Papers by Jesus A Meda-Campaña

Studies in Informatics and Control, 2013
This work presents a systematic methodology to model Automated Manufacturing Systems using Petri ... more This work presents a systematic methodology to model Automated Manufacturing Systems using Petri Nets. The modelling strategy consists in the definition and the interconnection of some generic Petri Net models applied to the discrete-event dynamic behaviour of the equipments and its procedures. It is based on the industrial standards ISA-88 and ISA-95, where the classification of equipment and the definition of their generic process tasks are suggested, separately of the product manufacturing recipes. The approach provides a formal and ordered methodology to study industrial automated systems where the equipment availability, storage limitations, sharing resources and logic precedence between process tasks appear in the Petri model. A complete case of study related to an automated cell is presented which includes a network of PLC's and industrial robots.

Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2014
This paper presents the modeling and supervisory control of a real Automated Manufacturing System... more This paper presents the modeling and supervisory control of a real Automated Manufacturing System. The plant model is obtained from the process definition and material-handling tasks, according to the ISA-88 and ISA-95 standards, including the communication of different local controllers. Then, a hierarchical-decentralized supervisory control scheme is implemented where the low-level is composed of a decentralized supervision of the task precedences and storage limitations restrictions. The high-level supervisor deals only with the product recipes using the subset of events related to the process tasks only. Therefore, the scheme provides a clear separation between the equipment operations and the product manufacturing actions. The supervisory control is implemented on a PC communicated through a network of PLC’s and local controllers with industrial robots.
Renewable Energy, 2014
This paper presents a three-dimensional mathematical model for determining the dynamic behavior o... more This paper presents a three-dimensional mathematical model for determining the dynamic behavior of a parabolic trough solar concentrator of one degree of freedom, with a water displacement mechanism capable of minimize the angle of incidence (angle between the sun's rays irradiated on a surface and the line normal to this surface). This mathematical model allows the calculation of the angle of inclination of the collecting surface and the forces acting on the system. The validity of the proposed mathematical model is verified experimentally on two solar concentrators of different dimension.
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control ISIC-03, 2003
This paper is an extension of recent results related with the design of the robust regulator for ... more This paper is an extension of recent results related with the design of the robust regulator for discrete-time T-S fuzzy systems. This approach not only guarantees the trajectory tracking, but also increases the performance of the controller by the inclusion of some cost functions whose upper bounds are minimized.
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2015
ABSTRACT In this paper, the controllability property for a class of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy mod... more ABSTRACT In this paper, the controllability property for a class of Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy models is analyzed, while a fully nonlinear stabilizer is designed in a practical way. It is shown that global fuzzy stabilizers can be constructed in a nonconservative way by means of a relatively simple approach. The existence of such controllers depends on the fuzzy controllability conditions, which are derived in a straightforward way. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that the convergence of the closed-loop system can be imposed arbitrarily. Some examples are given in order to illustrate the validity of the method. Finally, the proposed controller is applied on an underactuated system known as “pendubot” and the results are compared with an stabilizer designed on the basis of LMIs.
2012 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 2012
A design procedure to robustly globally stabilize the Planar Vertical Take Off and Landing (PVTOL... more A design procedure to robustly globally stabilize the Planar Vertical Take Off and Landing (PVTOL) around a position by means of bounded control law and without knowledge of the velocities is presented. The methodology is based on the use of saturation functions bounding the thrust and the roll inputs. To this purpose the techniques given in [13]-[14] (making use of the full state) are enriched with the design of an observer for the nominal system. The algorithm is simple and provides global robust convergence to the reference constant signals.
In this investigation, a new algorithm is developed for the updating of a neural network. It is c... more In this investigation, a new algorithm is developed for the updating of a neural network. It is concentrated in a fuzzy transition between the recursive least square and extended Kalman filter algorithms with the purpose to get a bounded gain such that a satisfactory modeling could be maintained. The advised algorithm has the advantage compared with the mentioned methods that it eludes the excessive increasing or decreasing of its gain. The gain of the recommended algorithm is uniformly stable and its convergence is found. The new algorithm is employed for the modeling of two synthetic examples.
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics

Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática industrial
En este trabajo, se desarrolla un sistema de control automatizado para permitir que un manipulado... more En este trabajo, se desarrolla un sistema de control automatizado para permitir que un manipulador aprenda y planifique las trayectorias a partir de las demostraciones dadas por la mano de un usuario. La entrada de datos es adquirida por un sensor, y se aprende su comportamiento a través de un algoritmo de aprendizaje automático basado en los mínimos cuadrados recursivos. Se utiliza un perfil de trayectoria de interpoladores a tramos para evitar el movimiento impulsivo del manipulador. Se realiza el análisis de las cinemáticas directa e inversa para obtener los valores de las variables articulares para el manipulador. Se crea un modelo dinámico usando la formulación de Newton-Euler. Se aplica un control proporcional derivativo al sistema. Los sistemas de monitoreo y control se implementan en una plataforma embebida para fines de prueba.
IET Science, Measurement & Technology
In this work, the modelling and regulation of two mechanical systems are studied. The model is em... more In this work, the modelling and regulation of two mechanical systems are studied. The model is employed to describe the system dynamic behaviour. The regulator is employed to force the system states to track constantly wanted signals. The stability of the advised regulator is analysed via the Lyapunov technique. The recommended strategy is applied to a magnetic generator and in a hexarotor.

International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2014
This paper presents a hybrid control architecture that coordinates the motion of groups of automa... more This paper presents a hybrid control architecture that coordinates the motion of groups of automated guided vehicles in flexible manufacturing systems. The high-level control is based on a Petri net model, using the industrial standard ISA-95, obtaining a task-based coordination of equipment and storage considering process restrictions, logical precedences, shared resources and the assignment of robots to move workpieces individually or in subgroups. On the other hand, in the low-level control, three basic control laws are designed for unicycle-type robots in order to achieve desired formation patterns and marching behaviours, avoiding inter-robot collisions. The control scheme combines the task assignment for the robots obtained from the discrete-event model and the implementation of formation and marching continuous control laws applied to the motion of the mobile robots. The hybrid architecture is implemented and validated for the case of a flexible manufacturing system and four ...

Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013
The exact output regulation problem for Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models, designed from linear loc... more The exact output regulation problem for Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy models, designed from linear local subsystems, may have a solution if input matrices are the same for every local linear subsystem. Unfortunately, such a condition is difficult to accomplish in general. Therefore, in this work, an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is integrated into the fuzzy controller in order to obtain the optimal fuzzy membership functions yielding adequate combination of the local regulators such that the output regulation error in steady-state is reduced, avoiding in this way the aforementioned condition. In comparison with the steepest descent method employed for tuning fuzzy controllers, ANFIS approximates the mappings between local regulators with membership functions which are not necessary known functions as Gaussian bell (gbell), sigmoidal, and triangular membership functions. Due to the structure of the fuzzy controller, Levenberg-Marquardt method is employed during the...

Applied Sciences
Many investigations use a linearization method, and others use a structural properties method to ... more Many investigations use a linearization method, and others use a structural properties method to determine the controllability and observability of robots. In this study, we propose a transformed structural properties method to determine the controllability and observability of robots, which is the combination of the linearization and the structural properties methods. The proposed method uses a transformation in the robot model to obtain a linear robot model with the gravity terms and uses the linearization of the gravity terms to obtain the linear robot model; this linear robot model is used to determine controllability and observability. The described combination evades the structural conditions requirement and decreases the approximation error. The proposed method is better than previous methods because the proposed method can obtain more precise controllability and observability results. The modified structural properties method is compared with the linearization method to dete...
Applied Sciences
The modified backpropagation algorithm based on the backpropagation with momentum is used for the... more The modified backpropagation algorithm based on the backpropagation with momentum is used for the parameters updating of a radial basis mapping (RBM) network, where it requires of the best hyper-parameters for more precise modeling. Seeking of the best hyper-parameters in a model it is not an easy task. In this article, a genetic algorithm is used to seek of the best hyper-parameters in the modified backpropagation for the parameters updating of a RBM network, and this RBM network is used for more precise electricity consumption modeling in a city. The suggested approach is called genetic algorithm with a RBM network. Additionally, since the genetic algorithm with a RBM network starts from the modified backpropagation, we compare both approaches for the electricity consumption modeling in a city.
In this article, a fuzzy logic model is proposed for more precise hourly electrical power demand ... more In this article, a fuzzy logic model is proposed for more precise hourly electrical power demand modeling in New England. The issue that exists when considering hourly electrical power demand modeling is that these types of plants have a large amount of data. In order to obtain a more precise model of plants with a large amount of data, the main characteristics of the proposed fuzzy logic model are as follows: (1) it is in accordance with the conditions under which a fuzzy logic model and a radial basis mapping model are equivalent to obtain a new scheme, (2) it uses a combination of the descending gradient and the mini-lots approach to avoid applying the descending gradient to all data.
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
In this paper, fractional-order derivatives satisfying conventional concepts, are considered in o... more In this paper, fractional-order derivatives satisfying conventional concepts, are considered in order to present some stability results on linear stationary differential equations of fractional-order. As expected, the obtained results are very close to the ones widely accepted in differential equations of integer order. Some examples are included in order to show how some restrictions of more sophisticated fractional-order derivatives are overcome.

High Temperature Materials and Processes
New results about the growth kinetics of CoB–Co2B layers developed at the surface of CoCrMo alloy... more New results about the growth kinetics of CoB–Co2B layers developed at the surface of CoCrMo alloy using the powder-pack boriding process assisted by a direct current field (PBDCF) were estimated in this work. The PBDCF was conducted at temperatures of 1048 – 1148 K with different exposure times for each temperature, whereas the growth kinetics of the cobalt boride layers was modelled using a system of two differential equations. In addition, indentation properties such as hardness, Young’s modulus and residual stresses were estimated along the depth of the borided CoCrMo surface. The growth kinetics of the cobalt boride layers developed by PBDCF indicated that thicker boride layers were formed on the material’s surface which was in contact to the current field at the anode, in contrast to the surface exposed at the cathode. The kinetics of cobalt boride layers were compared with those obtained by conventional powder-pack boriding process.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
A design of an adaptive controller applied to the boost and buck-boost converters to deal with th... more A design of an adaptive controller applied to the boost and buck-boost converters to deal with the problem of tracking a sinusoidal voltage is proposed. The main contribution is to provide conditions on the design procedure in order to obtain a reduction in the DC voltage (offset of the sinusoidal signal) of the reference signal; in this way the AC energy is maximized. A nonlinear stable system is designed in order to produce the necessary inputs to exactly track the inductor reference current, which is a necessary condition to achieve the tracking behavior of the voltage reference signal ft=A+Bsin(wt). A numerical example is provided to corroborate the result.
IEEE Access
In this work, it is theoretically demonstrated that a quadrotor can track trajectories using a lo... more In this work, it is theoretically demonstrated that a quadrotor can track trajectories using a low-cost GPS with signal losses in unpredictable instants. The lack of a continuous altitude output and the signal loss are solved with certain limitations using two-hybrid linear observers. This type of observer is originally employed to compensate for data loss in computer networks. This was possible due to the sufficient conditions for uniform global asymptotic stability theorems of hybrid systems with persistent jumping. This concept is based on a dynamic hybrid system that guarantees a jumping condition with a Lyapunov function constant when the system flows and decreases during jumps. The quadrotor was modeled like a linear time-invariant system. The results are presented using simulations.
Papers by Jesus A Meda-Campaña