Papers by Rivalni Septiadi
Teluk Jakarta adalah teluk di perairan laut Jawa yang terletak di sebelah utara provinsi DKI Jaka... more Teluk Jakarta adalah teluk di perairan laut Jawa yang terletak di sebelah utara provinsi DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. Di teluk ini, bermuara 13 sungai yang membelah kota Jakarta. Teluk Jakarta memiliki luas sekitar 514 km 2 ini merupakan wilayah perairan dangkal dengan kedalaman rata-rata mencapai 15 meter. Kepulauan Seribu yang terdiri atas 108 pulau adalah gugusan kepulauan yang berada di Teluk Jakarta (Kementerian Koordiantor Bidang Perekonomian Pengembangan Terpadu Pesisir Ibukota Negara 2014).

Sago (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) is one food that has been consumed the population of Indonesia, esp... more Sago (Metroxylon sago Rottb.) is one food that has been consumed the population of Indonesia, especially the population of Maluku, Papua, Sulawesi and the Mentawai Island. According to Habib (2008), sago land area is 4.1833 million hectares in Indonesia. Although the area of sago is very large, sago utilization is still lacking. Sago usually formed into flour or papeda (traditional food in Papua) that have low economic value.
On the other hand the use of plastics in Indonesia has increased. Plastic is used as a raw material for various equipment such as spoons. Plastic spoon has a weakness that is easy to break down into harmful substances in hot temperatures. This would endanger the user consumers plastic spoon. In addition it is usually only used plastic spoons disposable thus contribute much plastic waste that is difficult to decompose and pollute the environment.
Seok Gu (Sago spoon): spoon made from sago that is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and edible. In addition to environmentally friendly, this spoon can be eaten as it is made from dried sago This spoon will also be able to add value to the sago itself. Spoon sago can be made by making a dough sago then placed in a mold and baking it. Spoon sago will provide benefits such as reducing environmental pollution because it is biodegradable, cultivate for food because of its biodiversity edible and made of sago, and add to the economic value of sago itself so as to create new jobs.
Key Words: Sago, spoon.

Sasak people have a tendency to sea-level low, whereas the potential of the existing sea in East ... more Sasak people have a tendency to sea-level low, whereas the potential of the existing sea in East Lombok have not been optimally. This is further strengthened by the life of the Sasak people who prefer a definite as an agricultural rather than the sea. The results showed that the level of the Sasak people's tendency to go to sea is low. This is due to several factors: negative myths about the sea, mental agrarian, lack of adventurous spirit, and high dependence on nature. It is these factors that have an impact for the Sasak people are weak economy of coastal communities, the low quality of human resources, lack of alternative skills, low levels of nutrition Sasak people, and people just stare at the ground. Attempts to do to make the Sasak people are not reluctant to fish is by instilling a culture of marine and nautical love as early as possible, parse the negative myths that exist in the Sasak people of the sea, and the sea-oriented policies.
Keyword: East Lombok, Go to the sea, Sasak people, The sea
Papers by Rivalni Septiadi
On the other hand the use of plastics in Indonesia has increased. Plastic is used as a raw material for various equipment such as spoons. Plastic spoon has a weakness that is easy to break down into harmful substances in hot temperatures. This would endanger the user consumers plastic spoon. In addition it is usually only used plastic spoons disposable thus contribute much plastic waste that is difficult to decompose and pollute the environment.
Seok Gu (Sago spoon): spoon made from sago that is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and edible. In addition to environmentally friendly, this spoon can be eaten as it is made from dried sago This spoon will also be able to add value to the sago itself. Spoon sago can be made by making a dough sago then placed in a mold and baking it. Spoon sago will provide benefits such as reducing environmental pollution because it is biodegradable, cultivate for food because of its biodiversity edible and made of sago, and add to the economic value of sago itself so as to create new jobs.
Key Words: Sago, spoon.
Keyword: East Lombok, Go to the sea, Sasak people, The sea
On the other hand the use of plastics in Indonesia has increased. Plastic is used as a raw material for various equipment such as spoons. Plastic spoon has a weakness that is easy to break down into harmful substances in hot temperatures. This would endanger the user consumers plastic spoon. In addition it is usually only used plastic spoons disposable thus contribute much plastic waste that is difficult to decompose and pollute the environment.
Seok Gu (Sago spoon): spoon made from sago that is environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and edible. In addition to environmentally friendly, this spoon can be eaten as it is made from dried sago This spoon will also be able to add value to the sago itself. Spoon sago can be made by making a dough sago then placed in a mold and baking it. Spoon sago will provide benefits such as reducing environmental pollution because it is biodegradable, cultivate for food because of its biodiversity edible and made of sago, and add to the economic value of sago itself so as to create new jobs.
Key Words: Sago, spoon.
Keyword: East Lombok, Go to the sea, Sasak people, The sea