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Coding information in the hippocampus through phaseprecession means that the phase in the theta cycle in which a place cell fires provides information regarding the position of the rat in the place field. There are published models... more
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      EngineeringCognitive ScienceBiophysicsComputational Neuroscience
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      Cognitive ScienceCyberneticsLearningSpace perception
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      CytokinesSequence alignmentNeoplasmsAmino Acid Sequence
We present a comparative analysis of PARK2 genetic variants based on genotype data from HapMap. We focused our study on the association between missense mutations and all other variations within the same gene to uncover patterns of hidden... more
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Electric wheelchairs are now more intelligent due to the use of algorithms that provide assisted driving. Typically, the user steers the electric wheelchairs with conventional analog joysticks. This implies the need for an appropriate... more
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Human behaviour knowledge is an important requirement for implementing realistic evacuation models. Although much work has been done in this field of research there are no universally accepted quantitative methods. In this paper we... more
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      Serious GamesBehavioral Decision MakingWayfindingFire safety evacuation
Serious Games are being increasingly used as a tool for various applications, contrary to the traditional entertainment purpose. One of their application domains is fire safety. Possible injuries from fires are a dangerous safety concern... more
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      Serious GamesChildrenOOAD, UML, Design Patterns, semantic interoperbility, ontology, serious games, e-learning, computer architectures, computer modelling and behavioural simulationFire safety evacuation
Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Discovery (KD) are research areas with several different applications but that share a common objective of acquiring more and new information from data. This paper presents an application of several ML... more
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      RoboticsMachine LearningPrincipal Component AnalysisKnowledge Discovery in Databases
Quality of life is a concept influenced by social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state factors. More specifically, the perceived quality of an individual's daily life is an assessment of their well-being or lack of it. In... more
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      Quality of lifeClinical Decision Support System
Intelligent wheelchairs can become an important solution to assist physically impaired individuals who find it difficult or impossible to drive regular powered wheelchairs. However, when designing the hardware architecture several... more
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      ErgonomicsStatistical AnalysisMobile RobotsHuman Robot Interaction
Intelligent Wheelchair (IW) is a new concept aiming to allow higher autonomy to people with lower mobility such as disabled or elderly individuals. Some of the more recent IWs have a multimodal interface, enabling multiple command modes... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionUser InterfaceIntelligent Wheelchair