Papers by Ricardo Bahena-Trujillo

The World Council of Optometry (WCO) is the 2nd largest international organization for visual hea... more The World Council of Optometry (WCO) is the 2nd largest international organization for visual health care, representing 200,000 optometrists distributed in 159 members around the world. It arises from the initiative of 6 professionals from different countries who formed the International Optical League (IOL) whose objective was to improve the situation of opticians in several countries. Affiliation increased very slowly and because the term "optometry" was widely used outside Europe, the name was changed in 1969 to the International Optometric and Optical League (IOOL).<br> <br> According to Dr. Damien Smith, "…in the early 1980s, the future of IOOL was uncertain because of the slow increase in membership, the innate conservatism in Europe with respect to developing countries, especially in regions such as Asia and The Pacific, where a cohesive and strong regional group of 15 countries was moving rapidly, without the help of IOOL. " <br> <br&...
DESCRIPTION We proposed scheme of training of human resources for visual health is presented belo... more DESCRIPTION We proposed scheme of training of human resources for visual health is presented below with an emphasis on the Clinical Refractionist curriculum to address more immediately and quality ametropias in Mexico

Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2018
In this paper we consider how to help users to better understand their consumption profiles by ex... more In this paper we consider how to help users to better understand their consumption profiles by examining two approaches to visualising user profileschord diagrams, and bar charts-aimed at revealing to users those regions of the recommendation space that are unknown to them, i.e. blind-spots. Both visualisations do this by connecting profile preferences with a filtered recommendation space. We compare and contrast the two visualisations in a live user study (n = 70). The results suggest that, although users can understand both visualisations, chord diagrams are particularly effective in helping users to identify blind-spots, while simpler bar charts are better for conveying what was already known in a profile. Evaluating the understandability of blind-spot visualizations is a first step toward using visual explanations to help address a criticism of recommender systems: that personalising information creates filter bubbles. CCS CONCEPTS • Information systems → Decision support systems; • Humancentered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI);
Se presentan datos sobre la situación de recursos humanos para la salud visual en Mexico
Se presenta un análisis sobre la necesidad de ordenar por competencias los actores para la salud ... more Se presenta un análisis sobre la necesidad de ordenar por competencias los actores para la salud visual en Mexico, proponiendo la formación de nuevos técnicos ante la carencia de recursos humanos disponibles para atender las necesidades de salud visual de la población.

The evaluation of competences is made from elaborated standards; these standards will have to mak... more The evaluation of competences is made from elaborated standards; these standards will have to make easier the emission of judgments which point out the advances in apprenticeship. Thus, the evaluation of competences, investigates how the students use their knowledge in more extensive and different contexts which are offered by homework, exams and evaluations made in the scholar routine. Gonzci proposes an integral evaluation model approached in attributes (more generical capacities) of a professional which indicate his fulfill.The methods of evaluation most frequently used to competences are: direct observation in the work environment, simulation of situations, valuation of finished products or products in progress, formulation of questions and briefcase of evidences. The evaluation of competences has been transformed focusing in fulfill, specifically on judgments and evidence to be judge. Objectivity and affectivity should also be considered.
Data on the prevalence of amblyopia are presented by type of ametropia in Mexico from the analysi... more Data on the prevalence of amblyopia are presented by type of ametropia in Mexico from the analysis of 3015 patients in the National Polytechnic Institute in 2009, Mexico. Se presentan los datos de prevalencia de ambliopia por tipo de ametropía en México a partir del análisis de 3015 pacientes del Instituto Politécnico Nacional durante el año 2009, México.

The evaluation of competences is made from elaborated standards; these standards will have to mak... more The evaluation of competences is made from elaborated standards; these standards will have to make easier the emission of judgments which point out the advances in apprenticeship. Thus, the evaluation of competences, investigates how the students use their knowledge in more extensive and different contexts which are offered by homework, exams and evaluations made in the scholar routine. Gonzci proposes an integral evaluation model approached in attributes (more generical capacities) of a professional which indicate his fulfill.The methods of evaluation most frequently used to competences are: direct observation in the work environment, simulation of situations, valuation of finished products or products in progress, formulation of questions and briefcase of evidences. The evaluation of competences has been transformed focusing in fulfill, specifically on judgments and evidence to be judge. Objectivity and affectivity should also be considered.

Based on data from the National Directorate of Economic Units (DENUE) available on the website of... more Based on data from the National Directorate of Economic Units (DENUE) available on the website of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in its version DENUE Interactive 2016-I, processed the information of specialized medicine offices, optometry offices, ophthalmologist optometrist, etc.). For the construction of maps and graphs, geolocation data are used with the Tableau Desktop version 10.5 and Magic Maps Version 1.4.16 program.
Estimates were made of the number of human resources for visual health that work (8464), as well as the calculation of the human resources required (47,724). The total of economic units that attend to visual health in Mexico City is 1922.
Eight options were found for the purchase of glasses for children, one in ten services for specialized physicians, four out of every 100 optometry consulting services; There is also 1 Optic for every Km2, 1 optometry office for every 19 Km2 and an Ophthalmology office for every 6 Km2, for which Mexico City is one of the 2 entities with the best coverage in the country. There is one optic for every 5,864 inhabitants; an optometry office for every 115,827 inhabitants and an ophthalmology clinic for every 37,631 inhabitants. All the municipalities of this entity have some economic unit that attends the visual health of the population

For the Mesoamerican culture death was not as such a tragedy, however, impacts on individuals, fa... more For the Mesoamerican culture death was not as such a tragedy, however, impacts on individuals, family and society; it is the object of study of very diverse disciplines such as anthropology, philosophy, forensic medicine, thanatology, or law. But what is biological death? It is the moment in time during the process of dying when the individual goes from being alive to being dead1. NOM-035-SSA3-2012, defines it as the "Permanent disappearance of all vital functions of a person that occurred after being declared alive." 2 In this sense, the vital signs, according to Harrison3, are four: temperature: blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate. Villegas and collaborators annex a 5th sign: oximetry4. Once the death occurs, the decomposition process begins, characterized by three cadaverous phenomena5: Abiotic 1. Immediate. The vital functions end. 2. Consecutive. Chemical, physical and biological changes occur in the body; dehydration, cooling (algor mortis), rigidity (rigor mortis), spasm and livideces (livor mortis). Biotics. 3. Transformatives (destruction of the corpse). Bouchot in the second half of the 19th century was the first to report post mortem ophthalmological findings6, while Kevorkian, in 1956, reports in a very detailed manner, the fundus and the determination of death, where he concludes 3 points: changes in color ( from bright red to orange-yellow), changes in the caliber of the blood vessels and consequently the vascular granularity observed with 20X. García Alcolea5 explains that ophthalmological changes occur during the dehydration that occurs due to evaporation, resulting in weight reduction and changes in skin, mucous membranes and eye. You lose 8 to 10 grams per day for this effect. The skin wrinkles like parchment, the mucous membranes dry out and in the eye the signs of Stenon Luois, Sommer Larcher and Ripauld occur8. The 1st sign may occur between 2 and 24 hours after death, depending on whether the corpse's eyes were open or not. The 2nd is the thinning of the sclera by dehydration due to the oxidation of hemoglobin, causing the choroidal vessels to become dark and leaving a black spot on the sclera. This sign is located first in the external angles of the anterior ocular segment and then in the internal ones. The spot develops faster if the eyelids are left open. The third sign consists in the accelerated loss of ocular tension, with the consequent deformation of the cornea; the intraocular pressure can no longer be measured after 2 hours of death6. The livor mortis is the pallor of the skin that is a function of the deposit of blood due to the absence of circulation and consequent store by the action of gravity. It is evident 2 hours after death, although it is likely to start accumulation occurs 15 minutes after death. This phenomenon happens depending on the environment, in such a way that its development is slower in cold temperatures. If the person had anemia it is likely that the difference in lividity is not perceived. The body loses heat from the moment of death with a behavior of simple exponential type, tending the temperature of the body to that of the environment at a speed of approximately 1 ° C per hour; this is algor mortis. Pupillary reaction to light and some drugs have been reported at 4 hours after death. On the other hand, rigidity (rigor mortis) reaches its maximum 72 hours after death. However, the light of his eyes has been protected by neuronal circuits, at the heart of our memory.

Based on the database of the National Directory of Economic Units (DENUE) available on the websit... more Based on the database of the National Directory of Economic Units (DENUE) available on the website of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in its DENUE Interactivo 2016-I version, information was processed from specialized medical offices, Optometry, retail lens sales units as well as all the businesses that in their name had the name of opticians, ophthalmology offices and optometry offices, performing the detailed search with their variants (eg ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist, optometrists, Etc.) Geolocation data was used for the construction of the maps and graphs with the program Tableau Desktop version 10.3 and Magic Maps Version 1.4.16.
Estimates of the number of human resources for visual health that worked (416), as well as the calculation of required human resources (4088) were made.
It was found that eight out of ten economic units are for sale of retail lenses, 16 out of 100 are specialized medical offices, two out of every 50 are optometry offices; Exists in Baja California Sur are not registered hospitals with visual health service; There are also 1 Optics for every 821 Km2, 1 optometry office for every 36,955 Km2 and one Office of Ophthalmology for every 4,106 Km2.
Papers by Ricardo Bahena-Trujillo
Estimates were made of the number of human resources for visual health that work (8464), as well as the calculation of the human resources required (47,724). The total of economic units that attend to visual health in Mexico City is 1922.
Eight options were found for the purchase of glasses for children, one in ten services for specialized physicians, four out of every 100 optometry consulting services; There is also 1 Optic for every Km2, 1 optometry office for every 19 Km2 and an Ophthalmology office for every 6 Km2, for which Mexico City is one of the 2 entities with the best coverage in the country. There is one optic for every 5,864 inhabitants; an optometry office for every 115,827 inhabitants and an ophthalmology clinic for every 37,631 inhabitants. All the municipalities of this entity have some economic unit that attends the visual health of the population
Estimates of the number of human resources for visual health that worked (416), as well as the calculation of required human resources (4088) were made.
It was found that eight out of ten economic units are for sale of retail lenses, 16 out of 100 are specialized medical offices, two out of every 50 are optometry offices; Exists in Baja California Sur are not registered hospitals with visual health service; There are also 1 Optics for every 821 Km2, 1 optometry office for every 36,955 Km2 and one Office of Ophthalmology for every 4,106 Km2.
Estimates were made of the number of human resources for visual health that work (8464), as well as the calculation of the human resources required (47,724). The total of economic units that attend to visual health in Mexico City is 1922.
Eight options were found for the purchase of glasses for children, one in ten services for specialized physicians, four out of every 100 optometry consulting services; There is also 1 Optic for every Km2, 1 optometry office for every 19 Km2 and an Ophthalmology office for every 6 Km2, for which Mexico City is one of the 2 entities with the best coverage in the country. There is one optic for every 5,864 inhabitants; an optometry office for every 115,827 inhabitants and an ophthalmology clinic for every 37,631 inhabitants. All the municipalities of this entity have some economic unit that attends the visual health of the population
Estimates of the number of human resources for visual health that worked (416), as well as the calculation of required human resources (4088) were made.
It was found that eight out of ten economic units are for sale of retail lenses, 16 out of 100 are specialized medical offices, two out of every 50 are optometry offices; Exists in Baja California Sur are not registered hospitals with visual health service; There are also 1 Optics for every 821 Km2, 1 optometry office for every 36,955 Km2 and one Office of Ophthalmology for every 4,106 Km2.