istraživanja o njegovoj izvornoj zamisli te s obzirom na to ponuditi smjernice za njegovu revitalizaciju sukladne s njegovom današnjom namjenom.