Papers by Angélica Bautista-Cruz

Revista Internacional de Contaminacion Ambiental
The mezcal industry in Oaxaca, Mexico produces annually 122 696 tons of mezcal bagasse waste (Aga... more The mezcal industry in Oaxaca, Mexico produces annually 122 696 tons of mezcal bagasse waste (Agave spp.), underutilized waste product that is incinerated or dumped into rivers and streams, causing serious environmental problems. In order to use, the organic bagasse waste as alternative for soilless culture of tomato (Solanum lycop-ersicum L.), there were evaluated three compost from different stacking times (0, 90 and 180 days). To each material, it was determined their physical and physicochemical properties, also, they were evaluated as substrates for the cultivation of tomato under greenhouse and compared with coconut dust. In the three compost, the found values of the physical and physicochemical properties are within the reference level for growing substrates, except for the pH value, which was high 7.3 to 7.7. The compost of 180 days showed better granulometric relationship particle ratio of fine, medium and coarse particles, which favors the values of certain physical proper...
Terra …, 2011
RESUMEN En este estudio se determinó el contenido total de elementos traza (ET) en suelos agrícol... more RESUMEN En este estudio se determinó el contenido total de elementos traza (ET) en suelos agrícolas superficiales (0-30 cm) de dos zonas conurbadas a la ciudad de Oaxaca, México: 1) zona irrigada durante largo tiempo con aguas residuales municipales (ZIARM) ...
Ecosistemas, 2003
Patrones de desarrollo del suelo asociados con sucesión secundaria en un área originalmente ocupa... more Patrones de desarrollo del suelo asociados con sucesión secundaria en un área originalmente ocupada por bosque mesófilo de montaña. Ecosistemas 2003/3

Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems
Background: The majority of terrestrial plants have evolved in symbiosis with beneficial microorg... more Background: The majority of terrestrial plants have evolved in symbiosis with beneficial microorganisms, which help them acquire minerals that are scarce in soil, such as phosphorus and in some cases nitrogen. Thus, the development and use of biofertilizers based on microorganisms is important for partial or total replacement of chemical fertilizers. The use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Azospirillum brasilense helps to boost Mexican lime (Citrus aurantifolia) plant growth, making them more vigorous and productive. Objective: To evaluate the effect of beneficial microorganisms in Mexican lime plant growth in a greenhouse. Methodology: An experiment with Mexican lime was established under greenhouse conditions and a completely randomized bifactorial design: (A) beneficial microorganism with four levels: consortium HMA Cerro del Metate; Rhizophagus intraradices (Ri); Azospirillum brasilense (Ab); and without microbial inoculum (WI); (B) chemical fertilization N-P-K (nitrog...

Entreciencias: Diálogos en la Sociedad del Conocimiento
Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de fertilizantes de liberación lenta y fitohormonas ... more Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de fertilizantes de liberación lenta y fitohormonas en el crecimiento y contenido de azúcares en plantas de Agave angustifolia Haw. Diseño metodológico: se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo bifactorial 3×3, los factores evaluados fueron 1) fertilizantes de liberación lenta (FLL): Osmocote plus® (OS) y Basacote plus® (BA) y, 2) fitohormonas: Biozyme® (BI) y Agromil plus® (AG), adicionalmente se incluyó un control sin fertilizante (SFR) y sin fitohormonas (SFI). Después de 12 meses se midió altura de planta (AP), número de hojas desplegadas (NH), diámetro de tallo (DT), longitud radicular (LR), volumen radicular (VR), densidad radicular (DR), contenido de azúcares (sólidos solubles totales en tallo, SST), peso fresco de hoja (PFH), tallo (PFT) y raíz (PFR). Resultados: con respecto a las plantas control, OS incrementó 10.1 % el NH, 10.4 % la AP, 10.2 % el DT, 28.4 % el PFH y 33.1 % el PFT. BA incrementó 42.1 % el PFR. La...

Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, Aug 4, 2011
Rural and urban populations in Valles Centrales, Oaxaca, Mexico, use certain plant species for th... more Rural and urban populations in Valles Centrales, Oaxaca, Mexico, use certain plant species for therapeutic and dietary purposes. The wild-growing plants most commonly consumed during the rainy season by those with scarce economic resources are Portulaca oleracea L., Galinsoga quadriradiata Ruiz & Pavon and Anoda cristata (L.) Schltdl. (vernacular names: verdolaga, piojito and violeta, respectively). Cnidoscolus chayamansa Mc Vaugh, a cultivated plant known as chaya, is also frequently consumed. This work aims to document the ethnobotanical and nutritional importance of these four plants. A semi-structured interview was applied to 175 middle-aged and elderly women selected by snowball technique. Chaya and violeta had both medicinal and dietary uses. Chaya was used in the treatment of diabetes, high cholesterol, renal disorders, high blood pressure, as a weight loss aid, and for inflammation of the arms and legs. Violeta was used as a cough remedy. These plants were consumed in a tea prepared from fresh plant parts. Verdolaga and piojito were only consumed as food. Chaya was the best source of ascorbic acid (350.83 mg/100 g), retinol (5.26 mg/100 g), iron (7.51 mg/100 g) and protein (8.15%). Chaya's potential as a medicinal and edible plant suggests this species ought to be cultivated commercially.

Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2018
Arable soils tend to lose total organic carbon, thus contributing to the increase of CO 2 emissio... more Arable soils tend to lose total organic carbon, thus contributing to the increase of CO 2 emissions into the atmosphere. This process has been occurring in large areas of Mexico cultivated with maize. Perennial species such as cactus (Opuntia spp.) and agave are grown in Mexico and other parts of the world, which can contribute to the maintenance of total organic carbon in the soil (TOC). Within this context, a study was designed to compare the patterns of emissions of C-CO 2 and TOC in a highland of central Mexico. The selected management systems were the following: (1) maize monoculture with conventional tillage and fertilization, (2) maize associated with Vicia faba and manure addition, (3, 4) cactus without and with composted manure mulching, (5) soil in oak-pine forest, and (6) maize fields under 4 years of soil fallow and without weed control. Measurements of CO 2 flux pulses and volumetric moisture were performed every 15 days at 5 points of each plot. The soil in oak-pine forest showed stable C-CO 2 emissions throughout the year, while under maize fields, emissions were unstable with several respiration peaks. The soil in cactus crop showed a very close pattern of forest soil respiration. The annual patterns of soil respiration were in agreement with the results of TOC recently reported for the same plots where soil respiration was measured. Here we show, for the first time, that TOC in cactus approached the reference line of soil under forest (6 g 100 g −1), while in maize, we found a reduction greater than 50% of this value. Cactus crop represents an option in low-input maize for C-CO 2-reduced emissions in agricultural zones with declining soil fertility.
1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-Oaxaca, Hornos 1003, Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca, México, 71230. 2... more 1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-Oaxaca, Hornos 1003, Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca, México, 71230. 2Maestría en Ciencias en Conservación y Aprovechamiento de Recursos Naturales, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CIIDIR-Oaxaca, Hornos 1003, Xoxocotlan, Oaxaca, México, 71230. 3Colegio de Postgraduados, Edafología, Campus Montecillo, Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5. Texcoco, México, 56230, México. §Autora para correspondencia: [email protected].

Indole-3-butyric acid (AIB) is growth a promoter of lateral roots from plants, dose and time of a... more Indole-3-butyric acid (AIB) is growth a promoter of lateral roots from plants, dose and time of application are critical to stimulate rooting. Two trials to evaluate the effect of AIB in the production and quality of wheat were established. The first trial in pots, and evaluated five increasing doses of this growth regulator: 0, 3, 4.5, 6.0 and 7.5 g ha -1 . Evaluated: root volume at 27, 40 and 53 days after plant emergence (DDE), dry matter accumulation and assimilation of N, P and K. On the second experiment under field conditions was established the following treatments: without application of AIB (T1), with application of 9 g ha -1 AIB at 28 DDE (T2), with 9 g ha -1 AIB at 55 days DDE (T3), with 9 g ha -1 AIB at 28 DDE plus 9 g ha -1 at 55 DDE (T4). Evaluated: N, P and K content in flag leaf, yield components and grain quality; in the first experiment was observed that treatment with AIB application had greater root volume and root weight and aerial parts; however, this trend wa...

Experiments were conducted to evaluate the potential effects of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (... more Experiments were conducted to evaluate the potential effects of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) on the growth of maguey espadín (Agave angustifolia Haw.). A total of nine strains of PSB, previously isolated in the maguey rhizosphere and identified as PSBVa, PSBVb, PSBVf, PSBHa, PSBHc, PSBHd, PSBMg, PSBMh and PSBMi were tested on maguey plants grown in phosphorus-deficient sterilized and unsterilized soils of three sites where maguey is grown (valley, hill and mountain) under greenhouse conditions. Aerial dry weight and the total weight of maguey plants inoculated with PSBMh in unsterile mountain soil increased by 12.14% and 10.99% respectively, compared with the uninoculated control. Total root dry weight increased by 17.85% with PSBMh in sterile mountain soils and by 11.64% with PSBMg in unsterile mountain soils, with respect to the uninoculated sterile and unsterile control respectively. Plant stem diameter increased by 13.61% with PSBVb in unsterile valley soil, compared to the uninoculated control. Root length was 56.84% higher with PSBMi in unsterile mountain soils than the uninoculated control. Plant leaf number increased by 35% with PSBHd in unsterile hill soil, with respect to the uninoculated control. In all treatments, the available phosphorus at harvest was higher than pre-planting levels. This study suggests that isolated PSBMh, PSBMg and PSBMi are the most efficient biofertilizers for maguey espadín cultivation.

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2017
El ácido indol-3-butiríco (AIB) es un promotor para el crecimiento de las raíces laterales de ... more El ácido indol-3-butiríco (AIB) es un promotor para el crecimiento de las raíces laterales de las plantas, la dosis y época de aplicación son críticas para estimular el enraizamiento. Se establecieron dos ensayos para evaluar el efecto del AIB en la producción y calidad de trigo. El primero en macetas, y se experimentó con cinco dosis crecientes de este regulador de crecimiento: 0, 3, 4.5, 6.0 y 7.5 g ha-1. Se evaluaron: el volumen la raíz a los 27, 40 y 53 días después de la emergencia de las plantas (DDE), la acumulación de materia seca y la asimilación de N, P y K. En el experimento de campo se establecieron los siguientes tratamientos: sin aplicación de AIB (T1), con aplicación de 9 g ha-1 de AIB a los 28 DDE (T2), con 9 g ha-1 de AIB a los 55 días DDE (T3), con 9 g ha-1 del AIB a los 28 DDE más 9 g ha-1 los 55 DDE (T4). Se evaluaron: el contenido de N, P y K en la hoja bandera; los componentes de rendimiento y la calidad harinera del grano. En el primer experim...

Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2018
En este estudio se determinó el efecto de la aplicación individual o combinada de composta (boc... more En este estudio se determinó el efecto de la aplicación individual o combinada de composta (bocashi, B) y fertilizantes de liberación lenta (FLL) sobre algunas propiedades de suelos de terraza y valle cultivados con maíz (Zea mays L.) en la región Mixteca del estado de Oaxaca, México. Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar con 7 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones: control, sin fertilización (C); fertilización convencional (90-46-00 NPK) (FC); B; FLL1 [Multigro 6®, 21-14-10 NPK]; FLL2 [Multigro 3®, 24-05-14 NPK]; B+FLL1; B+FLL2. En el suelo de valle el pH disminuyó y el contenido de P disponible aumentó con FLL2. En el suelo de terraza el pH disminuyó con FLL2, y el contenido de P disponible incrementó con B+FLL2. El carbono de la biomasa microbiana (CBM) incrementó con B en ambos suelos. El efecto significativo de la interacción fertilización × tipo de suelo indicó que la respuesta del P disponible y CBM a la fertilización estuvo condicionada por el tipo de suelo. ...
Revista De La Facultad De Ciencias Agrarias Universidad Nacional De Cuyo, Jun 1, 2014
Efecto de la adición de compost y fertilizantes de liberación lenta en la bioquímica del suelo y ... more Efecto de la adición de compost y fertilizantes de liberación lenta en la bioquímica del suelo y el rendimiento de maíz (Zea mays L.) en Oaxaca, México
Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Agricolas, Dec 1, 2012
* Recibido: febrero de 2012 Aceptado: julio de 2012 to the characteristic curve of soil moisture ... more * Recibido: febrero de 2012 Aceptado: julio de 2012 to the characteristic curve of soil moisture retention, the available moisture was between 27 and 49% humidity, so that 6% reserve, equivalent to approximately one quarter of the available moisture.
Idesia (Arica), 2015
Efecto de bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato aisladas de suelos semiáridos en plántulas de pita... more Efecto de bacterias solubilizadoras de fosfato aisladas de suelos semiáridos en plántulas de pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus

Soil and Tillage Research, 2007
This study examined the variations in soil physical, chemical and biological properties from Agav... more This study examined the variations in soil physical, chemical and biological properties from Agave angustifolia fields in three sites with different topographic conditions (valley, hill and mountain), in Oaxaca, Mexico, associated with the tillage systems, disk ploughing (DP), animal drawn ploughing (ADP) and minimum tillage (MT), respectively. Plant ages were 1.5-3.5 years (class 1), 3.6-5.5 years (class 2) and 5.6-7.5 years (class 3). Soil samples were taken at two soil depths (0-20 and 21-40 cm) from plots of 4000 m 2 within each site and plant age classes, during the spring of 2005. The main changes in soil properties were found in the mountain site. Soil bulk density (2.0 g cm À3), cone penetration resistance (CPR) (3.96 MPa), 0.7 and 1.0 mm water stable aggregates (WSA) (28.3 g kg À1 and 102.2 g kg À1 , respectively) were higher in the mountain site than in the hill and valley fields. This result is consistent with the rocky substrate beneath the shallow soil. Soil organic carbon (SOC) (23.9 g kg À1), available N (23.1 mg kg À1) and soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) (969.6 mg g À1) at the mountain site showed the highest values, suggesting that MT practiced in this topographic condition favours the organic matter accumulation and biological activity. Soil microbial biomass carbon and SOC seem to be the soil properties that were mainly affected by the sites and soil management associated with them. For the three sites, SOC, P Olsen , available N, exchangeable Na + and SMBC were higher at 0-20 cm depth than at 21-40 cm depth within each site. Exchangeable Ca 2+ and K + , P Olsen and CPR increased with plant age. In contrast, available N decreased. Soil chemical properties were more affected by the age of the plant than physical and biological properties. Results reported here represent a reference of the fertility properties of soils cultivated with A. angustifolia, which could be used in further studies focused on management and tillage systems.

Revista Bio Ciencias
Agave coyote (Agave spp.) es una especie silvestre utilizada por su gran potencial para la elabor... more Agave coyote (Agave spp.) es una especie silvestre utilizada por su gran potencial para la elaboración de mezcal en Oaxaca (México). En este estudio se evaluó y comparó la respuesta en el crecimiento, nutrición y contenido de sólidos solubles totales (SST, azúcares) en agave coyote a la aplicación de fertilizantes de liberación lenta (FLL) en condiciones de campo. Bajo un diseño de bloques completamente al azar se evaluaron tres tratamientos: control (sin fertilización), Osmocote plus® (15-09-12) y Multicote Agri® (18-06-12), con cuatro repeticiones, en cada repetición se incluyeron 5 plantas por tratamiento. Después de 10 meses se midió altura de planta (AP); número de hojas desplegadas (NHD); circunferencia de tallo (CT); volumen radicular (VR); densidad radicular (DR); peso fresco de hojas (PFH), tallo (PFT) y raíz (PFR); peso seco de hojas (PSH), tallo (PST) y raíz (PSR); SST y contenido foliar de Ca2+, Na+, NO3- y K+. Con respecto a las plantas control, la AP incrementó 21.2%, ...

Agronomy, 2022
Arid and semi-arid soils display low productivity due to abiotic stress associated with drought a... more Arid and semi-arid soils display low productivity due to abiotic stress associated with drought and salinity. Halobacteria can increase the yield of crops grown under these types of stress. These bacteria thrive across a wide salinity range (1–25% NaCl) and also in the absence of NaCl and have direct and indirect mechanisms that promote plant growth. This review summarizes studies conducted over the past five years that have assessed the effect of halobacteria on plants and soil fertility. The criteria used in the selection of halobacteria were also reviewed. Few studies have assessed the impact of halobacteria on soil fertility. The selection of halobacteria has been based on a qualitative criterion considering the morphology of colonies grown in media enriched with salts, mainly Na+. Not all bacteria growing in salt-enriched media are capable of capturing Na+ ions. Therefore, a quantitative criterion should be applied for the selection of halobacteria, which could be their ability...
Papers by Angélica Bautista-Cruz