Papers by Matko Marušić
Liminal Spaces of Art between Europe and the Middle East, 2018

Religions, 2020
The present paper explores domestic devotional practices in Ragusa (modern day Dubrovnik) from th... more The present paper explores domestic devotional practices in Ragusa (modern day Dubrovnik) from the late-thirteenth through the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Considering that important advancements in the understanding of domestic devotions in major Mediterranean cities have recently been made-particularly in Venice-the scrutiny of Ragusan sources enables further reflections on the same phenomena in minor Adriatic centres. Considering the paucity of preserved objects, and the fact that no late medieval domestic space of that time has survived in Dubrovnik, one must turn to archival sources to answer questions pertaining to the arrangements and uses of spaces of domestic worship. Three aspects are analysed here: privately owned chapels-adjoined to the dwellings of urban nobility, prayer areas and holy images inside the houses, and relics in the possession of individuals. In light of its source-driven approach, a significant part of this paper is devoted to the issue of the terminology of devotional props in contemporary documents. On a more general level, the paper aims at showing how, although no direct evidence of domestic devotional practices survives (such as in-depth textual evidence), all indications suggest that it was a deeply family-centred matter. Accordingly, particular attention is paid to the city's most prominent families, such as Volcassio, Volzio and Sorgo. Finally, the evidence presented in this paper, gathered from both published and unpublished sources, offers valuable material for reflections on the spatial arrangements of domestic devotional spaces, not necessarily confined to the members of a single household, but, through hereditary rights, tied to specific lineages.

Dubrovnik Annals 22, 2018
This paper sets out to explore the miraculous accounts concerning the Crucifixion groups in two R... more This paper sets out to explore the miraculous accounts concerning the Crucifixion groups in two Ragusan mendicant churches. The starting point is a well-documented case of the Franciscan high cross, which was embellished by a pair of wooden thurible-bearing angels by the prominent fifteenth-century preacher, Giacomo della Marca, later to become a blessed and saint. As legend has it, Giacomo announced a miracle, as was later corroborated at high feast days when the angels were incensing the cross by swinging their censers. Apart from a number of early modern accounts of these wondrous occurrences, the miracle-working imagery that graced the triumphal arch of St Francis' church has come down to us through an early seventeenth-century drawing, which allows for the examination of the iconographical features of the venerated object lost in the aftermath of the 1667 earthquake. As scholars have already rightly recognised, the illustration shares remarkable closeness to the mid-fourteenth-century Crucifixion group in the Ragusan Dominican church, a surviving composition that was endowed with the same miraculous narrative. Admittedly, different early modern writers accredited the trope of the miraculous thurible-swinging angels to both the Franciscan and Dominican crucifixions. These sources, therefore, testify to the complex yet understudied histories of the Ragusan Crucifixion groups, and call for a more attentive examination of wonders reverberated centuries after the enshrinement of these imposing compositions in the city's principal mendicant churches.

Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 32, no. 2, 2018
Der Text beschreibt die Werktechnik sowie die Konservierung und Restaurierung einer lebensgroßen ... more Der Text beschreibt die Werktechnik sowie die Konservierung und Restaurierung einer lebensgroßen Christusskulptur, die im Rahmen des International Conservation Workshop Lopud durchgeführt wurde. Die hohl gefertige Skulptur besteht aus einer Gruppierung von Maisstengeln. Die Verwendung von Maisstengeln ist eine Technik, die nur in Mexico im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert vorkommt. Formale und technische Aspekte machen deutlich, dass die Skulptur mexikanischen und spanischen Werken ähnelt und dass von einem frühen Export nach Kroatien ausgegangen werden kann. Dieses Objekt wirft Licht auf die frühen Beziehungen Kroatiens mit Mexiko und stellt der Forschung zahlreiche Fakten zur Kenntnis der aus Mais gefertigten Kunstwerke zur Verfügung.
The paper describes the investigation, conservation and restoration of
the sculpture of a Crucified Christ which was part of the International Conservation Workshop Lopud (ICWL). The hollow volume of the body was made using maize stalks (Zea mays). The use of this material is part of a technique that is only found in the Mexican art of the 16th and part of the 17th centuries. Formal dependencies as well as technical aspects of this piece are comparable to similar examples found in Mexico and in Spain, which allows us to confirm that this crucifix was an early export to Croatia. This case sheds light on the early contact between Croatia and Mexico and, at the same time, it is an important work of reference for current scholarship on the early lightweight sculpture made in New Spain (present-day Mexico). CT scans, botanical investigation as well as pigment analysis reveal the making of the sculpture, while a short chapter provides an overview of the condition of the piece and its recent restoration.

Studia Ceranea 6, 2016
The paper discusses a group of monumental crucifixes from the 13th-century East Adriatic and Ital... more The paper discusses a group of monumental crucifixes from the 13th-century East Adriatic and Italy, pained or executed in low relief, that display a verse inscriptions on the transverse limb of the cross. The main scope of the paper is to examine the provenance of the text inscribed in order to yield clearer insight into their function, use and original location in the church interiors. The paper specifically aims at analyzing three monumental crucifixes from the East-Adriatic city of Zadar which, although have already been the subject of a respectable number of studies, have not attracted attention as objects of devotion. My interest, therefore, is turned towards verse inscription as their distinctive feature and, as I shall argue, a key aspect in understanding their function. Examining the nature of the text displayed, iconography and materiality of these crucifixes, my main argument is to demonstrate how these objects provoked a multi-faced response from their audience, since were experienced by seeing, hearing and touching respectively.

Ana Marinković, and Matko Matija Marušić, „Fatto a imitazione di quello di s. Marco. Istočnojadra... more Ana Marinković, and Matko Matija Marušić, „Fatto a imitazione di quello di s. Marco. Istočnojadranske inačice korske pregrade crkve sv. Marka u Veneciji“ (Eastern Adriatic Variations of the Choir Screen of San Marco in Venice), in: Razmjena umjetničkih iskustava u jadranskome bazenu. Zbornik Dana Cvita Fiskovića VI (Exchange of Artistic Experience in the Adriatic Basin), ed. Jasenka Gudelj and Predrag Marković, 55-67. Zagreb: FF press, 2016.
Fatto a imitazione di quello di s. Marco. Le varianti del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco a Venezia lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico
Nel testo si discute del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco
a Venezia come modello tipologico per le analoghe istallazioni
nelle cattedrali dell’Adriatico orientale. Nella storiografia italiana,
l’imitazione del trecentesco recinto del coro di San Marco gia` stata
riconosciuta come un fenomeno che in modo simbolico evidenziava il
potere del Doge in Terraferma e nelle citta` del Veneto. Sugli esempi di una simile prassi lungo l’Adriatico orientale esistono studi particolari, che riconoscono i frammenti preservatisi dei recinti delle cattedrali di Zara, Veglia e Lesina. Essi riconoscevano la ripresa del modello veneziano, ma, a parte l’esempio di Veglia, non stata analizzata la contestualizzazione storica di una simbologia relativamente articolata di questo elemento architettonico. Lo scopo dell’articolo di analizzare dettagliatamente i contesti della committenza negli esempi identificati lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico (Zara, Veglia e Lesina), poi, di problematizzare l’influsso delle circostanze politiche dopo la stabilizzazione del governo veneziano sulla scelta della soluzione formale e dell’iconografie dei recinti e, infine, offrire le basi per future ricerche (cattedrali di Pola e Cattaro).
Nella discussione dei recinti dei cori quattrocenteschi si sottolinea il
ruolo dei committenti – prelati o rappresentanti del governo veneziano
– in quanto promotori della “veneziazione” delle citta` neo conquistate
e delle loro cattedrali. In conclusione, introducendo nella discussione gli
esempi dei recinti di coro delle due chiese piu` importanti di Dubrovnik, la cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore e la chiesa del patrono, San Biagio,
che finora non sono stati elaborati alla luce dei loro legami formali con
San Marco, si riesamina la misura e i livelli del condizionamento politico
dell’iconografia degli spazi ecclesiastici.
U tekstu se raspravlja o korskoj pregradi crkve sv. Marka u Veneciji kao o uzoru za tipološki obrazac katedralnih korskih pregrada istočnog Jadrana. Cilj je članka problematizirati utjecaj novonastalih političkih okolnosti nakon dolaska mletačke vlasti na izbor oblikovnog rješenja i ikonografije pregrada u katedralama u Zadru, Krku i Hvaru. U toj raspravi naglasit će se uloga naručitelja, crkvenih velikodostojnika ili predstavnika venecijanske vlasti, kao promotora " venecijanizacije " novoosvojenih gradova i njihovih katedrala. Zaključno, uključivanjem u raspravu korskih pregrada dviju najvažnijih dubrovačkih crkava, koje do sada nisu sagledavane u svjetlu oblikovnih veza sa Sv. Markom, preispituju se opseg i razine političke uvjetovanosti " ikonografije " crkvenih prostora.

Peristil, 2015
U tekstu se analiziraju izvori o čudu anđela uz raspelo u crkvi Male braće u Dubrovniku. Cilj je ... more U tekstu se analiziraju izvori o čudu anđela uz raspelo u crkvi Male braće u Dubrovniku. Cilj je analize utvrditi koju je ulogu tradicija o franjevačkom propovjedniku Jakovu Markijskom, njegovoj ulozi u postavljanju anđela te najavljivanju čuda u prvoj polovini 15. stoljeća imala u procesu beatifikacije početkom 17. stoljeća. Na osnovi podataka iz pisanih i slikovnih izvora raspravlja se o značenju čuda u djelovanju Jakova Markijskog te se predstavljaju nova viđenja o materijalu i originalnom smještaju raspela.
St James of the Marches and the Miracle of Angels of the Crucifix in the Franciscan Church in Dubrovnik
The paper analyses two early 17th-century written sources related to the miraculous angel figures which used to be placed next to the crucifix in the Franciscan church in Dubrovnik. Sources report the tradition of the Franciscan preacher James of the Marches, believed to have encouraged the placement of angel figures and announced the miracle during his stay in Dubrovnik. The analysis of written sources, the drawing of the crucifix and information related to the mission of James of the Marches, the author addresses the following questions: when did James of the Marches place the angel figures, when was the miracle first recorded, how it was used in the process of his beatification, what is the role of this act in the context of James’ s activity and what do written and visual sources reveal on the material and iconography of the crucifix.
The exact time of the placement of the angel figures cannot be determined, since the miracle is not mentioned until early 17th century, and it was not recorded in the first biographies of James of the Marches written in late 15th century. In 1607 the miracle was presented before the beatification commission, while a drawing of the crucifix with miraculous angels was produced in 1614, accompanied by a writing confirming the authenticity of the miracle. The drawing (prepared for etching) and the writing was supposed to be printed by the Bolognese printer Simone Parlaschi. The questions of the commission of the drawing and the accompanying writing and the role of the Bolognese family Dondini still remain open.
The miracle consisted of angel figures moving towards the crucifix above the high altar and burning incense before it, which complemented the miracle of the transubstantiation occurring at the high altar. Although records of James’ s miracles do not include those similar to the one in Dubrovnik, it is known that, besides a monogram of the name of Jesus, the saint used crucifixes during his sermons and applied them to perform several miracles. Written and visual sources confirm that both the angel figures and the crucifix were made of wood and not painted, which suggests that the commonly accepted attribution to Paolo Veneziano should be dismissed.

Radovi Instituta za povijest umjetnosti 41, 2017
Ovaj rad za cilj ima predstaviti istraživanje tzv. kancelarijskih prodaja
nekretnina u Dubrovnik... more Ovaj rad za cilj ima predstaviti istraživanje tzv. kancelarijskih prodaja
nekretnina u Dubrovniku između 1352. i 1454. godine. U fokusu je
prvih trinaest knjiga serije Venditiones Cancellariae u Državnom
arhivu u Dubrovniku koje obuhvaćaju zapise o prodajama u drugoj
polovini četrnaestog i prvoj polovini petnaestog stoljeća. Uz pregled
osnovnih podataka o sadržaju tih svezaka i tipovima dokumenata koji
se u njima nalaze, na izabranim će se primjerima nastojati ukazati
na važnost te nedovoljno poznate građe za istraživanja o vlasništvu i
prometu nekretnina te, posredno, o urbanističkom razvoju Dubrovnika.
English summary: This paper presents the results of research on the Venditiones
Cancellariae series, preserved at the State Archive
of Dubrovnik. The analysis is based on the first thirteen
volumes of the series, covering the period from 1352–1454.
The introduction includes some basic information on the
content of the series and the differences between the individual
volumes. The problem of missing documents for a
thirty-year period (from 1386–1417) is discussed, indicating
that the said documents may not be lost, but simply added to
another series, as was the case with Book 28 of the Diversa
Cancellariae and Book 6 of the Debita notariae. The structure
of sale contracts and their elements are analysed, with
a transcription of two typical documents: sale of the house
owned by master stonemason Jean de Vienne (1386) and
goldsmith Dobre Pribisalić (1441). Besides comparing some
documents from the 14th and 15th centuries, the author briefly
describes their legal basis as well as the process of real-estate
transactions, which begins with an agreement between the
parties, publicly announced in a proclamation, and ends with
the payment of the agreed sum of money. The second part of the article focuses on a specific research interest that motivates the study of these insufficiently known volumes. Based on the information collected from 1147 transactions related to real estate within the city walls, the author discusses the urban landscape and property topography of late medieval Dubrovnik, referring to specific types of real estate that appear in sale contracts and clarifying certain terms used there (casale, domus magna). Special attention has been paid to place names in medieval Dubrovnik, whereby various hitherto unknown names of micro-locations called after prominent individuals have been singled out. Regarding the fact that the borders of Dubrovnik’s sexteria are still unknown, the author has used the data from the Venditiones Cancellariae to define the spatial coordinates of individual parts of the city, which is explained on the example of the sexterium of St Blaise. Eventually, the issues of land-plot ownership and lease payment (angaridium or terraticum), which house owners were obliged to pay, are discussed. The data analysis has been presented in the form of graphs, and several examples have been used to indicate the possibilities of further research on this still insufficiently known archival series.
Kvartal, 2019
Prikaz izložbe "Drveni sveci: polikromirana drvena skulptura Creskog dekanata" (Creski muzej, 201... more Prikaz izložbe "Drveni sveci: polikromirana drvena skulptura Creskog dekanata" (Creski muzej, 2019., autorice Franka Toljanić i Jelena Dunato)
Dubrovnik: časopis za književnost i znanost, 2019
Conference Presentations by Matko Marušić
![Research paper thumbnail of Suradnja istraživačkih timova u polju digitalne humanistike na istraživačko-edukacijskom projektu "Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala" [Collaboration of research teams in the field of digital humanities: Educational research project "Discovering the Old Dubrovnik Cathedrals"]](
Dfest: Deseti festival hrvatskih digitalizacijskih projekata, 6.-7. svibnja, 2021
Projekt „Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala“ provodi se od 2015., a njegove temeljne aktivno... more Projekt „Otkrivanje starih dubrovačkih katedrala“ provodi se od 2015., a njegove temeljne aktivnosti su stručna i znanstvena obrada te prezentacija pokretnih spomenika i arheoloških nalaza proizašlih iz istraživanja poduzetih 1980-ih u podzemlju katedrale u Dubrovniku, a koja je kao dio stare gradske jezgre na listi UNESCO-a. Riječ je o jednom od najsloženijih lokaliteta istočne obale Jadrana s istraženim cjelinama iz razdoblja od kasne antike do novog vijeka. Ispod današnje barokne katedrale otkriveni su, naime, ostaci čak dviju srednjovjekovnih crkava: romaničke katedrale poznate iz pisanih izvora te do tada potpuno nepoznate ranije crkve koja se datira u rani srednji vijek. Nakon više od trideset godina od arheoloških iskopavanja te su građevine ostale nedovoljno istražene, dok je njihova oprema do pokretanja projekta gotovo u potpunosti bila neobrađena i neobjavljena. Također, sva dokumentacija s istraživanja 1980-ih do danas nije sistematizirana, niti dostupna široj znanstvenoj i stručnoj javnosti.
U okviru projekta, u istraživanju sudjeluju suradnici s pet partnerskih institucija: Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Institut za arheologiju, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Odjel za konzervaciju i restauraciju Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, okupljenih u suradnji s Dubrovačkom biskupijom (posjednik građe). Tijekom terenskih kampanji u Dubrovniku, interdisciplinarnom suradnjom četiri tematska istraživačka tima (kamen, zidni oslik, keramika, staklo) obrađeni su podaci o 2000 kamenih ulomaka, desecima tisuća fragmenata zidnog oslika, keramičkih nalaza i nalaza stakla s lokaliteta, a započela je i obrada podataka iz foto-dokumentacije, planova, skica i dnevnika s iskopavanja 1980-ih koja je pohranjena u Institutu za povijest umjetnosti. Od 2015. do 2020. u aktivnostima Studentskih radionica sudjelovalo je preko 40 studenata preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija FFZg te ALU u Zagrebu. Studenti su uključeni i u obradu i digitalizaciju dokumentacije s istraživanja na Institutu za povijest umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Kako je obrađena pokretna građa s lokaliteta kronološki i stilski raznovrsna, a dokumentacija s istraživanja 1980-ih vrlo složena, za njihovu je interpretaciju bilo nužno postaviti nove metodološke okvire. Uspostavom suradnje s Odsjekom za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti FFZg-a, projektne aktivnosti usmjeravaju se na primjenu računalne tehnologije, a kako bi se omogućila kompleksnija i cjelovitija analiza građe, a tako i srednjovjekovnog arhitektonskog kompleksa dubrovačke katedrale. Od 2019. godine započelo je osmišljavanje i razvijanje interaktivnih digitalnih alata, kako bi se različitim mehanizmima integracije, komparacije, anotacije i vizualizacije svih podataka, omogućile simulacije i rekonstrukcije lokaliteta, odnosno tijeka istraživanja i kontekst pronalaska ostataka arhitektonskih struktura i pokretnih nalaza, te time sagledavanje odnosa svih istraženih cjelina.
Paper presented at the conference "Salve Regina. New Approaches on Marian Devotion from the Middl... more Paper presented at the conference "Salve Regina. New Approaches on Marian Devotion from the Middle Ages to the Council of Trent", Venice, 28-30/09/2020
Architettura medievale: il Trecento
: modelli, tecniche, materiali. Politecnico di Torino, Univer... more Architettura medievale: il Trecento
: modelli, tecniche, materiali. Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino
, Dipartimento Interateneo di
Scienze Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
, Progetto Medieval Heritage Platform MHP. 2-4 December 2019
Paper delivered at the "Scaling the Middle Ages: Size and scale in medieval art" postgraduate col... more Paper delivered at the "Scaling the Middle Ages: Size and scale in medieval art" postgraduate colloquium at the Courtauld Institute of Art
Choir Stalls and Their Patrons XIII MISERICORDIA INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM 2018, 13-16 September 2018
This paper aims at examining the instances of reconstructions of the sacred topography of the Hol... more This paper aims at examining the instances of reconstructions of the sacred topography of the Holy Land in late medieval and early modern Ragusa, modern day Dubrovnik, on the Eastern Adriatic littoral. I shall cross-examine a number of Holy Land evocative sites built both in and outside the city walls during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, all of which will be observed with respect to their chronologies, patronage, desired audience and location. The nuanced observation of the inter-relations between these shrines and holy sites – be it private oratories, confraternity churches or more elaborate chapel complexes in the proximity of the city – aims at adding to the discussion of the sacral and religious landscapes of Mediterranean towns, particularly those situated on the maritime route to Holy Land.

The aim of my paper is to shed light on some examples of reconstruction of the sacred topography ... more The aim of my paper is to shed light on some examples of reconstruction of the sacred topography of Jerusalem in the Eastern Adriatic in the 16th century. I will focus on two cases, Daksa and Košljun, small islands with Observant Franciscan friaries in the proximity of bigger towns and Episcopal sees of Dubrovnik and Krk. With the financial support of wealthy patricians, Friars have partially reconstructed the sacred topography of the Holy City and created alternative pilgrimage sites in the West.
I will argue that Friars used three different approaches. Firstly, copies of the Holy Sepulchre provided the most important material connection with the sacred topography of Jerusalem. Although inaccurate by our modern standards, these copies were instrumental in transfiguring islands into holy spaces. Additionally, chapels commemorating other sacred places of Holy Land, such as the chapels of Calvary and Nativity, were built. Secondly, monumental crucifixes had the crucial role in collective devotion on these sites. In the context of devotion to Holy City and the Passion of Christ, these crucifixes were made and perceived as an actual presence of Christ, equipped with movable arms and venerated as a miraculous object. Evidence from both islands attest their use in (para)-liturgical practices of the Holy Week when the flow of pilgrims was the largest. Finally, the navigation to the Holy Land (whether ‘real’ or ‘reconstructed’) was equally important as the previous two approaches. Indeed, Jerusalem was reachable only by boat; after a long sail, pilgrims were welcomed by observant Franciscan friars and escorted to holy sites. By combining these approaches, the transformation of Daksa and Košljun into sacred spaces was complete, so that the Ragusan poet Aelius Lampridius de Cerva could have written at the very beginning of 16th century that “small Daksa strives to be similar to Palestine and its equal companion”.

Monumental crucifixes could have communicated the Passion by both image and text. Image, imago of... more Monumental crucifixes could have communicated the Passion by both image and text. Image, imago of Living or Suffering Christ was the central theme of crucifixes, normally accompanied by narrative scenes of the Passion (12th century) or St Mary and St John the Evangelist (13th century onwards). While the text was usually limited to titulus crucis containing the ‘INRI’ acronym, in some cases the image was supported by a more elaborate textual interpretation. Therefore, both image and text have to be examined as they form two poles in communicating the Passion.
The aim of my paper is twofold. Firstly, to analyze different types of inscriptions, from dedicatory to devotional, imprinted on several crucifixes from the 12th and 13th century. Secondly, to confront the text with the imagery, in order to see if the dual messages of the Passion complement one another.
In my paper I will be discussing a group of monumental crucifixes from Italy and Croatia. Particular attention will be given to three crucifixes from medieval Zadar (Zara) since they offer an interesting insight into the topic under discussion. Although their inscriptions vary, ranging from medieval poetry to quotations from the Bible, all are composed in the form of double rimmed leonine verses and located beneath the arms of Christ. On the one hand, the function of metrical verses implies their oral performance. The fact that the verses had to be legible allows us to draw conclusions on the original location of crucifixes in question. On the other hand, if we compare the text with imagery, we see that there is not always the correspondence between the two. So what is the key element in the interpretation of monumental crucifixes with inscriptions? In other words, was it text or image that played a crucial role in the development of devotional practices?
Papers by Matko Marušić
The paper describes the investigation, conservation and restoration of
the sculpture of a Crucified Christ which was part of the International Conservation Workshop Lopud (ICWL). The hollow volume of the body was made using maize stalks (Zea mays). The use of this material is part of a technique that is only found in the Mexican art of the 16th and part of the 17th centuries. Formal dependencies as well as technical aspects of this piece are comparable to similar examples found in Mexico and in Spain, which allows us to confirm that this crucifix was an early export to Croatia. This case sheds light on the early contact between Croatia and Mexico and, at the same time, it is an important work of reference for current scholarship on the early lightweight sculpture made in New Spain (present-day Mexico). CT scans, botanical investigation as well as pigment analysis reveal the making of the sculpture, while a short chapter provides an overview of the condition of the piece and its recent restoration.
Fatto a imitazione di quello di s. Marco. Le varianti del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco a Venezia lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico
Nel testo si discute del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco
a Venezia come modello tipologico per le analoghe istallazioni
nelle cattedrali dell’Adriatico orientale. Nella storiografia italiana,
l’imitazione del trecentesco recinto del coro di San Marco gia` stata
riconosciuta come un fenomeno che in modo simbolico evidenziava il
potere del Doge in Terraferma e nelle citta` del Veneto. Sugli esempi di una simile prassi lungo l’Adriatico orientale esistono studi particolari, che riconoscono i frammenti preservatisi dei recinti delle cattedrali di Zara, Veglia e Lesina. Essi riconoscevano la ripresa del modello veneziano, ma, a parte l’esempio di Veglia, non stata analizzata la contestualizzazione storica di una simbologia relativamente articolata di questo elemento architettonico. Lo scopo dell’articolo di analizzare dettagliatamente i contesti della committenza negli esempi identificati lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico (Zara, Veglia e Lesina), poi, di problematizzare l’influsso delle circostanze politiche dopo la stabilizzazione del governo veneziano sulla scelta della soluzione formale e dell’iconografie dei recinti e, infine, offrire le basi per future ricerche (cattedrali di Pola e Cattaro).
Nella discussione dei recinti dei cori quattrocenteschi si sottolinea il
ruolo dei committenti – prelati o rappresentanti del governo veneziano
– in quanto promotori della “veneziazione” delle citta` neo conquistate
e delle loro cattedrali. In conclusione, introducendo nella discussione gli
esempi dei recinti di coro delle due chiese piu` importanti di Dubrovnik, la cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore e la chiesa del patrono, San Biagio,
che finora non sono stati elaborati alla luce dei loro legami formali con
San Marco, si riesamina la misura e i livelli del condizionamento politico
dell’iconografia degli spazi ecclesiastici.
U tekstu se raspravlja o korskoj pregradi crkve sv. Marka u Veneciji kao o uzoru za tipološki obrazac katedralnih korskih pregrada istočnog Jadrana. Cilj je članka problematizirati utjecaj novonastalih političkih okolnosti nakon dolaska mletačke vlasti na izbor oblikovnog rješenja i ikonografije pregrada u katedralama u Zadru, Krku i Hvaru. U toj raspravi naglasit će se uloga naručitelja, crkvenih velikodostojnika ili predstavnika venecijanske vlasti, kao promotora " venecijanizacije " novoosvojenih gradova i njihovih katedrala. Zaključno, uključivanjem u raspravu korskih pregrada dviju najvažnijih dubrovačkih crkava, koje do sada nisu sagledavane u svjetlu oblikovnih veza sa Sv. Markom, preispituju se opseg i razine političke uvjetovanosti " ikonografije " crkvenih prostora.
St James of the Marches and the Miracle of Angels of the Crucifix in the Franciscan Church in Dubrovnik
The paper analyses two early 17th-century written sources related to the miraculous angel figures which used to be placed next to the crucifix in the Franciscan church in Dubrovnik. Sources report the tradition of the Franciscan preacher James of the Marches, believed to have encouraged the placement of angel figures and announced the miracle during his stay in Dubrovnik. The analysis of written sources, the drawing of the crucifix and information related to the mission of James of the Marches, the author addresses the following questions: when did James of the Marches place the angel figures, when was the miracle first recorded, how it was used in the process of his beatification, what is the role of this act in the context of James’ s activity and what do written and visual sources reveal on the material and iconography of the crucifix.
The exact time of the placement of the angel figures cannot be determined, since the miracle is not mentioned until early 17th century, and it was not recorded in the first biographies of James of the Marches written in late 15th century. In 1607 the miracle was presented before the beatification commission, while a drawing of the crucifix with miraculous angels was produced in 1614, accompanied by a writing confirming the authenticity of the miracle. The drawing (prepared for etching) and the writing was supposed to be printed by the Bolognese printer Simone Parlaschi. The questions of the commission of the drawing and the accompanying writing and the role of the Bolognese family Dondini still remain open.
The miracle consisted of angel figures moving towards the crucifix above the high altar and burning incense before it, which complemented the miracle of the transubstantiation occurring at the high altar. Although records of James’ s miracles do not include those similar to the one in Dubrovnik, it is known that, besides a monogram of the name of Jesus, the saint used crucifixes during his sermons and applied them to perform several miracles. Written and visual sources confirm that both the angel figures and the crucifix were made of wood and not painted, which suggests that the commonly accepted attribution to Paolo Veneziano should be dismissed.
nekretnina u Dubrovniku između 1352. i 1454. godine. U fokusu je
prvih trinaest knjiga serije Venditiones Cancellariae u Državnom
arhivu u Dubrovniku koje obuhvaćaju zapise o prodajama u drugoj
polovini četrnaestog i prvoj polovini petnaestog stoljeća. Uz pregled
osnovnih podataka o sadržaju tih svezaka i tipovima dokumenata koji
se u njima nalaze, na izabranim će se primjerima nastojati ukazati
na važnost te nedovoljno poznate građe za istraživanja o vlasništvu i
prometu nekretnina te, posredno, o urbanističkom razvoju Dubrovnika.
English summary: This paper presents the results of research on the Venditiones
Cancellariae series, preserved at the State Archive
of Dubrovnik. The analysis is based on the first thirteen
volumes of the series, covering the period from 1352–1454.
The introduction includes some basic information on the
content of the series and the differences between the individual
volumes. The problem of missing documents for a
thirty-year period (from 1386–1417) is discussed, indicating
that the said documents may not be lost, but simply added to
another series, as was the case with Book 28 of the Diversa
Cancellariae and Book 6 of the Debita notariae. The structure
of sale contracts and their elements are analysed, with
a transcription of two typical documents: sale of the house
owned by master stonemason Jean de Vienne (1386) and
goldsmith Dobre Pribisalić (1441). Besides comparing some
documents from the 14th and 15th centuries, the author briefly
describes their legal basis as well as the process of real-estate
transactions, which begins with an agreement between the
parties, publicly announced in a proclamation, and ends with
the payment of the agreed sum of money. The second part of the article focuses on a specific research interest that motivates the study of these insufficiently known volumes. Based on the information collected from 1147 transactions related to real estate within the city walls, the author discusses the urban landscape and property topography of late medieval Dubrovnik, referring to specific types of real estate that appear in sale contracts and clarifying certain terms used there (casale, domus magna). Special attention has been paid to place names in medieval Dubrovnik, whereby various hitherto unknown names of micro-locations called after prominent individuals have been singled out. Regarding the fact that the borders of Dubrovnik’s sexteria are still unknown, the author has used the data from the Venditiones Cancellariae to define the spatial coordinates of individual parts of the city, which is explained on the example of the sexterium of St Blaise. Eventually, the issues of land-plot ownership and lease payment (angaridium or terraticum), which house owners were obliged to pay, are discussed. The data analysis has been presented in the form of graphs, and several examples have been used to indicate the possibilities of further research on this still insufficiently known archival series.
Conference Presentations by Matko Marušić
U okviru projekta, u istraživanju sudjeluju suradnici s pet partnerskih institucija: Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Institut za arheologiju, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Odjel za konzervaciju i restauraciju Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, okupljenih u suradnji s Dubrovačkom biskupijom (posjednik građe). Tijekom terenskih kampanji u Dubrovniku, interdisciplinarnom suradnjom četiri tematska istraživačka tima (kamen, zidni oslik, keramika, staklo) obrađeni su podaci o 2000 kamenih ulomaka, desecima tisuća fragmenata zidnog oslika, keramičkih nalaza i nalaza stakla s lokaliteta, a započela je i obrada podataka iz foto-dokumentacije, planova, skica i dnevnika s iskopavanja 1980-ih koja je pohranjena u Institutu za povijest umjetnosti. Od 2015. do 2020. u aktivnostima Studentskih radionica sudjelovalo je preko 40 studenata preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija FFZg te ALU u Zagrebu. Studenti su uključeni i u obradu i digitalizaciju dokumentacije s istraživanja na Institutu za povijest umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Kako je obrađena pokretna građa s lokaliteta kronološki i stilski raznovrsna, a dokumentacija s istraživanja 1980-ih vrlo složena, za njihovu je interpretaciju bilo nužno postaviti nove metodološke okvire. Uspostavom suradnje s Odsjekom za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti FFZg-a, projektne aktivnosti usmjeravaju se na primjenu računalne tehnologije, a kako bi se omogućila kompleksnija i cjelovitija analiza građe, a tako i srednjovjekovnog arhitektonskog kompleksa dubrovačke katedrale. Od 2019. godine započelo je osmišljavanje i razvijanje interaktivnih digitalnih alata, kako bi se različitim mehanizmima integracije, komparacije, anotacije i vizualizacije svih podataka, omogućile simulacije i rekonstrukcije lokaliteta, odnosno tijeka istraživanja i kontekst pronalaska ostataka arhitektonskih struktura i pokretnih nalaza, te time sagledavanje odnosa svih istraženih cjelina.
Scienze Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
- DIST , Progetto Medieval Heritage Platform MHP. 2-4 December 2019
I will argue that Friars used three different approaches. Firstly, copies of the Holy Sepulchre provided the most important material connection with the sacred topography of Jerusalem. Although inaccurate by our modern standards, these copies were instrumental in transfiguring islands into holy spaces. Additionally, chapels commemorating other sacred places of Holy Land, such as the chapels of Calvary and Nativity, were built. Secondly, monumental crucifixes had the crucial role in collective devotion on these sites. In the context of devotion to Holy City and the Passion of Christ, these crucifixes were made and perceived as an actual presence of Christ, equipped with movable arms and venerated as a miraculous object. Evidence from both islands attest their use in (para)-liturgical practices of the Holy Week when the flow of pilgrims was the largest. Finally, the navigation to the Holy Land (whether ‘real’ or ‘reconstructed’) was equally important as the previous two approaches. Indeed, Jerusalem was reachable only by boat; after a long sail, pilgrims were welcomed by observant Franciscan friars and escorted to holy sites. By combining these approaches, the transformation of Daksa and Košljun into sacred spaces was complete, so that the Ragusan poet Aelius Lampridius de Cerva could have written at the very beginning of 16th century that “small Daksa strives to be similar to Palestine and its equal companion”.
The aim of my paper is twofold. Firstly, to analyze different types of inscriptions, from dedicatory to devotional, imprinted on several crucifixes from the 12th and 13th century. Secondly, to confront the text with the imagery, in order to see if the dual messages of the Passion complement one another.
In my paper I will be discussing a group of monumental crucifixes from Italy and Croatia. Particular attention will be given to three crucifixes from medieval Zadar (Zara) since they offer an interesting insight into the topic under discussion. Although their inscriptions vary, ranging from medieval poetry to quotations from the Bible, all are composed in the form of double rimmed leonine verses and located beneath the arms of Christ. On the one hand, the function of metrical verses implies their oral performance. The fact that the verses had to be legible allows us to draw conclusions on the original location of crucifixes in question. On the other hand, if we compare the text with imagery, we see that there is not always the correspondence between the two. So what is the key element in the interpretation of monumental crucifixes with inscriptions? In other words, was it text or image that played a crucial role in the development of devotional practices?
The paper describes the investigation, conservation and restoration of
the sculpture of a Crucified Christ which was part of the International Conservation Workshop Lopud (ICWL). The hollow volume of the body was made using maize stalks (Zea mays). The use of this material is part of a technique that is only found in the Mexican art of the 16th and part of the 17th centuries. Formal dependencies as well as technical aspects of this piece are comparable to similar examples found in Mexico and in Spain, which allows us to confirm that this crucifix was an early export to Croatia. This case sheds light on the early contact between Croatia and Mexico and, at the same time, it is an important work of reference for current scholarship on the early lightweight sculpture made in New Spain (present-day Mexico). CT scans, botanical investigation as well as pigment analysis reveal the making of the sculpture, while a short chapter provides an overview of the condition of the piece and its recent restoration.
Fatto a imitazione di quello di s. Marco. Le varianti del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco a Venezia lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico
Nel testo si discute del recinto del coro della chiesa di San Marco
a Venezia come modello tipologico per le analoghe istallazioni
nelle cattedrali dell’Adriatico orientale. Nella storiografia italiana,
l’imitazione del trecentesco recinto del coro di San Marco gia` stata
riconosciuta come un fenomeno che in modo simbolico evidenziava il
potere del Doge in Terraferma e nelle citta` del Veneto. Sugli esempi di una simile prassi lungo l’Adriatico orientale esistono studi particolari, che riconoscono i frammenti preservatisi dei recinti delle cattedrali di Zara, Veglia e Lesina. Essi riconoscevano la ripresa del modello veneziano, ma, a parte l’esempio di Veglia, non stata analizzata la contestualizzazione storica di una simbologia relativamente articolata di questo elemento architettonico. Lo scopo dell’articolo di analizzare dettagliatamente i contesti della committenza negli esempi identificati lungo la costa orientale dell’Adriatico (Zara, Veglia e Lesina), poi, di problematizzare l’influsso delle circostanze politiche dopo la stabilizzazione del governo veneziano sulla scelta della soluzione formale e dell’iconografie dei recinti e, infine, offrire le basi per future ricerche (cattedrali di Pola e Cattaro).
Nella discussione dei recinti dei cori quattrocenteschi si sottolinea il
ruolo dei committenti – prelati o rappresentanti del governo veneziano
– in quanto promotori della “veneziazione” delle citta` neo conquistate
e delle loro cattedrali. In conclusione, introducendo nella discussione gli
esempi dei recinti di coro delle due chiese piu` importanti di Dubrovnik, la cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore e la chiesa del patrono, San Biagio,
che finora non sono stati elaborati alla luce dei loro legami formali con
San Marco, si riesamina la misura e i livelli del condizionamento politico
dell’iconografia degli spazi ecclesiastici.
U tekstu se raspravlja o korskoj pregradi crkve sv. Marka u Veneciji kao o uzoru za tipološki obrazac katedralnih korskih pregrada istočnog Jadrana. Cilj je članka problematizirati utjecaj novonastalih političkih okolnosti nakon dolaska mletačke vlasti na izbor oblikovnog rješenja i ikonografije pregrada u katedralama u Zadru, Krku i Hvaru. U toj raspravi naglasit će se uloga naručitelja, crkvenih velikodostojnika ili predstavnika venecijanske vlasti, kao promotora " venecijanizacije " novoosvojenih gradova i njihovih katedrala. Zaključno, uključivanjem u raspravu korskih pregrada dviju najvažnijih dubrovačkih crkava, koje do sada nisu sagledavane u svjetlu oblikovnih veza sa Sv. Markom, preispituju se opseg i razine političke uvjetovanosti " ikonografije " crkvenih prostora.
St James of the Marches and the Miracle of Angels of the Crucifix in the Franciscan Church in Dubrovnik
The paper analyses two early 17th-century written sources related to the miraculous angel figures which used to be placed next to the crucifix in the Franciscan church in Dubrovnik. Sources report the tradition of the Franciscan preacher James of the Marches, believed to have encouraged the placement of angel figures and announced the miracle during his stay in Dubrovnik. The analysis of written sources, the drawing of the crucifix and information related to the mission of James of the Marches, the author addresses the following questions: when did James of the Marches place the angel figures, when was the miracle first recorded, how it was used in the process of his beatification, what is the role of this act in the context of James’ s activity and what do written and visual sources reveal on the material and iconography of the crucifix.
The exact time of the placement of the angel figures cannot be determined, since the miracle is not mentioned until early 17th century, and it was not recorded in the first biographies of James of the Marches written in late 15th century. In 1607 the miracle was presented before the beatification commission, while a drawing of the crucifix with miraculous angels was produced in 1614, accompanied by a writing confirming the authenticity of the miracle. The drawing (prepared for etching) and the writing was supposed to be printed by the Bolognese printer Simone Parlaschi. The questions of the commission of the drawing and the accompanying writing and the role of the Bolognese family Dondini still remain open.
The miracle consisted of angel figures moving towards the crucifix above the high altar and burning incense before it, which complemented the miracle of the transubstantiation occurring at the high altar. Although records of James’ s miracles do not include those similar to the one in Dubrovnik, it is known that, besides a monogram of the name of Jesus, the saint used crucifixes during his sermons and applied them to perform several miracles. Written and visual sources confirm that both the angel figures and the crucifix were made of wood and not painted, which suggests that the commonly accepted attribution to Paolo Veneziano should be dismissed.
nekretnina u Dubrovniku između 1352. i 1454. godine. U fokusu je
prvih trinaest knjiga serije Venditiones Cancellariae u Državnom
arhivu u Dubrovniku koje obuhvaćaju zapise o prodajama u drugoj
polovini četrnaestog i prvoj polovini petnaestog stoljeća. Uz pregled
osnovnih podataka o sadržaju tih svezaka i tipovima dokumenata koji
se u njima nalaze, na izabranim će se primjerima nastojati ukazati
na važnost te nedovoljno poznate građe za istraživanja o vlasništvu i
prometu nekretnina te, posredno, o urbanističkom razvoju Dubrovnika.
English summary: This paper presents the results of research on the Venditiones
Cancellariae series, preserved at the State Archive
of Dubrovnik. The analysis is based on the first thirteen
volumes of the series, covering the period from 1352–1454.
The introduction includes some basic information on the
content of the series and the differences between the individual
volumes. The problem of missing documents for a
thirty-year period (from 1386–1417) is discussed, indicating
that the said documents may not be lost, but simply added to
another series, as was the case with Book 28 of the Diversa
Cancellariae and Book 6 of the Debita notariae. The structure
of sale contracts and their elements are analysed, with
a transcription of two typical documents: sale of the house
owned by master stonemason Jean de Vienne (1386) and
goldsmith Dobre Pribisalić (1441). Besides comparing some
documents from the 14th and 15th centuries, the author briefly
describes their legal basis as well as the process of real-estate
transactions, which begins with an agreement between the
parties, publicly announced in a proclamation, and ends with
the payment of the agreed sum of money. The second part of the article focuses on a specific research interest that motivates the study of these insufficiently known volumes. Based on the information collected from 1147 transactions related to real estate within the city walls, the author discusses the urban landscape and property topography of late medieval Dubrovnik, referring to specific types of real estate that appear in sale contracts and clarifying certain terms used there (casale, domus magna). Special attention has been paid to place names in medieval Dubrovnik, whereby various hitherto unknown names of micro-locations called after prominent individuals have been singled out. Regarding the fact that the borders of Dubrovnik’s sexteria are still unknown, the author has used the data from the Venditiones Cancellariae to define the spatial coordinates of individual parts of the city, which is explained on the example of the sexterium of St Blaise. Eventually, the issues of land-plot ownership and lease payment (angaridium or terraticum), which house owners were obliged to pay, are discussed. The data analysis has been presented in the form of graphs, and several examples have been used to indicate the possibilities of further research on this still insufficiently known archival series.
U okviru projekta, u istraživanju sudjeluju suradnici s pet partnerskih institucija: Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Institut za arheologiju, Institut za povijest umjetnosti, Odjel za konzervaciju i restauraciju Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, okupljenih u suradnji s Dubrovačkom biskupijom (posjednik građe). Tijekom terenskih kampanji u Dubrovniku, interdisciplinarnom suradnjom četiri tematska istraživačka tima (kamen, zidni oslik, keramika, staklo) obrađeni su podaci o 2000 kamenih ulomaka, desecima tisuća fragmenata zidnog oslika, keramičkih nalaza i nalaza stakla s lokaliteta, a započela je i obrada podataka iz foto-dokumentacije, planova, skica i dnevnika s iskopavanja 1980-ih koja je pohranjena u Institutu za povijest umjetnosti. Od 2015. do 2020. u aktivnostima Studentskih radionica sudjelovalo je preko 40 studenata preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija FFZg te ALU u Zagrebu. Studenti su uključeni i u obradu i digitalizaciju dokumentacije s istraživanja na Institutu za povijest umjetnosti u Zagrebu.
Kako je obrađena pokretna građa s lokaliteta kronološki i stilski raznovrsna, a dokumentacija s istraživanja 1980-ih vrlo složena, za njihovu je interpretaciju bilo nužno postaviti nove metodološke okvire. Uspostavom suradnje s Odsjekom za informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti FFZg-a, projektne aktivnosti usmjeravaju se na primjenu računalne tehnologije, a kako bi se omogućila kompleksnija i cjelovitija analiza građe, a tako i srednjovjekovnog arhitektonskog kompleksa dubrovačke katedrale. Od 2019. godine započelo je osmišljavanje i razvijanje interaktivnih digitalnih alata, kako bi se različitim mehanizmima integracije, komparacije, anotacije i vizualizacije svih podataka, omogućile simulacije i rekonstrukcije lokaliteta, odnosno tijeka istraživanja i kontekst pronalaska ostataka arhitektonskih struktura i pokretnih nalaza, te time sagledavanje odnosa svih istraženih cjelina.
Scienze Progetto e Politiche del Territorio
- DIST , Progetto Medieval Heritage Platform MHP. 2-4 December 2019
I will argue that Friars used three different approaches. Firstly, copies of the Holy Sepulchre provided the most important material connection with the sacred topography of Jerusalem. Although inaccurate by our modern standards, these copies were instrumental in transfiguring islands into holy spaces. Additionally, chapels commemorating other sacred places of Holy Land, such as the chapels of Calvary and Nativity, were built. Secondly, monumental crucifixes had the crucial role in collective devotion on these sites. In the context of devotion to Holy City and the Passion of Christ, these crucifixes were made and perceived as an actual presence of Christ, equipped with movable arms and venerated as a miraculous object. Evidence from both islands attest their use in (para)-liturgical practices of the Holy Week when the flow of pilgrims was the largest. Finally, the navigation to the Holy Land (whether ‘real’ or ‘reconstructed’) was equally important as the previous two approaches. Indeed, Jerusalem was reachable only by boat; after a long sail, pilgrims were welcomed by observant Franciscan friars and escorted to holy sites. By combining these approaches, the transformation of Daksa and Košljun into sacred spaces was complete, so that the Ragusan poet Aelius Lampridius de Cerva could have written at the very beginning of 16th century that “small Daksa strives to be similar to Palestine and its equal companion”.
The aim of my paper is twofold. Firstly, to analyze different types of inscriptions, from dedicatory to devotional, imprinted on several crucifixes from the 12th and 13th century. Secondly, to confront the text with the imagery, in order to see if the dual messages of the Passion complement one another.
In my paper I will be discussing a group of monumental crucifixes from Italy and Croatia. Particular attention will be given to three crucifixes from medieval Zadar (Zara) since they offer an interesting insight into the topic under discussion. Although their inscriptions vary, ranging from medieval poetry to quotations from the Bible, all are composed in the form of double rimmed leonine verses and located beneath the arms of Christ. On the one hand, the function of metrical verses implies their oral performance. The fact that the verses had to be legible allows us to draw conclusions on the original location of crucifixes in question. On the other hand, if we compare the text with imagery, we see that there is not always the correspondence between the two. So what is the key element in the interpretation of monumental crucifixes with inscriptions? In other words, was it text or image that played a crucial role in the development of devotional practices?
Mentori: Igor Fisković i Ana Marinković
The article provides a formal analysis of the church of Saint Mary of the Angels in Osor, as well as an insight into the basic problems of the adjoined women’s Benedictine monastery, later a Clarissan convent, which has been there since the 16th century.