Papers by Nikolay Skvortsov
Binary star DataBase (BDB) is the database of binary/multiple systems of various observational ty... more Binary star DataBase (BDB) is the database of binary/multiple systems of various observational types. BDB contains data on physical and positional parameters of 260,000 components of 120,000 stellar systems of multiplicity 2 to more than 20, taken from a large variety of published catalogues and databases. We describe the new features in organization of the database, integration of new catalogues and implementation of new possibilities available to users. The development of the BDB index-catalogue, Identification List of Binaries, is discussed. This star catalogue provides cross-referencing between most popular catalogues of binary stars. We describe ideas and methods for reliable cross-identification of different entities (systems, pairs, components) in binary and multiple stellar systems.
General principles of ontology integration and reconciliation independent on ontological represen... more General principles of ontology integration and reconciliation independent on ontological representation models are described. Type refinement calculus over ontological concepts is used to detect correlation between them and reconcile cross-ontology relationships. The principles of ontology integration and reconciliation are applied for particular ontological model. Inference capabilities of description logics are used for ontology integration in frame of ontological models reduced to DAML+OIL model. Type refinement reasoning for more general ontological models requires full power of predicate logics.
Аннотация. Подходы, используемые средствами поддержки отображения онтологий, во многом основывают... more Аннотация. Подходы, используемые средствами поддержки отображения онтологий, во многом основываются на методах, разработанных для отображения схем. Однако этого недостаточно, так как онтологии определяют понятия, для которых более важна понятийная семантика, нежели описание структуры. Статья рассматривает подходы, которые полезно использовать при отображении онтологий для обнаружения семантических сходств и различий понятий. Помимо упоминаемых характерных для схем оценок близости по вербальным и структурным спецификациям, раскрываются подходы, основанные на формальной проверке уточнения спецификаций, применении метаонтологий, метасвойств фундаментальных видов, проверке экстенсионалов понятий. Такие подходы позволяют обосновывать корректность отображения понятий друг в друга на семантическом уровне.
An approach for extensible ontological model construction in a media- tion environment intended f... more An approach for extensible ontological model construction in a media- tion environment intended for heterogeneous information sources integration in various subject domains is presented. A mediator ontological language (MOL) may depend on a subject domain and is to be defined at the mediator consolida- tion phase. On the other hand, for different information sources different onto- logical models (languages) can
The paper 1 considers the middleware architecture of subject mediators in the hybrid grid-infrast... more The paper 1 considers the middleware architecture of subject mediators in the hybrid grid-infrastructure of the Russian virtual observatory (RVO) for scientific problem solving over a set of heterogeneous distributed information resources (such as databases, services, ontologies) integrated by the mediators. The RVO hybrid infrastructure is constructed as a merge of the AstroGrid VO system developed in the UK and of the middleware supporting subject mediators developed at the Institute of Informatics Problems of RAS. An example of implementation in the hybrid architecture of a subject mediator for support of distant galaxy discovery problem is presented.
… * ELSEWHERE* 2009», Jan 1, 17
In Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2007
The intermediator framework is required to support heterogeneous subject mediators interoperabili... more The intermediator framework is required to support heterogeneous subject mediators interoperability in diverse world of mediation platforms that can be observed in distributed digital libraries and other areas. The intermediator framework based on the "local as view" mediation approach is introduced. The paper focuses on a protocol supporting registration of a mediator information (source) at another mediator. It is proposed to use a subset of OAI protocol to support such registration exchanging metainformation uniformly represented in the canonical model of the intermediator framework.
Lecture Notes in …, Jan 1, 2001
Proceedings of the 6th Russian Conference …, Jan 1, 2004
General principles of ontology integration and reconciliation independent on ontological represen... more General principles of ontology integration and reconciliation independent on ontological representation models are described. Type refinement calculus over ontological concepts is used to detect correlation between them and reconcile cross-ontology relationships. The principles of ontology integration and reconciliation are applied for particular ontological model. Inference capabilities of description logics are used for ontology integration in frame of ontological models reduced to DAML+OIL model. Type refinement reasoning for more general ontological models requires full power of predicate logics.

Databases and …, Jan 1, 2002
Method for value reconciliation in Local as Views (LAV) mediators of heterogeneous information co... more Method for value reconciliation in Local as Views (LAV) mediators of heterogeneous information collections applying well-structured specifications is presented. This approach extends a procedure for heterogeneous information sources registration at subject mediators with LAV organization. Conflicts in value semantics and representation in contexts of the mediator and a collection should be recognized and explicitly specified. According to the proposed method, value semantics contexts should be defined for the mediator and for a collection. In such context for each value kind a type is to be specified that includes a generic function converting values from a collection context into the mediator context (and/or back). Each type attribute having the respective value semantics is to be typed with such type definition. Such structuring of type attribute semantics definition gives significant economy in development of value conversion functions needed to reconcile values between the mediator and collection contexts.
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Issues of personaliz... more CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): Issues of personalized digital collections design using heterogeneous information sources registered at the subject mediating environment are considered. The approach provides for design of collections ...
Proc. of the 5th Russian …, Jan 1, 2003
This survey is aimed at analyzing some among the most relevant ontological modeling approaches. T... more This survey is aimed at analyzing some among the most relevant ontological modeling approaches. The semantic role of ontologies is emphasized. Classification of ontological models and languages focusing on their basic features is presented. Examples of applications of ontologies in different areas are also provided.
Advances in Databases and …, Jan 1, 2001
... Mediator as Compositional Development Dmitry O. Briukhov, Leonid A. Kalinichenko, and Nikolay... more ... Mediator as Compositional Development Dmitry O. Briukhov, Leonid A. Kalinichenko, and Nikolay A. Skvortsov ... The correlation coefficients are calculated using the vector-space ap-proach [16,3]: sim(X, Y ) = ∑t k=1(WXk · WY k) √∑t k=1(WXk)2 · ∑t k=1(WY k)2 ...
Papers by Nikolay Skvortsov